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DomKeyhote ago

Off topic but who the fuck is responsible for this:

So if I'm allegedly false flagging the sub, that makes this a FF of a FF. No doubt you'll say it was in fact me, making it a FF within a FF within a FF. LOL you guys suck all kinds of ass

srayzie ago

You are obviously trying to disrupt the thread using your constant shill tactics. So, I'm not discussing that here. I will there.

DomKeyhote ago

Doesn't have to take any more of your precious time speculating whether a cartoon is a real person if you just ADMIT IT WAS YOU, CUNT! BETWEEN THE 3RD AND 4TH GLASSES OF WINE BEFORE LUNCH RIGHT??

srayzie ago

I wrote you in your other thread

srayzie ago

I haven't drank in 4 years you scrawny little rat. Why would I make this post? You dug something up from 2 months ago? Desperate!

DomKeyhote ago

Why would you make cartoon memes with my name? Because you're a stupid childish cunt who needs to be backhanded TWO times.

srayzie ago

You can reply to me where I replied to you. On the link you linked to.

bdmthrfkr ago

Go eat a baby you fucking kike. How the hell you can take money from those kinds of people make you worse than them.

Have fun looking in the mirror every morning, that scumbag staring back is you.