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carmencita ago

I wonder how he feels about seeing that now, if that was really him. If it is, and it certainly does look like him, and the combination of the pool looking exactly like that one, then it is Sadly Shocking and Morbid. No wonder he is the way he is. To think his mother allowed it just Boggles The Mind.

Horizonprinter ago

Probably a picture from when they were breaking him. His mother was a Satanist who cared nothing for her kids. The picture of them in bed should tell you how fucked up they were. Judging by the other art the pool looks like some holding pin of sorts which could be easily hosed down.

carmencita ago

You would have to have been broken to be able to endure all of that for the rest of your life. It becomes a way of life when you are as successful as he is, he is possibly MK Ultra. It happens when they are completely broken. I would not put it past his mother to allow it. She will also be one of those allowed to lived til around 100. We know how they get there.

new4now ago

When his brother died, he said he felt nothing

Something to do with what he saw overseas, Rhawada maybe?

Will look for it when I get home

It does look like him when you figure in the artist and his other drawing

Wonder if the brother suffered a flashback?

I've heard it could happen, personally I didn't do a lot of it and never had a bad trip.

There were some friends I had to talk out of bad trips though

But it's said certain acid could cause flashbacks, a trip without taking anything

For me, this was Back in late 70's. What can I say :)

carmencita ago

Could this be the Delayed Remembering of Past Horrors? Things that flashed in front of him and possibly could not stop or get rid of. I guess all of us could guess over and over, but one thing is for sure. His lifetime was Horrific. That certainly played a huge part.

new4now ago

There's triggers with the memory, we all have them

But was thinking of a rumor long time ago

Something like you could crack your back, like a chiropractor would do, and it could cause a flask back, like you were tripping again

Knew someone that did acid in the woods a say he crazy now is a understatement, I was never a regular doer of the stuff.

Some people handle it better then others

The stuff I took was little pieces of paper with a cartoon stamped on it

Think small drop on it, colorless, flavorless

As I said I never had a bad trip

Knew what I was seeing wasnt real, just Sat back and watched a production of my mind

Damn, that was over 35 yrs ago lol

carmencita ago

We are thankful you survived and were not affected like others. You are a valuable asset here.

new4now ago

Was being a dumb kid, wild child

A lot of experiences under my belt

Life in the Big City :)

carmencita ago

We all have our past. None of us was perfect. I was never involved with any of the drugs but friends were and a couple died. Very sad. But now it is an epidemic of huge proportions. Way worse than even in the Hippie Era.

new4now ago

So true, lost a few friends myself

I grew up though

Many do not

carmencita ago

I believe that while many of us go through trials and can't find our way, there is an intervention, some of us take the right path and do the right thing, and some never see it. It is the difference of recognizing and being in tune when others are not.