asdfghjkl123456789 ago

I heard wild internet rumors many years ago that Wexner is a pervert.

DarkMath ago

The common tail number between Epstein and Dycorp pretty much proved he's is running a "Brownstone Operation".

What's a "Brownstone Operation" you ask:

MattHelm ago

Anonymous in this case was sending a message to Bill reminding him they have the video. Also note that Anonymous here is the Mossad or the KGB or the CIA it doesn't matter who they are the important thing was the message to Bubba and the threat to release it might have signaled he has to pay more to keep the video under wraps. That's how they chose to communicate to Bill this time.

MattHelm ago

The videos of powerful people raping kids certainly exist but they are far more valuable if they are never divulged to the world. If the video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old girl were ever released then there is no more profit to be gotten from it. Bill would commit suicide then he's gone and you can't squeeze him for any more money. Much smarter to keep the videos secret to make sure your victim makes his monthly payments to your bank account on time. Bill probably has to pay a million dollars a month maybe 2 or 3 million bucks a month to keep the videos under lock and key. The same goes for every other power player who was stupid enough to let themselves give into the forbidden temptation of having sex with kids. Now they are owned forever and if they don't have the money required then they have to do other things. Congressmen don't make that much but their votes are valuable. Especially in support of Israel. The same with Senators. This is why every single vote is always in favor of Israel and against the Palestinians. The Israeli Mossad has blackmail videos on every single politician in the world who is worth blackmailing. They all know they have to do what Mossad tells them to do otherwise the video will be released online and their career in politics is over.

im_the_99 ago

was hoping to see that video of Clinton and Epstein when ANON posted awhile back. Please make this happen people!

Cbradio ago

Hi, I mentioned miss limited when started here. Conageo is in ohio with plants. A boys town top exec is also a top exec with Conagro. Conagro has quite a riddled past, and is in every food market, petfood, fertilizer.

Both pet food and fertilizer, including organic and hydroponics use milled up bone powder and mbm ( blood meat and bones). I listed the UK electric co, today that is run on Mbm fuel.

Music, fashion..all connected.. Donatello joke in Staford email with attchmt of cartoon of turtles eating pizza.

Thx for bringing up a huge sector of this. Aside, did ones know singer Janelle Monae sends emails from obama WH? Never responds back, big part blm. Q tip is in podesta emails as paid. Ever see CX kidtronik twitter, and links to a dark web sex video site? Best pals with Saul Williams, raised with Sharpton plus around. Has half a million but does gofundme and such. His band does collab recently w a band they hang w a lot, white kids from Hollywood film behind scene fans. That band has a young male big model. The video is like a orgie in apt with Saul and the @ 19 yr old male model. On Utube. Teen is not much older than Saul's kids, Saturn and a boy. That is, alternative to punk etc, quite connected. His pal, kara walker, has installation up at new school. And a sugar sculpture with #skeetmark, sugar factory in bk. Abromivitch and many elite events under #skeetmart on web, Instagram, Utube.

A lot of same industries and slave workers with fashion and the rest. See the awful chemicals the abroad workers must use in horrid factory or on dirt conditions. Leather industries connect to the meat stuff There are these tiny designer purse clip one of animals, that elite desperate house wives are so into, they have chat blogs about it and try to collect the most of these $1000 up Clip one. What type animal skin, for its quite odd the high price and fanatic collectors of these tacky things, simple to sew.

Psalm100 ago

Some more about the Epstein connection to Wexner and a mansion in New York City that Wexner might have given to Epstein:

"Every Property Owned by Sleazy Financier Jeffrey Epstein" [including at least two stone buildings]

...His portfolio also includes a "stone fortress" in New Mexico and the Herbert N. Straus Mansion in Manhattan, both of which are mentioned in the current round of allegations.

Often referred to as one of the largest townhouses in Manhattan—possessing 21,000 square feet and seven stories, 45,000 square feet and eight stories, or 50,000 square feet and nine stories, depending on who's describing it and when—the stone mansion at 9 East 71st Street was built in 1933. It was designed by society architect Horace Trumbauer for Herbert N. Straus, one of the heirs to the Macy's department store fortune, who died before it was completed.

In 1961, the mansion became home to the Birch Wathen School, which it remained until Leslie H. Wexner, the founding chairman of the Limited Inc., bought it in 1989 for $13.2M. Wexner hired architect Thierry Despont and interior designer John Stefanidis to help gut-renovate the 40-room home, showing it off in the December 1995 issue of Architectural Digest (sadly, the magazine's online archives don't go back that far). In 1996, the New York Times referred to the sumptuously decorated, expensively renovated pied-à-terre as the latest "puzzling" "status symbol of the ultra rich," when it reported that Wexner never spent more than a few months in the home. This was back when the scarcely used pied-à-terre was a smaller part of the Manhattan real estate makeup. >

The Curbed article quotes at length from "Home Sweet Elsewhere," a 1996 New York Times article on New York properties owned by wealthy people who spend little time in them, referred to in Curbed as "pied-à-terre" (literally "foot on the ground") properties. David Geffen, Ronald O. Perelman, Steve Jobs and duty-free shop executive Robert W. Miller are also discussed.

...When asked how long Mr. Wexner had occupied the property, Jeffrey Epstein, his protege and one of his financial advisers, replied, "Les never spent more than two months there." Thus the prorated cost of Mr. Wexner's sejours would appear to have been in excess of a million dollars a day.

Visitors described a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink. The house also has a heated sidewalk, a luxurious provision that explains why, while snow blankets the rest of the Eastern Seaboard, the Wexner house (and Bill Cosby's house across the street) remains opulently snow-free, much to the delight of neighborhood dogs...

Reached in Florida last week, Mr. Epstein said that the house was now his.

Note, too, that the Limited just announced they are closing all of their stores.

"Surprised shoppers take advantage of Limited's closing sale," 1/8/17

Psalm100 ago

And from Gawker:

Monday's creepily gentle profile in the New York Times suggested that Epstein charged annual fees upward of $25m a year for "superelite financial advice"-leading Portfolio's Felix Salmon to remark on the profitability of private banking. Bullshit. Epstein's wealth is built on a "bizarre relationship" with single acknowledged client, Abercrombie & Fitch creator Leslie Wexner, one of America's most successful retailers.

Now that loaded quote comes only from an unnamed Wall Street acquaintance of Epstein who spoke to New York magazine for a profile of the money manager in 2002. There is no evidence whatsoever that their relationship went beyond that of aide to mentor. Epstein is pretty obviously heterosexual, or else going to extreme lengths to prove the point. The Limited owner Wexner himself is married with four children. It's bizarre to imagine any romantic connection between two men who are now 70 and 55 years old, a right-wing Ohio tycoon and a sex offender.

NY Times piece mentioned:

carmencita ago

Not saying there is a relationship. But there are married bisexuals and others that have relationships for various reasons though married. Scalia was married and had 8 children. There was info on here saying he might have been into pedophelia. Someone might be willing to exchange certain favors for a residence quite opulent.

Psalm100 ago

Exactly. It seems you hear that many pedophiles are married and often have children of their own.

Psalm100 ago

And more from the Curbed article - statue of a dog and dog feces:

In 2007, when model Maximilia Cordero filed suit against Epstein for statutory rape and sexual assault (the suit was later dismissed), her lawyer included a description of what has by now become a legendary piece of puerile decor in chez Epstein: "[The] defendant gave plaintiff a tour of his mansion, showing her a huge crystal staircase with a huge crystal ball by the railing, ceiling chandeliers, a lounge room with red chairs, a statute [sic] of a dog with a statute [sic] of dog feces next to it" (emphasis ours).

And from a Vanity Fair article:

The entrance hall is decorated not with paintings but with row upon row of individually framed eyeballs; these, the owner tells people with relish, were imported from England, where they were made for injured soldiers. Next comes a marble foyer, which does have a painting, in the manner of Jean Dubuffet … but the host coyly refuses to tell visitors who painted it. In any case, guests are like pygmies next to the nearby twice-life-size sculpture of a naked African warrior.

...The office features a gilded desk (which Epstein tells people belonged to banker J. P. Morgan), 18th-century black lacquered Portuguese cabinets, and a nine-foot ebony Steinway “D” grand. On the desk, a paperback copy of the Marquis de Sade’s The Misfortunes of Virtue was recently spotted. Covering the floor, Epstein has explained, “is the largest Persian rug you’ll ever see in a private home—so big, it must have come from a mosque.” Amid such splendor, much of which reflects the work of the French decorator Alberto Pinto, who has worked for Jacques Chirac and the royal families of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, there is one particularly startling oddity: a stuffed black poodle, standing atop the grand piano. “No decorator would ever tell you to do that,” Epstein brags to visitors. “But I want people to think what it means to stuff a dog.” People can’t help but feel it’s Epstein’s way of saying that he always has the last word.

Orange_Circle ago

Not sad then, that The Limited announced it is closing all its stores.

archons ago

I have discovered websites that masquerade as clothing shops but I strongly suspect sell children. Some sites do not even display any children at all. It is from pedo's instagram accounts that I found these places. They have pictures of clothes in certain patterns thathave some hidden meaning.

retreaux ago

Provide a source. Give an example.

archons ago

Still gathering evidence. Its a lot to do by myself especially since I am working with almost no inner knowledge of these symbols. I'll post in time.

Cbradio ago

All over Instagram, too...glad you noticed, too..

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I remember reading in a few places, and it seemed reputable, that Epstein had a rich seeder, with ties to Mossad. The purpose of seeding him the money was to ensnare elites into provable pedophilia. This was Mossads preferred method in the states, as they didn't want to do proper ops and risk the relationship.

Cbradio ago

Did you see that boystown in new Mexico is near his joint and boystown in s Florida?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Oh sweet jesus, they have more of these boys towns....did they not fucking realise naming something 'boys town' is a call for all pedo's in the country, can't believe they continue with the same blatant shit...

Cbradio ago

They are all over. 12 locations in USA, two research hospitals, ten clinics, 100 county health assessments in poor counties, Maas group homes, hired teacher homes where teachers are given a van ( can see on pull up job reviews and related articles), India, jeruslamem, urkraine and more. Ukraine orphans are being sent, many times to Jerusalem; in data I have dup up so far and with Vista Maria/ good Shepard's Npo also.

Ukraine now has that orphans under five cannot be adopted, unless on list of medical probs. Eye and ear hearing issues are on the list. Boystown research hospital website does advertise that children hearing and sight issues ate top at their research hospital for research and medical care clinics.

Vista maria is all over, too, and are ones connected to the many Ireland cases. Operation with FBI missing kids, they mention found girls are sent to CP's OR vista maria.

spez_dispenser ago

Same pattern as Dutroux. I remember reading he got out of prison, then his rich "buyers" set him up with what he needed to supply them with "product".

yabbadoody ago

Sounds a lot like Operation Brownstone, that's been spoken about by several including the indefatigable George Webb.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

This could be part of the tie in to the rag trade. Fashion. Models. Trafficking. I remember hearing about Leslie Wexner. Good research!

Cbradio ago

The multi industries, too..chemical, leather, slavevworkers, more.

Models yes, Sudan and Ukraine , and more, young gals are popping in NYC, Milan, Paris right now. Not safe, young, no connected FAM or attorney.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

There is a doc film, by a woman who used to or still does rep at a modeling agency. I'll try to find it. She goes over to part of old Russia, story of a girl. Indebt them, taking them to Japan, the Jap agency indents them, uses them for escorts. It's a shit show. They must look as young as possible.

FR33D0M ago

Please do share, sounds interesting!

Cbradio ago

Yes, I spent time in it as a teen. Its crazy scary as is the music laps. Males in the Biz, would tell us they were vampires, dose drinks. One gal got locked in a apt, escaped when photographer passed out. He blocked door with heavy furniture. Weird scene, mass young gals and guys.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I'm so sorry. I hope you are ok. The hurt never really leaves. I'm posting about Terry Fucking Richardson next. Please add anything. God bless you and keep you.

Cbradio ago

Thx..every name deserves a fruck or something, added to it..such appalling people..people does not even seem like right term to use..

Blacksmith21 ago

That video is what originally drew me in. Good luck investigating Wexner.

Vindicator ago

Great post, OP. We need more eyes on Epstein and his associates.