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datadawg ago

my takeaways: 1. expect more murder-suicides to come. hopefully they dont prevent the case from being pushed further.

  1. look into pharma companies involvment. systematic drugging of populations? just like boeing and lockheed contract on top secret govt. projects, im sure pharma companies also do secret govt work. think Montauk and mk ultra, monarcch mind control.

  2. truly global in scope. which countries have been burned and refuse to play

  1. In light of the above link, we should look to countries thathave avoided cabal controlled. Coincidence that these are all countries typically considered US enemies? might be time to put aside differences until the common enemy of the cabal is defeated.

  2. look at Operation Condor inS Ameriva? how about us-installed pinochet in Chile? that was a rehime of torture and disappeances. I think a lot ofinsights can be gained from looking at what happened there. That waz cbal work under kissinger and others.

fogdryer ago

only three left iran NK sudan lybia

forgot the others.

datadawg ago

not the best allies at this point, maybe a common enemy is enough to set aside differences

realityisinsanity ago

North Korea is run by the CIA. It's all a show.

Limpness ago

Rockefella branch.