darkknight111 ago

Take a closer look at the ropes. Might want to zoom them.

Observation: If that's what I think I'm seeing, then there is an odd discoloration of the rope kn the loop portions, especially near the bottom of the loop.

Theory: I think I have the howdunnit for the Vanderbilt murders figured out. The victims are most likely killed via slitting their throats, then hanged via the ropes (which already resemble nooses). This explains the odd poolings of blood and the blood on the ropes.

By looking at the ropes, then at least 3-5 children were murdered in that particular instance.

As to why: probably so the sickos can bathe in the blood, which would flow almost like a shower if my theory is correct.

YogSoggoth ago

Looks like ancient Carrera marble on top with 3 by by 12's on pool side. Right side is something else, but all are on brick pattern, also known as soldier pattern, named after the Roman shield position. I initially thought the floor was brick pattern, but I think it is straight lay. If this were the pool for the inspiration of the painting, then this would be set at the other end of the pool, meaning the shallow section opposite the photoghraph.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think the floor is a brick pattern. It doesn't matter, an artist often takes creative license. What is more specific are the ropes. There cannot be that many pools in the US which are indoor, Victorian (or earlier) that have old ropes hanging on the sides of an empty pool.

YogSoggoth ago

I am looking at it from a construction point of view. It does matter. The old ropes look like they belong on a dock.Tide Times and Tide Chart for New York - Tide-Forecast.com

https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/New-York-New-York/tides/latest An artist can be allowed to take creative license, but would most likely NOT pick brick pattern. I know.

Blacksmith21 ago

Remember we are talking about artists with severe mental issues. Brains do weird things. That being said, the ropes are unique. There aren't a lot of pics out there of similar pools, but none with ropes:



Weren't the Canadian billionaires hung from the side of their pool?

YogSoggoth ago

Top picture; granite down the middle in half step dividing longitudinal straight layed big fine limestone or old Carrera in 5 rows. That equals 12. Sun effigy has 15 points and 16 inflections. Above that is the two lions facing something black? Cost of above project in todays money? I am good at bidding, but that one would require a year to research without getting all the materials safely in a warehouse paid beforehand. Another factor is the way things were done without modern machinery. Bottom pool; big and expensive, and I hope they got their money out of it. Ropes can be added or subtracted. Next time you get close to some tile work, try to snatch one out and put it back real quick.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You get the feeling that something is coming to America in 2018, that those in the know want to get out of dodge early. And i don't think it is something happening to the elite. I think it is long made plans being set in motion.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's why I have as much emergency supplies as I can possibly store.

Lelo113 ago

The twitter post says them being the "Y" family. Is that YMCA?

idkdu ago

The "Railroad YMCA" was renamed the "Vanderbilt YMCA" in 1972 in recognition of the significant role that railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt and his heirs played in its history. Today, the Vanderbilt YMCA serves its neighbors in many ways, including through extensive youth programs, a health and wellness facility, guest rooms, and more than 125 different classes per week for adults, seniors, families, teens, children, and tourists. The branch also opened a fully-equipped early childhood center in 1990.


Blacksmith21 ago

That's a very interesting notion.


I think Trip Advisor is being used as a cp/pedophile forum. Photos are being posted that have images embedded. It's more than a little obvious. One person will post hundreds of reviews along with pics. The owl symbol with the different colored eyes means something too. Reminds me of the Reddit symbol with one red and one blue eye. Maybe it has to do with 3D glasses, because some of the pics are sort of in 3D. Like the Magic Eye pictures from the 90's. Paralax view.

realityisinsanity ago

Please make a thread about this. Also screenshot evidence of this.


You want another tip? Motoring forums. Mini Cooper forums. They post pics of their "minis." Mini=kids


I'll make a post, but I don't have any concrete evidence. It's all circumstantial. As for the embedded pics, I don't know how to see the image underneath, nor do I want to. I've been researching child trafficking for 3 years. Long before pizzagate. I've found other sites where people talk in code and trade embedded pics. They do it right in front of other innocent people who are clueless.

Blacksmith21 ago

That would probably be worth its own post.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Interesting twitter thread on Vanderbilt https://twitter.com/Shamrock00769/status/941884506935611392

Blacksmith21 ago

I saw that the other day as well. I don't pretend to understand all of the intricacies of the various occult religions. I do know that having an altar to pagan gods above your child's bed is f*****g creepy at best.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Yeah, art that depicts ritual child sacrifice is bad enough but when one of your kids later "suicides" right in front of you...

Factfinder2 ago

Looks like they didn't quite get all the red stuff washed off before this shot: https://imgoat.com/uploads/3f390d88e4/67141.jpg

Here's what it looks like when clean: https://imgoat.com/uploads/3f390d88e4/67144.jpg

Oh_Well_ian ago

a firehose with a brass nozzle runs down the right corner

Factfinder2 ago

Good eye. Obviously wouldn't be necessary if the pool was never used for anything and doesn't seem like something that would normally be left lying around for the public to see. Reads like an FU. They still believe they're untouchable.

Narcissism ago

The lights at the bottom on the pool are NOT waterproof just run on conduit and have been installed afterwards. Who installs non-waterproof lamps in an empty pool...?

pby1000 ago

Good catch.

Judgejewdy ago

People who no longer use the pool and need the area lit for the tour groups that pass through?

Narcissism ago

Seriously creepy because it doesn't look like it would make a good pool.

Piscina ago

Does anyone know what the ropes in the pool were for?

pby1000 ago

I wonder why they are still there. They look like nooses.

seekingpeace ago

So that people could rest if they weren't strong swimmers, which was highly likely in those days.

Piscina ago

Thanks. I've never seen a pool with ropes.

Samime ago

Someone gave me a book to read in the 1970’s. Called “The Story of O”. Written in 1954 Read this book for clues! Seriously! It red pilled me all the way back then and it scorched my mind! Wikipedia has a synopsis but nothing like the book did to my soul. It ties things together regarding owls. I feel ill right now. Repressed memories.

bopper ago

I remember it but didn't read it, there was some soft core movie made about it I believe. Same title.

Samime ago

Yeah they only used is as soft porn and deleted the psychological grooming that went with the ultimate destruction. As usual, Hollyweird used it for titillation not the horrors of grooming like all the Satanic Rituals provide. The trick of the book is to ultimately SEE what they do at these private parties and clubs. Depravity is the goal and trauma bonding is MKUltra. Eyes wide shut stuff! They always tell us in advance but no one wants to see or believe and non-resistance to evil is the same as “ Yes”. He who is not against us is for us!

bopper ago

Thanks for this info, I was a kid (teen) when it all first came out but I remember it well. I need to get up to speed on all this, maybe read the book (ugh) ... I did check Wikipedia earlier. It's been so long. I've never even seen Eyes Wide Shut ... if I recall correctly I first heard about the O movie from a friend's brother's Playboy magazine. The actress was pretty and caught my attention. Thanks again. Off to bed I go.

Samime ago

Read the book and don’t respond sexually to it. It tells how selection is done, who is chosen, it’s online in full. Just type in The Story of O. Read every chapter carefully. Don’t just cruise through. It’s a subtle buildup That important to digest. The person who wrote this was intimately involved in this... no question about it! Not some haphazard erotica written off the top of the head. Basically a primer in how it is accomplished. Chilling.

bopper ago

Wow, thank-you, I will do it. Esp since it's online. Yeah, that author would have to have been an insider.

Sounds like a must read, we should have brought it up here on Voat before ... maybe we did.

Samime ago

No it has never been brought up. Where do you think they got the inspiration for “ Fifty Shades of Gray” There is nothing new under the sun. These practices are ancient.... very ancient.

Samime ago

In fact the author of The Story of O didn’t reveal her identity for FORTY years! For reasons of National Security maybe? Like documents hidden until all guilty parties are dead? Many things to think about. Secrets!!!!! Shhhhhh! Don’t tell!

bopper ago

Yeah, much sicker stuff than "O," for thousands of years.

Samime ago

I looked up the wither and she was having an affair with her boss... who’s literary idol was Marquis DeSade! The cover story was he said a woman couldn’t write erotica like a man. So allegedly, she took up the challenge. Bullshit! It’s for grooming purposes and pedophilia is highly indicated in the last chapter! I noted in the footnotes of notable erotica authors that this book is never mentioned! That’s a red flag! It was too explicit about who and how things are done and the mind set change/ control process. Read the Wikipedia bio on De Sade and the politics surrounding his writing and also here. Socialist, extreme leftism, bi- sexuality, communism... reflect on the social consequences!!!! Today perversions are openly foisted on children and the porn industry is every where. Do we all wish to become “Owls” ultimate predators who see their victims yet their victims never see them. Cold, calculating, unfeeling, remorseless... Owl = Psychopath.

bopper ago

I was just talking to a minister at my house, he just left and then I saw your comment, we were talking about grooming. We are having to deal w/ a pedophile. Yeah, this country is in bad shape. Thanks for this info. I'd like to read about the author.

new4now ago

The Sherman's attended an Eistein Gala that had Anderson Cooper as guest

There are pics

How strange when we were talking of two pools

idkdu ago

Anyone know approximately when that pool was built? Are there other examples of similar pools?

Random101 ago

Photo of indoor swimming pool at Biltmore Estate, George Vanderbilt's historic country estate in Asheville, NC. George Vanderbilt was the grand uncle of Anderson Cooper.

idkdu ago

from review on that archived photo page: 'AFTERWARDS DEFINITELY visit the "Legacy" museum in Antler Village.'

SoldierofLight ago

That pool picture. It's as if the pool was designed so that blood would drain down to the lowest point. And then if they wanted to wash away evidence, they fill the pool and drain it again. Who's going to get suspicious with the smell of chlorine in a pool area, even though it's often used to clean blood and destroy DNA evidence. Fuckers.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wash away?

you mean with the fire hose with a brass nozzle that runs down the right side of the pool?

SoldierofLight ago

I can't see that in the image, but yeah.

SoldierofLight ago

Wow. Who would possibly need a high pressure fire hose to fill a pool with water? When they clean bodily fluids off pavement after an accident, what do they often use? A water pressure hose. Thanks for posting the pic; I think you nailed it.

jealoushe ago

Some luminol would probably make that pool light up like the 4th of July.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Observe the ladder-like staircase. Notice anything?

Appears to be a cruel trick on anyone who may try to climb out that way.

Like Alefantis' Pegasus construction by his buddy Scott Cummings.

SoldierofLight ago

That caught my eye too, but then I realized that if the pool was ever filled with water then a person could float or swim over to the first rung that would allow them to climb out.

However, when the pool is empty, and if they're torturing children in the pool, of course the victims would run to the ladder if they weren't already constricted by the noose. As you said, a mind fuck of the first degree. And a sadist's delight.

pby1000 ago

I think that would do it.

idkdu ago

And given their infinite money and the size of the estate, couldn't they have located somewhere with windows?

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

good find!

GhostOfSwartz ago

This really has no correlation to Biltmore, but it was about 15 minutes from Biltmore that the attempted kidnapping on my two year old occurred in 1995. I'm a little skeeved at this area.

Judgejewdy ago

Many occultists in Asheville and surrounding areas. Also, I believe CSETI moved there?

GhostOfSwartz ago

I been there twice in my life and the pool always seemed off to me. I mean, a place that grand and you have this pool in an area of the house with no light whatsoever?? And I also thought it was small compared to the rest of the house and grounds. Biltmore also has hidden passageways.

GhostOfSwartz ago

One more thing. The first time I visited I was about five or six. The back balcony was open to visitors then. I think it's off limits now. But anywho, I became absolutely terrified and stood with my back against the house because I felt like I was being pulled off the edge over the railing. It could have just been fear of heights, but that has always been burned in my memory.

SoldierofLight ago

You may have been in tune on some level with the souls of other children who had passed. You were probably the same age as many of them. They were protecting you, if only to keep you on guard.

3141592653 ago


jealoushe ago


Random101 ago

"The most disturbing experience I had was in the recreation area. Coming through the bowling alley, I began feeling uneasy, which crescendoed in the swimming pool to a near panic attack."

GhostOfSwartz ago

Be sure to read the comments. Other folks had odd experiences.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow it also resembles the place in American Horror the hotel Cortez were they kept the kids.

carmencita ago

Like Hotel Figueroa.

Gothamgirl ago


Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

This is weird timing because of the canadian billionaires http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/12/16/canadian-billionaire-and-wife-suspiciously-found-dead-in-their-mansion-police-say.html

The Toronto Sun reported that first responders found the couple "hanging from a railing that surrounds a lap pool inside the house."

Ropes looped in the painting, ropes looking like nooses in the photo, and the canadian billionaires hanged from presumably ropes/nooses by a pool.

SoldierofLight ago

"Homicide is working with 33 Division on this until we get the post mortem," Pugash said. "When we get the post mortem result, that should give us a good indication of where the investigation goes from there."

Whenever something like this is covered in the media, pay special attention to the numbers they provide in the article. It's often a message. In this case, it's possible that the 33 (hugely significant in the Occult) is a message. If so, does it mean both murders were a ritual killing, or were their murders a warning to the Cabal itself?

jealoushe ago

relatives and employees of this couple were posting on CBC news Facebook page under this, saying how they have no enemies, they had a good relationship, etc. Makes the whole thing even more bizarre.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Silsby caught trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti. Disneyland has a 33 club. We know about 33, 9,13, 22 and 9/11. Satanist are obsessed with their gematria.

SoldierofLight ago

My favorite ball player used to be Reggie Jackson, jersey #33. Did a little digging. Not my favorite ball player anymore.

idkdu ago

Yeah, the 33 makes it very suspect. Perhaps it could also indicate that this was a hoax and the couple has disappeared? What billionaires commit double suicide? Apparently in good health and in their 70's with 4 children?

I was unable to zoom in on the woman's necklace in the pic - it might be symbolic. As might be her hand gesture.

hels ago

If I was a billionaire and could have anything I wanted and could die in a painless way or by hanging myself, why would I go in pain?

People who commit suicide have a reason. Is 'having everything and nothing left to achieve' a reason? Have people offed themselves because of this? It's an honest question as I don't know.

SoldierofLight ago

You raised some good questions.

fartyshorts ago

Do you guys listen to No Agenda?

idkdu ago

I have in the past. Are there particular episodes dealing with this?

fartyshorts ago

Not that I know of, but it used to come up in almost every episode (a few years ago), now it's more of a callback segment.

SoldierofLight ago

No. Should I?

fartyshorts ago

It used to be better tbh, but they have a segment for 33's in media. :)

SoldierofLight ago

Interesting! I'll check it out. Thanks

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Awesome catch, friend!

SoldierofLight ago

You should consider building a post around this. For now, might be good to post it in Whatever. We could backwards engineer the research to see if this couple is connected in anyway to a child sex trafficking ring.

idkdu ago

connecting the dots...good find.

new4now ago


Geez, havent check out those deaths

Thanks for adding that

Gives me a Oh Shit instead of wow

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Crazy coincidence, all this new stuff about pools? Kinda freakin me out. Here is Barry and Honey Shermans pool. Having a hard time believing those railings would be an effective choice to use for a suicide noose.


new4now ago

First response looking at them were nooses

Question is, were they dead or doped before being In them

Or what was the so big trouble that they would commit suicide

Was pool drained?

Haven't had time to look at all the articles, or look these folks up

But the Clinton's hid a lot of their dealings through Canada

They had a Foundation up there with Giustra

Wonder if they, the Clinton's, got their Aids meds there

There is defiantly a clean up crew out there

idkdu ago

Looks like the Clinton cabal may be cleaning up loose ends. That doctor in Manhattan, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee possibly - what did they know?

new4now ago

Haiti connection on the couple and the Doctor

Did Lee have one?

new4now ago

I starting to think most of Cali is corrupt

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

BOOM Haiti


"Sherman was one of the most powerful and highly-connected men in North America and was perhaps most well-known for securing a deal with the Clinton Foundation during to provide vaccines in Haiti. In September 2014, in response to the spread of the chikungunya virus in Haiti, Apotex worked with the humanitarian organization Direct Relief to donate more than $2.2 million in medical aid to the country. Apotex struck a deal with the Clintons’ Direct Relief organization to provide drugs to treat victims of the virus, saying in a statement: “Apotex is in a position to help (in Haiti), and we are delighted to work with Direct Relief…” Apotex worked with Direct Relief in Haiti, who was a “particularly active” member of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative community, supporting post-hurricane “relief efforts” there. The huge pharmaceutical company airlifted vaccinations and medical supplies into Haiti that was funded through charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation and other connected charities."

new4now ago

Hey, on phone so cant do much

Look into Barbara Lee , Ted's sister, see politic figure in Oakland

Saw she might have ties to Haiti

Take a gander

Sorry I can't be more of help now

Can dig when I get home, but your on a roll

Edit...she was In Haiti after earthquake

new4now ago

Maybe she means like brother, not blood

But Barbara has Big ties to Haiti, Aids

new4now ago

Damn your good

Is this chick virus another Rothchild virus?

Never even heard of it

3141592653 ago

It doesn't even sound real! Lol

new4now ago

Whatever it is I dont want it lol

Mad_As_Hell ago

This is huge - deserves a post of its own

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Added to the earlier thread on the topic https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2293432

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

They had a huge scandal regarding political fundraising, and there is a history of possible international pharmaceutical pay for play. I haven't checked to see if they were CF donors but Apotex was definitely involved in the Clinton Foundation regarding pharmaceuticals for Rwanda and other African countries.

Yeah my first reaction was connecting these people to Frankie G. It's a certainty they know each other but I haven't found proof.

Even if the pool was drained, there is no straight freefall from those railings. The whole story is cray.

jealoushe ago

They are now saying it's a double murder investigation. The good news is, RCMP aren't that buyable like the US feds are.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Yes I saw that! First they said suidicde, then murder-suicide, then ligature neck compression and they weren't looking for suspects. Suddenly it's strangulation and definitely homicide.

3141592653 ago

Upvoat for cray

new4now ago

No different then a doctor stabbing himself

Almost kinda funny, these people involved have to be shitting their pants

Is a hit team or Law Enforcement going to call first

bopper ago

Edit: I would so love to be able to correct fat finger mistakes in the title - Vanderbilt.

No worry, it works well as a pun, I thought it was intentional.

The pool that Vander built.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey @bopper.. did you see the fire hose running down the right side of the pool? Looks like it has a brass nozzle on it.

bopper ago

No I'll check it ... I saw this tweet of the pool a few days ago, spooky.

ESOTERICshade ago

pepe runs over anderson cooper with a trump train


e-traiu ago

Ooooh fuck... my spidersense is tingling

carmencita ago

Yanderbuilt. Y family. What does that mean. That was a reply.

KIC8462852 ago

one of Vanderbilt's was big supporter of the YMCA. There's a Vanderbilt YMCA branch in NYC.

carmencita ago

The first think I noticed is that the three pics they zeroed in oh were darker skinned girls. The one at the right top is pretty young, and the top left is a teen I am sure. Mostly brown people. Odd. I wonder what the Guest Rooms are like and for.

KIC8462852 ago

i got a bit of a weird vibe from the pix. guest rooms caught my eye too. the rooms are probably akin to a hostel. the vanderbilt ymca popped up a search for travel so it looks like the rooms are available to the public to book.

carmencita ago

You are not the only one that got weird vibes from the pics. That whole place gives me the Willies.

awake4646 ago

Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt, but he attended Yale. There seem to be a lot of Owls in the architecture at Yale. He was a member of a society called the Manuscript Society. ETA they would consider themselves 'family'.

idkdu ago

so another meaning for Y then is Yale. (Obama was Harvard though.)

awake4646 ago

And the Clintons attended Yale. The Bushes Yale. Meryl Streep Yale. http://www.businessinsider.com/30-most-famous-yale-2010-5?op=1/#lbur-ross-ba-1959-11

idkdu ago

Q said to investigate OWLs and the 'Y' family. Speculation has been females (Y chromosome) or the antler thingy, maybe others. Everything has multiple meanings. Recall the cult of females in SK? Q said to investigate the wives.

Samime ago

Alistair Crowley famously said he didn’t even care to appeal to men. He said to indoctrinate the women and the men will naturally follow. Sex is the lure and the more perverted the stronger the bond. Y chromosomes seems to be the answer. Women have always been the deadlier of the species. I am a woman and have witnessed the destruction of men by women my whole life. Men have the more powerful sex drive and want to dominate. Read about Ruling By Submission... it’s the power women have yet it destroys the man! It makes a man your slave when you would do ANYTHING he wishes... because no other woman would do such things but HER. It’s addictive and destroys just as surely as drugs. Reversals are a bitch.

Judgejewdy ago

What a wild goose chase. If “Q” really knows something they should say it or at least give less vague clues. Bullshittery.

Random101 ago

Q said to investigate OWLs and the 'Y' family.

Check out the icon on the right above the photo

srayzie ago

Why does it say Biltmore?

Random101 ago

It says that's what George Vanderbilt called the estate. Moor is a word for unproductive land.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you


I think Trip Advisor is being used as a cp/pedophile forum. Photos are being posted that have images embedded. It's more than a little obvious. One person will post hundreds of reviews along with pics. The owl symbol with the different colored eyes means something too. Reminds me of the Reddit symbol with one red and one blue eye. Maybe it has to do with 3D glasses, because some of the pics are sort of in 3D. Like the Magic Eye pictures from the 90's. Paralax view.

carmencita ago

Owls figure in the Occult as well. I think I have seen some of those crazy elites sporting antlers with their masks at their fool parties.

pby1000 ago

Owls see in the dark. They can see their prey, but their prey cannot see them.

I am still not sure about the antlers. I saw them painted on the wall at CPP. There was a female wearing antlers holding a severed head.

There are pictures of a female wearing antlers at that Rothschild party from the early 70's.

carmencita ago

Yes, exactly. Every time I see the Antlers, I think of that Rothschild Party. They are always thumbing their noses at us. Soon the Tables Will Be Turned!

pby1000 ago

Do you know the significance of the antlers in the Occult?

Yes, things are changing for the better now.

carmencita ago

http://www.pajiba.com/think_pieces/what-is-tvs-obsession-with-antlers-and-what-do-they-represent-in-hannibal-and-true-detective-.php True Detective seems to have used antlers, fashioned into crowns on the heads of murdered women, mostly for their aesthetic qualities. The oddest part of this is that antlers, except on reindeer, are exclusively grown by males. Placing a crown of antlers on female murder victims in an act of cult sacrifice indicates a willful crossing of boundaries, both between human and animal, as well as between male and female. Hannibal also makes use of these darker aesthetic qualities, derived from pagan depictions, as well as others. WHAT stuck out for me was "a willful crossing of boundaries". I saw in other reports that it has to do with half man and beast. OOH. We know what that means. Beastiality. At least that is how I took it. Is this another Normalization Project? Notice all the Antler Chandeliers on the Design Shows? Hmm.

pby1000 ago

Interesting. Thank you for the information. I recall learning in a video that the whole genderfluid thing derives from Satanism. If there are no distinct boundaries, then there is no truth. People are easier to control if they cannot tell what is true and what is false.

I think it was a Mark Passio video I was watching. Maybe this one.

Mark Passio - De-Mystifying The Occult - Part 1 of 3:


Here is the CPP picture I was referring to. I am including it for others who will read this exchange in the future.


A nice touch for a "family friendly pizza joint", eh?

Piscina ago

Yes, they love anything with horns, and they love owls.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

At Sandy Hook, a child "victim" gave a drawing he made to president Obama. Anderson Pooper showed it on air. Title Here

carmencita ago

Sick Perverts.

new4now ago

It doesn't look like one of her paintings

She's not good at faces and her artwork is usually colorful and busy

But that sure does look like her pool

andrevandelft ago

I posted a comment 3 days ago where I made a connection between a painting by Glora Vanderbilt and the Podesta art. The text on the painting contains "Haiti" and "Cambodia":

Creepy painting by Gloria Vanderbilt in this photo with her son Anderson Cooper. Just left from the center; you see the black eye also in the Podesta art:


Taken from “Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper,” a Preview Screening at The Breakers, MARCH 31, 2016


Taken from "Vanderbilt's Chaotic Destiny" Sept. 10, 2012, WSJ (paywall)



Blacksmith21 ago

Biljana Djurdjevic is the artist. She's from Serbia. Probably a friend of Abramovic.

realityisinsanity ago

Eastern Europe is where most trafficked white children are from.

carmencita ago

Remember my post the other day on CDAN? They are stocking a town in Az. with teens from Europe. That is why the Immigration Laws need to be tightened.

new4now ago


Owls Y per Q = Vanderbilt ... right?

new4now ago


Monsantos_Schlong ago

Yup, when I clicked all I said was " oh hello, wow" too bad coincidences don't exist anymore.

new4now ago

Have some Eggs vs Bacon

You'll have another moment

(In these comments)

derram ago

https://archive.fo/LnCF8 :

Truth Seeker on Twitter: "@johnpodesta @SenatorReid t.co/ND5Koh7Wvz"

This has been an automated message.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

quit linking twitter like a faggot

srayzie ago

What's wrong with linking Twitter?

Blacksmith21 ago

So click on the archive link, asshole.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

don't tell me what to do, faggot

Blacksmith21 ago

Go fuck yourself. Pussy.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that seemed to work out well !