everbe ago

what a coincidence

new4now ago

isn't this where Kamala Harris started her Political endeavor on her back/knees?

and now The Congressional Black Caucus has urged New York Sen. Chuck Schumer to appoint either Sens. Kamala Harris or Cory Booker to the Senate Judiciary Committee

heart attack, suicide, murder?

case closed move on....SMH

WeirdlyEerie ago

That is my thought, too. He could have besmirched kameltoe's run for pres.

new4now ago

Need to keep an eye out and document the things she has done

If the dems try to push her for president, then a lot of articles are going to be rubbed with a cloth

Blacksmith21 ago

Ever wonder if the White Hats have a "heart attack gun" as well? He went down at a grocery store.

2impendingdoom ago

is he married, maybe its their "kind" way to enable wife to get insurance payout.

the heart attack gun is a tiny dart of frozen shellfish toxin.

GoatMeal4Breakfast ago

Check this out - in 2013 a guy named "Barnaby Jack" was found dead just days before he was scheduled to give a presentation on how to hack and kill a person w/ a pacemaker from 30ft away. Sounds like a trick people aren't supposed to know about.


2impendingdoom ago

but wasn't that a plotline in Homeland with Claire Danes?

Vic2001 ago

Did you notice the article today that implicated Ed Lee with potential arrest?

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't. Charged by DOJ? Linky...

Shizy ago

A democrat involved in pay to play schemes and laundering campaign money? Shocking!

Vic2001 ago

WOW. What news. Thank You for posting! Upvote

AngB23 ago

Hhmmmm...very interesting

San Fran has always ranked high with human trafficking


Older article-San Fran China Town-Sex Slaves


WeirdlyEerie ago

From the very beginning! Good comment.

GoatMeal4Breakfast ago

The 65-year-old was taken to Zuckerberg.... where he was pronounced dead

Nuff said

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO. You might have nailed it.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/nMS07 :

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee dies suddenly at the age of 65 | Daily Mail Online

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