VeryOffended ago

I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I visited the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport, Long Island and this little sculpture/fountain creeped me out:

This was William K Vanderbilt's summer home. The sculpture is located outside at a round pool that is now filled in and covered with grass.

darkknight111 ago

The middle face has pointed ears. Looks demonic. You're right to be suspiscious about it.

VeryOffended ago

It was the ears that got me too. I meant William K Vanderbilt II. Sorry about that.

lopus ago

We have to be careful with drawing conclusions. What makes you so sure that the "pool" in the paintings is the Vanderbilt-pool? The tiles are totally different.

Honestly, I don't hink it is the Vanderbilt House. That does not mean, that the paintings are not pedo+evil. But there are more places in the world, where the pedos are celebrating their sick parties. For example: Here is a list of cult people and places:

Also some old castles and Mansions mentioned. Guess there are more with pools and fitness rooms.

So, let's follow the Artist!

The artist, Bilijana Durdevic, is born in 1973 in Belgrad, where she's still living. So she is much too young to have painted Anderson Cooper as a boy (another rumour I read somewhere).

Was she ever at the Vanderbilt-House? She grew up in Yugoslawia. The Iron Curtain still existed till she was 16. Or was she maybe trafficked around as a kid?

Nevertheless she's suspicious. You do not find much info about her in the web! That IS fishy! She had many exhibitions, but most in Europe. Just 2009 she took part in a group exhibition in Washington DC:

This is maybe the most interesting article I found, but it's in serbian (I guess)

List of exhibitions:


  1. Was she in Washington for that event?

  2. Did she meet Podesta there?

  3. Did they meet before? Did he even help her to take part in the Washington exhibition?

  4. Did they meet at all? Or did they never meet and Podesta just bought her paintings because he loves perv and pedo paintings?

  5. Why does she like painting this kind of pictures? Is she member of a cult?

  6. Does she know Abramovic? And are they all maybe members of the same cult?

darkknight111 ago

My theory is that the paintings are based on real events, meaning the exact details in the paintings don't have to match perfectly. The approximation in those paintings IS eerily similar to that estate.

There's enough similarities to indicate that the Vanderbilt house and events in there are the basis of the art.

lopus ago

Yes, I agree to this theory. But I wanted to add some thoughts about it.

Đurđevićs paintings are disgusting, perv and pedo - and, yes, the interious looks similar to the ones in the Vanderbilt House.

And the Vanderbilts are disgusting, perv and pedo - and probably did this kind of things with little kids in their pool.

But I am just saying we need to be careful with claiming that the Vanderbilt's pool is exactly the place Durdevic painted.

The interieurs and the tiles are slightly different. Ok - could be freedom of the artist..

My next question is: What can we say about the history of the artist and these paintings? Is there any chance to find out, if the artist ever was at Biltmore ? When has she been in the USA? 2009 for her exhibition or before?

I am NOT claiming that the Vanderbilts are innocent (No! We know they are not), I am just saying, we need to be careful with drawing conclusions, when we don't have proof.

And I think there are more old Mansions with oldfashioned pools and fitness rooms.Or other places in similar style (some of Durdevics pictures look a bit like a hospital or Sanatorium?).

And we know the disgusting, perv and pedo Satanists have many places to hide. I just read about Beaulieu - a castle in England.


She's from Belgrad - like Abramovic. I think this is interesting.

Has she been to the Biltmore House...? She grew up behind the Iron Curtain and still lives in Belgrad. So, if she was there - how did she get there? Maybe she is in the cult and was trafficked as a kid. I read reports from SRA/MKUltra-victims, that they were flown around the world.

And Yugoslawia was destroyed in the 90s war - which always helps the traffickers. We know how horrible things were happening in the Yugoslawia war. Durdevic was in her 20s then. But what was possible before the fall of the Iron Curtain?

We need to have a closer look before drawing conclusions. More I did not want to say.

Who's downvoting? FU!

darkknight111 ago

You do bring up valid points.

I agree an investigation into the artist directly is definetely in order. Recommend it be its own thread so it doesn't get lost among the many posts here.

For now, my theory regarding her is that she knows people who have commited murders in that estate.

Big questions being WHO has done so and how many people have done so? I suspect a high level priest has been involved in at least one.

darkknight111 ago Floor plan has been found.

Yuke ago

I think we need to do another deep-dig on Biljana Djurdjevic; she seems to be flaunting this lifestyle. She's got a dead expression on her face in almost every photo of her like she's got no emotion whatsoever. Maybe looking into her connections, particularly those that would be wealthy enough to have outdoor pools and other such links, would bring something forth. I'm sure if we look hard enough, and if there are enough of us looking all at once, we can find something; mistakes are always made.

DerivaUK ago

These men have an Eastern European look about them - also would explain the very white pale skin.

Factfinder2 ago

Agent999 ago

One thing I keep noticing is that awful wallpaper. Blue, in the locker. Red in the painting with the shaved heads. The pattern seem similar to the ones owned by Tony Podesta's collection. What if....these freaks attend each other disgusting hunting parties, and then to commemorate their conquests/ murders, instead of a photo, they create a work of art. They are rich and this way they can say..,hey it's just we love disgusting art. They love artists and recruit certain ones into the fold. I believe they are marking art out of their events. So if Tony has a Vanderbilt pool...that means Tony attended a pool party at the Vanderbilt annual death pool party....or something like that.

Z11Mama ago

The major children's groups get artistic patches for participating in different events and outings.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

this is interesting - I wonder if Crowley ever wrote anything about occult power in paintings/sculptures specifically...

Kekalicious ago

Not in my reading. I will re post here if I find anything. He did like to write poetry. (One of my favorites I read to people who take him a little too seriously.)

Coloradical2 ago

They are all wearing boots. The same kind of boots with straps. They probably have tracks on the soles to keep from sliding.

DrPenguin ago

I've toured the house many times. Most of it is off limits. Isn't Anderson Cooper one of the main owners?

darkknight111 ago

Anderson Cooper is a member of the family. We'll have to find some form of title deed to confirm ownership.

Blacksmith21 ago

I hate to be the one to throw this out there....the belts. Search "butcher's belt". You will see what they are used for. Rotties probably get the scraps.

darkknight111 ago

So your theory is murder -> butchering -> evil feast.

Blacksmith21 ago

Which is where food code probably originated. Podesta and the pig farm in McLean next to CIA; THE pig farm somewhere in rural VA assumed to be for body disposal. Maybe those were "the chefs" - I didn't catch the name of the work, what was it? - getting ready to prepare a side of "beef" for dinner. Look at the dining hall - it is the heart of the house. Banquets were large affairs.

Maybe the big secret is cannabalism is above pedophila, rape, and murder in terms of evil. Kinda hard to come back from that one. Unless you're trying to survive on top of a snowy mountain...

darkknight111 ago

Which reminds me of those security footage stills of Epstein Island a few months ago. Image 10 was a dining room.

Blacksmith21 ago


awake4646 ago

Which is where I think chefs come in. We could be exploring that angle more I think. Any famous chefs visiting the Biltmore lately?

awake4646 ago

And we have this which feels like the inverse. Dark hair. Dark clothes. They have a bit of color in the skin. White dogs.

Also, the same Rotweilers show up in another painting where they surround dentist chairs. I cannot find a link at the moment, but search 'biljana djurdjevic dentist' and it will show up.

Does anyone know if there are dentist chairs anywhere on the estate? We know Epstein had them.

exposethecriminals ago

Is "damask" an Illuminati symbol? Blue damask wallpaper. Red damask wallpaper in the OP.

For anyone who might not know:

Damask is a type of fabric but the bold patterns commonly seen on true damasks ("reversible" fabric) are also called "damask."

The flag and coat of arms for the Vanderbilts' ancestral home and namesake, De Bilt, Netherlands, have a damask-reminiscent "reversible" look about them. Strange coincidence.

Officially damask derives its name from Damascus.

siegnagel ago

I'm an upholsterer by trade. Damask is very old fashioned nowadays and only very exclusive fabric companies even bother manufacturing it. I've been asked twice in 20 years for Damask, it's that unpopular. In stately homes, you can see Damask occasionally. I'd be surprised if somewhere like Vanderbilt's estates didn't have Damask.

awake4646 ago

It does quite elegantly demonstrate inversion which is a key theme

exposethecriminals ago

That's brilliant! I never would have thought of that!

carmencita ago

They have to ruin and turn evil so many things I like. Damask is/was so beautiful. Blach!!! Do I have to throw out my tablecloth now? I just hate these people. They have dirtied, foods, places and now even fabric. All so twisted and sick.

darkknight111 ago

Dentist chairs seem to show up a lot in pizzagate.

I believe those are pitbulls in that painting.

Shizy ago

Yeah those aren't Rottweilers. Rotts are black with a little tan usually.

darkknight111 ago

Fun fact: the prototype for the Rottweiler actually came from Rome area. Very strong animal capable of pulling carts. The mythological Cerebus was based off it.

Shizy ago

I learned something new!

awake4646 ago

And like the Podestas they also have a pizza oven on site at their Bistro restaurant. I have suspected for a while these 'pizza ovens' are constructed to go higher than normal so they can be used in body disposal.

awake4646 ago

I wonder if something special is done with the teeth.

Agent999 ago

Torture....easy access and perhaps walnut removal. It's like the three men in one painting, have all their hair shaved. The blue one called locker room seem like it maybe the three men prior to the head shaving. If they are the, butchers, the two painting may represent, before and after. Blood and matter are easier to clean if you have no hair....just a thought. A disturbing one.

darkknight111 ago

Do the juggling clubs have any relation to these acts? Possible "marker light" to mark targets ie dogs kill whoever the clubs get thrown at?

awake4646 ago

They also have pigs on site.

awake4646 ago

Maybe they are used like drawing straws. The one who pulls the biggest club has first choice?

I think we need to find the significance of the shaved heads, complete white ghostly looking skin. It is a theme in the pictures. Are all these people held underground and only allowed out for these rituals? Maybe these men arent really human as we know it. What if they are kept there and are used like the dogs to help clean up. Just brainstorming. Hard to get my mind around any of this really. Good find.

Z11Mama ago

People who never see sunlight are very pale. Makes sense they could represent longtime captives.

exposethecriminals ago

Maybe these men arent really human as we know it.

Maybe so. As in they somehow "built more" people... Bilt-more? It's a chilling thought.

Jakestr ago

This girl had posted a video talking about how some elites hand over their whole wealth in order to be able to live in underground bases. They are not allowed to have any contact with the outside world and in return they human slaves they can do anything they want to them. Here is one if her videos. I am not sure about the validity of these videos.

aretheyarrestedyet ago

Great find.

But oy, so sickening.