MichaelClayton ago

I don't think Q is an insider but I think he's a well researched autist.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Sure... like the President is going to let someone who has gained millions of followers pretend he's a White House insider.

pretty lame comment

MichaelClayton ago

Why would Trump stop someone who is gaining him more popularity? Think it through.

Oh_Well_ian ago

no, bozo..

you think it through

MichaelClayton ago

Hi Q

Pizzalawyer ago

let's stop quarreling about Qanon.

Instead I would like to draw your attention to a creepy article about this pool at the Vanderbilts estate in Ashville, North Carolina.

You know that I cant do links so search out this article on your own dated 10/12/14 which describes the many paranormal experiences at the tbe huge house and especially at the indoor pool. Several visitors have described developing panic attacks upon entering the pool area forcing them to leave, visions of swimmers, strange noises and so forth. They are convinced the pool is haunted.

Perhaps one of you would be so kind as to create a link for the rest of us.

Shizy ago

Interesting!!! I have been looking into the biltmore estate and the pool and haven't run across that angle yet. I will search for it based on your tip!

Pizzalawyer ago

Paul Furber, Tracy Diaz and Coleman Rogers are not behind the Q phenomenon except as promoters of Q. They are not Q. They stumbled upon Q on the obscure websites of redditt, 4chan and 8 chan. I say obscure because those forums are obscure to a vast population of folks who have no idea that they even exist. I as a baby boomer didnt know but neither did my adult children who are more tech savvy.

Anyway these three individuals took it upon themselves to promote Q and provide a wider audience by producing videos for youtube. All the while I listened to Q related videos I wondered whether the opposition was listening in, wasnt Q letting the cat out of the bag? Q's reply would no doubt be that we (the good guys) have all of the necessary proof of wrongdoing and the bad guys cant wiggle out of it' whether the evidence is revealed now or later.

As it turns out the MSM ( whose reporters are the handmaidens of the bad guys per Podesta emails) wasnt paying any attention after all. It was the Tampa Trump rally at the end of July that MSM first noticed a handful of Q supporters - and there was just a handful, 10 to 12 persons. All hell broke loose and MSM not only set out to debunk Q but demonized Rogers, Diaz and Furber. When the three explained their efforts to reach persons who were not computer geeks, such as baby boomers, then the narrative became one of how susceptibles grannies were being led around by their noses and deprived of their precious SS checks.

PRIOR to the Tampa rally, Qanons own posts were receiving 7 million hits per month and was ranked #17 in the list of the highest sources of Internet traffic on a worldwide basis. Even without the Tampa rally, the news media was going to be forced to ask : who is Qanon? So what if these 3 individuals have monetized their announcement of Qs posts? Q didnt ask them to do it. As far as I am concerned they performed a public service. And I dont think any of them have incomes comparable to the stars of mainstream news organizations.

You had me worried there for a minute, EsotericShade. I may be a baby boomer but I'm not suffering from dementia yet and nobody's touching my SS check!

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol yeah.. bullshit

burnerdrone04 ago

This is in the Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC. I've been in that room. AMA

Shizy ago

So you have seen this same pool at the biltmore estate in Asheville? Can you tell me if this is the same pool?


Pizzalawyer ago

@shizy : NO! This is very weird! Maybe the sinister looking pool is at the New York estate, after all. Or maybe its a second, secret pool . This needs to be resolved. It did cross my mind that it was an exersize pool for horses. The North Carolina estate is known for its equestrian trails that are open to the public

Shizy ago

Hmmm, interesting about the horses. Based on what Ian has sent me and what I have been finding online the pool in question is at the Biltmore in Asheville. A place that size though, it wouldn't be surprising to have more than one pool.

I saw on a travel review that someone mentioned the pool is drained because it leaks. That may be true (it's old) or it may be a story to explain it being drained. Maybe someone else knows the answer to this but I thought that pools were supposed to be kept filled to provide the counter resistance needed to keep it strong and stable since it has so much force pressing on it from the ground on the sides? If that's true, keeping it empty seems lien it would risk further damaging or destroying it. Maybe that's inaccurate so if there's anyone with pool knowledge I'd love to hear more.

burnerdrone04 ago

You posted a link to a pinterest board with hundreds of 1930's pool photos. The featured image is "biltmore hotel" pool in downtown LA. This is not the same pool as the one in the Biltmore Estate in Asheville NC. Some of the photos on the pinterest page are of the Biltmore Estate pool and nearby gym room.

Pizzalawyer ago

thanks for that bit of info. Ive been to both the Vanderbilt estates, the one in Ashville, the other on the Hudson but had no recollection of the pools.

noskerdycatusa ago

Why are folks fussing over this? The info may be stale and be from a source you are biased against, but if you want people to 'wake up' and learn about this evil, and there are millions who were not 'awake' during the 2016 pizzagate, then don't disparage a Q posting that is relevant and can serve a purpose. These pictures can be very useful when trying to get people's attention and may very well generate a robust curiosity and quest to find truth.

Lansing-Michigan ago

The information came out yesterday about the Catholic church abuse for decades in Phhiladelphia ..some of the priests used the same methods for torture that has been written about here. This public disclosure is unprecedented for the US. Perhaps the Q timing was because of that. I come to this site because it is real journalism.....in my opinion the best on this subject. Isn't the purpose to get information out?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why are folks fussing over this?

Real simple. v/pizzagate is the incubator and research house that the information in this OP came from. If this place become a disinfo Q decode facility the research results will STOP flowing from this place and Qfakeanon won't even have any pizzagate material to scam people out of their money with.

If Coleman Rogers Qanon Scamanon wants us to keep pumping out material he can make bank on then he needs to stop trying to invade this forum or the research material he is making bank on will disappear. Its good for everybody if he stays his ass out of here.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm trying to find a photo of the pool without the photo of the painting super imposed over it, but can't. Anyone have a link?

Oh_Well_ian ago

check google images..

It's also in Qmap ( #1900 ) https://qmap.pub/#1900

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks! I did check google images, but came up empty handed. It is in the Qmap. https://cdn.qmap.pub/images/a3d0f638152a337c53dc063f7d8606d104435e5b8a4db25a8c7d30d4716b5c51.jpg

Blows my theory out of the water though because I was thinking that it wasn't actually a pool because on the pic with the photo of the painting, it looked as though the tile didn't extend to the right side, but now I see that it does.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Not going to call it a pool anymore, because I'm certain it was built specifically as a murder pit.

Plus, I can't find any images of it filled with water.

Pizzalawyer ago

Im fascinated by the knots in the nooses. Does anybody here hunt deer and hang them before butchering? Is there any resemblance to knots used in hanging game?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Agreed. This is no pool and its design is nothing like how anyone would design a pool. First, a wooden ladder is going to deteriorate sitting in a chlorine or saltwater pool, and nobody is going to want a pool where they can't sit on the edge and soak their feet. This is wrong all the way around.

ESOTERICshade ago

Besides the strange ladder, nobody is going to want a pool where they can't sit on the edge and soak their feet.

I think it is possible that the noose looking ropes on the sides of the pool serve two purposes. Swimmers can use them to hang on to and rest a bit, and they would be great for hanging kids for torture.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

There are safety requirements for building pools and no contractor is going to agree to build a pool where people hang on ropes when they get tired. No contractor is going to leave themselves vulnerable to a lawsuit. Plus, it would still have to pass inspection. If they tried to sell this house, the sellers would have to redo the pool according to code.

ESOTERICshade ago

There are safety requirements for building pools and no contractor is going to agree to build a pool where people hang on ropes when they get tired. No contractor is going to leave themselves vulnerable to a lawsuit. Plus, it would still have to pass inspection. If they tried to sell this house, the sellers would have to redo the pool according to code.

I thought about that too and the possible answer is that this pool is decades old and I doubt the building codes were very rigorous. Plus, this is the Vanderbilts we are dealing with and they do as they please.

They probably have sacrificed kids in that pool but I really also think it has been used for swimming. It also looks like they were dealing with some sort of space requirements when it was built. Almost like they used space that was available. I could be wrong, but that is what it looks like to me.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Maybe it is that old, but I'm still not buying that it was a pool because of the wooden walkway above that extends all the way to the wall on both sides and so far above the pool's lip. Even pools build long ago would have a more intelligent, common sense design.

AlienEskimo ago

Google search the word combo "abattoir tile" and look at the images

Cc1914 ago

What does Q mean when he says ... “With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Just curious who he’s referring to as “ saints “

Shizy ago

If he's really a bible believeing Christian the saints he would be referring to are the believers. I'm sure you knew that my friend, but many others probably do not. I know I didn't when I was being raised a Catholic.

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree. Q is becoming aware of SRA and Satanists in general. The saints are the believers in God. The Pilgrims thought the same, referring to themselves as "saints "and non-believers as" strangers".

Shizy ago

I didn't know that about the pilgrims. Interesting! Thanks.

ESOTERICshade ago

What does Q mean when he says ... “With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Just curious who he’s referring to as “ saints “ it’s a legitimate question , why the downvoat ?

Honestly I think that is the way Coleman Rogers, same person as Pamphlet Anon CBTS Patriot Stream gets aging boomers to send him part of their social security check every month. Boomers like the religious talk. I"m being serious too. Qanon is not complicated. Its a simple scam.

Cc1914 ago

Wow! That’s where my thoughts were headed . Thanks for answering my question ! Apparently no one else could answer , so they gave me a downvoat ..

ESOTERICshade ago

Wow! That’s where my thoughts were headed . Thanks for answering my question ! Apparently no one else could answer , so they gave me a downvoat ..

Coleman Rogers Qanon operates like an evangelical preacher (a crooked one) and will say whatever it takes to get people to put money in the offering plate. :)

Cc1914 ago

This is just horrible ! I will say I haven’t even put in the effort to keep up on recent Q posts because I saw it divide so many here . My gut told me it was a scam , and everything Q has ever posted is what we’ve already known ( at least everything I’ve read) I mean no dis respect to you sincere ones that truly believe you are part of this .

ESOTERICshade ago

This is just horrible ! I will say I haven’t even put in the effort to keep up on recent Q posts because I saw it divide so many here . My gut told me it was a scam , and everything Q has ever posted is what we’ve already known ( at least everything I’ve read) I mean no dis respect to you sincere ones that truly believe you are part of this .

A lot of people around here know its a scam but don't want to speak up because they don't want to get attacked by the Q Bullies. Several people around here have told me personally that they are timid about speaking up about it because of the Q Bullies. Cults are allergic to free and independent thinking and will attack anything that does not agree with the cult.

Cc1914 ago

It’s intimidating for sure and it seems to be part of the plan .

ESOTERICshade ago

It’s intimidating for sure and it seems to be part of the plan .

Its gotten totally out of hand. @vindicator and @EricKaliberhall sticky the Q threads. If people don't believe Q is legit, and they say it, the lead Q BULLY and MOD, EricKaliberhall will swoop in and bully people into silence. He keys on me because I am vocal in my disbelief. Q is literally a FORCED narrative and they use Alinsky tactics to enforce it. This sub is falling from any grace it once had.

Vindicator ago

they use Alinsky tactics to enforce it

Riiigght. Please link to some evidence of me or any other mod using Alinsky tactics. What a load of hogwash.

ESOTERICshade ago

I figured you would show up. You are stickying threads and the Lead Q Bully is badgering people that don't believe Q. Call it anything you want to. It is coercive, bullying, narrative enforcement. Mods should not be stickying threads and bullying the living fuck out of people that have no faith in the source. Deny that its happening.

Pizzalawyer ago

I see making a sticky out of a Q post as a promotion, not an act of bullying. Ive not seen any bullying here. Pizzagaters are free to pass over any posts referencing Q.

I follow Q, Im a boomer and I dont send any of my SS check to Q or anybody else on the Internet.

Im following Spygate more rigourously than Pizzagate and Q has been most helpful.

ESOTERICshade ago

I see making a sticky out of a Q post as a promotion, not an act of bullying. Ive not seen any bullying here.

That is not the point. They can sticky anything they want to. But if people speak up and say that they don't think Q is a valid source the MODS need to keep their mouth shut and not attack people for their opinions. They need to stay over there in the sidebar where they belong and stop attacking posters that express a negative opinion of Q.

EricKaliberhall is a mod. If he going "to take the liberty", as he puts it, to sticky a Q post, then he needs to keep his fucking mouth shut and stop attacking people for attempting to discuss the veracity, or lack of, of Qanon.

Vindicator ago

Lemme get this right...if I sticky a topic you don't like, it's bullying?

Your SJW is showing ES.

ESOTERICshade ago

Lemme get this right...if I sticky a topic you don't like, it's bullying?

Your SJW is showing ES.

Nice try but that ain't what I said and you know it. I SAID:

You and EricKaliberhall sticky the threads. If people don't agree that Q is a good source, and they speak out, Eric follows them around bullies the fuck out them for speaking. He does it to me every time I open my mouth about Q. HE IS A MOD. So you mods are stickying threads and shouting down people that speak ill of Q. Its a coerced forced narrative that you guys are enforcing by shouting down people that think Q is a psyop.

Nobody wants to speak ill of Q because they don't want to be attacked by the Q Bully Mod Patrol. Is that plain enough for you?

think- ago

You and EricKaliberhall sticky the threads. If people don't agree that Q is a good source, and they speak out, Eric follows them around bullies the fuck out them for speaking.

I don't remember that @EricKaliberhall has ever stickied a Q post, it was always @Vindicator.

So whom exactly is Eric 'following around', 'bullying'? He obviously doesn't like you, and he doesn't like what you write. Ok. Voat is free speech.

enforcing by shouting down people that think Q is a psyop

That's total BS. You know perfectly well that @Vindicator asked me whether I'd like to become a mod after I had constantly posted here for monhths, calling Q a psy-op.

Neither Eric nor Vin have ever attacked me for that, neither on public threads nor in private in PMs.

(And don't even think about starting your usual D&C good mod-bad mods tactics here.)

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator

ESOTERICshade ago

You are welcome to stay out of this since it does not concern you. I used the wrong word. He flairs the threads, not stickies them. I don't like Q. I speak about it. Eric loses his little shit. Its his problem not mine. Just stay out of it. You guys have become a gang. Not a good look.

GuannaRue ago

It is now "3 days later" and he/she has not responded to this very clear calling-out.

@Vindicator, these are serious charges; no response?

Vindicator ago

"Serious charges"? You are kidding, right?

On Voat, if you want someone to take you seriously, you link to the evidence in question. I don't bully people. I sticky Q threads related to pizzagate. I have MANY screenshots and archived links of @ESOTERICshade bullying other users, calling for their posts to be deleted when they haven't broken any rules, trying to suppress the comments of other users, and lying about both me and other users to try to smear them to build his shitty case. He doesn't link to evidence anymore because there never is any, unless he fabricates it. I have screenshots of him posting fake Q leaks -- in fact SPAMMING them multiple times in the same thread.

Serious charges. LMAO!


ESOTERICshade ago

That "fake Q post" was a mistake on my part and I admitted it. I don't need "proof" that mod Eric stickies Q posts, and then shouts down people that don't believe Q is legit because he does it weekly and its on display for all to see. You are lying.

think- ago

I don't need "proof" that mod Eric stickies Q posts, and then shouts down people that don't believe Q is legit because he does it weekly and its on display for all to see. You are lying.

Well, obviously you are the on lying here, since he never has stickied a single Q post, and I have never seen him 'shouting down people that don't believe in Q'.

He begs to differ with you. Gosh. Be a man, Esoteric.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

He does not sticky them, he flairs them. Bad choice of words on my part. Eric is the one following me around the playground like a five year old because I don't believe in Q. He needs to grow the fuck up.

Vindicator ago

If it was a mistake, why did you spam it over and over again?

ESOTERICshade ago

If it was a mistake, why did you spam it over and over again?

I never posted it after you told me it was fake. You said it was fake and I gave you credit for being right about that because you follow Q a lot closer than I do. I just took your word for it that it was fake and openly admitted that I didn't realize it was fake.

Vindicator ago

Right. So it was okay to post it 5 times in the same thread because you didn't bother to research it.

ESOTERICshade ago

People make mistakes. I admitted mine. What is your excuse?

Vindicator ago

I don't care if you need proof, ES. I do. Show me where Eric is bullying other users because they don't believe it Q.

ESOTERICshade ago

You have been seeing it don't be coy.

Vindicator ago

I've seen @EricKaliberhall flip you shit. I haven't seen him bully users.

ESOTERICshade ago

If he plans to sticky Q threads he needs to be prepared to hear people say they don't believe Q is legit because everybody doesn't believe it. Instead he cries like a little baby and harasses people. He needs to man up.

EricKaliberhall ago

I have never stickied a submission. Q or otherwise. NOT ONE.

You lie about exactly everything!

ESOTERICshade ago

I have never stickied a submission. Q or otherwise. NOT ONE.

You lie about exactly everything!

Excuse me. I misspoke. You flair them. "mamma somebody on the internet doesn't believe in Q"

EricKaliberhall ago

You'll be running to mamma when I'm done with you...

ESOTERICshade ago

You'll be running to mamma when I'm done with you...

You don't bother me. I think its funny how much cry because I don't believe Q. Cry some more. Its funny.

EricKaliberhall ago

I will have the last laugh...

You fucked with the wrong swede motherfucker!

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know why you are so upset about it. Seems childish. It obviously bothers you a lot more than it bothers me.

EricKaliberhall ago

Projection! :)

Crensch ago

ESOTERIC has always been a subversive element. Any "charges" he attempts to bring against anyone will be dismissed out of hand because he never backs up any of his claims.

darkknight111 ago

I think those drops were a hint.

I have the following deductions to make about the Vandebilt Pool:

  1. They forgot to fully clean up. The red on the ground is dried blood.

  2. Zoom in on the ropes. I'm noticing dark discolorations near the bottom of the ropes (the loop area). This actually tells me a lot about how the murders were conducted. Hung -> throats slit. Possibly to either bathe in their blood or drink it like a fountain.

  3. At least 3 murders took place based on similar dark discolorations.

  4. Given the stuff about "the charm" (and subsequent analysis by 8 chan) I believe one of the culprits in these murders is a high level priest.

  5. The painting of the kids with red shoes was of actual murder victims at this pool.

  6. The brass hose is for cleaning the blood. Head is made of brass to make cleaning the hose itself easier.

  7. Look at the stairs. OP pointed this out about missing steps. I believe this is on purpose as a "slaughter trap". Impossible for a small child to escape. An adult can climb up.

-Edit: Super bizzare coincidence ahead. The murder mystery video game Danganronpa 2 actually has a murder case similar to this set up in terms of one of the bodies discovered (Hiyoko). Combined with the brutally blunt pedowood expose in Ultra Despair Girls....is Mr. Kodaka one of "our guys" in the game industry?

Pizzalawyer ago

how does brass make the hose work better, I dont understand. All hoses have brass fittings because brass doesnt rust.

darkknight111 ago

Its the structure I'm looking at. That head looks like its designed for ease of cleaning. Good for removing blood that splatters on the hose by chance.

When one seeks to dispose of evidence, you gotta be very careful.

Pizzalawyer ago

granted that, you will need high pressure as well and such fittings are usually adjustable. The ropes really bother me. Typically a schools pool or YMCA poll wohld use ropes to divide into lanes for swim metes. But these ropes dont look like they connect to the opposite side and they are all tied up with same knots.

gamepwn ago

Holy shit. Is this the actual location from the painting the Podestas had?


nzmc ago

Wonder of both Podestas spent their entire childhood looking at shit like this , it was the case described by some of victims of satanic ritual abuse ie recent Holowczak case with notable names like Nicole K and others

Pretty sick, first victim then as a survivor predator, mind programming at best , those people are sick and cure for this multi generational degeneracy is publicity on topic I guess

Onetime1 ago

Podesta's mother adopted at least 25 kids over the years.

Always surprised that more red flags and attention are not focused on this.

ESOTERICshade ago

cure for this multi generational degeneracy is publicity on topic I guess

Electricity and lead work good.

nzmc ago

But then part of cult survives and overall population doesn’t know about problem hence provoking it in future

What do you think about that ?

ESOTERICshade ago

But then part of cult survives and overall population doesn’t know about problem hence provoking it in future

What do you think about that ?

Excellent point.

ben_matlock ago

hi @Oh_Well_ian,

in order to comply with Rule 3, we need you to include brief descriptions of the links you provided.

EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post


think- ago

Ben, although Ian has not edited, I will remove the flair, since Rule 3 says

EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

I think the markup descriptions in this case suffice.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks Ben... throw a 24 hour flair on it and I'll have it done by morning

Gotta get some Z's... long day.

ben_matlock ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Q has been hashing through old stale pizzagate material last few days. Probably trying to add followers because he needs more clicks. T Shirt sales are probably down too. Smells a little bit desperate for a high level super duper secret intel agent.

Pizzalawyer ago

I dont think he needs Pizzagate research to increase his audience. He left us in the dust a long time ago even after we had a one year headstart.

ESOTERICshade ago

I dont think Q needs Pizzagate research to increase his audience. He left us in the dust a long time ago even after we had a one year headstart.

I don't know how much you know about the little group pretending to be Q but I have spent dozens of hours watching them get debunked, buying their fancy new computers, remodeling their kitchens, and spending their ill gotten gains. I watched them lie, get caught, and get caught posting as Q. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is that they are grifters, liars, scammers, and their actions are actually criminal.

Pizzalawyer ago

I confess I dont know anything, Im just focused on the content. I would like to explore the behind-the-curtain info that exposes this group. Is all that on 4chan or 8chan?

ESOTERICshade ago

I confess I dont know anything, Im just focused on the content. I would like to explore the behind-the-curtain info that exposes this group. Is all that on 4chan or 8chan?

No problem. This guy does a decent job of exposing some of it. His vids are short, he does not ramble on forever, and he includes a lot of it. I suggest working your way through and look for titles with Qanon in it. He was an insider in the Q scam for a while.


Pizzalawyer ago

thanks for replying, I will follow through.

ESOTERICshade ago

the first video you will see is one that says "pamphlet busted by fbi" and was just a spoof he did. The rest that have Q in the title are not spoofs.

Pizzalawyer ago

Im a Q follower and noticed the same thing. Why is Q a johnny-come-lately on the Pizzagate issues? It could very well be that Q was uninformed about the research taking place here, that the pushback by MSM early on worked. Pizzagate predates Q by almost a year.

Q is into Spygate more than anybody else. He is into symbolism having drawn attention to the serpentine Grand Audience Hall of the Vatican. The sudden departure of Tony Podesta from Podesta Group.and the demise of the Podesta Group.was on his radar screen and perhaps he realized Pizzagate was right about the Podestas after all. Q just recently posted a picture of an odd looking woman with a weird necklace and challenged us to search out the meaning of the charms. One of Qs interpreters was unaware that the woman was Gloria Vanderbuilt, mother of Anderson Cooper . Q dropped one of Podestas art collections of girls in a pool matched it up with a photo of a real pool thought to be from the Vanderbuilt estate and then another photo of the same pool at the Vatican.

Q is building on our research for which we should be grateful. His audience is growing exponentially , views around the world into the millions. .Lets ride those coattails, no need to discredit him.

ESOTERICshade ago

I appreciate your opinion, and, I know who Q is and I have known it for months, and he is nothing more than a liar, a scammer, and out to make a buck by lying to people about who he is. I don't care what he knows or where he gets his information from. Anybody that lies to aging boomers and posts prayers so that they will send part of their Social Security check to his sorry lying ass needs to go to jail. I hope he gets busted for wire fraud tomorrow.

noskerdycatusa ago

Have you posted your revelations as to who Q is? I've heard several ideas, but now it seems like the Q debunkers are fighting among themselves to be the first one to out Q with their own personal theory.

I follow Q but have never felt compelled to give anyone money.

I also think of it this way, if Q is fake... meaning he has no association with the Trump presidency... then I would still give Q a thumbs up and a full 5 stars for being the best most effective hoax ever.

Q has managed to get the MSM to freak out and run in circles more than a Trump tweet storm or a good yarn from Stormy Daniels. Q has also managed to inspire and motivate patriots to become more informed. If I wasn't doing research I would be totally clueless as to who all these characters like Page, Strzok, Ohr, Brennan etc. etc.

When someone tells me NOT to look over there...(meaning toward Q) or when I read articles/posts that imply I'm a low IQ idiot or stupid for not seeing through Q... honestly it starts to sound like a mirror of the MSM narrative and that inspires me to know more and observe all sides.

Pizzalawyer ago

@noskerdyatucas: Hear, hear! Thats the way I feel, too. Example - Q urged his audience to look at the wives, look at the wives. Turns out that all these Spygate players had wives with different last names who were as involved as much as their husbands, that is all wives except the "beautiful" Nelly Ohr who took on her husbands surname. Beautiful was Trumps description knowing that she was very homely. Q seems to provide the leads and the band of Anons add to the mix. Without tbe interpreters, I could not decode these leads but they turn out to be spot on again and again. I am fixated on Spygate and rely heavily on Q for the analysis that the truth media cannot provide since it lacks an inside track to Trump, Hannity being an exception. I have even pondered if Hannity was Q. In any event, I just dont see the harm. MSM is going ape-shit over Q which delights me to no end.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q has managed to get the MSM to freak out and run in circles more than a Trump tweet storm or a good yarn from Stormy Daniels.

Worst thing that has happened to pizzagate so far. I predicted long time ago that this would fuck pizzagate and it is happening. The perps are sort of scared to fuck with pizzagate by itself because they are all a bunch of pedophiles and they don't want to talk about it.

But they are NOT scared to attack Q and they are doing it. As they do, they are attaching pizzagate to it, and are planning to use Q to drag down pizzagate. Watch this short video. The guy that made this video thinks Isaac Kappy is a psyop and so do I, but he doesn't seem to know that the "crazy Q people" are also psyops to discredit Qanon and pizzagate but they are. Q will fuck up pizzagate and it is starting now. "crazy Q people" means the invented psyops happening now that are manufactured by the alphabet agencies.


pizzaequalspedo ago

Needs more clicks? Apparently you haven't been watching the parbolic Q growth. If he was a LARP he would have jumped on the Podesta stuff long ago.

The timing is right, because it's taken two years to purge enough of the swamp for this to gain any serious traction. There are tons of Q proofs, for anyone that isn't a Code Blue shill to see he's the real deal.

Look no further than Q calling John McCain "no name" for over a year now. Last week Trump signed a bill named after McCain and wouldn't say his name (not one direct mention of him). The MSM ran with how disrespectful that was lol.

ESOTERICshade ago

The timing is right, because it's taken two years to purge enough of the swamp for this to gain any serious traction.

I fully respect your right to have an opinion even though I do not agree with that statement. The swamp is as deep as it ever was. I am glad Trump is President instead of Hillary but Trump drug some of the worst swamp critters in history into his cabinet with him. Rex Tillerson was his most decent pick but Rex quit because he didn't want to be part of the war machine.

EricKaliberhall ago

Probably trying to add followers because he needs more clicks. T Shirt sales are probably down too.

You don't even hide the fact that you are a disinformation whore... Pull your head out of Nathan Stolpman's ass and fuck off.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Get a box, get your things, bro.

Your shit has been blown up and your entire LARP has been laid bare.

Have another downvoat, faggot.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thats exactly what I said. STALE. We are supposed to be getting some super secret intel for our Q T Shirt dollars. Whatever happened to.....

"you are getting the highest level intel ever dropped to the public".....that is a Q quote. All we ended up with is a lame cheerleader instead of some serious intel. It is also CRIMINAL to lie to people and take their money.

Pizzalawyer ago

if you were diligently following Q, then I think your opinion would be different. Just for starters check.out Praying Medics Q Proofs, then scope out Praying Medics video titled FISA is the Foundation.


Who cares about Q, right? He's just a message board poster. Q has done nothing for the movement. If you support Trump, thats all I care about. These Q believers continue to divide Trump supporters. If you don't believe Q, you are disinfo! If you don't believe Q, I'm not listening to you anymore! UNFOLLOW! Its pathetic how some Q believers act towards other Trump supporters that don't believe or give a shit about a message board poster.

I've listen to people that follow Q, like prayingmedic. I haven't followed everything, but I'm not even close to convinced on Q. Trump is the main guy. Q is background noise. I'm open to Q being the real deal, but are Q believers open to believing Q is a pysop? Q believers, like many believers, get emotionally attached to a narrative. Not good. Think logically.

The more I see people divide other people, the less likely I will be to believe that person. Divide and conquer continues to dupe people everywhere. Even the ones that cry about "divide and conquer" are the same ones doing the dividing. Its mind boggling.

ESOTERICshade ago

These Q believers continue to divide Trump supporters.

Absolutely and its pathetic. Not all of them, but a lot of them are the most toxic and nasty personalities in the truth movement. In my 20 plus years as a truther I never saw anything like it.

If you don't believe Q, you are disinfo! If you don't believe Q, I'm not listening to you anymore! UNFOLLOW! Its pathetic how some Q believers act towards other Trump supporters that don't believe or give a shit about a message board poster.

That is a mixture of two things.

  1. Genuine Q believers who are unable to think independently on their own and need a prophet and a leader that have been indoctrinated into a cult.
  2. Trolls from CBTS Patriot Stream (Qanon himself) sending out their little bots to chastise anybody that goes against their money making scam. If you read the 8chan Q board you can watch them talk to themselves as if a real conversation is taking place. Their funniest lines>>>>"proud to serve"...."so honored to be part of his historic movement"...blah blah blah

I'm open to Q being the real deal, but are Q believers open to believing Q is a pysop? Q believers, like many believers, get emotionally attached to a narrative. Not good. Think logically.

They don't use logic because they have BLIND BELIEF. Their minds have been hijacked into a cult. Its exactly like believing in a religious prophet and its NO different. Talking about their Q is like walking into a church and slandering Jesus. Don't do it!

Even the ones that cry about "divide and conquer" are the same ones doing the dividing. Its mind boggling.

Q is the worst thing that has happened to the truth movement in the last 20 years and I will tell you why and its very, very, simple. >>>>The truth movement was born by RIGOROUS STANDARDS of intellectual honesty and brutal scrutiny for details. These people don't operate on truth, they operate on emotions and smoke Hopium all day. They don't care about the truth and are confused about what the word "truth" actually means. Their definition of "truth" is "being on the right team" and that is a joke.

Truth and accuracy go hand in hand. No accuracy means no truth because truth cannot exist without accuracy. These people have absolutely butchered accuracy and thus the truth. They are dangerous to the TRUTH AND ACCURACY movement and if they ever become a large enough force we can kiss the truth movement goodbye.

Pizzalawyer ago

right now???? Qs pizzagate references have been far and few between, are basically only a recent occurance and do not comprise the bulk of his drops on any given day. Q may be even using our research to defend against the MSM 's assault on Q which has lumped the Q phenomenon with Pizzagate. So he appears to be validating the work of Pizzagate without wanting to be associated with PG in any way. I certainly cant blame him.

ESOTERICshade ago

which has lumped the Q phenomenon with Pizzagate.

Worst thing that has happened to pizzagate so far. I predicted long time ago that this would fuck pizzagate and it is happening. The perps are sort of scared to fuck with pizzagate by itself because they are all a bunch of pedophiles and they don't want to talk about it.

But they are NOT scared to attack Q and they are doing it. As they do, they are attaching pizzagate to it, and are planning to use Q to drag down pizzagate. Watch this short video. The guy that made this video thinks Isaac Kappy is a psyop and so do I, but he doesn't seem to know that the "crazy Q people" are also psyops to discredit Qanon and pizzagate but they are. Q will fuck up pizzagate and it is starting now.


Oh_Well_ian ago

Like a mark at a poker game, you have never been able to hide from me, ES...

How long has it been now, that I exposed you for what you are? Way over a year, for sure.

I'll take all your chips, DEAD MONEY.

ESOTERICshade ago

How long has it been now, that I exposed you for what you are? Way over a year, for sure.

Son your feeble mind couldn't think its way out of a wet paper sack much less out think me. But thats some funny shit.

dreamwarrior23 ago

He's not pretending to be one of us anymore. Him and Are_we_sure are dangerous people.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Notice the heavy brigading with all his 10+ ALTS

This is what he's been reduced to...

He's hoping David Brock destroys the leger with his real name.

ESOTERICshade ago

Notice the heavy brigading with all his 10+ ALTS

I see. The number of alts I have changes with the number of people that down vote you.

argosciv ago

Notice the heavy brigading with all his 10+ ALTS

This is what he's been reduced to...

"dragon killer" is definitely involved with this, though, likely not an alt, rather, another sad sack working in tandem - doesn't matter either way:

v/GreatAwakening - Right Wing Truth Community Attempting To Figure Out How To Stop Q. They have had enough. posted by dragonkiller:

If you guys are serious about defeating these pedophiles you will stop this. The rest of us on the right wing of the truth community are distancing ourselves from you in any way we can. We are begging you to stop this please.

Yes its a MSM article, and we know they suck, but its a good synopsis so please focus on the information instead of scoffing at the source.

I won't share the article link or its text here.

Concern-fagging, anti-Q rubbish.

cc: @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

involved with this

"This" is simply being a free and independent thinker and refusing to be drafted into a hive minded cult. It is liberating and allows me to find the truth in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take me. I am free.

Oh_Well_ian ago

These dirtbags have few or no submissions to PG, too.

argosciv ago

"dragon killer" literally has no other submissions anywhere. One look at the comment history says enough alongside.

argosciv ago

Notice the heavy brigading with all his 10+ ALTS

This is what he's been reduced to...

"dragon killer" is definitely involved with this, though, likely not an alt, rather, another sad sack working in tandem - doesn't matter either way:

v/GreatAwakening - Right Wing Truth Community Attempting To Figure Out How To Stop Q. They have had enough. posted by dragonkiller:

If you guys are serious about defeating these pedophiles you will stop this. The rest of us on the right wing of the truth community are distancing ourselves from you in any way we can. We are begging you to stop this please.

Yes its a MSM article, and we know they suck, but its a good synopsis so please focus on the information instead of scoffing at the source.

I won't share the article link or its text here.

Concern-fagging, anti-Q rubbish.

ESOTERICshade ago

He's not pretending to be one of us anymore. Him and Are_we_sure are dangerous people.

I don't belong to anything. I am an independent thinker. You do realize that "where we go one we go all" is a communistic ideal don't you? Communist hate independent thinkers because they can't put them in their cult box. I made A TON of money in the stock market by listening to ME and ignoring all the herd chatter and I would have lost my ass otherwise. I ALSO DON'T LIKE SCAMS AND SCAMMERS.