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exposethecriminals ago

This is a pretty good video of the pool, including hard to find shots of the shallow end area, which is adjacent to the gymnasium. Beginning at around 3:35:

Biltmore estate basement tour

Zzzmmm333 ago

WOW just found this... It's as if he's being held captive in the fkn pool..

@carmencita @think- @Blacksmith21 @Pizzalawyer @3141592653 @gamepwn @letsdothis2 @Oh_Well_ian

think- ago

Pro-tip: Voat will only ping the five names per comment - if you would like to ping more people, I would recommend putting the names in a second comment.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Thank you! And Re ladder in the pool, I pointed that out in the other post, I said why would it be made like that? Not taking the steps till at least a half decent height to be accessed from the floor, even though there is a shallow end with stairs you would think for ease of access when no water is in there they would have steps going right down, if it was my pool and ladder I certainly would. My theory that just came through is they tied people up and filled it just enough so they had to swim or some sort of sick idea like that.

@letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals

think- ago

Wasn't there a similar kind of ladder at the Pegasus Museum? Anyone?

Zzzmmm333 ago

Fuck, do the paintings from that sicko sort of have an Archer style to them??? Perfect back grounds then the people have a different style? They do look Alike!!

Edit: And yes Pegasus had a ladder alot similair that went up to that pointless "desk area" it was tiny..

Fuck could Pegasus be a remake of this first ladder and the platform??

@think @Blacksmith21 @letsdothis2 @exposethecriminals

letsdothis2 ago

I like the way you won't let this go...

You may be onto something with Pegasus. But at the moment I've been looking at Buck's Hotel in Asheville, and your comment reminded me of the Alefantis restaurant Buck's Fishing and Camping:

On Feb 18th, 2016 there was an after party for Phillipe Augin at Buck's

He has some intersting friends, on the same night I guess this was at the 'official' party: Christine Lagarde -

Count Renaud De Viel Castel.

Pascal Blondeau.

with Izette Folger and Irina Rapoport

On Irina Rapoport and connection to Pegasus:

List of wifi names from around Pegasus and the playground, and from the Obama, Podesta neighborhood (2001~2017) (Great Horned Owl, FBI van 33, MoneyPit, ArtfullDodger1, Hide yo kids_hide yo wifi) -

Calvin Cafritz

DC's Cafritz family foundation appears to have been major funder of BOTH Alefantis' Gallery and NXIVM -