HossCartwright ago

Connection between perp dressing up as "red fox" in Bucks County and PizzaGate? Shop located between Comet Ping Pong and Bucks Fishing and Camping called Little Red Fox. Don't forget we've got Beyond Borders across the street and one of four US human trafficking atty's with a pedophile-logo Besta Pizza two doors down. Coincidence? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/01/31/prosecutors-boy-sexually-abused-at-furry-parties-by-man-who-wore-fox-costume/?utm_term=.092e6b1b7f5b

Celticgirlonamission ago

Very strange that one of the guys involved in this was a David Parker, a long time ago a David Parker was reported to the FBI for trafficking women http://amarillo.com/stories/051499/new_forward.shtml#.WJr9NNIVCxA Maybe just a coincidence though its a common name

Orange_Circle ago

Buck is a slang used in the gay community.

AreWeSure ago

I would say that's a coincidence and not a very weird one. Bucks County (no apostrophe) has 600,000 people live in it. Some are criminals.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It's "Fishing and Camping," not "Hunting and Fishing." "Fishing and Camping" by the way, is apparently pedophile slang (so I heard; haven't verified).

AreWeSure ago

The name of the restaurant is a play on the NYC restaurant that did the concept first, Mary's Fish Camp.

I heard people sayin Bucks is a double entendre, but not Fishing and Camping. Camp has a dual meaning but not for pedophiles.

FriesischShipping ago

More coincidence theory: "It all just seemed very, very normal, like he was just helping. 
He took them to the cinema, fishing and camping – overnight."

“We know of other families whose kids he took fishing. He was definitely grooming children – and it’s been going 
on for 15 years.”


AreWeSure ago

there's a theory?

FriesischShipping ago

It's an unfortunate coincidence that fishing and camping is connected to pedophila because more than once pedophiles have used something innocent like fishing and camping as a way to be alone and isolate their victim(s). Kinda like pizza, innocent food that everyone loves, I'm seeing a pattern here, but I'll ignore it because it's all just coincidences and I'm letting my intuition run hog wild.