carmencita ago

I have expected remedy4reality to be a possible shill before. He/she has countered possible scenarios for McMartin case before and has always accused the person making claims to be a shill thus using the baloney factor of pointing the finger at others. Using that analogy that Podesta and Friends are using. This is their MO. Hey, look over there, not over here. Just Sayin' I am not falling for their baloney factor.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

The Bruce Lee handler from the Romanian tunnels looks just like Shredder from 1990 TMNT oddly enough....

Silverlining ago

Missing-411 is the first comprehensive research about people who have disappeared in the wilds of North America. It’s understood that people routinely get lost and some want to disappear, but this story is about the unusual. Nobody has ever studied the archives for similarities, traits and geographical clusters of missing people, until now.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

It's interesting you point out that some want to disappear or their parents want them to disappear. Ellizabeth Smart had some strange testimonies. She was kidnapped by a homeless guy that was staying at their house. They disappeared off into the woods. Later for whatever reason, she defended the creep or went along with stories in front of the police, both when they were questioning the guy during a trip in the city or later completely busting him. Whatever the psychosis, she was defending the creep. If she was trafficked as well, btw during that time, I don't think she would have said anything given the mormon community. Beautiful woman are easily banished as whores or also outcasts if their not married by 30, even if their victims. They have a lot of similarities to false ideology of islam.

BerksResident ago

My hunch is there is something about tunnels and how these secretive deviants like to hide their activities like cockroaches.... unlike us christian normies are not attracted to dark negative spaces

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

"Agree, and I hope to expose them. "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them" -Eph 5:11

I was a bit inspired by a gentleman James Randi you made his career exposing psychics, magicians etc. Crowly of course was into the dark magic. Some of it is a mind game and I like that James Randi worked to expose their fakery and had no reservations exposing them. Missing 411 is an expose on the devils workshop. Para-normal just means not normal. They usually happen in demonicly named parks. Podesta's property is of course near goat rock or something of course. Their tricks are usually in what they're hiding and deserve to be exposed. In this case they probably have a Goonies type map of tunnels all over the place and they got a nasty phoney person running a "restaurant" at one of the entrances, to aid the visuals.

carmencita ago

There also was a map posted on this site where there were shown tunnels under military sites all across the US and they are connected in some way. Also there are underground sites at State Parks. Remember the Kids heard screaming at Droop Mountain in WV? There is something very real to this post and the evidence. Lisa Ling is also sketchy imo.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

I'll have to look up the Droop Mountain. Lisa Ling sounds too much like Elisa Lamb. Creepy. Speaking of military Crowly was involved in the founding of JPL originally for missiles and later NASA.

carmencita ago

I can feel it in my bones that there are tunnels leading to Kalorama and now I am wondering if there are tunnels in Chicago leading to his home there. There are tunnels under NYC and LA so we know there have to be some under Chicago as well. Hot and cold running kids any time day or night. Just like ordering a real pizza. Right? This stuff disgusts me.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

I have done zero research on Chicago and your input would be appreciated. One thing I can note is that Chicago is known for having a lot of public parks, mingled with museums. Also, it is the headquarters for NOI. Note that Malcom X was shot for leaving NOI, mainly because he was jaded by the leader who he discovered had underage "girl friends" working as secretaries in various parts of the country. Also, keep in mind the homosexual choir boys conneceted to barry hussein in the Chicago area that wound up missing.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I am not too familiar just with certain areas, since I only visit two friends. I have been to the lakefront and those area restaurants but I do research Rahm and Obama. I have seen mention of a couple of deaths of gay black men that could be linked to BO. I also have done some work on Rahm mainly because I just cannot stand him, ever since he served under WJC.I should do more when I get done with Seth Rich. One thing I can tell you from doing a little research in larger cities is to check out Homan Square. It is a Black Site. If you want a good source check out the Chicago Reporter.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

This is a good video on Droop Mountain that relates to this massive network which may be tied in with miliatary elements and tunnel systems.

carmencita ago

I so very much believe in this tunnel system. I remember seeing on here writing and a map of military tunnels that are connected to each other all over the country. People would probably this is nuts, but I believe they are. This is not some theory. They exist. Thank you. I will never forget one Sun. when I was leaving for the weekend and had to feverishly try to get people to help a person that heard screaming children from below in a state park by Droop Mt. I have not forgotten it and believe that there are people and children moved in these tunnels.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Wow so you were there. Stay vigilante, friend. That gentleman Ole Dammegard, seems very privy to the whole situation as a long term worldwide phenomenon.

That situation with Droop Mt. sounds very familiar to the Comet video shot outside with audible of kid screaming. If you havn't seen it. It's an older video, but what I suspect with Comet at that time they useed people playing pong as a type of look out and social barrier to what's going on in back. They still use that but are more sophisticaed with walkie talkies, cameras etc. Playing pong on the sidewalk is the worst. Missing the ball it would go all over including the street. The noise of the traffic etc, it would be very unpleasant choice to play and it turns away patrons from walking in.

Droop Mt. rings of the "finders cult" and the serial molester talked about in the kinsey institute videos. The finders roll around in suits. The guy in the kinsey video worked for the land bureu if I recall. Also, with the military Kay Grigg's confession, a colonel's wife may help shed light on the event.

It's strange that this is connected to a civil war site. There was the old underground railroads that could have been co-opted for much worse slavery purposes. The Ole Dammegard gentleman seems to understand that this is a problem that started immeditately after the Civil War and the institution of the national parks. He understands what happened with JFK, so he has my respect when listening to. The people that pulled off that event, regularlily use fake badges, and official looking outfits. Fake officers or working crews etc. It was called the "big event" and there were more than a few groups of criminally connected elements that came, many just to watch. There were even people dressed as hobos. Lee Harvey was the fall guy but he knew something was going down and chose to stay in the middle of it. When dealing with officials, always get a badge number.

Spiritually speaking I see a fundamental problem with the national parks. Animals are treated with more rights than humans. A person can not live there, but a bear or sparrow can and is even protected.

There also was a story here on voat under strange hiking or camping stories about a guy coming acrross a big scene of a search crew. Long story short, a kid went missing and was found later with a remarkable story about being helped by a squirel. The guy was suprised he could find such a remarkable story on google. I suspect these kids are traumatized and instilled with weird stories like that during or after.

carmencita ago

Your comment is so informing and interesting I will read it over again and research that woman Kay Grigg. I am always flabbergasted but not shocked about these details. When we are done with the Seth Rich work, we must investigate these tunnels in a more intensive way.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Agreed. I think a shared map system may help that people can draw on and add notes. Bing may actually be better than google for this.

carmencita ago

I have asked that someone make a map drawing of the tunnels that lead to all the large cities and include the military tunnels. So far no one has complied. Maybe there already is one and I have missed it. It is so very important.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Richard Sauder has a book, which Mark Dice read and recommended...

**edit map is at 5:08

Overlays for a map could include 411 map, these tunnels, old acuaducts and points of child disappearances.

carmencita ago

Thanks much for the video. I watched all of it. Yeah, they have ways to get all over this country by tunnels. If people don't believe that, they are really only fooling themselves. ACE (Arm Corps of Engineers) can create almost anything anywhere at anytime. In Virginia The CIA has a huge Airport with underground tunnels and there is the waterfront right near there as well. The Perfect Storm.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Virginia, if I recall correctly, is where they have an extremely high rate of missing kids and it is also where the Bilderberg is being held again. You may be right. We know we are over the target when we are catching flack.

There are paid trolls on youtube comment boards as well. They probably work directly or indirectly for media matters. Others may just be cynics which is common in the creative field. They are toxic to R&D and are just trying to validate themselves and justify their paycheck. You have the options of stepping past them, or calling out their hypocrisy. Critics of truth are usually if not always exposed as hypocrites.

The Civil War was arguably a false narrative of course. States rights were being rough shodded. Basically it seems the Federal Reserve was established shortly after in effect putting our whole nation in debt/slavery. After which the US became like mercenaries fighting other people's wars while losing our own freedoms and securities here. Children are probably treated like debt/collateral. Much worse form of slavery as it lacks any care for the human person. National Parks are treated like collateral as well for resources mined out to foreign debt holders like Russia, China and Saudis. The US does not need to be in debt to anyone. That has to do with the Oregon stand-off, where land was leased out to Russia for uranium production to sell to Iran, which we gifted money to. They masked it by saying it was to protect a species of monarch butterflies or something. See that goes back to animals treated as having more rights than humans. Ultimately a patriot lost his life in that ordeal.

These traitors at high levels including the CIA know very well the different elements in our country that hate us or are subversive. This includes Cartels, NOI, certain Tribes, green peace etc. They don't bust them, but instead use them for their dirty work. They pay them in drugs and child trafficking, or the use them to facilitate these activities.

I believe some of these satanic rituals in the woods are basically there to control the area with fear as well as for traffiking. The CIA types allow them to be there because like their green thumb fanatics, they are tools to help control those lands and keep out looky lues, squaters or deal with people that know to much when the land was fleased from the American people or worse their children are being trafficked as payments for some other cause. The patriots in Washington often don't blow the whistle because they think inside their niche role, they are saving the world or the US from some bigger danger. Kriggs and Hunt confessions both shed light on that. Their misguided or manipulated.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Good advice, thanks for the tips. Rahm has been off the radar and that is a shady dude.

carmencita ago

One of my friends, sends me emails about him knowing I hate him. If you want more info, read the comments of @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. He says Racine and Chicago are heavily connected and involved in these horrible rat lines. It gets really nasty. You will find more info in his comments on who to invetigate a few Societies In Chicago as wel.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Noted, thank you. I will check out those links.

remedy4reality ago

Just when it looks like the investigation is breaking out into the light...

There is always some 'investigator' shoving it down into the dark hole of TUNNELS !!!

Abductions before storms because it 'washes' away evidence?? Evidence that NOBODY could find because there is no established network of tunnels, therefor why the FUCK would they be concerned about 'evidence'? Show me one child abduction where police were 'scouring tunnel networks for evidence'. Furthermore, if homeless people are in these tunnels, why don't you find them?

This is McMartin Preschool diversion all over again: Insist on a network of tunnels being FUNDAMENTAL to the criminal network, determine there are no tunnels, conclude there is no crime. In fact, there is a very good chance that the tunnels and their photos in JA's IG were deliberately placed there, because they could be easily filled and with the help of the criminal DC Police, be rapidly swept under the rug as child victims stories of tunnels are ridiculed and dismissed. This is EXACTLY how the McMartin case was destroyed. Over 350 victims and their testimonies were thrown out because tunnels were not initially found. NOTE: Years later, FILLED tunnels were discovered at the McMartin Preschool site >>>

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Sir, you defamed your whole rant by acknowledging at the end that tunnels were in fact found at the McMartin site. The main purpose of the Post is connecting Missing 411 investigation with Pizzagate. Tunnels would explain the transport also the tendency for abduction just before a storm. Those homeless communities would also know enough to clear out. You are welcome to help connect those dots. The pedaphile network probably has contacts with Bureu of Land Management with all the maps of every tunnel type system in the country. Note, the super creep mentioned in the Kinsey Institute video worked for the land bureu.

Here are some more government tunnel systems in Los Angeles to get you triggered...

remedy4reality ago

You have homeless people who live in tunnels checking the daily weather report.

Fuck off, idiot.

remedy4reality ago

Why were the tunnels at the McMartin Preschool not found during the trial ?? Why did it take an independent investigator to find them, years after the tial? How was the testimony of the victims of 'tunnels' used by lawyers and Police AGAINST them? How did a narrative of mass hysteria and victim unreliability emerge from the the trial? Where in the public record does it state that tunnels were found, vindicating the 360 victims ?

You're a shill. You have contributed nothing to this sub, outside this post. Your timing is more than suspect, it's downright obvious.

BerksResident ago

Looked at first video and was thinking presenter looked familiar. It was Lisa Ling one of the women arrested for trafficking in N Korea, rescued by Clinton & Bing, who sent a photo of herself and her young daughter(?) eating pizza which was in the DNC emails.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Hey BerksResident. Here is a follow up on your great Lisa Ling connection. It is actually her sister in the photo, Euna Ling and Laura Ling. They were busted in North Korea for investigating sex trafficking of all things. As I understand in North Korea they were sentenced for child trafficking. They were bailed out by Bill Clinton of all people for 200k. Lots of red flags.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Wow that is a strange unexpected twist, thank you for sharing. Reporters like her may act like handlers or guardians. I don't know about you but I remember as a kid storm drains at parks and being warned about people in them and other legends. People in those conditions may easily be paid in drugs etc to hush hush, watch an entrance, or move shipments. These reports serve more to tell the curious public to keep out. It would be easy enough for the city to secure off these kinds of places if they wanted to. Note, Los Angeles has a crazy network of aquaducts. Maybe one of the largest.

carmencita ago

Yes I remember reading something about tunnels in the days of the early migrants from China and how they were kept and lived down there in LA. There are tunnels under all large cities and these are probably connected to parks, airports military sites and camps, who knows. Remember when there was construction at the WH under Obama, I believe it had something to do with tunnels, could be they were being reconfigured for him and those at Kalorama. Whoa. Pretty funny. Kalor-ama and Ob-ama.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

The master plan of that kalorama area was done by L'Enfant. ..Hmm that strangely sounds familiar as well? Those aren't exactly common names and Obama was originally Barry Soetoro. Weird stuff.