sunajAeon ago

The only real "evidence" of Graham being a Satanists working as a Monarch programmer are the testimonies of a few SRA victims-tantalizing reports, but very hard to prove, sounds very believable

carmencita ago

Among the public were hundreds of children from Christian organisations, one of whom now claims to have been assaulted by Britain’s bestselling singer.

South Yorkshire Police have given no further details about the nature of the alleged assault and it was only through reports in the media that Sir Cliff discovered the allegation involved his appearance at Bramall Lane.

The assault allegations against Cliff Richard made by a boy, that took place in the tent at the Billy Graham Revival in Sheffield is what finally cemented all of the stories for me. I believed Fiona, but there was always something nagging at me, Billy Graham? Also his connections to Billy as well. Pictures of him as a young boy with BG. Apples usually don't fall far from the tree, Franklin.

plowboys ago

Billy Graham is not a Christian is any sense of the word .. He is full of false doctrines and deceit..if u know noting about nothing.... you can still easily find he defends and promulgates the Catholic church , pope, crooked politicians along with all new world order globalists age religions ect… he likes HILARY but really really likes BILL in his own words.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

EffYouJohnPodesta ago Fiona Barnett on Billy Graham

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Why Billy Graham WENT TO HELL (Pastor Steven Anderson)


Billy Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way

What Now Dead Billy Graham Actually Did During His Life. Proofs Billy Graham Was A 33 Degree Mason

bb22 ago

The only reason I tend to doubt this is because Graham and Nixon were both naming the Jew in a private call that was made public after the Watergate stuff. Nixon also talked shit about Bohemian Grove and said it was the faggiest thing he’d ever seen, and disgraceful. I don’t know as much about Graham but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the Jews are trying to project their own crimes onto him just because he named them and wanted to push back against them. He’s a famous Christian figure after all, though it’s not like plenty of those aren’t diddling kids anyway.

HennyPenny ago

The son of Billy Graham heads a foundation that sponsors a Haitian orphanage (Samaritan's purse). Greta Van Susteren who represented one of the defendants in the 1989 Wash DC call boy ring is also involved with Graham in this orphanage. Eating "voodoo" donuts while spreading the Christian faith in Haiti ???

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham joined journalist Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John Coale, to distribute Christmas gifts to children at the Greta Home and Academy.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Read from a journalist I trust that the rendition planes stopped for refueling in the western NC mountains, Samaritans Purse....under bush Jr.'s reign of terror.

HennyPenny ago

Thanks for the rendition planes in NC info. Those two airports are 269 mi from Samaritan's base in Boone,NC.

"Between Phoenix Air, Stevens Express Leasing, Sky Way Aircraft, and Southern Air Transport, it sure seems that CIA planes have a way of landing at Samaritan’s Purse."

Now the North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture aims to find a way forward from one of 21st-century America’s darkest episodes – the global operation to seize, interrogate and torture terrorism suspects that Aero Contractors facilitated from the Johnston County airport, a rustic, single runway airstrip 30 miles south-east of Raleigh.

Allyson Caison, a local realtor didn’t know that the “little operation” a former Air America pilot set up years ago in a nondescript blue hangar tucked into the pines employed more than 120 people, or that the Gulfstream jet she would hear taking off and landing was one of the most prolific spiders in what the Council of Europe has called a “web spun across the world” by the CIA’s rendition, detention and interrogation operations. "These were prominent, well-respected business people in our community. Their children and mine were schoolmates. I baked their gingerbread houses for Christmas.”

Podge512 ago

Thus I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint when most I play the Devil.