rasta_mon ago

Don't know what to think about Graham potentially being compromised. Word in evangelical circles was that he went to great lengths to prevent any hint of impropriety. However, one point has always bothered me. Graham started his whole show in Tampa, FL (street preaching on Franklin St). But Graham isn't the only thing that started in Tampa. Lots of interesting stuff going on in Tampa.

Macdill AFB and Petreaus and that whole thing. Strip clubs, massage parlors and who knows what else in terms of sex industry (pervasive in most cities I suppose these days, but was pervasive in Tampa already 30 years ago). And lots of restaurants intended for franchising got their start in the area (Hooters in Clearwater, Outback steakhouse and Carrabas in Tampa - and I'm sure it's more now). There is a road near Tampa stadium where new concepts get tested.

Always seemed a bit like a laboratory to me. And I always had the tiniest bit of suspicion that Graham was part of it. Must be spending too much time on the chans.

awake4646 ago

I respect your work greatly. Youve contributed a great deal. I'm not sure however your take on Theosophy is correct. I have spent a great deal of time over the past 20 years researching the roots of it as well as the more modern interpretations. In my experience theosophists are searching for gnosis through direct experience by the individual. They believe God is ALL which includes what you might interpret as both good and evil. A lot of the works were influenced by channeling and out of body experiences. Are those evil methods? I see them as neutral only taking a side when a particular user creates with these methods. I see prophets of the past leveraging the same methods and yet their word is taken without question by many. People have most definitely abused this power in unimaginable ways. However, the hearts of individuals do not define entire method of knowing.

Also, as with humans, many of the entities we argue over have many sides and have changed names and energies over the years. Theosophists welcome debate over this. I'm not saying they are all good or all bad. They just are. I wouldnt in any way classify them as Luciferian though and I would imagine they might take offense to that. Some of them may very well be linked to pedophilia. Leadbetter is an example. I believe he was accused more than once. My point is the dark energy being tapped by all of these groups is a choice. A choice that causes schisms within these groups that you can see historically. Once you see like they do you sit at a choice point in life. You can use this knowledge for good, evil or as most do a mix of both. I realize you are trying to connect dots for the purposes of moving the research forward and I support that. It is just that my own personal awakening was greatly fueled by the Secret Doctrine as well as many other books written by Theosophists. I didnt take it at all in the way the article you referenced painted it to be. I didnt believe it to be gospel or ultimate truth. It simply shattered my worldview and encourgaed me to explore on my own. That experience was invaluable.

There is A LOT of debate about Lucifer and what this really means. The answer is varied and often veiled among these groups. The difference is in the archetypes attributed to this entity in their beliefs and practices. Like God or Jesus or any other similar figure the ways and degrees worship or thanks are offered are wildly variant. What we can do is know them by their actions thats what I believe you seek. To uncover truths and remove the mystery. Godspeed anon.

letsdothis1 ago

Billy Graham was a friend of Queen Elizabeth II. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.

Billy Graham dead: Truth behind Queen Elizabeth II's friendship with the US evangelical preacher

GreenDell144 ago

"...journal was literally called Lucifer...."

We have it backwards. We think that "lucifer" has always been a name for Satan, the devil, but I think that it was originally just a common latin word, meaning "torch-bearer". It was at about the time that moder society started to popularize elite satanists like Blavatsky, and Crowley, that the term was coopted to apply as a something wholly of Satan. I think Milton referred to 'Lucifer', yet further back, Dante referred to 'a lucifer'. Its a minor distinction, but my point is: this magazine illustrates how Satan continues to convert himself into "an angel of light", because it really started to occur again with vigor in the early days of theosophy.

Side note: the statue of liberty is a lucifer.

GreenDell144 ago

Im looking forward to your next post on this subject. Podesta's connection to Hastert and Hastert's institute make excellent fodder for he next time tha podesta tweets.

Awhile back, Honeybee did a cute little video showing how artists at the turn of the century were getting caught up in theosophy, and through clear influence of their association, the began to rise in the social ranks, etc. this is the video:


These things are at the x-file fringe of conspiracy theory, yet they are cleary present at the top of elite society.

Dickface808 ago

As a foreigner I know nothing of Billy Graham, but I imagine he's another phony evangelist? I've seen an outpouring of kind words said about him but I don't buy it.

septimasexta ago

"GRAHAM WAS WARNED MANY TIMES" https://christianreformedink.wordpress.com/bad-theology/others/graham-was-warned-many-times/

Son Franklin Graham makes a 6-figure salary from his charity, Samaritan's Purse.

exposethecriminals ago

Here is a CIA and Jonestown, Guyana reference to Wheaton, Illinois:

In the current period, Jonestown is being "repopulated" with 100,000 Laotian Hmong people. Many of them grew opium for CIA money in Southeast Asia. Over 1,000 reside there already under a scheme designed by Billy Graham's nephew Ernest, and members of the Federation of Evangelical Ministries Association in Wheaton, Illinois (World Vision, World Medical Relief, Samaritan's Purse, and Carl McIntyre's International Council of Christian Churches).[194]


Sackajahweeda ago

Are they growing smack again in JT?

exposethecriminals ago

Yes, Wheaton has a lot of suspicious connections.

  • Here is a very long comment I made about Loretto Convent in Wheaton, in a thread about places that purport to be supportive of expectant women in need, but may be nefarious. Loretto is the order IBVM, which is where Mother Teresa was from.


  • Bob Woodward, alleged Mockingbird journalist, is from Wheaton.

letsdothis1 ago

Your long comment is very interesting and including the golf courses. I've suspected for some time now that when politicians go off on golf jaunts it might be a cover for something else. Remember how many 'golf trips' Obama used to make ?

derram ago

https://unvis.it/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/05/29/after-indictment-dennis-hastert-steps-down-from-wheaton-colleges-hastert-center-board/?utm_term=.82f6ceaa5014 :

After indictment, Wheaton College removes Dennis Hastert from center named after him - The Washington Post

https://archive.fo/xLra :

In a Lobby-Happy Washington, Politics Can Be Even Thicker Than Blood - The New York Times

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