rickman ago

Not accusing Stephen Fry of anything but if anyone is not aware, during the 1990s Stephen Fry had a mental breakdown and fled the UK. His destination choice was Belgium.

exposethecriminals ago

Great research @letsdothis1

"The Missing People Auction" -- the name is beyond callous. We and The Who and Missing People know that missing people are auctioned, including at airports.

"Missing People Charity Auction" just never occurred to them?


On Missing People's own website, the first thing you see is this large image of a man and a woman, and they are naked in silhouette, identity-less, and the only thing noticeable about them are their big, strong, hearts. As in, missing people are being "recruited" for their organs? Sick.


EricKaliberhall ago

Al- Fayed sacrificed his son Dodi, so them pedophiles could have a ritual in Paris... Target was Diana.

think- ago

Gaby Roslin and Richard Herring will host the dinner and fundraising auction featuring contemporary art from this year’s Strata Art Fair, drinks with international bestselling authors Nicci Gerrard and Sean French and the opportunity to bid for a week on Richard Branson’s Necker Island.

(((Richard Branson's Island))) that we suspected to be another location for High Society people raping kids? Like Epstein's Island....

Now, that's a 'great price' for sure at a charity auction! /s

think- ago

Excellent research @letsdothis1! Upvoat!

'Funny' how we can connect more and more dots, isn't it?


They were the Paul Getty Trust who’s always supported us

(((Paul Getty))) has also been frequently mentioned in pizzagate posts.

swordfish69 ago

Good research, thanks.

SebuttYopick ago

Children sacrificed on the alter of globalism...meanwhile they detained and banned conservatives ??? http://thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/martin-sellner-brittney-pettibone-detained-uk/ Conservative Activists Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone Detained in UK for Political Beliefs... before was a daily conversation about invasions or rapes or Muslims or illegals and refugees in Western media anymore....before they hated Trump on this issue.....now is just the censorship and silence ....BTW... what's going on there?

derram ago

https://archive.fo/nFTyA :

Damien Hirst and David Bailey don their Stormtrooper helmets for ‘Art Wars’ - Telegraph

https://archive.fo/a4E0Y :

Steve Brookstein on Twitter: "So Simon Cowell paid bail for convicted paedophile Jonathan King and had convicted abuser Max Clifford as his PR. Interesting."

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