ASolo ago

Great material.

kestrel9 ago

to perhaps further your research, here are some notes I have on Charles Napier and Peter Righton Paedophile register of controversial group ignored by police

Exclusive: Detectives knew of 300 names in a secret club that advocated sex with children

Saturday 19 March 2016

Charles Napier was on the PIE list (Getty)

One of those on the list and later convicted was Charles Napier. Napier was jailed for 13 years in 2014 for hundreds of sex attacks on schoolboys. The file also contains a John Napier, who had been convicted for running a “child brothel” in London in the early 1970s. >

Metropolitan Police sources admitted the PIE list had been all but ignored until recent paedophile allegations surfaced. “The police had the lists from the late 1980s, at a time when it was not a crime to be a member of the PIE. The files sat in a drawer, metaphorically speaking, until 2012, when Operation Fairbank decided to go back and have a look. Charles Napier jailed for 13 years for child sex abuse". BBC News. 23 December 2014. Retrieved 7 January 2015.

One-time treasurer of PIE Charles Napier became an English Language Trainer at the British Council and was convicted of sexual assault against minors in London in 1995 and investigated as an alleged member of a paedophile network operating in British schools in 1996.

He set up his own school in Turkey and resumed English Language Training with the British Council after serving his sentence.[34] Napier was accused in 2005 by journalist Francis Wheen of having sexually assaulted boys while a gym master at Copthorne Preparatory School.[35] > Wheen gave evidence at Napier's 2014 trial, waiving his right to anonymity. Napier was convicted in December 2014 and jailed for 13 years for child sexual abuse.

Peter Righton, founder of PIE

2012, 24th October- Tom Watson uses his Parliamentary privilege to request police to look afresh at claims of an historic “powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and No 10''. He refers to Peter Righton, a former consultant to the National Children’s Bureau, who was convicted of importing and possessing illegal homosexual pornographic material in 1992. He states that files on this man contained “clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring''. 

On the 19 July 2015, Australia's 60 Minutes broadcast an investigation of an alleged paedophile ring, into which abused children were supplied by one of PIE founders Peter Righton, who was also a former director of education in the National Institute for Social Work and a legal aide to the Thatcher government. The alleged network was said to include senior public figures such as Greville Janner and Cyril Smith alongside a former head of MI6 Sir Peter Telford Hayman.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you.

blackfyre_rebel ago

From Magic Kingdom Dispatch:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 The Despicable Case of Jimmy Savile 10

The Despicable Case of Jimmy Savile

The Savile case is noteworthy for the swathe of sexual abuse that its perpetrator cut. At least 450 separate victims are identified, the youngest aged 8, and one of them was a terminally ill male aged 11 or 12.

In 2012, a “former BBC colleague of Jimmy Savile accused him of being a necrophiliac whose usual sexual partners were “underaged subnormals.”

In another newspaper article dated 2012, a former director stated that he interrupted Mr. Savile in the act of sex with a 16 year old girl in his dressing room. He reported the incident to BBC officials who did nothing.

“Everyone knew what was going on. That includes senior BBC people—chiefs at the highest levels.” Explaining, Mr. David Nicholson continued, “There were always girls in Jimmy’s dressing room. Everyone would have known about it—all the hair and makeup people, the wardrobe, show directors, producers.”

Further in 2012, an ITV1 documentary, “Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile” was shown. BBC stated, “no evidence of allegations on its premises had been found.”

Also in 2012, BBC suspended all Newsnight investigations after allegations that Conservative politician Lord McAlpine was a pedophile unraveled.

Also in 2012, BBC “described claims of a coverup around the sexual assault allegations about Savile, who died in October 2011, as malicious and unfounded.”

Mr. Savile's depravity was detailed in a joint report by the Metropolitan Police and the charity NSPCC that chronicled 214 sex crimes between 1955 and 2009, when Mr. Savile was 82 years old.

Mr. Savile illustrates the British policy to identify pedophiles after they are dead. Living pedophiles, particularly establishment figures, are inexplicably given a pass.

Exemplifying the challenges investigating establishment pedophile networks, some 114 government files out of a total of 527 detailing child sex crimes in the UK unexplainably vanished.

Finally, British reporters who publish about the pedophile menace in British society keep turning up dead. Mrs. Liz MacKean worked for the BBC for more than 20 years, but she resigned in 2013 over BBC suppression of her work on Jimmy Savile.

Mrs. MacKean died at age 52 in August 2017 from complications related to a stroke, immediately stoking conspiracy theories.

Ms. Jill Dando, a former host of the program Crimewatch, tried to warn her superiors at BBC about pedophile rings operating at the heights of the British government.

Ms. Dando was gunned down on the doorsteps of her home in 1999 in a crime that remains unsolved. She exposed the existence of the pedophile rings in the mid-1990’s, passing a file to her management.

BBC suppressed the information, and pedophiles continued operating with impunity.

Establishment Pedophile Rings in the UK

When a newspaper editor for The Bury Messenger in the UK received dossiers confirming that the highest ranking law enforcement official in the nation was aware of elite pedophile rings, investigators from Special Branch seized the materials, brandished a "D-Notice," and threatened the editor, Mr. Don Hale, with arrest if he pursued any investigation.

The politician behind this act of suppression was Liberal Party Member of Parliament Cyril Smith. Despite some 140 accusations of child molestation against him, despite the discovery of "indecent images" in his personal vehicle, Mr. Smith was never prosecuted.

Even the British intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6, were implicated in the coverup. The longtime director of MI6, Mr. Peter Hayman, was apprehended with "explicit" materials and never charged. In his case, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher herself ordered "his depravity to be concealed from the public."

Mr. Hayman was accused of pedophilia by a Member of Parliament when a Conservative MP, Mr. Geoffrey Dickens, named him using Parliamentary privilege on the floor of the House of Commons in 1981.

Also accused was former Soviet spy Sir Anthony Blunt, an unnamed Sinn Fein politician, a Labour MP, and several Conservative politicians.

The Chief of the Home Office, Mr. Leon Brittan, himself accused of molesting young boys, was implicated in the coverup.

In 1983, Mr. Brittan received an explosive pedophile dossier directly from the hand of Tory Member of Parliament Geoffrey Dickens. The dossier vanished.

Mr. Brittan, Mr. Hayman, and other establishment pedophiles of the era were members of an organization known as the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).

Indeed, the Dickens dossier alleged that 16 Members of Parliament and Members of the House of Lords were members of PIE, along with 30 high profile figures from the Church of England, private schools and business.

In the early 1970’s, PIE campaigned that the age of consent should be reduced to the age of four, if not abolished, and incest legalized. PIE also facilitated secure communications between members and personal meetings.

An interview with a convicted pedophile PIE member, Mr. Tom O’Carroll, was included in the Australian 60 Minutes documentary, Spies, Lords and Predators. Produced by Stephen Rice, this documentary blew the coverup of elite pedophile predations apart.

A videoclip of a prepubescent girl, aged approximately 8, shows her holding a vibrator.

Asked “what constitutes consent,” meaning the consent of a child to participate in pedophile sex, Mr. O’Carroll replies, “the willing involvement of the child, it’s really quite simple.”

Later in his unspeakable interview, he insists, “if they were traumatized they would not have gone along.”

Mr. O’Carroll continues, “PIE was an organization for people who had a sexual attraction to children, and we thought our illegal interest in children ought to be made legal, if it concerned relations with young people who were consenting to a relationship, or willingly involved.”

Shiggz ago

Watching the beginning of Michael Jackson's video scream. It had a message at beginning about how he did not support the occult. Thought it seemed unnecessary before a music videos about zombies but now I'm wondering if he knew what he was talking about.

In china they preempt civil genocide by calling everyone insects. I'm wondering is all this zombie talk a psyop to get us viewing each other as less then fellow human?

10666926? ago

Tried dial a Catholic. Phone was answered, still waiting on resources.

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you for sharing all that. And yes, the truth needs to come out. We can't collectively heal until that happens.

carmencita ago

Pete Townsend. Look into him. He was just in the news and talked about on here. He was charge years ago for CP but the charge was later found to be false. Hmm. He also admits to being Bi-Sexual and having gay relations. Edit: I have just started looking into Eel Pie Island and I smell the stench too. It is a sense that I have just from doing research on other posts. This stinks like 3 day old fish.

ben_matlock ago

Great post. Looking forward to the next installment.
How the average Brit isn't aware that their country is ran by pedos is beyond me. It is even more obvious than it is in the US! Seems like Her Majesty has a tight lock on the majority of British media.

Reversible ago

It is most likely that Jewish homosexuals are used as a kind of upper management tier, for the Knights Templar masons. In other words, a level of deviancy is expected, but some of these deviants go too far. Above that, you have the untouchable pedos, who are more of an international mega-crime network.

If nobody "does anything," then why so many successful criminal prosecutions in the UK already? I mean, the judges and senior police could have shut the cases down, surely? But very often, they won't actually do that.

Anyway, a lot of Brits are aware of the problem. The question is, what to DO about it. It's not like the Knights Templar etc. are a weak opponent. See the posts of HighLevelInsider. This is what we're up against. It's virtually the entire international technical and commercial system.

cantsleepawink ago

I have posted another bit in the subverse pizzagatewhatever as it is a little 'out there'. Posts about the occult are more difficult to explain how one arrives at certain conclusions. I will have another more 'mainstream' post coming the meantime you can read my second post here: Peter Crowley- victim of the Parsons Green bomb - links with the London Goth music and S&M scene - Gary Numan and Friends Electric. Occult weirdness.

derram ago | :

Look At Life - Eel Pie Island - YouTube :

Island that rocked to Bowie and the Stones stakes claim as true home of British R&B | Music | The Guardian | :

Inside Story: The Secret Life of a Paedophile (The Peter Righton Cover-up) - YouTube :

Tory MP's half-brother Charles Napier sentenced to 13 years over 'prolific' child sex abuse | The Independent

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