postfascion ago

Right. I found out in early 2000's (hence my jaded attitude) by discovering the franklin scandal. If there can be a positive take on this, it is that it is blowing up, and will hopefully continue. I'm sure they are aware, and backing away from their activities. Still want whatever Needs to happen to bring the world out of all this sickness tho.

postfascion ago

Unfortunately the analogy is applicable, and definitely not done in jest. I understand what you're saying though, apologies.

thisisnotagame ago

One of the PEDO operatives Carole Kasir was murdered to cover-up the MI5 connection...Never knew there were so many female PEDOS!

Kwijibo ago

There are probably more female pedos than anyone know about. They very rarely get reported.

MetalAegis ago

There was a study not long ago that stated that pedophilia effects both men and women to near equal ratios.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

That is mental !

thisisnotagame ago

We've learned about Hillary, Huma, Jennifer Palmieri and Podesta's wife Mary from the leaked e-mails...for some uninformed reason, I was mistaken in thinking that pedophiles were mostly male.

Konran ago

Not necessarily pedos - more probable is that they were/are opportunists.

Sadly some people will do literally anything for their god-worshipping-like love for money.

cantsleepawink ago

Please explain how this relates to pizzagate.

postfascion ago

Almost all corruption of power relates to pizzagate. Pizza is a triangle of which this is just the tip of.

Kwijibo ago

from the link in rule 1 in the sidebar.

"Pizzagate" refers to the independent investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the certain members of the global elite.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, ok. It's just that in the past I've had moderators insist that I spell out how any stories relate back to Comet Ping Pong. I'm glad we have more flexibility now to explore.

Ocelot ago

Yes, as already stated the mods are inconsistent. I can appreciate what they do, and that it seems that censorship is pretty minimal here, but there are over a dozen mods and it seems that they probably disagree on what should be posted here. I'd say, probably, that the majority of users here fully support a global focus on this issue, as many have known for a while that there exists a global pedophile ring in developed countries. Obviously the epicenter of this investigation is CPP, but personally I think we've done about as much digging as can be done on CPP/Alefantis, at least for the time being. Especially considering that TPTB are shoring up all holes and shushing anything Alefantis-related.

AliBambii ago

Pizzagate is much bigger than just Comet Pong Pong

ArthurEdens ago

The mods are inconsistent