whatonearth ago

What do you think children should be allowed to wear in order for it not to be pedophilia in your mind?

If a girl wants to wear a skirt, is it pedophilia?

l23r ago

For real. If people are concerned about skirts making pedos act on their desires, then have girls wear pants (Edit: Not that I should have to say this, but no amount of clothes or lack thereof is an invitation or excuse for rape)

Why focus on boys having the same choices as girls do? Most boys arent going to choose to wear a skirt anyways. This is just a way for the school to say they're being "equal" and to get people to stop complaining about girls being able to wear pants instead of skirts. It is also a nice way to allow trans girls to wear skirts, without making the focus on transgender people.

cantsleepawink ago

My thought processes aren't that simplistic. Try to read to the end of the post, follow the links and read more of our literature here on the history of Tavistock...then come back to me.

HighLevelInsider ago

Speaking of Tavistock, you guys should be looking into almost anyone at a top policy group. Tons of perverts in these groups like the CFR, Bilderbergs, CNP, Pilgrims

DonKeyhote ago

Nice work, British anons doing FUCK ALL here it seems even though it's mostly their fault.

I felt kind of pissed off the first time i heard Bill got to fuck Liz Hurley, but she must be a Sex Kitten model. We have accumulated quite a specific set of PG celebrity names

Reversible ago

British anon here. I've carried out tons of work for years but it's difficult to get results. These people are actually quite powerful, as you must know. And no, it's not "mostly my fault."

carmencita ago

Well, imo, they started spreading this with the Scottish Kilts. I find nothing wrong with the Scottish Bands in parades, etc. in Scotland or visiting here, but now the stars have wearing them and other skirts. They want them mainstream like all their other normalization push.

3141592653 ago

Blame Axl Rose! Lol