cantsleepawink ago

It's clear to me that Draper isn't only a banker. And the interesting thing is that no one really wants to pursue that line of investigation. He was the one who introduced Ella and Ricky.

And yes, I feel a slight sympathy for the idiots in DC who hang around CPP because they think it has an 'edgy' vibe, completely oblivious to the manipulation.

MolochHunter ago

this is one of the evils of paper money printing and fractional reserve banking. If the illuminati had to fund this shit with physical gold /silver coins, they would not have the resources tomake unproductive creeps into billionaires

SpikyAube ago

Wait, what about the Maudsley? Is the Maudsley suspected of doing any of this stuff? If so do you have any links? Thank you.

BerksResident ago

My heart goes out to this lady, don't know how she keeps it together. She had nothing to gain from making this up and has lost so much. Would be amazing if the teachers with tattoos could be briefly kidnapped & photographed to support the kids testimony.

privatepizza ago

I would answer, but like my life ; )

NoBS ago

The only thing fractured in this post would be the trolls who need to destroy logic and reason to deflect. Thank you for your dedication to Truth. Hat tip.

new4now ago

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud

we know the Freud's are pedophiles

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a "refugee", the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.

In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.

This article has a lot of info, Also shows Tavistock Institutions In The United States

hope this helps you on your research of Tavistock

norobotono ago

More bullshit lies and ignoring of the facts of this story.

There was never a D-notice and media did report on the story when the judgement came in. It just wasn't flattering to her at all.

The only thing that was banned was the naming of and showing of the children for their own protection but it doesn't the few supporters of this story from plastering their images and names all over the internet still.

Here is the biggest selling paper in the UK reporting on it -

madhatter67 ago

How would you know if there was a d notice? That's the fucked up thing about that little establishment trick

norobotono ago

Because the person whose job it was to issue them said he never issued one. Nothing stops you asking them that question either.

Also a D-notice isn't enforceable, just an advisory request and the press could choose to report the story if they wanted to. The press were asked by the court not to name or show the children for their own protection and rightly so.

Annon365 ago

I think the only people twisting the facts of the story are the media and the government, there is something not right about this story. The mother is saying there is a D-Notice and I have watched both children's 2 hour police interviews and read the medical reports where the children where sexually abused. I'm afraid it is u who us ignoring the 'facts of the story' and believing the bullshit you are fed. Unless you are a paid shill which I believe is more likely. Either way the truth will come out

cantsleepawink ago

I know that Daily Mail story to be bullshit.

But now I am interested in the D-notice claims that Ella has made. When it comes to documentation I've never known Ella to make things up. Can you back up your claim that a D-notice was never made ?

And my findings re Will Draper and the registered companies and directors that I have posted here are all verifiable.

Edit: Btw, I'm quite interested in the Russian connection if you have any further info in that respect.

norobotono ago

You are the one claiming this to be true so you should be the one proving it instead of listening to yet more lies and parroting them back without ever investigating whether they are true or not.

It was the same with the Hollie Greig story, whose mother claimed there was a D-notice (now known as DSMA) and lo and behold the usual suspects were behind pushing that rubbish also.

Someone actually contacted the person at the time whose job it was to issue D-notices and showed his reply where he stated there absolutely was not a D-notice placed on this story.

Here are the details with which you can do this by - Use some common sense and look into it for yourself and then bring back your results here.

cantsleepawink ago




norobotono ago

Did a quick search and am here quoting the actual reply letter so you may contact the (now retired but shouldn't be too hard to track down) person to ascertain they did write it so you don't have to take my word for it.

"Dear Mr Metcalfe,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Let me assure you that no Defence Advisory guidance has been issued on the case of Hollie Greig, nor will it be. The DA Notice System covers only the core national security issues defined in the five Standing DA Notices. These are of course purely advisory and are not supported by any form of sanction, legal or otherwise; advice offered under them can be accepted or ejected in whole or in part. For full details see

The case of Hollie Greig falls far outside the DA Notice System guidelines. and whether or not certain people are treating this case as a 'no-go area' it is certainly not because of any DA Notice concerns.


Andrew Vallance Air Vice-Marshal Secretary, Defence Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee Office: 0207 218 2206 Mobile: 07768 433005 Home: 01344 874412 "

cantsleepawink ago

Appendix C ?

norobotono ago

Care to provide a link to that to back it up? Does it state if there was a D-notice or an enquiry about one?

If you have been studying it for a long time then you will be able to answer many questions about it. Like,..

How many times was Abraham jailed for violence, lying and drugs. Also what are your though about him beating up the mother of his children so badly she ended up in hospital and having been cautioned for violently abusing one of his own children.

Were you able to find out if the child porn on his phone was of Ella's children or just random children?

Can you explain why the healing cuts and bruises on the children were inflicted by the father when they hadn't seen him for three months?

Do you agree that torturing the children by various methods such as holding his hand over their noses and mouths so they couldn't breath, making them kneel and pouring water over them, kicking, punching them and drugging them with cannabis over a long period of time was acceptable to get the story out of them?

Do you really believe evil, satanic Narnia exists behind the wardrobe of the Headmaster, even when the police saw it was just a wardrobe after all when they checked out his house?

Was Ella a good mother when she left her children locked out on the balcony in their pajamas with no food or water for hours?

In this transcribed part of the recording taken at Jean-Clement's place, "Mr Christie urges the children to “Say it… Say it how they say it.” A. “Kill, kill, kill.” …. Mr Christie, “What’s the word that you say?” A. “Kill.” Mr Christie, “Say it more for me. I want to hear it…. I like the sound of it. Can you say it together, say it, let’s all say it together.” There is then repeated chanting of the word “Kill” and a little later of the phrase, “Kill the baby.” Once more Mr Christie urges the children on saying, “Let’s say it together. Let’s say it together. Kill the baby.” And they do." do you also like the sound of it or do you think there is a comparison to the recent worldcorp video of the child in the shower being told to repeat what the person wants them to?

I have many more questions but that few should do for now. Hope you are all warmed up enough to actually answer them all because nobody else usually does. They just call me a pedo protector or other assorted insults instead. I would much prefer to read your reply to those questions first before you carry on posting other drivel which you never investigated and just repeated because it sounded good.

cantsleepawink ago

The link re Hollie Greig ? It's in my post...if you can read.

All the other questions ? I've been through all that 2 years ago. Not doing it again.

As I said, this is a complicated case. And I don't believe anyone, apart from the children, is entirely innocent in this case.
Are you going to paint a convenient story with me that it was the mother and her boyfriend and there's absolutely nothing else to see here ?? Uh uh, no siree.

But keep posting...this is a much more global forum and I'd like everyone to see what happens when people search for the truth.

As I said, if you have any further info regarding the Russian connection, don't hesitate to pass it in my direction.

norobotono ago

And there it is again. Denial. I have yet to find any single supporter of this story that will answer any single one of those questions because they are just too uncomfortable and don't fit their narrative or the facts.

At least you have somewhat politely resorted to the usual response tactic of calling me the usual shill/pedo protector/blah blah insult instead of the manic hatefulness that is usually the case for pointing these things out. I thank you for that but I never expected you to answer those questions because you prefer the fantasy to the fact that Abraham Christie hurt those kids. Nice deflection though.

cantsleepawink ago

Just keep posting. Your tenacity gives you away.

Not too long to my next post. I'll probably catch up with you there.

norobotono ago

Depends how hilarious and gullible I find it. For sure it won't have any single answer to any single one of my questions still. Carry on ignoring that elephant in the room.

cantsleepawink ago

No one's ignoring anything - apart from you. Now, back to my research and writing.

norobotono ago

You ignored every single one of my questions.

I have yet to find a single supporter of this story that will answer any single one of them so please, for the benefit of every person here who hasn't seen your so-called answers to these questions you claim to have answered (yet provide no proof you did), why don't you just answer them instead of deflecting yet again? Is it so hard for you to answer a handful of simple questions here so others may know your thoughts? Apparently it is an impossible task akin to getting blood out of a stone. Or prove me wrong in this matter.