DaleEaston ago

Wow, I didn't see the pedo symbol on the socks at first - it's in the background pattern. These people are fucking SICK FUCKING CRIMINALS and we NEED TO GET THIS CRIMINAL PEDO FUCKING TRASH OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT AND OFF OUR PLANET - BY ANY FUCKING MEANS NECESSARY. THESE MAGGOTS NEED TO BE EXTERMINATED

truthseekertx ago

That second link you posted says this "Jewish businessmen Simon Cowell and Sir Philip Green with Highgate School headmaster Adam Pettitt. Highgate School attracts children from Hampstead."

They mention children from Hampstead. Could that be the same Hampstead as from the whole "Hampstead Cover-up" with the town involved in satanic rituals, cannibalism, and, child trafficking? If so, then the Highgate School headmaster Adam Pettitt might be worth looking into.

cantsleepawink ago

Thought you might like to see the latest article about Adam Pettitt's school: London private school may let boys wear skirts http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-39921309

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, it's the same Hampstead. Thanks for pointing that out.

YingYangMom ago

They do like "pizza" that's for sure: http://archive.is/Ss8nu

truthseekertx ago

Yup. Thats for sure.

3141592653 ago

This is just too much

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

So Im pretty familair with this situation. The socks were a 100% troll by the Senators on the Govorner. Her outburst and 911 calls were legendary. This was such a big deal, I was under the assumption that the Martinez incident was the #pizzagate the world was talking about in the beginning.

I think they bought and wore the socks to fuck with her over the situation.

The shit about the manufacturer is pretty insane.

Touchdown50 ago

Its a secret code alright. A secret code that these sickos like to fuck Young girls.

VieBleu ago

I was face palming and groaning about the boy love symbol on the socks (didn't even see it at first, as a background image), until I read further down, and you flipping found out that the socks are made exclusively by a man who has involved himself in the McCann story. What are the odds?

NOT a coincidence, I'm sorry to say. If you wear the socks you are in the club. If you don't wear the socks, you want to be in the club, not knowing necessarily all that that means.

Good work.

quantokitty ago

Defending pedos. That's something to be proud of. Can they sink any lower? (Answer: Of course!)

tapsnapornap ago


DonKeyhote ago

Absolutely fucking unreal.

Ziggystrife ago

Wholly convinced most government officials are pedophiles.

The_Crux ago

Those socks have British Pound price tag. These Democrats suck so bad that they won't even buy American made pedophile socks.

dickface888 ago

Do you know how hard it is to find genuine American made pedophile socks?! Good luck with that, everything outsourced. Shameful.

truthseekertx ago

LMAO. Much needed laugh for the day. Thanks man.

HillBoulder ago

I'm no Forrest Gump but I think it's slightly more than a coincidence that these ridiculous looking socks are made by a knighted billionaire... Unbelievable

fartyshorts ago

He's also friends with some other interesting people, according to AbelDanger: https://web.archive.org/web/20160329170340/http://www.abeldanger.net/2011/01/paedophile-networks-servicing-monarchy.html

This secretive Masonic club which has lurked in the ancient underground vaults of Edinburgh for 250 years, chooses its exclusive members from students at Edinburgh university, who always reach the pinnacle of success Scotlands rich list. People like Lord Cullen, who was appointed chair of the Dunblane Inquiry or Lord Irvine Laidlaw, Scotlands second richest man, who was disgraced for engaging in depraved bisexual orgies and now lives as a tax exile in Monaco, like his friend Sir Philip Green who financed Kate and Gerry McCanns campaign after their daughter disappeared, with his private jet at their disposal, but not his 32 million yacht, the Lionheart.

The price tag for the Lionheart is different in every article (I just Googled "yacht lionheart").

Sacha Baron Cohen is making a new character based on him! https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/3451016/sacha-baron-cohens-latest-comedy-creation-is-inspired-by-disgraced-former-bhs-chief-sir-philip-green/

Here he is sitting with Stallone, Simon Cowell, Catherine Zeta, Bruce Willis, etc.: https://imgoat.com/uploads/f4922f4556/17866.jpg

Never the less, the pair are without doubt, very good ‘friends’… Which when you take into account that Green has been publicly alleged to be a paedophile, and Cowell’s former close friendship with convicted paedophile Jonathan King, it really doesn’t say much for the music industry impresario’s character, does it?

From this article: http://chrisspivey.org/its-not-all-green/

He paid £60,000 to kiss Kate Moss: http://www.vogue.co.uk/article/kiss-me-kate

Hanging out with Justin Bieber: https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2016/04/sir-philip-green-justin-bieber-bill.html

Some more McCann dot-connecting: https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t7093p150-jimmy-savile-plus-many-others-involved-in-the-abuse-scandal

readstuff ago

And don't forget the connection with Richard Branson, with whom B Obama vacationed (sans spouse) for a week or more just after he left office.

awakenaware ago

is schwarzenegger with his daughter or what..

fartyshorts ago

Wild speculation: is it possible that the McCann's offered their daughter as dowry to join the upper elites? Right afterwards, they meet with Clement and other notables, they also get money and a private jet (Green's jet) to go see the pope. It's all so strange...

truthseekertx ago

I've been thinking this for quite some time actually. It's not illogical at all, to suggest some parents pimp out their child to the elites for some nice coin. We certainly know there are people willing to pay for child sex/abuse. Knowing that there is a market for that, i'm sure there are some mentally unstable parents willing to get rich at their kids expense.

cantsleepawink ago

I think that's the explanation that makes the most sense.

Freemasonsrus ago

Next we'll find out he's actually a Rothschild.

truthseekertx ago

One who is friends with the Clintons at that!


ArthurEdens ago

imagery of the party is very disturbing

Pizzalawyer ago

Google pizza socks and you will find socks galore for children, men and women. I couldn't find any that also included the boy lover logo but I admit I didn't try real hard, just a bit of googling. It might be worth pursuing because if they are rare and hard to find that is indicative of the effort and mindset of the person wearing them.

truthseekertx ago

Looks like the manufacturer is a company named Topman. https://m.topman.com/en/tmuk/product/pizza-and-pop-mint-socks-4674207

Only place I could find selling them online is Nordstrom. http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/light-blue-multi-pizza-and-pop-socks/4174461

GumShoe ago

And they're sold out/out of stock in both places.

LargePepperoni ago

Great find. Seems too crazy to be a coincidence.

truthseekertx ago

yup, I def agree.

MDE ago


Some Democratic lawmakers are wearing socks at the Roundhouse that make tongue-in-cheek, some say petty, references to Gov. Susana Martinez’ infamous pizza party.

The socks feature cartoons of pizza slices and soda cups, a not subtle reference to Martinez’s infamous Christmas party 911 call.

The teacher’s union, which has clashed with Martinez in the past, says that some Democratic senators will be wearing the socks while she makes her annual State of the State speech, scheduled to begin any minute now.

Martinez got in hot water on Dec. 13, 2015 when front desk staffers at the Eldorado Hotel called Santa Fe police after noise complaints coming from a hotel room she was in.

The front desk said they warned them multiple times to quiet down.

In response, Martinez had the hotel’s front desk call a Santa Fe dispatcher. Martinez told the dispatcher to send the cops off, and explained that all she was doing in the room was eating pizza and drinking cokes.

She said if anyone had been throwing bottles, as the front desk claimed, it was hours before.

Martinez later apologized for the actions of her staff and guests.

** Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez wearing socks with pizza and cokes on them, a reference to the incident with Martinez at the Eldorado Hotel in December. **

internetdrugs ago

Looks like they are handing out pre-emptive secret pedophile club socks.

Silex ago

Surely a covert way to reassert their involvement in the ring, just like masons have handshakes, rings and the like. #HiddenInPlainSight #WearTheFuckingSocksOrWeWillDestroyYou

cantsleepawink ago

Here's a post that was done on this 5 months ago. Didn't get much traction: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482469

o0shad0o ago

what caught my eye was the blatant boy lover symbol on the socks. http://archive.is/NCI3k

Did anyone else notice that the straws on the drinks were "docking"?

(Holy crap I have a dirty mind...)

equineluvr ago

Are you gay? Most straight people are unfamiliar with that term.

ben_matlock ago

not familiar with the term docking, but i'm assuming it has something to do with the tips of the straws almost touching..?

ben_matlock ago

fack...just made the mistake of urbandictionarying it...can't unseeeeee.....

keepthefaith ago

oh my god, I just did the same. Wish I hadn't :(

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for verifying the first warning...will pass. Too many can't unsee-able things already.

keepthefaith ago

haha. you will be traumatized, especially if male.

possiblepizza ago

Holy moly I never would have noticed that... but we need minds like yours!

o0shad0o ago

I feel unclean. :/

ArthurEdens ago

You're not dirty just observant.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well for sure the manufacturer of the socks should be looked into. Also would be interesting to know just who was on the guest list of a party whose consumption of "pizza & Coke" reached such a volume as to solicit a call to LEO. Also a list of senators who wore the socks would be good. The Jan. 2016 date is definitely significant. Excellent find OP. Upvoat 4 U.

MDE ago

It looks like these socks were sold and exclusive to the 'TOPMAN' store. https://m.topman.com/en/tmuk/product/mint-pizza-and-pop-socks-4161305

The guy who owns Topman 'Sir Philip Nigel Ross Green' has an interesting bio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Green

Green was born on 15 March 1952 in Croydon, south London, into a middle class Jewish family.

In May 2007, after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal, Green donated £250,000 as a monetary reward for any useful public information.[18] He also gave the McCanns the use of his private jet to allow them to fly to Rome for a Papal visit.

kestrel9 ago

You've got to be kidding.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

U just can't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.

truthseekertx ago

To put something visible to the McCann link to Green:


"A number of well known figures have publicly supported the McCanns including JK Rowling, Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson, Topshop owner Philip Green and EasyJet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou."

keepthefaith ago

all billionaires.... I can see JK Rowling doing it to be genuinely charitable , but the rest of them are shady as fuck.

equineluvr ago

Rowling is a practicing satanist. This is a well known fact.

DerivaUK ago

You have a source for this?

DerivaUK ago

Wow!! Having read all of the HP books I have many times reconciled elements with the things we've learned over recent months and have wondered about JKR. Thank you for this

keepthefaith ago

is it?

fartyshorts ago

Keep in mind: JK Rowling's "Lumos" charity has a butterfly as their logo. She helped write Kate McCann's book. It's not much, but enough to be cautious.

keepthefaith ago

Not all butterfly logos are evil, ffs!

cantsleepawink ago

Maybe you need to read the comments here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1578428/7696200

fartyshorts ago

That's why I said it's not much.

truthseekertx ago

Here is a pic of Sir Philip Green hanging out at a lavish party with none other than Bill Clinton. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/sir-philip-green-poses-bill-7848940

Freemasonsrus ago

Seriously WTF?! What are the odds of this shit?! It's literally insanity.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

NICE find.

HighLevelInsider ago

Yes, anyone seen with pedophile symbols needs to be investigated.

And not just checking their social media (although that's a good start). We need to surveil these people.

I hear it's pretty easy to get good cameras and microphones these days.


You don't fucking understand how bad it is. Some of us have been doing this for 30+ years. They own the planet, and none of us are exactly sure who they are.


There are some pretty legendary hacking groups in India that have been exploring this shit for years.

3141592653 ago

Can you say more about the groups in India?


A couple of people in "Legion" who had been doing a bunch of hacking of local Indian/Pakistani politicians (mainly just emails/Twitter accounts/shitty military websites) fell through the bottom of the rabbit hole lol. It's personal, so I don't really have any of muh proofs.

3141592653 ago


SoSpricyHotDog ago

Love the idea, though, legality could pose an issue unless surveillance was conducted on public property - and I don't think* it's admissible. Well, maybe it would be as long as it wasn't recorded on private property.

awakenaware ago

Im just gonna have to go right ahead and agree with you on that one. They certainly run the planet. They OWN-NWO it for sure. we could debate who or how they got here and how long they have been doing this.. im sure they have been here doing this for a long time in various forms.. thousands of yearsd.. On the one hand we could transcend this fake reality altogether by not getting involved and emotionally invested in the drama created here, Thats what they want.. us to be fighting each other and creating as much energetic food for their masters as possible via fear and control of resources, financial system etc, but on the other hand they do such horrendous things to children that we cant just sit back and do nothing, we are practically forced to fight them, once we know whats happening.. or lose our humanity if we don't speak up.. take action. I feel this is the whole game here.. entertainment, fear and addiction to pleasure, violence (TV/Hollywood) and sexualisation of everything.. They want us invested emotionally and in every way possible to the nuts and bolts survival and also have to fight for our freedoms... Even our very language is used against us. beLIEve. FreeDom(e) is freedom been free from the dom-ination.

13Buddha ago

Sick, sick, sick. Everything seems way too far out of control.

anonOpenPress ago

Archive link Source topic Source domain
http://archive.is/toIrg Pizza socks, emotional outbursts exacerbate NM’s problems NMPolitics.net
http://archive.is/ZyCYb WisePies Pizza & Salad Grows with a New Concept called “THE JOINT” wisepiespizza.com

Important tip: Always archive before submitting. The content might get removed from the original server. For the most important sources, screen capture or page download recommended.