equineluvr ago

Ugh. More DISGUSTING "art" depicting sexualized children.

That first linked article was awesome in a more general sense, too. It addresses the Assassin of Truth, political correctness -

"Political correctness is nothing more than lying and injustice. The basic lie is that people are equal, and the injustice follows from the lie: false excuses for the guilty, false blame upon the innocent, penalizing those who did nothing to compensate those who suffered nothing, etc. But it does not stop with mere rent-seeking. For political correctness demands that whites accept predatory non-whites into their societies and then covers up the inevitable consequences: tension, hatred, and violence, in which whites are disproportionately the victims. When liberals lie, people die."

This encapsulates the JEWISH Jew World Order's social agenda pretty well.

Astrodreamer ago

Saatchi is Britain's leading publicist, lobbyist and art dealer (and husband of scrumptious Nigella Lawson). Tony Podesta is US's leading publicist, lobbyist and an art collector. Of course they know each other, see each other at least 2-3 times a year at the big international art fairs, and needless to say launder money together!

kestrel9 ago

Seems that both have an interest in "Art" depicting children, either sexualized (Saatchi), or dead, spanked and hung on hooks (Tony Podesta). Both have ties to the Freud family, with known pedo Sir Clement Freud being on friendly enough terms to have Tony and John Podesta stay at his place in Portugal, in an area known by the police to be a pedophile haven.

rooting4redpillers ago

Heads up - your first link (to the essay) is Not found. Is this where you wanted to go? - The Coming Pedophile Rape Epidemic | Greg Johnson | Counter-Currents Publishing

@PizzagateBot will need to fix that link too.

Once fixed, I'll delete this comment.

kestrel9 ago

Yes that's it. Thanks for catching the broken link, I'll edit the post.

kestrel9 ago

Looks like they are both in the lobbying business as well as collectors of dubious art collections. One of the search results for 'Tony Podesta and Charles Saatchi' was this: http://archive.is/WgM1Q from WikiLeaks, ISRAEL/KUWAIT/KOSOVO/ALBANIA/SERBIA - Kosovo government hires US company to boost independence recognition email from [email protected]

The email is in regards to and having info about the "US company 'Patton Boggs LLP' signed a contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [MPJ] to lobby for Kosova [Kosovo] in Washington DC...

"Immediately after the declaration of independence, the Government of Kosova and [Prime Minister] Thaci contracted the prominent Israeli company Saatchi and Saatchi, in an effort to present a new image of Kosova, a campaign that was harshly criticized in the public opinion due to large amounts of money given to this company. "

It was the experience with Saatchi and Saatchi that made Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, member of Assembly committee on foreign affairs from the AAK [Alliance for the Future of Kosovo] - an opposition party - cast doubt on the eventual results of the Patton Boggs LLP.

"Often these agreements are made for other, not state interests, and in most of the cases there is no transparency therefore suspicion is natural," she said mentioning the Israeli company.

"Given the bad experience of the past and the evaporation of seven million Euros, we cannot trust, because we have no information, and nothing is transparent."

and regarding The Podesta Group: Podesta Group Does Not Sign Agreement With Serbia

In the meantime, sources in the MPJ told the newspaper on Sunday that the other US company Podesta Group did not sign an agreement with Serbia, as reported in the Serbian media this year.

"Tony Podesta, one of leading officials in this company, visited Prishtina two weeks ago, and no agreement has been signed with Serbia," the source said.

"For the time being, Serbia has no consultancy in Washington."

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Selimi said that he was not aware of any agreement signed or not signed between the northern neighbour and the Podesta Group.

He regarded Serbia's efforts to campaign against Kosova as being in contradiction with the common aspiration for the region.

"Serbia's efforts to prevent the recognitions of Kosova are unprincipled, and based on policies that are against European integration processes," Selimi said.

Kadaj-Bujupi was also not aware of any agreement reached between Serbia and the US company. She criticized the Kosovar institutions for their lack of strategy to oppose Serbia's campaign against Kosova.

"Serbia has continuously utilized all possible mechanisms to issue propaganda against Kosova, whereas the Government of Kosova is not fighting back. ; We do not see any strategy or the contracted companies using any mechanism to undo the Serbian propaganda against Kosova," she said.

Kosova has been recognized by 85 countries after it declared independence on 17 February 2008. This year Kosova has been recognized by 13 countries. The latest recognition came from Kuwait on 11 October.

Source: Koha Ditore, Pristina, in Albanian 14 Nov 11 pp 1, 3

orange_utang ago

I recently viewed a private collection of Lucian Freud (and inspired) work. I have to admit the paedophile overtones were a bit unnerving. Lucian had over 500 sexual partners most of which were in their teens. He painted his children nude in many works.

Breadcrumb: The collection I saw included a bust sculpture by a US born Sir. Jacob Epstein - I'm actually terrified to go digging down this rabbit hole!


kestrel9 ago

I know what you mean, when it comes to the topic of PG, the cast of characters are never too far removed each other.

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