carmencita ago


Marthvedderette ago

Yeah I noticed that. WTF.

Marthvedderette ago

Bucks county is also the original home of the DuPont family, who coincidentally own DuPont circle, where Comet ping pong is located. Not to mention tales of satanism in bucks county.

"1990 - After three years of testimony and nine weeks of deliberation (the longest and most expensive criminal trial in US history, costing California taxpayers 15 million dollars) the jury in the McMartin case acquits Peggy Buckey and her son Ray. The prosecution decides to retry Ray Buckey. District Attorney Alan Rubenstein, conducting an independent investigation of ritual abuse allegations against the staff of Breezy Point Day Care in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, concludes that "none of this ever happened," and drops all charges."

Original source:

IPleadThe2nd ago

And don't forget the recent posts about the DuPont grandson who admitted to raping his very young children but got zero prison time.

The_Kuru ago

Bucks County was Sara Packer country also, if I'm not mistaken.

I thought I'd look at Solebury famous alumni, no one I've ever heard of. Number 3 is some guy who played basketball at American University in 1989. Berentzen was the president of that DC school then. That DC hero used to call child daycare centers asking if he could come on over and rape the kids. I know, you think I'm making that up. He's actually a famous scientist and his wikipage tells you nothing about what an insane pedo he is. He never did any jail. Help me study up on this guy if you get a chance.

Orange_Circle ago

Bucks Co. Is that in PA?

Ray Gricar, still missing. Knew too much did he?

DantePerez2017 ago

Perhaps it would be a good idea to do research on people that have been "disappeared" since #pizzagate broke.

cantsleepawink ago

I don't know anything about Gricar. Just googled him and found this forum. Seems this is yet another rabbit hole.

UpsideDownTiger ago

I think the DA simply took off with a younger woman. He wrote a book about faking your own death and then disappeared much like his own book. Still the missing persons show they did is good. Part 1 is blocked on YT but it's still worth watching parts 2-6.

Penn State ,The Case of the Missing D A , Part 2:

carmencita ago

Another slap on the wrist. No one is going to jail. Where is the outrage?

2impendingdoom ago

Look up St. George's School in RI, same shit, last year.

carmencita ago

Will do. Am still working on researching the Archdiocese in St. Louis being involved in Organ Harvesting.

2impendingdoom ago

St George's school (grades 9-12) sex abuse in 70's - 90's, cases settled out of court. Primary pedo was fired but went on to other schools, may have either died or been arrested recently.

carmencita ago

Since reports about abuse at St. George’s have come to light, Coleman, 74, who lives in Newark, N.J., has taken down his profiles on LinkedIn and CouchSurfing, a site where travelers can find a free bed. They never give up.

2impendingdoom ago

you mean because of this post or because of the exposure in the media when it happened? was 1-3 years ago, not sure, losing track of time.

carmencita ago

Both really. The story was of a lay person, not a priest which I find at a Catholic School a little unusual. There were no priests names mentioned.

2impendingdoom ago

St Georges is not catholic. Episcopal maybe. The pedos weren't priests.

carmencita ago

Well, then the schools should be hiring women, which is unfair in a way, but until this problem starts to subside something needs to be done.

carmencita ago

The problem may be with the laws and also with people just not raising enough of a ruckus. People hear about it and say how awful it us and then they just want it to go away, imo. I suggest we bring it out in the open more. There is a large (or so I have heard) lobby of pedophiles as we know there are a lot of them as the rich elites that are paying lobbyists to pressure for more lax laws.

2impendingdoom ago

right, they get the positions of power or can blackmail those in power because at the heart of it, being a pedo is about abuse of power, so it makes sense that they aren't content being a normal person, but get, and get off on having some kind of authority.

carmencita ago

I think sometimes they have this feeling because they feel powerless after being abused, thus they gain power by taking it from someone else. The cycle must be stopped.

cantsleepawink ago

Peculiar, isn't it ?

carmencita ago

Well you would think so. But as we are slowly finding out it is not that peculiar nowadays. But I feel that things are about to change.

cantsleepawink ago

I sincerely hope you are right. I hope that we aren't being thrown some breadcrumbs in terms of the recent busts.

carmencita ago

You really should read the posts of Wolftrail7272. I have a few reservations because I think they will be pulling our legs with their baby steps, but pay attention, there will also be things being uncovered by the FBI. One small step One large step One small step.....