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exposethecriminals ago

This is a pretty good video of the pool, including hard to find shots of the shallow end area, which is adjacent to the gymnasium. Beginning at around 3:35:

Biltmore estate basement tour

Zzzmmm333 ago

WOW just found this... It's as if he's being held captive in the fkn pool..

@carmencita @think- @Blacksmith21 @Pizzalawyer @3141592653 @gamepwn @letsdothis2 @Oh_Well_ian

exposethecriminals ago

Great find. Yes I read the butler in Archer was forced to live in the empty pool, until it was later filled with water to hold the submarine.

I just posted this on the other thread: :

The pool in Archer is not used as a swimming pool, even though Tunt Manor is occupied! :

The Pool: [the butler] Woodhouse’s living space in the mansion until Dr. Algernop Krieger fills it so he can construct his submersible. :

"Slowly dying, for all anyone cares. But the saddest part is, no one does.." —Woodhouse

Image of the butler in the pool in his underwear

Another image of Woodhouse in the pool source

Zzzmmm333 ago

Soooo just thought.. What did they put in the outdoor pool before it was filled??