Vindicator ago

@bumbleberries, have you got any links to support the primary claim of your headline that manufacturing a massive earthquake is even possible? Because without it, this sure looks a lot like a disinfo post designed to make investigators look like crazy, gullible idiots.

Don-Keyhote ago

This is so fucking stupid. I bet I could get you 100 Haitian kids with some Bon Jovi tapes and be back before lunch without needing to set off a single nuclear device.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmao that benefits Israel how

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Possible Worldcorp Human Trafficking Connections An email from the Podesta files that I've never seen discussed Hadn't seen this one in awhile. So for people who are new remember this photo depicting JP and what appears to be a young lady in restraints. Guy at /pol/ successfully called that they were going to label Milo as pedo, now he is saying they are going to take out someone else (CHAFFETZ?) Enhanced/Clear video of supposed Podesta and boy Orphanage staff confirms an undisclosed connection between Bill Clinton and the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from The person in-charge of the orphanage that Laura Silsby was given children from was awarded by Bill Clinton in 2012 The person in-charge of the orphanage that Laura Silsby was given children from was awarded by Bill Clinton in 2012 Orphanage staff confirms an undisclosed connection between Bill Clinton and the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from Alefantis-Silsby-CIA Connection Summarized The person in-charge of the orphanage that Laura Silsby was given children from was awarded by Bill Clinton in 2012 Silsby-CIA Infographic [UPDATED AND REMASTERED] - this infographic redpilled my teacher! Orphanage staff confirms an undisclosed connection between Bill Clinton and the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from The person in-charge of the orphanage that Laura Silsby was given children from was awarded by Bill Clinton in 2012 The person in-charge of the orphanage that Laura Silsby was given children from was awarded by Bill Clinton in 2012 Need more eyes, real investigators: Found a connection between HRC and that adoption agency that got raided by the FBI Pizzagate, Episode Haiti: The Freudian Slip that Exposed the Pedophiles [INFOGRAPHIC]

kazza64 ago

and the other thing is that the clinton foundation took all the money donated for haiti for themselves. they didnt even make a pretence of giving a shit about the country and its people in its state of devastation. these people are evil. truly truly evil.

kazza64 ago

agreed. every time i sit down and research paedophilia the evidence just grows and i realise now that it is a massive problem world wide

kazza64 ago

wow .... nice work. very very interesting. i got the idea for man made earthquakes that cause tsunamis and so forth when i was listening to some telsa technology and tesla actually said that he knew his ultrasonic waves could easily destroy large buildings thats when i realised the cia could have been harbouring and exploring that technology to use for their evil purposes which are almost all pedophile related. the man who started the cia was a cross dressing homosexual paedophile. its not rocket science is it .

party1981 ago

George Webb has said that it was a peaceful nuclear explosion for months.

Mind blowing, but that's what the evidence suggests...