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AHuman ago

Great post OP.

I have been looking at the blog from Molly Hightower and she speaks about Vern, Mary Sue and Thomas

Vern, Mary Sue and Thomas are a family that have ties to NPFS and Father Rick and visit every now and again. They recently moved to the DR where Mary Sue works at the embassy, and visited us earlier this week.

  • This shows us Mary Sue's last name is Conaway

The reception also served to welcome his replacement Mary Sue Conaway.

This I can't work out. The article above is dated 6 Aug 2010 but Molly Hightowers blog post mentioning Mary Sue and Vern was from 9 Sept 2009

This article from 25 July 2011 mentions she worked at the US Embassy in DR for two years.

Christopher A. Lambert, the embassy's minister-counselor, said in his speech that it was two years since Mary Sue Conaway arrived in the Dominican Republic to join the team at the US embassy and then oversee the embassy section of the embassy.

Devestation when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra).

  • Vern and Mary Sue Conaway visited the orphanage 2 months previous to the kids getting shipped out according to the timeline of Molly Hightowers blog.

Some extra reading about how bad the DR embassy was during her time at the embassy Inspection of Embassy Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Consul General Mary Sue Conaway heads one of the busiest visa-issuing missions in the world. Although operating in a high-fraud environment, consular services are, for the most part, well run.


Looking further into Mary Sue Conaway we find she used to work in the Deputy Secretary of State department in Washington DC.ref

  • The Deputy Secretary of State at the time was John D. Negroponte. In John D Negroponte wiki page it mentions he was involved in human rights violations.

Substantial evidence subsequently emerged to support the contention that Negroponte was aware that serious violations of human rights were carried out by the Honduran government, but despite this did not recommend ending U.S. military aid to the country. Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, on September 14, 2001, as reported in the Congressional Record, aired his suspicions on the occasion of Negroponte's nomination to the position of UN ambassador:

  • John D. Negroponte was Deputy Secretary of State to Condoleezza Rice a the time ref during George Bushes time i nthe Whitehouse. GW Bush even made him Director of National Intelligence between 2005–2007.


UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Excellent findings. You guys literally blow my bleeping mind on here. Seriously. Keep it up!!

redberries ago

Great research!