flyingcuttlefish ago

**Silsby **mentioned at 4 min mark here (in George Webb video)

Captcha822 ago

Love your work.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Good work!

redberries ago

Amazing,, great work!! Here we have coffins again...

Freemasonsrus ago

There are many articles about a girl named Nakia Venant who recently committed suicide live on FB by hanging herself in the bathroom of her foster parents home while they slept. This occurred in FL and Nakia was Haitian. There is no full story on why she was in foster care that I can find. She was only 14. I don't know if it has any links to PG but since the agency in FL has not released any background info it seems worth looking into.

Astrodreamer ago

So Silsby seems to have had a heads-up about the coming earthquake. All in all what are the reasons for thinking the earth quake was geo-engineered?

atheist4thecause ago

From my notes: Laura Silsby (leader), Charisa Coulter (co-founder), Corinna Lankford (mom), Nicole Lankford (daughter), Drew Culberth (P. Thompson's brother-in-law), Steve McMullen (Culberth's friend), Jim Allen, Carla Thompson, Silas Thompson (son), and Paul Thompson (father)

There were two teams:

Team Laura Silsby (Central Valley Baptist Church): Silsby, Coulter, C. Thompson, C. Lankford, and N. Lankford

Team Paul Thompson (East
Falls): P. Thompson, S. Thompson, Culberth, McMullen, and Allen

Also, about the note, you guys only mentioned a portion of it. You can see more of the note here:

@ConcernedParent2 @BrownBarbaloots

Freemasonsrus ago

Excellent link at bottom. Thank you. There are always innocent people involved in the evil doings of these people to give an illusion of "being above board". Whether they are military, volunteers, or workers within a NGO, they really are clueless about the true nature of what they are doing. I'd like to do an interview w these people now and also would like to know how Silsby became the de facto "leader". What made them all point to her and say that she was in charge? Was she a predator at a church, knowing the earthquake was about to happen, who then rounded up volunteers afterwards? Sort of like creating an insurgency team without the team knowing they were being chosen? Where was she actually going to take those kids in DR. She couldn't give the actual place and address so she lied about the hotel and got busted. Although the run down, out is service hotel may have actually been the drop location bc of the simple fact it was defunct. Obviously she was clearly confident her handlers would get her out.

YingYangMom ago

Awesome find and research. Well done, as always.

AHuman ago

Hi OP. Good research again.

I was looking into the Haiti orphanage yesterday after reading your post about Silsby.

I looked into the DR embassy and found some interesting actors. Thought you might like a look if you havent already.

JoJoVoat ago

REDBERRIES At it again! You are kickin' ass. upvoat!!!!

Dressage2 ago

Excellent research as usual!!

AgainstTheNWO ago

Don't lose faith YET

Until now Trump keeps his word. Not all his people are in so i for one keep my hope and faith. I said pre election i gave him 6 weeks to give indication this is on his agenda. And still 5,5 to go on that. At a group this big and powerfull he only gets one chance, so he has to be sure it will succeed.

Even a indication he is on it in the next couple of weeks can still mean first action over months. It has no need to roll-up on cell (like Comet) if they have 66 (just a low estimate from me) that kind of places. If those cases are happening, must be hell for investigators, knowing there is abuse somewhere but for the sake of saving more children they can not yet act.

Gothamgirl ago

109 children went with the dutch on the 18th.

dreamdigital ago

EVERYONE needs to watch "Where is Johnny" documentary. Laura Silsby is nothing but a brainwashed individual who was abused when she was younger, and was most likely taken from her family at a young age. She has now become someone who works for them, clearly. Note the connections of her behavior and the people who kidnap the kids.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Please post FACTUAL information only. Absolutely NO WHERE in either of these two documentaries is Laura Silsby discussed. She has NOTHING to do with Johnny Gosch and the Franklin Scandal so I have no idea where you are getting that "she was also brainwashed and abused when she was younger and taken from her family at a young age". Come on.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Got a link?

dreamdigital ago

Yes it's on Netflix! But I just found it on youtube. Here is the documentary, then when it's over watch Conspiracy of Silence.

Who Took Johnny - John Gosch Documentary

Conspiracy of Silence

These two documentary's go hand in hand. Both talk about one another.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I saw Conspiracy of Silence years ago, but I've been meaning to watch it again. Thanks!

dreamdigital ago

You're welcome.

dreamdigital ago

45 minutes in to the John Gosch interview, when they start talking about branding, and the Colorado house, anyone who says Paul Bonnassi was making that all up is bloody idiot. These two documentaries completely prove to me everything about Pizza Gate as being absolutely true. Besides the fact you have the whole BBC cover up of Jimmy Savil.

phlux ago

Where is Laura silsby now?

JustObserving ago

Great research and well-presented. Upvoat for you

ConcernedParent2 ago

"We're afraid."

Has anyone found the names of these people so we can check up on them and make sure they're still alive?

ploppy ago

Can we clone red berries? That way, pizzagate will be solved in about 3 weeks.

SpikyAube ago

In Molly Hightower's blog, in November 2009 she says this:

Devastation (sic) when I went to the hospital to discover my Jolene girl had been transferred to an unknown orphanage the evening before. I don't know where she is, but I'm trying to find her to force her caregivers to bring her in for physical therapy. She was so close to walking on her own, and they left her orthopedic shoe behind. They ended up doing a complete overworking of the tap tap room, with all my abandoned babies being sent out (including Carmella and Cassandra). Annabelle is the only one still there.

I don't know if that's a normal thing that happens, with kids being transferred to other, unknown, orphanages, but it seems suspicious that Molly couldn't find out where they had been taken to - you'd think what with knowing how much child trafficking goes on in Haiti even before the earthquake, there would be strict rules about where kids could be taken, and by whom, if the organisation is a legitimate one?

EndThePizza ago

Idk, there has to be a lot of chaos following an earthquake. For any random charity, it's possible that kids would be lost track of or there wouldn't be enough organization for proper documentation.

However, it's also widely recognized that the same chaos makes trafficking incredibly easy. So, we still need to treat it as suspicious to some degree when kids are shuffled around unexpectedly or miscounted.

SpikyAube ago

This was before the earthquake though, in November 2009.

reasonedandinformed ago

What record keeping is required by these NGOs to track the children that they handle? I would think that they are required by law to record the names of children they take, from where, and where they are placed, with contact information. I wonder if there is a path involving requesting these records for questionable NGOs.

Freemasonsrus ago

By what law? That is the question. If you're looking for Haitian law, it is easily bypassed through bribes, intimidation and blackmail.

reasonedandinformed ago

True, but an FOIA process may make sense...maybe not for a Haitian-based org but for some with questionable histories in the US or countries where such requests can be made. Just a thought.

reasonedandinformed ago

And she still sits in an executive position at Alert Sense, able to aid and abet the sick child-trafficking/pedo criminal network

  • We won't put this one on the list.

  • Uh oh, this is one of ours. We better warn our people.

How could someone who was caught red-handed trafficking 33 kids, AFTER being warned and caught before, have gotten into this position??

AgainstTheNWO ago

For me, that question (that is also the answer) proves again that this global mafia movement is much larger, powerful and open than we/i could ever imagine.

By this knowledge (the history of her HAS to be in the organisation, i am convinced about that) all other board members are at first suspect in my book until cleared clean.

If i was working in such a organisation and learned about her history it would be clear for me, she or me are leaving. And if she leaves, we have to investigate who knew and did not reported her history in the organisation on the people who has to know.

Dauphin ago

Keep digging my friends!

zenmaster_411 ago

Amazing work! Keep digging!

ConcernedParent2 ago

Paging @PleadingtheYiff , your original write up of Laura Silsby is top notch and something I still use when informing people about PG. Do you think you could update your original piece with the latest information about her?

PleadingtheYiff ago

As a matter of fact, I just posted an updated story about Silsby and how The Daily Beast attempted to discredit the whole story. Here you go and thanks for following my work!

ConcernedParent2 ago

Just got done reading it, great job! Posted to my facebook.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Thanks! Get the word out.

Dejure ago

Effin up voated

jstayz44 ago

You rock redberries!

justanotherpizza ago

You have found very soft spot... keep digging! really incredible work.

ConcernedParent2 ago

"She asked for kids at each of the orphanages, and at the end of the day when no one would give her any, she cried. Why would you cry after you see these kids are being taken care of?" Pickett told AP.

This sick, twisted woman. I remember reading an interview from her neighbors who said they were shocked she worked with kids because she wasn't the type of person who cares about kids. This psychopath only cares about what those kids can do for her.

Good find OP

throwawaa ago

where can I find that interview? will be useful for my silsby file.

Freemasonsrus ago

The neighbors POV, I thought, was extremely telling. We all have friends/family who you would peg as someone who is involved in helping children or would be in a situation to go into an area like this and feel the need to help. She is not that person.

SturdyGal ago

redberries never sleeps. Awesome!