joeysaperv ago

I don't hear the John Po - all I hear is Caiiiiiiii

joeysaperv ago

Thanks for reposting the video OP

Watching this repeatedly makes me think that we are watching a kid tripping on drugs, coupled with whatever else went on before or what is going to come later.

Edit: Someone suggested there were remains, or snakes or dogs in the shower, which doesn't make much sense to me. The boy seems to be moving in the entire confines of what I would expect a large shower. The random back and forth and to and fro movements appear to be a frantic escape behavior, with what seems to be a lot of disorientation.

Don't know who lightened this up, but in the other video (Caillou) with the girl you can see her face at about 10 seconds in. An enhanced video would help to show that victim more clearly.

quickposter ago

It was someone on /pol/. I take no credit, as I have no idea how to do that video editing stuff. Although I did run this video through YouTube's own quality enhancing service, upon uploading it. It looks like it might have increased the quality ever so slightly, but there wasn't much change from the work that the guy on /pol/ did.


Videos no longer available.

quickposter ago

I uploaded to YouTube now, it is unlisted so use the link in the OP

Amyamy ago

Thanks for doing so. It came up for me this time. I can see the boy much more clearly now. I am still not 100% convinced he says John, because it also sounds like dad. More like John, but it's hard to be sure.

God it just breaks my heart and makes me sick...

Mommyplayer571 ago

Missed it. They are scared. Average folk know pedophilia is wrong. 404d

Amyamy ago

same here. error when trying to watch.

quickposter ago

Check the OP, I've updated it

kazza64 ago

legally the person filming the abuse is complicit in the crime

LakeOfFire ago

Getting a 404. Do you have a different link?

quickposter ago

Yep, I put it on YouTube as an unlisted upload. Check the OP for link

joeysaperv ago

I get a 404 error. Did anyone mirror the enhanced video?

quickposter ago

Check the OP for a new link

nomorepepperoni ago

I also hear this around four seconds in--"I'm John Pode--SING!" But it's pretty much crazy-esque murmuring and we could be hearing what we want to hear.

bopper ago

That's funny, I agree with you on the John Podest .... in fact I've stated that somewhere else. However it sounds like a drawn out terrified "John" to me. When you say "each" and "fatherhood" you must be talking about two different videos, or versions?

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you for this. Very enhanced, you can even see child wearing dark shorts. Up until now I thought it a girl but now I think it may indeed be a boy.

bopper ago

At about 8 seconds in when the man asks "What's my name," is the kid saying "Dad" or "John"?

Edit: It sounds exactly like "John." Not dad.

quickposter ago

It does seem quite believable that he is saying "John", considering the "unknown male's" next response is "my other name...Father". If the kid had said "dad", why would the guy need to hear "Father" considering they are the same thing.

bopper ago

The other name the guy wanted to hear (allegedly) is "Skippy," which is John Podesta's nickname.

quickposter ago

Yep, John's self described "evil twin" (as per the article in the OP edit)

bopper ago

Good grief I hope they hang these people. Thanks for this.

quickposter ago

I apologize, this is my first post. If there is a way to post this with sound please let me know.

nomorepepperoni ago

Even without sound (but you can click "Open" to get that anyway), this helps! Looks like the bastard got his face a little into the frame a couple of times.

Give the based pol who lightened this (or whoever actually did the editing work) our thanks!

quickposter ago

I know it is sickening to watch with sound, but if you just copy/paste this into your browser it should take you to the version with audio. If that helps you.