lude ago

He didn't tell him that specifically. He told him to do his job.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Chaffez can only be unelected. Trump can't fire him if he wanted/needed to. Can't ask for his resignation. He can choose to resign as Senator Larry Craig. I highly doubt Chaffez has anything on him like Sen. Craig. Remember Sen. Vitters? He got caught up in the sex game. He likes to get what he likes while wearing diapers. The people reelected him! Trump doesn't control Chaffez. He is not an appointment to his cabinet.

dontmindthemess ago

Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy. The two men who should run for president and vice president in 2020. The establishment would collectively shit themselves.

BackToBlack ago

Guys, one more thing. At this point it should be obvious to everyone that the only reason Bill Maher invited Milo to his show was to make his stupid rant blow even bigger. Let's draw conclusions from that, let's learn their tactics. Next time they do a thing like that we'll know ahead of the time and will be able to prevent the damage at least to some extend. Think about it - had Milo come clean and apologized for what he said before the MSM spin it, he would have the upper hand, he would be the one in charge of the story - it would still cost him his book deal probably, but the picture of the whole situation would be much different.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Milo is so caught up he didn't see it coming? Even after he had to cancel his speech? He should have never done Mahar's show! Imagine if Milo shut down from them. They'd shit. People get sucked into the limelight all the time.MSM is not our friend. Did Milo think Bill was going to help him make his case for anything? Every nooby should at least have learned the lessons of Bernie.

kazza64 ago

robert steele said the plan is to prove trump is mentally incompetent

huhhh ago

Antwan Kumiya

Question_Authority ago

I hear a Chip Chipperson is the cuplrit.

huhhh ago

Ha! Tss

derram ago :

Guy at /pol/ successfully called that they were going to go after Milo, now he is saying they are going to take out someone else this Wednesday : The_Donald :

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