PureH2O ago

Hand restraints are clear in photo....right leg and hand appear wrapped together.

Newfind ago

FBI Anon said to lookout for "cards" on 4chan

2impendingdoom ago

gabe podesta's daughter maribel. Do your research and stop making false accusations. There are kids out there actually being abused. Please delete this post.

Newfind ago

FBI Anon said to lookout for "cards" on 4chan and to incenuare this detracts from children who are being abused is hogwash.

2impendingdoom ago

it is when it has been debunked and your post is inflammatory for no reason. She is not restrained.

Newfind ago

No it's not inflammatory for no reason if I was unaware of it being debunked. I have been following this closely for the last 3 or 4 months so I must've missed the debunking party you threw. If it's true then it should be inflammatory, however in this case it's not so a simple heads up would suffice.

2impendingdoom ago

sorry, but this photo has been posted a gazillion times by people trying to say its maddie mccann, and others looking for CARDS, never once has she been called restrained. and the girl is Gabe's daughter which should by now be common knowledge.

Newfind ago

Yes she was called restrained, I didn't make that up. But point taken

kazza64 ago

they always find excuses to hang around young people dont they

neurofluxation ago

I can't see any restraints though she totally isn't enjoying the "party"... ...

Newfind ago

Good call, you must be right. That was a theory in the early goings.

iamthepizzanow ago

Lol what are you on about? What restraints?

Newfind ago

On her wrists are what appear to be plastic zip tie handcuffs. That was a theory early on.

goodguy1367 ago

I do admit there is a sort of plastic looking something around the left wrist under the jumper sleeve, similair colour to what the cops use .

iamthepizzanow ago

It's part of the shirt.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

I see no restraints. I see nothing wrong with this photo. Check your biases bro.