micha_ ago

Impressive hard facts! WOW. Truly excellent job!

Maybe someone should mail that to soon-AG Jeff Sessions.

crazimal ago

Why does this post (and the others receding it) refer to a "freudian slip?" A "Freudian slip" essentially means to accidentally say what one really means in a way revealing one's underlying psychological motivation or desire.

This is totally unlike the scummy Torre Puello using the English name of the group sponsoring the haitian orphanage when speaking to English language media, which is simply normal. As far as I know, no one has ever made a case that NPH tried to conceal the fact that it backs the orphanage. So there is nothing revealed in any dramatic way by any "slip'" I can see, just facts revealed by digging them up.

Which is good work that I think we all appreciate!

I would drop this Freudian bullshit, it merely make the writer come off as an asshat larper.

On the other hand, if you are having trouble explaining what you mean, or searching for the right term to use, tell us more about what you think, maybe someone can help express it more clearly.

gopluckyourself ago

wondering if you've got the link to that jk rowling charity page that says that.

remedy4reality ago

These lazy posts are confusing Voaters... let's clean it up and make your point clearer.

MrGodspeed ago

I'm confused. What Freudian slip are you referring to?

flyingcuttlefish ago

This is very useful. I am adding some of these Silsby bits to this post


andrevandelft ago

IMO the picture requires too much knowledge of the reader.

At least I don't get it. Would you please be more explicit?

  • what exactly is the "freudian slip" and why?
  • "what are the chances" - of what exactly?

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent. What I'd like to know is which airline would Silsby have flown the children out on ?

badastrid ago

Excellent. Reposted.