badnewzhuze ago

Interesting. Catherine Agnew's claim to be the queen of Scotland makes a little more sense now.

badnewzhuze ago

"I have four granddaughters now". Wouldn't he have already known that? Unless perhaps they hadn't communicated in over a year. Said the youngest was just turning 1. I guess she didn't bother to notify him when she was born`sarc

3141592653 ago

Wait a minute here! How could she have twins, then have another baby just six months later?! NOT biologically possible!

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I think there's something fishy going on, but to play Devil's advocate.. she could have two children who produced all of her grandchildren. In that way child A and Child B can create Grandchild A and B 6 months apart.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

There is an attachment of photos of very young girls.

Anon1234567 ago

New Wikileaks search terms: "grandkids" "grandchildren"?

Gbuggers ago

Yeah thats weird and the. Way he states their will be no grandsons. He is saying sorry no little boys this time. They got to get this guy. It would be interesting to find out if the guy even has kids or grand children.

pizza_merc ago

Who is Debbie? I presume someone at least associated with Wyss, but am unsure. Are there any other mentions of Debbie with her full name? If so, we could crawl her account to see if she actually has grandchildren, and count them...

This does seem to be a very oddly written email...

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

Looks like there will be no grandsons? She is saying "unfortunately no boys will be available" ....

WakeyWake ago

She says 4, talks about 5. .. she talks about 4 if u read it like this:

-oldest two are just turning 5 and were in a ballet recital together and the other two are (first kid is)18 months and (second kid is) youngest just turned 1.

Kid 1 is 5

Kid 2 is also 5

Kid 3 is 18 months

Kid 4 is The youngest kid which is 1 yr old

3141592653 ago

Very good point , but still, a woman cannot have twins or even one baby,, the have another baby six months later! Wtf?!

investigatethepizza ago

OH so I just looked up AGNEW with the post from Catherine Agnew's twitter and I found this email titled Agnew in Podesta archive

The dates match up with your find - not sure if it ties..but might be worth checking out

investigatethepizza ago

Anyone make an album of the photos of the attachments? I always feel weird downloading the personal pics .... OH he had another email with pics of kids from an amusement park..I don't may have been family but now I want to go back and look..

NVM - I downloaded them, I remember seeing 2 of them on another pizzagate info graphic.

Mad_As_Hell ago

That explains the line from Evie's Crib website about baby being future queen of the USA.

Votescam ago

Well, if you look at the "attachments" to the email you see that the children seem to be with parent/Mom and in family situations. Doesn't mean the intent isn't to say "they're available to you." But do think from the photos that they are probably her family.

RedGreenAlliance ago

What we need to do is find out the sender, work out if she really is a grandmother of four daughters only.

This would rule out the whole thing being code for procured (trafficked) kids, and bring in the possibility that it's family offering up their own children, Like the Luzzatto family seem to be. This seems to be a 'thing' in pedo circles that I never knew before this year.

Need to be methodical to rule theories in / out

Mtnchan ago

The latter is what the children of God cult did, they went much further as the next poster suggests, they have kids to other church members for their use, they swapped kids and sent them to other countries, the cult was huge and included sects in many countries around the world. The similarities, are uncanny, suggest googling it for context. These guys seem to be running a satanic version modeled after it, or vice versa the cult was modeled after this satanic cult.

Anon1234567 ago

There is a pattern emerging here. Luzatto(?) was advertising her 'grandchild', who might be Caris James, on the Evie's Crib blog, and also 3 of her grandchildren in detail in the pool party email. In above emails, this 'grandparent' is also advertising their 'grandchildren' in detail to Herb Sandler. Lastly, I remember that Fiona Barnett, aka Candy Girl, said that her grandmother on her maternal side pimped her out to the elite in Australia to make money for the coven.

The grandparent angle might be a convenient cover for trafficking kids, as it generally disarms suspicion and engenders warm, fuzzy feels in most people. Psycopaths like to use one's good nature against one. Am I accurate in my observations?

blackfyre_rebel ago

Also "there will be no grandsons" WTF?!?!?!

Shouldn't it be "I don't have any grandsons"

Yes, I think this could be a coded way to suggest what will be available....bleh.

GladToBeHere ago

I think it reads like the parents are just through having kids, so no chance of a grandson. Still doesn't mean that this exchange is innocent of course

je-sui-pepe ago

those images are on Alefantis instagram i think, i have seen them before ... it seems like on the pizzagate primer video or something

gt8h65fg ago

Hansjoerg Wyss's wife? It seems not.

I did just speak to Mr. Wyss

DontTreadOnMemes ago

That's him alright.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

BAM. There it is. Good find!

pizza_merc ago

What was the find plz?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

If I remember correctly it was a news article showing Wyss escaped indictment and is a Clinton donor. Here's an article on it.

twistedmac11 ago

Any chance you remember what the find was? It always peaks my curiosity when people post things that are apparently really good, and then their post and accounts get deleted.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

If I remember correctly the find was a news article showing Hansjorg Wyss escaped indictment and is a Clinton donor. Here's an article on it.

twistedmac11 ago


gt8h65fg ago

Conversation between Hansjoerg Wyss and Sandler, Herbert?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I think Hansjoerg is his first name but yeah this is an email about scheduling a party with Hansjoerg and inviting John & Mary Podesta to join.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

Probably Hans Jørgen, swedish name? Hansjoerg is not a name i think.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Hansjorg Wyss is his name. Swiss billionaire.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

ah okay my bad, was on phone and just assumed something that wasnt. thank you.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

No problem! Turns out he narrowly avoided indictment and is a major donor to the Clintons...

SpikyAube ago

I think she means 'the other two are 18 months and 1' but wanted to specify that the 1 year old had only >just turned 1, so added 'the youngest' qualification in there.

Freemasonsrus ago

The formal letter with the "PS look at my cute grandkids" sans any type of emotional connection to Sandler is just... Weird. It doesn't make it a "clue" necessarily, but I've never written to anyone as a "Mr" and then shared family pics. People you share pics with are usually someone you address with a first name, as in, a friend.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Herb forwarded hundreds of emails to Podesta. They are very close friends who routinely email "I miss you" and "I miss you too" to each other.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Let's try to figure out who Debbie is and also look at Hansjoerg Wyss and see if the people in these photos match anyone in his family.

Rmm ago

very astute point. Reading the email through , and trying to be unbiased, it comes across as innocent . However, given the other incidental info (dominoes on cheese or pizza) I believe you are correct

nm98966n ago

One of the most relevant posts i've seen on here in awhile

No reason for him to be sending pictures when Podesta can just look at his FB lol

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Thanks. Here's another Herb email I just found. I highlighted the significant portion. Basically someone is trying to get some money for a project called Hillary Men run by two men, Peter Daou and Tom Watson. Peter Daou worked with Clinton Global Initiative, which means we need to look into his background. Watson is a professor at Columbia.

Anon1234567 ago

"Grandchildren" I have a very sick feeling about the usage of this word. Also, why would they ask the girl to hold the star upside down for the photo? The photos read like a catalog of branded wares.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yeah he invited John and Mary Podesta to join him.

Piscina ago

Trying to pimp out their children to get in the loop.

dmthirdeye ago

Very telling, one of the girls in the photos rocking the pentagram lol nice.

Dauphin ago

We will only be satisfied with a public execution... It must be public, we must see with our eyes that this evil is extinguished. There is no recourse for these actions, there is no punishment fit... they must just go.

ArthurEdens ago

This is the lead up to the handkerchief map email

Searching4Truth ago

The attachments are disturbing in a totally subversive way. This is bizarre language

Touchdown50 ago

Who fucking types stuff like that? Oh ya I forgot fucking pedophiles.

TupacsTattoo ago

Whewww. That last pic was creepy AF...😬😬

Drugs ago

Seems mundane

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I got a Tamera Luzzatto vibe from this email as well, being very specific about the grandchildren and their ages and genders.

grlldcheese ago

Ok nobody on earth is as bad as Luzzatto. Thinking about that blog makes me want to vomit. That was the turning point for me. Until then it was an entertaining theory like kuru.

This one is interesting. I like how you found it with such a simple search idea. Great work.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yeah I just started searching for all of the emails from [email protected] made it to page 13 (of 31) but I need to get some sleep.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah, the 'looks like there will be no boys' was exactly what the cat breeder I got my cats from said, as I had wanted a boy kitten. She explained the kittens just like that 'They've got 4 in total, one tabby, two tortie and one plain grey. All girls, looks like there'll be no boys. Attached some pics, let me know which ones you want..."

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes, his is exactly how I read it, and the Luzzatto one as well.

kazza64 ago

its not normal for grown men to be so specific about details about children and send photos to each other like that. most men wouldnt dream of doing that

newworldahead ago

Even stranger is the fact that she calls him "Mr Sandler", thus suggesting that they have a very formal relationship. With that in mind, the "PS" is extremely awkward

PS: Thought I would send some photo updates on the granddaughters - I now have 4 granddaughters -looks like there will be no grandsons - oldest two are just turning 5 and were in a ballet recital together and the other two are 18 months and youngest just turned 1. Hope you grandchildren are doing well.

Do you notice the serious tone? No exclamation marks, no smileys, no flower emoticons, no reason is given as to why she send these photos.

"Oh by the way, dear mister that I don't know very much, here are some photo updates of my granddaughters. Kindest regards." wtf?

kazza64 ago

its business

Mad_As_Hell ago

I shudder to think what 'ballet recital' is code for

LeChevalBlanc ago

In French context :

"Ballet bleu" is politicians [or "elite", rich/influent in general - ] having sex parties involving underaged boys.

"Ballet rose" ----- " " " ------------ with underaged girls.

It is no code, it is commonly used since at least the 50's following some specific scandals.

Don't know if any relation though.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Ugh, that makes sense. Maybe he means they were in CP video together. Doesn't bear thinking about really.

Vindicator ago

Very good observation.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah, and usually people who are obssessed with their grandkids and show them off to everyone no matter how awkward, have a very different way about them, like a lot more upbeat and they add lots of details and anaecdotes, not just flat descriptions. V weird, or I guess it's not really, because by now we know deep down don't we, what this is.

ArthurEdens ago

The one girl is holding the star upsidedown

Touchdown50 ago

Unless your a sick pedo piece of shit like pedosta.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Holy crap! I didn't even realize there were attachments!!

DontTreadOnMemes ago

It's a good question, but they are definitely associates of John's too.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

It's someone named Debbie writing on his behalf.

chordwonder ago

2 sets of twins in same family? Odd. What is w/ these ppl& twins? The Nazi's were obsessed w/them.

AmishMechWarrior ago

What is more horrible than watching your twin get brutalized/murdered? Its important to understand that what we find tragic & horrible; the psychopath finds pleasing. Their brain reward mechanism is wired all backwards

ArthurEdens ago


heywhatsgoingon ago

It was already found some months ago that WYSS was conducting human experiments

in fact he was prosecuted when some people died during his experiments!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

John Podesta is a total pedophile. I cant wait until they all get arrested.

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

He also married someone with the same name as his mother. Mary K Posesta, his mother died in 07.... weird fucking dude.

Touchdown50 ago

I cant wait til he eats a bullet.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Would love to see Hillary hang. If we don't get to see those 33K and 650K emails we can all assume that the government is totally fucked and is not a system of justice, but a system of pure evil and control.

LostandFound ago

No need to hang them, just send them to a supermax - allow them to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They wont last as long as your average piss.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

They do not deserve to hang. They deserve livestreamed maxsec for life with 3hours of forcefeeding every day and the best healthcare and they should have a feed on the wall with constant hatemail towards them with eyes forced open. They would be happy to hang if it came to it compared to what we could do. This is no normal crime, it deserves a way harsher penalty than hanging.

Touchdown50 ago

It takes you the suppression of 65k emails to make you believe the government is evil?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Haha no.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

This is Herb Sandler who Debbie is emailing, he forwarded this email to Podesta.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

From: Hansjoerg Wyss [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 11:48 AM To: Sandler, Herbert Subject: RE: Martha's Vineyard

Dear Mr. Sandler:

I did just speak to Mr. Wyss and let him know your arrival and departure dates on Martha's Vineyard. He will arrive back on the Vineyard on August 16 and will depart on August 24 but will be back on the Vineyard at the end of August and would love to get together with you at some point during your visit. His home number on the Vineyard is 508-693-7895.

Best regards, Debbie

PS: Thought I would send some photo updates on the granddaughters - I now have 4 granddaughters -looks like there will be no grandsons - oldest two are just turning 5 and were in a ballet recital together and the other two are 18 months and youngest just turned 1. Hope you grandchildren are doing well.

Herbert Sandler is the same man who emailed John Podesta asking if he'd do better playing dominos on cheese than pasta. I found the ps in this email to be quite strange. Have any of you seen this one before?

Edit-- So I found another email related to the trip to Martha's Vineyard. Here he provides John with the address of the house they'll be staying:

I decided to look it up, here's the house and rental agency listing:

nomorepepperoni ago

Seen it before, but hadn't connected the dots.

Why list all their ages if they communicate regularly? Sure, I can see mentioning the oldest just turning 5, and parents and grandparents do like to babble about their kids, but....hmmm.

AFriend ago

The math doesn't even add up...

"I now have 4 granddaughters"

oldest two are just turning 5 (2)

the other two are 18 months (2)

and youngest just turned 1 (1)


DarkMath ago

"2+2+1=5".....Great catch!

And I thought the only dark math was exponential growth implicit in discovering the sordid details of this steaming pile of dog shit our country just stepped in.

Nope! Even lowly addition will play a part in bringing this mother fucker down.

Carry on.

I'll show myself out.

nomorepepperoni ago

Seems like a pretty serious mistake to make about grandkids.

Unless, of course, they're more of a product or commodity to you (or you're old and losing your memory, but I digress).

carmencita ago

I think the only normal people he knows are the ones he shakes hands with at events. All of the other people are strange birds and have the same interests, if you know what I mean. Ages, Yes, hmmm.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yeah there are hundreds of emails from Herb Sandler in the Podesta files too. He REALLY likes John. Check this one out.

islandofdelight ago

Could the MI be code for something in 'MIss you' ...?

Touchdown50 ago

Of course its code. Who writes stuff like that unless your hiding something

Drugs ago

That seems a little weird

DontTreadOnMemes ago

They're not shy about telling each other they miss one another. (John & Herb)