Vindicator ago

instead of dual wielding poison daggers with grenades on backup, I will simply mainhand one broadsword

Well put. I feel your pain.

In truth, exposing the deceit and degenerate behavior of shills -- while more time consuming than brigading them -- is far, far more effective in the long term. Ultimately, it hardens the Voat immune system and makes us all better bullshit eradicators. This is the true glory of Voat, and the terror of disinfo pushers.

While I agree with you that the rules of Voat could be much, much more prominently articulated, Putt has been very explicit on the topic of vote manipulation. See here and more recently and hilariously, here.

Stay frosty. :-)

Nosferatjew ago

exposing the deceit and degenerate behavior of shills -- while more time consuming than brigading them

I did both. I imagine it would be pretty pointless to for the former without following through with the latter. It's been my experience that more often than not, simply exposing shill behavior is not enough to actually stop them. I reported the TrumpNPC faggot for actual, legitimate spam violations, providing ample documentation, but was completely ignored. I never even received a response on the issue. This sent a strong message, setting a precedent for me: if the posted site rules were not going to be enforced by those with admin privileges, then matters had to be taken into the hands of users. Unlike admins though, users have a limited set of tools to work with: making comments and posts exposing the shills and bad actors, and downvoating. So I did both.

Ultimately, it hardens the Voat immune system and makes us all better bullshit eradicators. This is the true glory of Voat, and the terror of disinfo pushers.

I agree 100%. This is my goal in making my posts.

I have seen the first link, but only because it has been linked to me a couple times since the ban. I have no recollection of seeing it in the past, and I have a hard time considering a 2 year old post to be "explicit articulation" when the User Agreement was never updated to reflect this post. A couple years back, I didn't use this site much for several months. I don't know the dates of my absence, but it's very possible that I never saw the post because I was simply not using the site while it was up. I don't know how long it was on the front page, but this most recent stickied post was on the front page for less than 48 hours. That post though, was from 2 years ago... 2 YEARS AGO, and the User Agreement was never updated to reflect the rules changes outlined in the post? Banning users for violating rules that were never included in the user agreement, rules that were only outlined in one post from 2 years ago, and without warning, shows an enormous lack of integrity.

What's more, is that the user (who I will not ping here), who literally lobbied the site admins to get me banned because I wouldn't back down from exposing her as a shill, who can be seen here as the "target" of her own alt account, which was banned for "voat manipulation", HAS NOT BEEN BANNED. This user used both of these accounts to upvoat each other repeatedly and to "downvoat brigade" her accusers. There is some sort of double standard being applied here. This user will be the subject of my next v/ProtectVoat post. At first I didn't think she had much influence on this site, so I didn't think a post about her was necessary, but boy was I was wrong. She is an easily documented liar and subversive shill that successfully lobbied site admins to ban one of the only two users who were actively trying to expose her. She was trying to get both of us banned, but failed, and instead only managed to get me banned. She expresses her disappointment about this here. @Puttitout, I hope you're reading this.

As for the second link in your comment, that is specifically about farming voats from other users... I have never done this, nor would I, because farming voats from other users is gay beta bullshit.

Here's what I did do, full disclosure:
I used multiple accounts, usually two, no more than three, to downvoat shill accounts when they had more CCP than downvoatable comments. Sometimes, I upvoated my own posts and comments, but only for very specific reasons, and never simply to boost my CCP. I've never had a problem earning CCP the hard way. These reasons are as follows:

  1. Sometimes I would apply 1 or 2 upvoats to a new post to help give it a little traction, but more importantly, to counteract the inevitable downvoat that virtually all of my new posts would receive within minutes of being submitted. I'm not kidding, it was rare that I could post anything without getting downvoated almost immediately, regardless of content.

  2. Sometimes I would upvoat my own comments when calling out shills in order to counteract their downvoats and attempts to bury my exposure of them.

  3. It is not possible to dole out more total downvoats than total upvoats. IE: if I had upvoated a total of 506 times with my account, I would not be able to downvoat more than 506 times. To efficiently increase the number of upvoats I'd given with an account, a few times I upvoated a page of my own comments. I didn't want to upvoat other users in this way, because I didn't want to upvoat comments I didn't agree with, and because I wanted to be efficient, I didn't want to have to selectively choose comments. I never did this to boost my CCP, frankly I would've been fine with it lowering my CCP. I had over 25,000 CCP accumulated organically from other users, my CCP was not a concern. I only did this so that I could keep downvoating shill accounts. And, like I said, I only did this to myself a few times, eventually I started upvoating many many pages of comments made by u/derram and u/bitchutearchive, because those are both accounts with which I always agreed. You're welcome bots ;)

Because all of these methods were possible when using a computer and a phone, and because the posted site rules made no mention of anything like this, as far as I could tell it seemed like a method that was condoned by and allowed for on the site. I wasn't farming voats from other users, and I wasn't organizing other users in downvoat brigades, which, for the record, were the only forms of "farming", "brigading", and "voat manipulation" I had ever seen addressed anywhere, in any sort of explanation of the rules (obviously, outside of the User Agreement, which doesn't address any of this in any way). This is why I continue to insist that nothing I did violated the posted rules of the site.

You probably weren't looking for this textwall explanation, but you got it anyway. Sometimes, you just gotta get it out.

sguevar ago

I am sorry ou got banned on your other account and though I do thank you for your voat civic service I can't agree on creating alternate accounts. I have always been against it as I once made a post for a while back:

I understand why you did it, but I do not supported.

That being said, I do agree that we need to increase our efforts in looking at these shill accounts that are posting convenient things, both submissions and comments, to farm for points in order to build up a position and then demand or request things that go against the sites premises of anonymity, defense of freedom of speech, so on and so forth.

This was the post I did today and I feel is really concerning:

I can't say if the user I reported has the same origin than yours but their MO of preaching to the choir is definitely suspicious.

argosciv ago

Question: (asking out of genuine curiosity)

Your thoughts on Amalek?

Nosferatjew ago

I have always heard that name, but was never really aware of how or why he earned his reputation. I think, during the era of his activity, I just wasn't paying attention. Care to fill me in?

Vindicator ago

This is the first submission mentioning him, where he was banned from v/Voat for spamming in 2015. His comment and submission histories are no longer available, but I heard somewhere that he obsessed with Jews. A peek at the banlog of that sub shows many of his alts.

Amalek was also before my time, but I was forced to get up to speed when one of his alts, ArmySeer, followed pizzagate over from Reddit and posed as an Amalek shill buster to win credibility, before beginning a campaign to get the best pizzagate researchers banned. He deleted his account after I exposed him and his disinfo subverse, v/pizzagateShills. He caused a lot of trouble for us for a while.

Amalek's current main alt, according to this self-deleted first submission, is @freshmeat. I did a whole post about this bloke here.

I myself am not clear as to whether Amalek is also sanegoat, whom Putt banned in March 2017 for vote manipulation, or whether the Amalek alts banned from v/Voat (above) were sitewide banned in the sanegoat purge...nope...only one Amalek alt in the global banlog. Atko banned it 1, 2. Don't know where the rest of them went. Maybe @Kevdude or @Peaceseeker knows the history of that. Further digging shows he was doxxing users, which Putt does not tolerate, so that may have been why his content was scrubbed.

Sanegoat was outted by ArmySeer as an Amalek alt on his original shill list, though, when he was trying to win credibility.


Nosferatjew ago

Thanks for connecting these dots. I'm off to bed, but I'll dig into everything you've linked here more over the weekend.

argosciv ago

The fuck?

Look at the vote counts for this comment from NHFP, in your thread about fm:

+23 | -17

How in the f...

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

I'm surprised that comment got so many upvoats too.

MadWorld ago

It became apparent sometime later. The comment was made on 2018-03-18. But Voat's crash, around 2018-04-20, revealed that they had 20 to 25 users coordinating in their discord group.

Shizy ago

That's jacked up. I didn't know it was such an organized group.

Crensch ago

Lotta votes either way in that thread. Did I miss something?

argosciv ago

Ah, yes there is. Sorry, I'm sorted by new and that comment stood out a bit.

Nonetheless, how it managed to remain in the positives, is bizarre.

freshmeat ago

Still trying to do gay ops on a dead website? hah.

Yeah sure im Amalek, Im also Kelsey Grammer

Vindicator ago

You're the one who claimed the mantle.

freshmeat ago

No one cares nigger

Vindicator ago

Vindicator ago

And one of his alts @VoatCensorship posted this: This is the infamous Amalek post

Nosferatjew ago

I have some serious catching up to do...

argosciv ago

The prime example of his narrative-pushing and underlying agenda to misinform and poison the well.

What is the goal? Site-wide discrediting of anyone who dares to challenge the 'age old' argument between 'Nazis' and 'Jews'.

Amalek and his cohorts play both sides of this, perpetuating both sides to the point of extremism so that onlookers double-down in one camp or the other. This of course creates an illusion that one or the other must be right, that no other considerations can possibly be viable.

In short, they create conflict and distraction and hone in on anyone who has the guts to stand in the middle of the conflict and say "Hang on guys, what if both sides are being played by a third party?"

argosciv ago

I think, during the era of his activity, I just wasn't paying attention. Care to fill me in?

Run a search for "Amalek" in v/ProtectVoat (include 'search post body').

sguevar ago

To be honest, your account age is the same as mine. I don't know if this a more recent account of yours but in my time I have heard talk about Amalek several times but have no idea who the guy is.

Can you show me posts about his wrong doings?

argosciv ago

your account age is the same as mine. I don't know if this is* a more recent account of yours

First and only account, I just get around a lot.

in my time I have heard talks about Amalek several times but have no idea who the guy is.

I learned about Amalek a long time ago during my earlier days on v/pizzagate when he and his cohorts started brigading me.

As it turned out, Amalek had an extensive history of brigading and causing trouble in that sub, especially in targeting users and mods with disinfo/slander campaigns and otherwise trying to hide in plain sight. The name Armyseer ring a bell?

Being the obsessive researcher I am, I followed the rabbit hole all over the place and even stumbled across the origin of his name - revealing that he's far worse than just some prick troll. Dude has a major agenda, hence his persistence to even this day under a slew of alts - some known, some unknown.

Can you show me posts about his wrong doings?

Run a search for "Amalek" in v/ProtectVoat (include 'search post body').

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @PeaceSeeker

sguevar ago

I also came here initially because of pizzagate.

Funny that we don't have a badge for that, isn't it @PutItOut (G.G)''?

I will look into it, thanks!

argosciv ago

Funny that we don't have a badge for that

Probably because, and I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure, v/pizzagate was running before the pizzagate exodus from Reddit.

The one thing I can't remember, is how the fuck I even found Voat and/or v/pizzagate in the first place, because I was never a reddit user.

I draw a total blank on this every damn time I try to remember - though I can remember explicitly who asked me to participate more actively(in person, not on voat), after joining up...

MolochHunter ago

good ol zerohedge users sent me over here on the day reddit shuttered pizzagate

Vindicator ago

Maybe you saw it on Twitter? Or /pol/?

And yes, v/pizzagate was created 11/13/2016, ten days before the migration. Here is the first post, made an hour later: In another post by the same guy @PedoKiller the same day, he posts a content mirror. Look at what he says in this comment:

"We should not be to centralized because the censorship is so hardcore right now. Almost every government agency in the world is involved in this pedophilia network. Be safe people. This is truly a turning point in history and we will be remembered as heroes. The public is catching on fast. Keep up the good work everyone. I am willing to risk my life to save these children. You are all true leaders/heroes/freedom fighters."

As I recall, there wasn't much awareness of intelligence agency involvement in pedo rings then. That was long before Q showed up and started talking about all the government agencies being involved. I wasn't a conspiracy theorist prior to pizzagate, though, so there may have been a level of awareness among truthers that would make that a not-unusual comment. It did remind me of @alphabravo, though. And like him, PedoKiller dropped his stuff (the first three posts to the sub, made within 10 to 15 minutes of each other) and was never heard from again. His three posts were all on the first day of the subverse.

Interestingly, his final submission is about how to spot pizzagate shills. He says:

"I want to give a big thank you to everyone working on this case. You are brave soldiers working to save the children. Their lives depend on us cracking this case. Keep up the good work everyone!"

My spidey senses say PedoKiller was the original owner, probably an alt of kingkongwaswrong who also disappeared and he wasn't a native goat. He gives linked, archived evidence for everything he says, something we still have to get after users for. I think he was a pro, especially in light of this and this. :-) It would be interesting to see a screencap of the sidebar from 11/13/2016 or thereabouts.

@Gorillion @Bikergang_accountant @8_billion_eaters commented in those original threads and may recall.

think- ago

that would make that a not-unusual comment

It's not an unusual comment at all imo. The guys on the David Icke forum (where I've never been a member) had talked about it for a long time, and in Europe this is known anyway since the Dutroux affair, and in Britain there was Jimmy Saville, and Ken Livingstone talking about MI5 blackmailing politicians in children's homes in Ireland.

argosciv ago

Maybe you saw it on Twitter? Or /pol/?

Unlikely. Never used Twitter or /pol/ before pizzagate. I created my Twitter in June 2016(I can't remember why but can guess that it was general curiosity in wanting to see what it was like versus Facebook) but never actually used it or spent any memorable time browsing until months later, well after v/pizzagate became a thing.

Rest of your comment is intriguing, I suspect I've seen some of it by now but I'll save it aside and have a read at some point - got too much open right now digging into backpage lol.

Vindicator ago

@kevdude -- See parent comment. Found something interesting about the early days of v/pizzagate. Do you have any recollection regarding this?

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Blacksmith21 @think- See parent comment -- I found something interesting from the first days of v/pizzagate.

srayzie ago

That’s so interesting. I loved @AlphaBravo! Want to know something funny? One time, me and Donkey were fighting bad deep in a thread. Kingkongwaswrong replied to me and asked why I waste my time on him. I had no idea who he was at the time. I thought his username was funny. After our conversation, he deleted his comments.

Vindicator ago

That IS interesting! When was that, do you recall?

srayzie ago

Oh a long time ago. Over a year ago

Vindicator ago

Yeah, before Falcon was demodded, he popped in to say what's up. That was August 13, 2017. I wonder if your encounter was after that. Someone DMed him and complained you were a shill, lol, because you outted George Webb.

KKWW was always concerned about shills, but had a fairly ham-handed way of dealing with the topic (like when he didn't ping you to that thread)...almost like he didn't quite understand Voat culture...or only looked into what was going on once in a while.

srayzie ago

Wow, he even called you guys out individually. I remember being accused of being a shill over George Webb. It was probably donkey jealous of that full head of hair and strong jaw line I talked about. 😂

Vindicator ago

Yeah. It was kind of funny, because KKWW left before I became a mod. So he was obviously monitoring what was going on. Or...he's a manager IRL who knows enough to check the current mod list and thank the names for running the place. Nary a word since, though.

srayzie ago

Oh how weird. That’s a trip that he paid attention to a me and Donkey fight lol

srayzie ago

Oops... @Auralsects Warning!

It’s been a while. I bet you miss me. 😁

auralsects ago

Lmfao @ you "outed" Webb as u still try to impute dumb motives to my actually calling him out.

The word for you is "hapless." also "cunt"

Hows the (((Trump administration))) going? Draining the swamp right roflmao

srayzie ago

I knew you missed me. Love you too faggot. 🤣

sguevar ago

I was never a reddit user.

Me neither at the time I found out about PG is because I looked a bunch of videos on jewtube that showed the matter and then when I look into it further I saw that it was already banned from Redshit and brought here to Voat. So I came here and stayed here.

I was never asked to participate more XD but well I stayed and liked it. So here we are, I defend users when they are falsely accused and report on suspicious accounts when needed to be.

Pleasure to meet you.

argosciv ago

I was never asked to participate more XD but well I stayed and liked it.

Haha yeah that's a long story. One of these days I hope to share it with a few people, preferably the police first, because reasons, but anywho...

Pleasure to meet you.

You too lol. I've seen ya around in various subs but I think this is one of the first times we've ever really spoken. See ya around some more I suppose :P

sguevar ago


argosciv ago


Sorry for being lazy, still waking up on this end lol.

srayzie ago

It’s ok lol