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headfire ago

We're not evil oppressors. They just aren't as good as Us.

They do the best they can like any other ethnic group, but without the special jew-cabals in American media, finance, and education, jews are really just itinerant trash fumbling through a White-conceived and White-built civilization, trying to squeeze whatever from it they can.

That is literally all there is to the jews.

They're lazy, self-entitled, and arrogant.

Just like niggers.

myvoicefromhell ago

Dear joos, you are free to move to Israel. And who knows, it may be your last chance!

LarryBagelstein ago

Oy vey goy. Your ancestors turned my ancestors into lampshades and bars of soap.

Dystopium ago

The Jews must have done this to Christians at some point in time or they wouldn’t have accused Christians of doing it to them.


hopefully you were prodding them into a gas chamber

Troll ago

And when they say "whites" they actually mean Jews. That's projection.

vladtep ago

Yes, and they all seem to have a plan for world domination, when sufficiently pressed.

It's like their head fucking spins around and they become a super villain after seeming like the nicest person.

First encountered it 20 years ago.

Kalergi ago

I've never seen them get drunk, don't want to lose control and spill the beans. But they will let their guard down when excited, when they feel comfortable around other Jews. An unsuccessful Jew will be brought-up in society by the tribe, very pack-minded. They look out for their own; chastise other groups for same.

Watch for the increase in bravado as the Third Temple gets rebuilt.

FuckredditKenobi ago

The third temple has already been built.


great_white_saxon ago

Maybe we should just accept our role the world has put us in and oppress the shit out of every non-white.

Dystopium ago

Who is “we” ?

That’s ‘our’ number 1 problem.

collegetoker ago

This snapped me out of national socialism because I realized we were being used as a tool for Zionist infiltration.

Factis sumus fratres in proelium

We are all brothers in the battle, that is who we are. In the struggle to not be put under the control of an international system that favors one group of people over another.

Dystopium ago

I somewhat want to agree, but civic-nationalism has failed. It’s not wrong or evil to want to live in a white society.

collegetoker ago

A white society would be necessarily civically constrained around a defined construct of what it means to be white. White isn't a scientific racial classification..

Europeans not the same.

I'm a mixture of a multiple of European ethnicities but I don't know if you'd find anyone who looked like me in any of the countries my ancestors hail from.

The alternative is defining a genetic group of people as white and screen for admittance to the ethno state. That sounds pretty autistic and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people who see themselves as white who aren't getting in (I always thought of it as shorthand for Caucasian European but I don't believe that's true anymore. It means different things to different people but the opinions of certain individuals matter more than others in terms of cultural influencers). We're being influenced by Zionists heavily who are coopting right wing populist reactions internationally. I think they are puppeteering us with stimuli to get us to behave a certain way, wagging the dog so to speak.

Look at who zog is aligning with: Bolsonaro, Trump, Jones, the Afd, Tommy Robinson, etc; it seems fairly plain to me that there's a massive psyop in play. They also failed to secure the support of the bnp. Why attack white identity and create social unrest? White identity didn't fundamentally even exist beyond being a vestigial relic but it was made manifest through people being identified as such and attacked. Multidimensional chess is being played right now, but Trump is just a piece on the board. I think we're going to find the anglos, Israelis and the Chinese at the top of this.

Tommy Robinson (stephen yaxley-lennon) highlight reel

Alex Jones info

BNP video

Dystopium ago

‘White’ America was pretty chill before we got dunked in the tar pit. Generally, European heritage people’s are much more civil, intelligent and trust worthy in my estimation.

You can’t convince me that 1950s America was an undesirable society to live in.

collegetoker ago

I don't think I'm going to convince you, but if you want an understanding as to how Jews operate I'd heavily recommend looking into kabbalah and Gematria. If you want a more English accessible occult framework I'd recommend looking into Hermeticism. If you understand their mentalism you can gain an immunity to it and use it as a vehicle for communicating esoteric truth.

Dystopium ago

I understand the Kabbalah frame work and the 10 sephiroth of the tree of life. I have them labeled in blood on a giant painting behind my head.

collegetoker ago

You can’t convince me that 1950s America was an undesirable society to live in.

There are definitely some aspects of American traditionalism that were preferable to where we are presently. No one is going to honestly defend the present day United States because it is the undead corpse of a nation being propelled solely through consumerism and the military industrial complex. There is nothing more American than a revolution, we just need to realize that the plan of the elites is an international police state with a corportocracy and that a population divided against itself will not have the ability to resist the force that controls it at the top.

‘White’ America was pretty chill before we got dunked in the tar pit.

I won't disagree that we've had issues with migrant crime but if the system didn't incentivize illegal migration there wouldn't be any illegal migration. The illegals who aren't working in the black market are clearly in the employment of some contractor who is unwilling to provide a decent wage to an actual American. We're also facing the compounding issues of an exacerbated drug war and the collapse of multiple economies in South America at the present moment: the United States has a bit of a sorted history with cartels south of the border and has played dirty games to fund deniable operations and play powers against one another. Part of the reason I'm personally a bit wary of mass immigration is because there are a lot of soft targets for disgruntled peoples whom have dealt with the fallout of our government's actions. It is not kindness to invite someone into your house who is incensed against you and yours, but fundamentally it is allowed by the state because it gives them a reason to restrict your rights in the name of security. The peons die, politicians "cry", and we all become a little less free.–Contra_affair

draaaak ago

Who is “we” ?

Probably not you, (((fellow non jew))).

collegetoker ago

Race is way more complicated than black, white and yellow. Europeans are similar to one another but not the same.

jthun2 ago

Meanwhile the fucking Jews own all the banks and other instruments of oppression.

Diamond mines in south africa? Jews.

Opium trade into China? Jews.

Sugar plantations in South America? Jews.

Dystopium ago

They created common core. And did so with an admitted intention to address “white privilege”.

If I recall, Jews own something like 96% percent of all radio broadcasting.

Jews are kicking our fucking ass.

AmericanJew2 ago

I want Jews to stop doing that shit. I want to Jews to use their abilities to better the world and humanity and our future.

I know whites are not muh oppressors and that most things good in this world were created and built by whites (and some Jews too :).

Jews (and most whites too while I’m at it)need more than anything to learn humility and the ability to take responsibility for their words and actions. Be less defensive and more willing to look in the mirror and accept who they are to grow and become better people, more Godly and more at peace within their own minds and hearts.

This won’t happen overnight, so patience is virtuous in this regard.

Doglegwarrior ago

Are you a real jew here? If so you fucking people need to just go. I dont want you dead but every where you go you are the problem. Yes you need your own state we need to make it and fucking get you out of every country you are trying to destroy! You are the definition of a parasite in human form. Dont believe me! Look at this fucking kike admit it.

God damn it i cant find the video basicaly its a jewish guy admiting that jews go into countries and tell thd truth. What is this truth? Its basicaly that the county is worshiping a false god that they are opprrsing minorities badicaly the liberal degenrate shit that is the playbook of bolshivek jews to overthrow a country from the inside.

Sorry i didnt have links but the shit jews do these days is so obvious we dont even need the videos. Google barbara spectre that cunt alone should make your skin crawl.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

You think the kikes are going to suddenly "stop subverting" without the use of force?

2_scoops_vanilla ago

I know an old jew who votes conservative, supports Trump, agrees that there's only 2 genders, and believes that western involvement in the middle east has only led to chaos. He is as cheap as you can imagine though.

FattestManOnMars ago

My previous employer (Russian Jewish pawn shop chain) couldn't wait to vote for Trump. Business owners wife had a little Trump song she'd sing in broken English. The family certainly didn't support our city-wide Gay Pride spirit or any of the other fucking agendas being pushed by their people much higher up in the chain.

vladtep ago

Believe me, he is part of the problem too.

Dystopium ago

I used to like Michael savage a lot.

Then I saw through the veil.

Most CONservatives on radio are Jews.

Dystopium ago

I am not a part of the kill all Jews plan. But Jews are a race, they have their tendencies like all races, and it’s smart to never forget it. Example: working for a Jew will almost always suck. They’ll work you to the bone and pay you a little as possible.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FattestManOnMars ago

I'm considering writing a book on this, not kidding. I have so much to say after working for a Russian Jewish owned pawn shop for 6 years. I've generally always been a naive person so it took me a while to really understand the way it worked. So many felons and illegals paid under the table. Pays the ATF arbitrary fees after every gun audit because there's ALWAYS some missing out of their nearly 30 locations and they don't want to lose FFL.

They had me convinced they were saints for writing me a $1k check for a hospital bill I was in tears over (I'm female). I had to push 200lbs of tools through the snow for my job (nobody wanted to help and it had to get done) and fucked up my back terribly. I didn't realize it was to avoid workers comp and paying for all of my medical bills. They said they didn't have it because they were a private business. I believed them because I was an uninformed, naive moron. Here I am years later with nerve damage, severe pain daily and no insurance. And nothing can be done about it since they didn't record my reporting the injury properly, etc.

I could go on and on. They've fucked so many ex employees over in different ways and do so many illegal things. I used to wonder how they could possibly stay in business. Then I realized they're in cahoots with every cop in town (gun deals!!), the entire local PD and legal system. Though, their Jew-buddy lawyers couldn't help them when they got sued by Hardcore Pawn for intellectual property rights. THAT is a fucking hilarious story, and ohhhhh they were not happy having to pay that settlement.

Sorry, little Monday morning rant there. But yes, do not work for the Jew. In hindsight, I realize why there were only a small handful of white, non Jewish family members who were salaried there. They had dirt and money kept them quiet. One guy actually shot himself in the foot cleaning his own gun in the store (idiot) but because he had to carry that gun for protection at that location (we had a couple people shot and killed over the years at smaller stores).... The business owner worked out some kind of life long deal to avoid paying workers comp and having anyone snoop into THAT whole situation.

gazillions ago

They're always found in white people's back yard though.

Dystopium ago

Everyone wants to live in a white nation.

Too bad there aren’t many left.

Because of the Jews.

enginedriver13 ago

It boils down to, i think, (1) that jews have an absurd massive whiny bitch persecution complex, and (2) they somehow think that when the black-against-White race war they're trying to bring about really happens, that the machete-wielding browns and negroes will somehow spare them for being "down with the cause". Inbred jewish dumbasses are apparently incapable of realizing that when the foot soldiers of High Chancellor Jamaal Mohammad Mugabe is going door to door killing every unarmed person with a White face, he won't give a crap if you're a "righteous anti-racist jew".

tastelessinvective ago

Didn't we literally see that at Evergreen of College? They ordered all Whites off campus. Weinstein stayed. They had a near riot and screamed at him and called him a white racist for not leaving campus.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

Only the kikes won't be there when it happens and they will have left for their Isreal already

mrfetus ago

Nuke it