NumbDigger ago

Go to a red state.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Hopefull9 ago

Look man I know you used an electronic device to post this reply, I told you to unplug that shit. The hiking, fishing, gardening I was talking about will put you in touch with Mother Earth and you don’t need the human animal for that. But the squirrels, birds, dear, possum, raccoons their all animals too and a hell of a lot better than people sometimes, go camping, unplug, take a breath, drop those electronics and find some Peace. Seriously until you can learn to walk away from the gadgets/screen time you’ll never get better. The greatest and best technology we can ever know is with us and our consciousness, it will outstrip every attempt to surpass it by leaps and bounds, but we will never get there until we can willingly walk away from external technologies. Ethos, pathos, logos whatever just walk away from the external tech.

Dystopium ago

I have to work every day just to keep my rent paid. Every damn day. I need my phone to work. I’m working now. I know you’re right....but I can’t afford nature right now.

Hopefull9 ago

Catch 22 I’m living the same reality brother, don’t give up hope, Change is coming.

Dystopium ago

The times have already changed. The only change coming is more of the same. How you could possibly think different?

Hopefull9 ago

I’m out, you can only help yourself with positive thinking and a can do attitude.

Dystopium ago

I bet you have some sort of support group -friends, family.

I have nothing.

Hopefull9 ago

Last time, see you’ve proven my point, negatively creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Whereas I can see the luck of independence you have, nothing tying you down or restricting your movements, the world is your oyster, enjoy it. When you’ve started living your life without expectations, you will meet someone who helps you to grow because you let them.

Dystopium ago

Great film

Dystopium ago

I’ve basically written this same thing on like 3 different past accounts. My life is a looping into insanity. The only difference is am older now, even more broke, have no family, I am as thin as a skeleton and I now have a loaded weapon.

And my anger is so strong it physically hurts.

Hopefull9 ago

I can only tell you that the negative karma you’d rack up by checking out would ruin your chances of moving on to a better future. Unplug from this right now, get out and go hiking, fishing, gardening, real shit and don’t even think about turning on a computer or cell phone. Also one other thing do not seek counseling or you may be turned into the next big FF. Good luck, I’ll pray for your success in battling through this.

Dystopium ago

I’ve always felt that your first sentence is True. True as in Logos.

Now I struggle even with that basic belief. When I am 100% devoid of joy in an evil world every day, it’s difficutl to believe that a just Logos would insist I stay in this realm.

Nosferatjew ago

u/DeepSteak is back.

It appears he waited just long enough for my main shill killing account, u/draaaak, to get banned, and just like that, started posting this bullshit again. If you kike shills think you're safe now, think again. I'm not going anywhere.

Dystopium ago

Why’d your account get banned?

Nosferatjew ago

I just too good at de-shilling the joint.

Dystopium ago


Nosferatjew ago

Yeah, I sounds like something you wouldn't like.

Eualos ago

Exercise is the most sure fire way to find like minded people, most physically health fit people are like us

NumbDigger ago

This is true. Those who train the body often grow the mind.

baneofretail ago

Dude, take a trip to orange county to regain your sanity. It's not gonna be this way for much longer, but we still make fun of fags, even seen a few called out at the beach a couple of times.

SumeJirke ago

No one is going to want to meet you with your current attitude. I know companionship seems like the perfect solution and it does indeed help but more essentially you need to work on your self first. A lot of people underestimate the extreme beneficial effects of vigorous exercise. Go for a long run and push yourself till you feel sick for the immediate dopamine release that will make you feel immediately better but start working out every day and the effects become cumulative. It will make you act and feel like a new person that will in turn make other people want to be around you a lot more, even your family will start to respect your opinion or conversely you wont care as much about theirs. You can use your anger to your own benefit, call yourself a weak pussy when you feel too lazy to run or lift weights. Even if its only a little, something it better than nothing and we all have to start somewhere. Get a treadmill or exercise bike if you dont like being out in public, and a few cheap weights but trust me when I say doing enough exercise will make you start to feel like a truly godly human.

TheyLie ago

Is the fact that his account is 10 days old reason to give pause as to whether this is genuine?

SumeJirke ago

Doesnt matter, there are still people out there that need hearing the advice. Even if its not genuine there are still other people that feel like this at times. It is usually the lurkers who gain the most from reading about other peoples experiences. Plus if we are going to put up a resistance to the leftists bullshit we all need to be in pretty damn good physical/mental shape to make them look like the idiots they are.

talmoridor-x ago

Kill yourself, escapist faggot.

SumeJirke ago

Lol wtf. I was just trying to help but since you took offense to my comment I can only assume it is because you yourself are very weak and despise the strong out of jealousy. I actually understand that because I was once there, I drank a lot, smoked pot and thought those people who went to the gym were just stuck up arrogant assholes who were too full of themselves, even though if you talked to them they always seemed incredibly nice and sincere. Going out to drink/smoke and socialize with friends is only putting a band-aid on the problem and wont make you truly happy with yourself and yourself always come first. Even if you have a physical disability it is still so extremely important to exercise to the point of physical exhaustion and the confidence that come with repeatedly breaking your own records is incredible. Increasing your physical fitness also has profound effects on mental health, something you might want to think about since you tell random people on the internet to kill themselves. I used to suffer from extreme depression, and sometimes still do, so I can understand your anger and derision but at this point I can only pity you.

Dystopium ago

What’s the answer if his answer is wrong?

talmoridor-x ago

Self-improvement is a trivial task, compared human contact and forming networks. We'll never beat the jew if no one here meets IRL.

TheyLie ago

Just take the positive answers on here. Ignore the nasty, unless you feel like playing the game of deflating trolls with logic

Dystopium ago

I am so tired of eating and feeding redpills. I just want to go back to 1990. But no one can help me that

TheyLie ago

Change your focus onto activities in which you are creating and/or working in the physical world. All this research is ultimately going to lead you to a dark place without working and exercising. It's like your mind is caged and being fed shit all day every day. Get out of the cage. But don't expect people will trust to meet up with you based on a days old account (or even years old) and speaking of wanting to kill your family members, without you having any visible presence. Many people on any online platform should be more cautious than that.

How many years have you been eating and feeding red pills? What username did you operate under on voat or elsewhere before this one? I'm fine with you not wanting to disclose that, just curious to see your posts.

SumeJirke ago

I'm not wrong on this, I was in your exact shoes not long ago. I thought I needed more human contact more than anything but for some reason I decided to just start getting healthy first. I drastically cut down on the alcohol and stopped smoking altogether, not gonna say it was easy but the struggle also made it more of an achievement. I was also terribly out of shape, I had to start with long walks before running and tiny 10 lb weights but progress came fast and I started feeling fucking incredible. I wasnt nearly as anxious and noticed I stopped getting crazy feelings like desperately craving social interactions, i used to text long political rants to friends and family, some understood most did their best to ignore. After I started getting in shape I noticed I just cared less about these things because I felt calmer all the time and could focus on more important and immediate things. I just found a YT channel called Barbell logic you should really check out because they talk about a lot of these same things im trying to explain.

Inaminit ago

Sounds like you're thinking too far ahead... Go get laid and it'll change your entire outlook.

talmoridor-x ago

oy vey goy do nothing!

Dystopium ago

I’ve slept with so many women you would call me a liar if I told you the number. I was offered sex two nights ago. After you spend your whole life chasing sex, it eventually becomes emasculating. Owen Benjamin talks about this and he’s right. Meaningless sex with another Slut devoid of any single thing that I need in life is not what I need. I don’t need an orgasm, I need a purpose

Inaminit ago

Well then Don Juan, if you don't want diversion then why are you posting for advice on an anonymous shitshow filled with NSA & JIDF shills? Man the fuck up and go kill some fucking zombies, it'll make you feel better.

Dystopium ago


JesusRules ago

I'm not trying to sound gay, but if your suicidal depressed or homicidal, go to the emergency room. If not sounds like you gotta get out of that part of Cali, maybe more conservative areas where their are people to relate too. Also exercise is huge in dealing with stress. Maybe take a complete break from politics and the internet news.

anamericantale ago

I may shoot him and I feel the same for my boomer father.

get a grip man. these people are your family. these are your people. the only true wealth we have is our people. love them instead. when the zeitgeist changes (and it is changing rapidly), your family will likely come around and smell the coffee. The sheep can act for both sides. we just need to shepherd them to ours. You are your brothers keeper. Keep calm, and subtly direct your family to undeniable truths.

I do believe I’m going to check out of this place before too long.

We all check out eventually, get fit, go to bed early lift, train.

eventually all of this is going to come to a head and we will need focused minds and formidable bodies to overcome the evil in the world.

Dystopium ago

Who is “We”?!

There is NO WE.

None of you people know any of eachother! Most you spend your time here chasing your own tails! There is no momentum to challenge the evil of the ZOG! I’m so tired of people saying “we” like there is this white unity that is spreading or even in existence! No one here lives in LA?? Doubt it. Yet I caant even find one person to get a coffee with me to PROVE to me there is a “we”.

anamericantale ago

like there is this white unity

I didn't say anything about whites or white unity. To me it's the struggle between good and evil, and your skin color doesn't matter. your character does.

Dystopium ago

I don’t see any good people in real life. The only I know is a Jew. So everything makes no sense. And even he- aside from the obvious- is not helpful with these demons of mine. He’s a commie, just not a stupid one.

anamericantale ago

There are plenty of good people out there.

Have you gone to a religious service of any kind lately? Disregard the weird metaphysical beliefs of whatever religion you find most palatable and attend a service. you will be surrounded by people that who for at least a couple hours each week want to focus their minds on being better people, and being part of a community.

I don't currently go to any church, but I've gone to many different ones over the years. any time I feel like there is no good people, I just go to church again for a while, and I find some.

Of course churches will have people who just want to gossip, and aren't there for good reasons, but the proportion of good people will always be higher in a group who for a few hours each week try to be better people, or at least think about the problems of good and evil.

and I'm not saying the 'we' is churchgoers. just trying to provide a social outlet possibility where you could meet some actual good people.

one of the many churches I went to was a mormon church. as a community they regularly did 'service activities'. this would be things like providing the labour to reroof a house, or help a family move, or help with canning food for those on church welfare. I really enjoyed the service activities because I could see how my help was directly helping someone. I got to work alongside others who weren't there to post a selfie of them helping a person in need. Uplifting experience.

and that from the mormons who possibly have the most crazy metaphysical beliefs.

still though, the focus on community, and community oriented service can remind us that we are all in it together.

Halstan ago

Leave hell

Dystopium ago

I can leave hell in a millisecond.

And that’s not emo. It’s true. I’m not crying. I’m not out of mind. It’s just fucking true. All this bullshit could be over in a blink if I just make the decision. All my logical examination of the facts of my particular circumstance leads me to see a only one way to escape this hell, and moving to another Mexican principality all alone with no prospects isn’t that way

TendieChadster ago

You do sound like you're out of your mind. If you're thinking of killing yourself and others because of rational reasons and there's nothing wrong with you, why don't you move and start a new life? Move states, go live in a rural area, work as a bartender or some shit.

Halstan ago

Obviously move to a white area. Only way you'll feel better. Every moment until you leave should be you working towards that.

Dystopium ago

It’s physical now. My body is in physical torment living in this jewed up world with no family and no future. My entire neck and back are in constant pain from shuddering and shrinking from the hell around me at every waking moment. I wake to hell. Alone. I go sleep in hell. Alone. I’m broke and hungry and sad and suicidal. My last lifeline to any feelings of life and truth turned on me in an instant. My brother is a communist faggot now. So is the rest of my family. So is every friend of mine. So is most of nation it seems.

I read the book ‘I have no mouth and I must scream’ a few weeks back.

That book is exactly how my life feels now. Exactly to a T. Anytime there is any sense of getting ahead and out of the prison or feeling even a moment of joy, it’s ripped from me with laughter echoing through the valleys of my mind. This world is an actual hell. Why must I stay here?

Knife_Cat ago

Well. Thats a super expensive option in CA. Truley.

Dystopium ago

Not even possible for me to move anywhere

pcdude ago

I know it's not easy to just up and move, but maybe you should just up and move. I suggest Texas. Texas is spiffy.

Dystopium ago

Why should it even be a worry? We’re all just gunna be scared of antifa and never ever unite, just clutch our guns, watching it all burn in front of us? I don’t want to meet to organize unlawful things. I don’t even want to do anything but drink a fucking cup of coffee and look into ONE GODDAMN PERSONS EYES who is not mental slave. Is there no one??? Are any of you even real??? I don’t want to live in this Jewish prison anymore all alone. Please ....someone....anyone who is awakened, get a coffee with me or I’m gunna end up on the news and it’s not what I want

Themooninthesky ago

FaceTime? Got an iPhone?

TheyLie ago

This might be just a trap to lure someone on voat into a bad situation. Use caution

Dystopium ago

I have to see a real person. I can’t use my phone (my only computer) any more for answers. It’s not real.

If you’re in Los Angeles, and are willing to have a coffee, I am willing and wanting to make that happen through DM.

Themooninthesky ago

Brother. I’m in Georgia.

Dystopium ago

I thank you for trying, but I need contact with a physical person or it’s just an extension of Voat. If I can not find one person in the most populated region of the entire nation who understands what I’m going through then...

Themooninthesky ago

Not trying to be funny but order a pizza and keep the delivery driver there. That’s gonna be your best bet. Just don’t hold him hostage.

Axiomus ago

I feel like shooting people

Please meet me face to face

Slow down there buddy, maybe it's time to take a break from the internet and work on yourself a bit. We can all get depressed by what's happening but ultimately what's important is maintaining your own sanity, life and relationships.

Ultimately they want people like you to give up and suicide or do something stupid instead of making a difference - don't give them what they want. Get outside and join a group of people who aren't necessarily like-minded but do activities together, e.g. a sports group or hobby group. You'd be surprised how many people there are out there just like you who feel isolated.

Dystopium ago

This will be the summer where everything really gets heated up and every fucking person -wether on a soccer field or over a card game or at an antifa rally- everyone is speaking the same way about the same shit. There I no enjoyment in strolling through mass hysteria like it’s all going to be fine if I just work on my singular self. That’s Peterstein BS. I NEED COMPANIONSHIP or there is no reason to live.

thelma ago

Just leave me a airplane ticket at the counter for me to join you.

Put the ticket under the name of Terry Ost No