stretched_girl ago

Was he doing chemtrails, too? I must have ignored that sockpuppet before I got to the chemtrails.

I feel sorry for him.

stretched_girl ago

  1. He claims that Voat is being censored (because people are tired of his raving and downvote him and moderators delete his off topic posts and comments)
  2. He submit piles of conspiracy theories, mainly about zionist conspiracies.
  3. Virtually any submission containing "Jews control" or "Jew controlled"
  4. And, now that Atko is embezzling donation money and buying cars.

shiznitleader ago

Also, is his thing just the shitpost and spam, or does he actually have message?

Firevine ago

It's just shitposts and spam. He claims he has a "message", but I'm pretty sure he's just mentally ill.

You know it's him by paranoia about Jews, lots of links to conspiritard sites, and pleading for someone to pay attention to his "message".