huhu11 ago

I'm ready to downvote. But yes, as voat gets popular the shills will infest it like flies. Some kind of IP tracking is necessary even if VPNs exist. Since Zion got camps of shills literally working 24h to mindfuck people on websites like voat.

timoshenko ago

Why would anyone really give a shit about whether they get upvotes or not?

As long as you have over 100 CCP so you can do downvotes, what is the point?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Old news aye? I've taken a brrak from voat but it seems the shilling has persisted.

Mind_Games ago

Homosexuality is a mental illness. They prove this with every decision they make.

sguevar ago

I agree

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I seem to have misplaced my other 51 accounts...

3TrillionPotatoes ago

You messed up the first name it's NotTheShapeOfMyHeart then it goes 1 to 9 (currently).

He got caught a couple of months ago responding to his own comments and I, mistakenly, accused him of being somebody else.

weezkitty ago

It seems like there is a witchhunt on the front page all the time now. At least a while ago (not sure if it is still in effect now?) there was a limit that preventing the same IP from making another account. In general, it was NOT well received.

8_billion_eaters ago

It's not an immune system; it's the unbanned, uncensored free speech that drives the (((leftists))) away.

8_billion_eaters ago

downvoted. ...........I guess I should reevaluate my life. ......the leftists win. (cunts)

captainstrange ago

It's also a known discrediting technique.

  1. Target a user you want to discredit

  2. Create obvious alts of their account

  3. Mimic that user but post shit that discredits them

  4. Use an alt to post something to the effect of 'hey guys sguevar, sguevar1, sguevar2, sguevarN and his thousand other alts are all shills!'

  5. Mission accomplished. The individual now looks like a shill with dozens of alts.

sguevar ago

You are more than welcome to go ahead and read the comments I have exchanged with that user and including the one on which he admits having up to 10 accounts. But you can keep your reasoning if it makes you feel better about yourself, for that I couldn't care less.

captainstrange ago

But you can keep your reasoning if it makes you feel better about yourself,

I see you seemed to have taken what I wrote as some sort attack against you, which is understandable, heads up though, it wasn't. Just be aware if you are in some shills targets this is one of the tactics they may use against you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno about 'shills' but the voting system empowers tards and lowbrow content or that which feeds the circle jerk. I'd like to abolish the voting system if anything. Certainly not strengthen it further.

heygeorge ago

Better quality people need to use their votes.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

To be fair, I have two... the first one whilst opining hither and blither I did massive amounts of cocaine, pot, and fucking tons of booze on and posted some stupid shit occasionally and, I, after a night or two of clear-headedness decided I shall not post from that account and leave it in its massive steaming levels of inebriated imbecility.

THIS account I hoped to halve the entirety of drugs, booze, and stupidity but I find after considerable consternation comparing the long leg to the real deal of heady excitation mathematically to the boredom of normality added to 30 years of fucking commenting on this total global vast infrastructure of madness that it would be an exercise in practicing to be a plastic strange alternative self. So. THIS account practically mirrors the last account even though attempts were made to avoid the foibles and tripples of said last account.

In the conflux of descensions, warp lag, and hair bent star beams I offer massive props to the last leg of free speech in binary world- the great Peace, brothers and most likely rare sisters.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

They attach bots to these. This is how reddit admins got caught giving one their own posts 15k up votes in under a minute. If something is not done about it this site is toast.

fl3x ago

as retarded as making someone fill out a captcha

...a joogle captcha, at that.

stric9 ago

My question is: what makes them so important? Why are they so intense? Is their cult dying? Do they need to recruit or ban others to feel useful? Real life happens and it happens more often to liars.

CopperPlague ago

I agree that people should ideally only have one account with absolute free speech, but sometimes it's necessary to have multiple because having interaction limits if the majority just doesn't agree with you is simply not free speech. That logic is stupid.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Can I get on this list?

Patient-00 ago

I had one past Voat account the PM spam on that account from people who just liked to flame me and my opinion got so bad it made me ignore a whole part of Voat my PM and finally deactivate the account. This time I just tuned my setting better and the spam is gone this time

Superiorbetamale ago

I was banned from fatpeoplehate after posting several comments supporting it because i said being fat doesnt really apply to celebrities.

I dont know what censorship is, but 1 statement seems a bit quick to jump the gun.

tzitzit ago

Some suspicious voting here.

NotHereForPizza ago

Good work.

Some of us appreciate this more than you know.

Fambida ago

I, like many, use a VPN to protect my privacy, and your suggestion would fuck all of us.

It would also lead to more doxxing when people click on links from people harvesting their IP addresses.

This would be bad for Voat and you should feel bad, faggot.

TheMatrix ago

This. Please read his comment again.

sguevar ago

I don't to be honest. Do you have multiple accounts like the one I reported?

Creating up to 10 accounts to be able to farm is not the way to go.

Fambida ago

No, I don't have multiple accounts. VPNs are for far more than gaming voat, and banning them will cause more harm than not.

tankfox ago

I think I see what you're saying, if anyone else is using the same exit IP then voat will flag that IP as using multiple accounts.

I use a VPS to run my VPN, so I'm the only one who ever uses that IP but only my VPS vendor could connect both the IP the internet sees me as to the IP my laptop has registered on this network. It's only $5 a month and it taught me more about linux and networking, so very positive win overall.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

I don't to be honest either. Great choice.

sguevar ago

Well that is your take, but something needs to be done. This massive account shit is not healthy for the site at all.

sguevar ago

Did you read the post? Didn't I mentioned it was just a start?

Plus tracking the IP address upon the accounts login from is still possible. If an account logs in with multiple IPs that out to be kind of suspicious, specially if the IPs location vary from different geographical locations that are thousands of miles appart.

slope ago

Reddit has awsome backend systems that track and ban you if creating too many accounts, posting too much etc.

They even shadowban-swat whole numbers of accounts you create for marketing purposes if they think the accounts are linked.

Frankly it makes me not want to spam there lest I lose the time investment later.

sguevar ago

I don't want shadow bans either.

But come on, you don't fucking need multiple accounts to exercise your free speech.

slope ago

The problem comes when multiple accounts owned by the same person upvoat each other, that way a nefarious spammer can spam and then sell the account to a shill.

However I have multiple accounts to post interesting content lifted from Reddit, just to keep the masses here entertained between the harsh redpills. Those have high upvoat counts though, and I have never voated on my own posts.

chmod ago

Welcome to free speech. You get the bad with the good.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Welcome to free speech. You get the bad with the good.

The point of giving free speech is to a person is not to have him (ab)use free speech to advocate ending free speech for others.

Free speech should be only granted to proponents of free speech, opponents of free speech should be hunted down like rabid dogs.

KosherHiveKicker ago

There is a difference here.

  • 1 person using 1 account posting/voating uncensored is Free Speech.

  • 1 person using 30 accounts posting/voating to intentionally censor others is Jewddit-Level Nigger-Faggotry.

sguevar ago

I don't see why having just 1 account limits your free speech.

But I understand the point you are trying to make.

BB-3 ago

It limits your anonymity. If you're forced to only use one account, it makes it much more difficult to post in both your hometown subverse and in more controversial subs without seriously risking doxxing yourself.

SimonWest ago

Have the balls to be yourself. If you have to hide your personality your censoring yourself anyway?

dellcos ago

I haven't been bothered by one shill. These posts crying about them on the other hand...

sguevar ago

Well good for you, maybe you don't care that much and that is fine too.

But in what regards to me, I simply don't accomodate the fact that people create multiple accounts just to farm. I take you didn't had to do that in order to get your CCP.

Germ22 ago

Every now and then puttiout bans lists of users for the exact reason you are mentioning here.
Here is a list from the last time it has happened. Maybe @PeaceSeeker has been doing more ban logs since then else where, i dunno.
Banning users site wide is something not taken lightly here. There where a few legitimate users banned site wide a few times by accident as well, but quickly allowed back in after they contacted voat for help.

GreenSmoke ago

Lets just go back to by invite only and you need some thousand or so points to invite. And if you invite a faggot you both get the rack

sguevar ago

Can't say I agree with that. I got here by myself investigating pizzagate. So I am still here because I find more truth than lies here.

So the invite is not something I agree with otherwise I would have never been able to join voat in the first place. I am from Costa Rica, and I think I one of the few or the only one from my country that visits this site.

junesunflower ago

Oh bullshit. Voat throttles people with unpopular opinions from speaking, while it lets the popular voices vomit up whatever shit the masses love.

That is a form of censorship.

Stop pretending this place is the great land of free speech. It's just a big fucking circle jerk for racists and the worst kind of human filth imaginable.

8_billion_eaters ago

It allows cunts like you to disagree without being banned. Even a cunt like you must admit that's better than censorship.

I welcome leftist cunts like you. I think you are more capable of understanding the truth than your (((leftist))) masters give you credit for. Stick around.... Don't be afraid to speak your mind.... You'll soon realize that we were right all along. All it takes is exposure to a few hours of uncensored speech.

Welcome, cunt-o.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

the worst kind of human filth imaginable

Even you.

junesunflower ago

Agreed. Everytime I visit this site I dirty myself like when a farmer walks into the pig pen. But you're the pigs who live there, I'm just visiting.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Everytime I visit this site

Can't seem to shake it?

junesunflower ago

It's been over a month. So yes, I can. It's fun to come back and see just how retarded the alt-right is still.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Since you brought them up, are you living a knife-free life?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The alt-right, huh? There are some of those here, but their posts hardly ever hit the front page for me. They split into two different subs awhile back, over some censorship issue.

kneo24 ago

Cry more, kike.

sguevar ago

Not at all I have seen progressive post here and getting upvoats the right way.

No need for massive accounts just because you are a fucking shill that can't fucking put some decent content.

Free speech is not being impided but this dishonesty has to stop. And as part of community service the shill accounts are to be exposed specially when they have multiple accounts to farm upvoats.

Once again, I only have one. I only fucking need one.

junesunflower ago

Someone who actually believes the bulloshit this shithole is selling.

If I cannot speak as freely as everyone else, then the site practices censorship. But who really gives a flying fuck, this site is just a shitstain on the Internet that nobody cares about with maybe a few hundred daily users. Big fucking deal.

You fuckers aren't important enough for there to be paid shills here.

sguevar ago

Incorrect, you don't need multiple accounts to exercise your free speech. I am the prove of that and you coming here to say whatever you want is your right, no one is banning or censoring you for that. I haven't even get interested in downvoating you. You are just getting downvoated because you are a fucking prick. ;)

HeavyBleating ago

I'm on my second account. First one abandoned because too many people hit the disagree button and with negative karma you can only post once a month or something. So now I mostly just lurk.

junesunflower ago

These dumbfucks are too feeble minded to realize that an algorithm that prevents people from posting as freely as other users is a systemic form of censorship But let's be honest with ourselves here, nobody is ever going to misgroup these dolts in with members of Mensa.

sguevar ago

And you see nohting wrong to the account i just reported? Are you kidding me...

HeavyBleating ago

I think it's pretty flimsy evidence. I can go create sguevar alts and accuse you of the same.

sguevar ago

Well go ahead try doing that and having a conversation with the alters you created within the minutes and seconds we both replied to each other... XD

Love the logic you bring... I am calling for no need to have multiple accounts and I am accused of having multiple accounts. What a dumb fucking logic you have there.

The login of this website or any website for that matter detects the IP from which one is logged in. I only have 3 all in Costa Rica - House, workplace and phone and all using the same account. Again, no need for me to have multiple accounts to denounce something that is going wrong or express my views.

But that is typical that one that calls for honesty it's called dishonest. XD

You sure made me laugh.

HeavyBleating ago

What you said is very hurtful. :C

NotTheShapeOfMyHear2 ago

sguevar we are friends and i told you honestly, i have multiple accounts because voat limits your comments per a day and i'm a chatty dude. Look among my alts i'm pretty consistent.

You should be asking yourself this and i say this as a friend. Why do you want to change the system because you don't like what someone(your friend) is saying?

The place you most don't want to look within your soul is the place you MOST NEED to go.

You need a community that accepts you. I'm sorry for fucking with yours.

BUT this commuinity you picked suuuckkkks, low iq as fuck. I know you love god, avoid resentment bro.

sguevar ago

None of what you have said makes any sense as I stated before, I do not make friendship with shills and certainly not a shill that tells me to read the torah.

The fact that you claim we are friends doesn't make it true.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear3 ago

If you don't like jews you should read the torah just for the knowledge of "knowing your enemy" that's a Szu zho principle bro.

What can i do so that we are friends? :)

sguevar ago

Look shill,

You are not God's people. No need for me to relate to you guys and to your blasphemous teachings the same way I don't relate with disgusting satanists.

You promoting me to read that diabolic book is another proof that you are one of them.

And you stating that this community sucka and that their IQ is low AF is also proof that you know not of what you speak. There is a lot of variety here in knowledge including secular (that I do not follow but accept that it is here).

You are new, created multiple accounts to harass and eventually to farm because that is your MO. And you keep making judgements on this community that you are new to without basis.

Can't say they are all racists because you have one Costa Rican here that is accepted in this community. You have black conservatives that are accepted. Even Asians. You basically are troubled by the fact that our community is actually more inclusive than yours because we do not deny the right of whites to live in communities of their own. We are more inclusive because we allow anyone to have their free speech within the legal standards and common sense. Things that you have shown you don't care about because they are not convenient to your points of view.

Even claiming we are friends when I already told you we are not is proof of your delusional nature.

You have already been rebuked by the Word. Be gone with your false doctrines.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear3 ago

You're doing the politician thing sguevar, no one is reading us or cares.

This isn't a good community for you to grow as a human being, ok.....i accept you don't want to be my friend :( it sucks. We have talked to each other like ten times, what's your metric for when a stranger becomes a friend?

un1ty ago

McReddit tactics to be sure.

Fuck these <bots> or <paid opposition>.

bb22 ago

There should be some limit like 2 or 3 accounts per individual IP address at a time or else banned for vote farming.

2 or 3 accounts = husband and wife in a single household, husband and wife with a kid. dad and two sons. I don't think that's too unreasonable as a limit.

Somecowsspeakhuman ago

There is, or was at least. I've gone through a few burner accounts because fuck doxxing, and it can be a pain to delete an old account and start a new one.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Remember, only your last 19 pages are visible to others. You can see the last 99 of your own pages.

srgmpdns ago

Nope, I can see only 19 pages of my comment history or my saved list.

Some kinda bug.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Just checked. I can see up to 99 of my pages. Only 19 of yours.

srgmpdns ago

Seems you're right. last time I checked was a few months ago, something must have changed.

thantik ago

This is why I suggested implementing a supercookie that would simply track who logs in on the same machine. It's very difficult to get rid of (though not impossible) and would at least make tracking these idiots on the domain possible. It's immune to VPN and IP changes, etc.

chags ago

Just using private browsing won't make it ineffective?

fusir ago

User-agent. Each one is almost unique.

It's not good enough to be certain two people are the same but if you see a lot of votes with one user agent and its really similar voting behavior then you know what's happening.

So then they have to shed their ip, their cookies, thier sign-in, and their user-agent and keep each one sanitized from the other.

Fambida ago

User-agent is easily spoofable. Most super-cookies are more complex than that. There's flash cookies, html canvassing, ISP injected IDs, local storage, etags, visited link tracking, etc.

fusir ago

I guess I have something to learn about.

chags ago

I was using waterfox, and it made me very distinct. I visited that amiunique website and had to change my user-agent. Anyway, the other info the browser passes fucks us. If you have any language diffferent from english, it narrows the number of equals drastically. With javascript they get screen resolution, timezone, list fo plugins. Then html5 canvas. It's too much info, browsers are not made for privacy. I'm not talking about voat, I'm talking about the internet in general. This sucks.

diodine ago

Voat used to limit accounts per IP.

fusir ago

They are also calling non-shill shills to shut down anyone who points out their shillish ways.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

@Tallest_Skil is a prime example.


Will he disavow?

uvulectomy ago

We know you're not a shill, though. You're just a degenerate DeepFaggot.

BrutusMaximus ago

5 comments and no one bothers to upvoat, common guys not everyone reads all/new

Br0sephusMaximus ago

Cool name

BrutusMaximus ago

My brother from another mother

sguevar ago

For some reason i show on my postings +17 when I open here it says +1 and 0 views... this is the 2nd post I do here in Whatever that this happens.

NeedleStack ago

I upvoated. It's a caching issue. The votes will get revealed soon.

Samsquamch ago

Voat has always often been delayed in showing upvoats. Don't get your panties in a twist over it, this post has 11 if you look at it from the list of submissions, but before clicking on it.

BrutusMaximus ago

My bad, panties have now been untwisted.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks! I hope you don't mind that I may copy and paste most of your text should I too find such shills/spammers and want to make a public post.

Fambida ago

I hope you won't be copying his retarded idea to fuck over VPN users by limiting the number of accounts able to use an IP.

SimonWest ago

Why do you need more than one.

Fambida ago

Do you not grasp how VPNs work? I don't need more than one. The thousands of people who share the same internet facing IP address at any given time when using a VPN would be fucked.

dooob ago

@PuttitOut needs to appoint someone to be the official shill hunter.

BaitSauce ago

And call this account Caesar.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why doesn't he just reward users who track down shills somehow? we could have fun with this

dooob ago

How? Shills dont get banned, they use their -1k ccp accounts to write "drumpf" comments and then jump back to a healthy account and get that sweet ccp and legitimacy by attacking themselves. That was the whole purpose of the infamouse CStevenson account (forgot his name again).

BaneGhostiSwear ago

it would have been me, if @puttitout wasn't a shill destroying voat.

don't believe me?

he banned 400+ users for simply upvoting me while shills were brigading me 20,000 points to put me into account restrictions. he lies to the user base he let an openly transvestite, autistic and militant sjw code voat for a year, and accepted all it's code (including these reddit-level account restrictions on ALL accounts that get downvoated into negatives (an open system of censorship) puttitout hasn't done subverse transfers in a year. that tells you he doesn't care about the site nor the community.

you can see dozens of megaposts on this subject from my account page @sanegoatiswear

@puttitout is what is killing voat.

without a shill in charge, the shills here would have no power but to talk.

fun fact!

they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api that downvoats certain users' posts automatically (before they are visible on v/all/new).

i ran the anti-shill sub but @puttitout de-modded me because 'something something sanegoat is 20 people' or some such crazy bullshit.

p.s. thanks @butthole__empress

but voat is done for, unless the community kicks @puttitout out.

so i'm busy building a voat replacement that can't be taken over by shills and doesn't have all the crappy censorship this shithole does.


Do you consider me a transvestite too, or because I have fake boobs does that make me female?

dooob ago

Your tactics dont work, you tricked me once and I defended you for a month and when I pleaded you to stop using all caps because people mocked you for it and made you look autistic, you started calling me a shill and refused to talk with me anymore. Back then I was @ferref, I doubt you remember me but we talked via pm a few times. This is how I knew you were a shill, you didnt care.

heygeorge ago

they have a downvoat bot tied to voat's api that downvoats certain users' posts automatically (before they are visible on v/all/new).

This made up bullshit is precisely what @amalek used to bitch about.

I'm replying to you because fuck Sane Group and his bootlickers like @freshmeat.

Pattern_Blind ago

Hahaha there was like 20 "SaneGoatIt'sReallyMeGoy" Accounts. You were either too successful, have become an internet meme or the Jews won.

Just ask @puttitout are you taking shekels? It seems that is what you are implying?

Anyways I always love seeing a "sanegoatwhatever" account it makes me smile. You have the Autism down. Until you make that replacement site, it just kinda sounds like this classic.


BaneGhostiSwear ago

pm me at @sanegoatiswear

disregard dooob, that's obviously a shill

Germ22 ago

I miss that guy. He was doing good work until he got paranoid and saw shills in everyone even Putt.

dooob ago

I miss that guy. He was doing good work until he sold his account and then saw shills in everyone even Putt.


NeedleStack ago

This gets into serious territory. Do we want lists? Probably not. That reeks of McCarthyism (except we actually would have proof of their shilling whereas McCarthy didn't always have proof). And one man's shill is another man's 'activist'. Know what I mean? I think we have to be thoughtful about this.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Mccarthy was a good man. I like things that reak of McCarthyism, thanks

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yes, we want lists. Is it really plausible that those are multiple users who just happen to want the "NotTheShapeOfMyHeart" name, but all decided to replace the final 't' character with a number? No.

NeedleStack ago

I already said as much in my earlier comment:

Edit: Let me just say, it's obvious that the alts OP listed are full of shit shills (probably come fresh from reddit to infiltrate us as I've seen them want to do for a while).

In that guy's case it's totally obvious this user is using alts and shilling. When it comes to being wary of 'lists' I was referring to users who seem to have no direct affiliation with each other and where 'shilling' might be a more subjective definition.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Missed the edit. That makes sense.

un1ty ago


But Communists should be routed out, called out, and destroyed. Fuck communism and the zombies that actually believe it can work to their benefit.

lexsird ago

Ironically, McCarthy proved to be right, we're up to our nipples in commies now.

dooob ago

I completly agree with you, I know what I am proposing is very controversial here but I am getting sick of them. Since I took the shills redpill a few years ago, nothing has changed. Our only tactic we have is exposing them, we have to go for their accounts. Only way we can do it without on-hands approach is to start fingerprinting users which is a massive no-no. They buy accounts, if we start taking them out they will have to buy new ones. It is a small punch but atm i feel like we are not swinging at all.

albatrosv15 ago

we have to go for their accounts.

Not enough.

BlueDrache ago

They buy accounts, if we start taking them out they will have to buy new ones. It is a small punch but atm i feel like we are not swinging at all.

Eventually we'll chip into that 1.2 billion Soros gave them

dooob ago

But we will surely disorganize them. If you find a shill and get a look at what he votes, you can get a whole network. Did you notice when you call out certain users, you get downvoted with no replies?

sguevar ago

Be my guest.