Neral ago

Um, those are their best.

fl3x ago

In one of the posts someone mentioned blocking another user. Is there an extension that enables that? What's it called?

The link seems a bit more useful since it shows the entire thread. I had no idea what was going on when I clicked through and read OP's link.

para_monk ago

It's obvious the user was addressing the post before linking to the cointelpro tactics and not their own previous post. You guys read into things too much.

Schreiber ago

Not really. There are some smarter ones with 10k+ ccp which they farm by upvoat bots and larping as edgy neonazi hillbillies.

Either way the goal is clear, making conservatives look like ignorant dumb fucks.

lord_nougat ago

Sure they are. It's just that their best are still retarded by normal standards.

shadow332 ago

Every time a politics post of mine gest over 100 upvotes, then the exact same users and bots come in, over and over again. I usually respond with something along the lines of: Oh you're right, WTF I love liberals now!


In case he deletes it:

One time it was really bad, there were like 5 or 6 at once, posting all over the thread in order to derail discussion. What I do is I tell them that I will just post a fuckton more on the subject.

Flour ago

Assuming the shills don’t make overtly obvious mistakes to distract from their real shill accounts

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Ah, now he has at least 6 of those. T through 5.

fusir ago

I'll put this out there. He was making anti-jew posts.

There are shills of every kind here. Maybe jewish critisism is healthy because fuck giving anyone a special status like repubs do. But maybe some of it is astroturf.

CantBuySkills ago

It's 3 parentheses (((faggot)))

RebeccaSugar ago

delete post before they wise up

BoraxTheFungarian ago

That would require wisdom...

LurkMoarFaggot ago

Don't tell (((them))). It makes idiots easier to spot.

CantBuySkills ago

Oh shit... my bad... I just figured with the disability level already being so high that I would be fine revealing our tricks.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Hahaha! Nice catch, samsquamch!

3TrillionPotatoes ago

So... doesn't that mean @White-Supremacist is using










To argue with himself for upvotes?

Probably a better idea to focus on the controller (@White-Supremacist) rather than the (currently) nine different alts that were made mere hours ago.

Pretending his alts are Indians while typing "normally" on his main account is a ruse.

Not very clever though.

White-Supremacist ago

Yeah, I am totally aching for those upvotes. Sounds like some discrediting gaslighting effort to stifle discussion on things like women, feminism and race mixing. Touch a nerve did I? Haha fuck jews and your kalegri plan straight to hell! Scrutinze every single one of my posts, maybe you'll learn something. Buahahaha!

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

Ah ha. Your friends are all turning on you. Our jewish plan is working eheheheh.

forgot_p4ssword ago

It was a good guess, but i do not actually think this is the case. So far White-supremacist doesn't seem to have engaged with the guy's alt or main before. My tools are still running so im not willing to call it just yet. I'll edit this in roughly 24 hours once the comment/submission profile is complete.

That said, we already know that NotTheShapeofmyheart is an avid alt-account user to circumvent the fact he can only post very limited amounts pr. time.

I'll be running a stylography analyze in a few hours that should give the first evidence. I already ran one from my comment database (thats a few months old) and it matches no other users in my database within a satisfying margin. But as you might know stylography is useful but not entirely perfect evidence.

Have a nice day.

P.S. next time PM me, do not alert the suspect. I can only do so much with redflags/trip-wire in place. (i.e: when someone deletes comments to attempt to cover up.)

Edit: I won't discuss my tools with ya'll but i'll swear that they do not produce a load on voat's servers compared to an average user - not even close. Unlike google i will respect robot.txt if it ever appeared or if admin prohibit datamining.)

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

Stylometry is good bro. You were right in this case, but you become a victim to your algorithm, don't put too much trust in your 'tool' yuck.

And now you are on a list.

You have decent opsec but time is a victim to us all.

Ask yourself this "what are you putting in effort for?"

forgot_p4ssword ago

and now you are on a list.

lol why would stylometry put me on a list?

you have decent opsec

keep me posted.

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

lol why would stylometry put me on a list?

You have racists interest in mind and you aren't a crusty.

Don't fuck over your own potential because you're angry, i think you know what a apt is?

Live a good life.

forgot_p4ssword ago

Nigger, do you know what stylometry is? if you are referencing advanced persistent threats you are retarded.

NotTheShapeOfMyHeart ago

(Check the higher education stats)[]

Why am i retarded? check it am i wrong?

forgot_p4ssword ago

Nah fam. PDFs are spooky. Tell me about it.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear1 ago

Do you want to live a life paranoid? You already are dealing with social anxiety.

Just chill bruh, don't fight for bums when your life is already hard.

This is the end point on you being a try hard

forgot_p4ssword ago


Why are you drawing the conclusion that i have social anxiety based on a hobby-project? And why would i have paranoia?

NotTheShapeOfMyHear1 ago

Just ask yourself, it starts as a warning dude.

forgot_p4ssword ago

oh no! some alt-o-holic fuckwit on voat warned me. Gas yourself.

Vic_V ago

Who am I

forgot_p4ssword ago

I don't know, who are you?

Vic_V ago

Run your magic and see if you find me fam

forgot_p4ssword ago

Are you accused somewhere?

80% of the process is automatically, give me a reason to do a few hours manual work for your pleasure?

Vic_V ago

No, I was just curious to see if it would work

forgot_p4ssword ago

It definitely works. It was built for the purpose of finding Jem777's alt army which were spamming with stupid shit.

2½ months ago i used it to verify the lists on /v/caught. Was only targeted subverses that i gathered submissions/comments from. Was great fun to built but never a tool intended to run in real time.

They are really easy to make too, the hard part is making sure that the crawler do not effect any of voat's servers especially since meltdown and spectre band-aid patches.

I'll ping you if i ever sits down and need to test new features, deal?

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You probably run your shit through stylography analysis to ensure your posts are varied enough and actually are a shill yourself, if not the one in question... "Next time PM me..." BULLSHIT!!! If someone starts deleting comments, then we'll know we were right.

forgot_p4ssword ago

My posting history on this account and /u/welcome_fags is somewhat identical in stylographic analysis, but this account is not old enough to actually give you any useable results.

actually are a shill yourself, if not the one in question

Cute. I've been accused of being another person on voat twice. First time I was accused of being KR63. (you probably won't know who that is and im not about to introduce you to a great piece of voat history.)

Do you not understand why I ask to be PM'd? I could archive and store a person's entire comment database within 1 hour but Voat will be completely unusable for everyone else during my crawl. I need 24 hours to crawl at the bare minimum.

You can doubt my work all you want, but would like to point out, this is not my first rodeo in exposing shills on this site. Read /v/pedos, /v/caught for more information ya daft cuntasaurus.

Pissant ago

I used to get accused of being Amalek and SaneGoatiSwear all the time, now I get accused of being Freshmeat, who also gets accused of being SaneGoatiSwear. People really love shouting out "Shill!" around here, but I can't really blame them. The idea that there are no shills is equally outrageous as accusing random people of being shills.

forgot_p4ssword ago

It have got to be some substanciated claim. Just a bit of proof. Now that i have angered the "cultural marxist"-club on voat, i'm sure they will accuse me repeately of all sorts of things.

Disappointed ago

shadow332 ago

@White-Supremacist is definitely a shit-tier shill, just look at this tiny snippet of his post history:

And calling himself "@White-Supremacist". "Wow, yea, he's definitely one of us cuz he even has it in his name!11!!!"

He's probably a fat nigger like that Oliver Willis:

bdmthrfkr ago


You da man!

lemon11 ago

I don't know, thoses posts are really incoherent. And the incoherent Q-larp conspiracy and esoteric pizzagate-ism posts follow that same pattern: word salad in a chain of self-replies. So it could just be their normal style.

shadow332 ago

Sounds like a bot.

dallasmuseum ago

For all we know, this could be a false flag shitpost

dellcos ago

Shitpost was an INSIDE JOB MAN!

shadow332 ago

No, I've noticed these accounts as well. Any time a politics post in particular gets over 100 upvotes, this guy comes in with some stupid reddit-tier liberal commenting.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

"Women should be put in their place and beat with wet noodles!" That's the gist of @White-Supremacist 's mega-strong asshattery

White-Supremacist ago

No man, pool noodles, you are supposed to use pool noodles.

Samsquamch ago

Here's an archive in case the faggot tries to edit or delete their comment -