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Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I would expect nothing less from them.

White-Supremacist ago

Expect the same from me, fuck that race mixer traitor straight to hell, and any who disagree with me.

RKG ago

I mean....she's already mixed though. Daddy was a halfy

Cheesebooger ago

Obama is half jewish. Lena Dunham was a globetrotting jewess. Obama's grandmamma was the president of The Bank Of Hawaii

NotTheShapeOfMyHear4 ago

So you're sock-puppeting, larping as something your not as a reaction to someone else's ideals.

Do you understand how faggot that is.

White-Supremacist ago

You write like an indian.

No, I am seriously disgusting by that nigger lover, do you understand how faggot it is to defend them?

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

You larp as a white supremacist, i know the difference. You are a faggot faking the funk, you don't actually believe in what your saying. You're a "virtue signaling" pussy in a white safe space context.

'"Expect the same from me" Huh guys im just like a libralll!!! hahhhh' any actually white supremacist i've ever know would celebrate a white dude dicking basically the princess of black upper class.

Your just a faggot.

White-Supremacist ago

Sounds like CIA consensus cracking mr. 3 hour old account.

Weakkkk. Blocked.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

Scary or yukky = runaway.

I'm not going to fight you doing you.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

Remember these are only effective if the forum participants DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM!!!

You assume anyone reading this is of pretty low intelligence.

(( thank u 4 teaching me ur power moves goyim, now i will use them 4 )) i don't know telling whitey to stop being faggots.

Guardbuddy ago

Now you've fucked up! You have fucked up now!

SpecialtyPizza ago

Way to go dumbass.

chryseos-geckota ago

Chessmate bitchez

submitted ago

Omagad you pwned yourself like a fucking retard

Pubiclouse ago


Cheesebooger ago

You're a jewess aren'tcha?

Samsquamch ago

Did you just reply to your own comment? At least remember to switch accounts first you fucking retard.