Fetalpig ago

her grandmother was white....her dad is half black and her moms a man- who cares who she bones.

Ywis ago

4D Chess indeed.

fl3x ago

Wow. Has he reported the rape? Or does he even know it's going on?? Power + Privilege = Rape!!!

Gimmemymoney ago

First, that's not obamas daughter cause faggots can't make babies second, who the fuck would date that ugly excuse for an ape.

iloveTTYs ago

Hey black people! Welcome to diversity you fucking pricks!

badruns ago

3 tweets? Cmaaahn

Hektik ago


She sexy AF though. Id hit it

vastrightwing ago

Whatch a talkin bout Willis?

zbou ago

Whites enraged by race traitor

ToFat2Fish ago

That's right niggers. We can take your wemon any time we want to, remember that. We just don't do it because they look like shit but we can cuck you anytime we want.

ThatsSoJewish ago

I love how in the example tweets whatever retarded source they gathered them from decided that 'fucking' was censor-worthy but 'niggas' wasn't...

Secondly, since it's not incorrect to use the phrase 'white niggas,' I'm going to assume 'nigga' is no longer related to the word 'nigger,' and can be used as an alternative to friend, bro and dude. Checkmate, niggers.

Jaybird0861 ago

Her boyfriend is also a Trump supporter

Neinlife ago

with her dad being a faggot and her mom being a tranny that little turd spurt has at least a quarter of a dick ao i gotta assume the white boy is at least half a fag

Cheesebooger ago

He will be okay until Manchelle tries to rape him with that 11 incher

mrgreenjeans9 ago

what's that kid's name? Lord Farquaad?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

what's that kid's name? Fhqwhgads?

SegFault ago

What's with this Buzzfeed-tier style of writing? I remember American Thinker having higher quality writing.

Plan1988 ago

my exact thought. upvote
thank you for posting is the publication going clickbait?

SegFault ago

They seem to have an articles section and a blog section and the shit article comes from the blog.

If prefer they didn't have the blog at all or at least keep it for the nonsense but didn't write like tumblr in there. Because sharing their name with online edgelords is how many other previously OK publications turned into trash.

Plan1988 ago

WOW Thanks! You figured it out. Absolutely. When I clicked and saw

their standard brand type graphic picture I read. then yuk. I appreciate

the time you took to comment. Hope others read and benefit.

lissencarak ago

Miscegenation is disgusting and it should be illegal (again).

remola ago

So malia obama is literally dating Lord Farquad's son

DeltaBravoTango ago

That's the whitest white guy I've ever seen.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I am not going to shit on them for being against miscegenation in general, then again Malia is already a mongrel having a white grandparent.

Also, American thinker is boomer-tier cucked:

Most white people want us to grow together as a community. I just wish everyone of all races felt the same way.

Those white people are morons who are shitting on their ancestors.

Oh shit it gets better:

After years of Obama's race-baiting, President Trump is the first "post-racial" president to follow him. What do you think President Trump could do to begin the healing process? Is this a "teachable moment" that President Trump could use to get the Democrats to disavow black racism? How do we get all black people to value the diversity of boyfriends and girlfriends as much as we do?

This is boomer """conservative""" virtue signaling at its most grotesque.

ZX4jBXu ago

Who cares, you got that Prince fuck face in the UK boning a nigger, that's pretty fuckin' stupid if you ask me. At least this nigger "racist" is just doing what we should ALL be doing. Keeping to our damn own.

ardvarcus ago

It's a waste of white sperm.

yurisrevenge ago

Once you go white bitch knoe she been licked right

Cheesebooger ago


HorseIsDead ago

"white niggas". This is the epitome of retardation. You can't get any more stupid than that and still remember to breathe.

MadBro ago

Lol. Just goes to show it doesn't mean what they say it means, and is only used to cuck wiggas.

HorseIsDead ago

Remember that high school teacher that had to undergo sensitivity training and shit for using the word "nigga"? Fucking cucks.

edistojim ago

Maybe Dumbo's spawn didn't want to get knocked up then murdered.

DalesDead-Bug ago

How could a faggot and his manwife create spawn?

fl3x ago

Potato_McGingerbeard ago


newoldwave ago

But, but Negroes can't be racist. Can they?

un1ty ago

I hate this dichotomy. Seriously - do these ass-hats not realize that if this was flipped, they'd flip their shit?

Oh, dis white gurl datin' some nignog gonna pay the toll

Would immediately be flagged as 'racist' and likely have the account banned. Fuck this.

JohnJones ago

I agree with them on this one.

DeadFox ago

As they should be

BillDing ago


This is a good thing, race mixing is a two-way street

White-Supremacist ago

This is a horrible thing you race traiting nigger loving faggot. FUCK YOU!

BillDing ago

It’s not like that white guy is 14/88

I’m more than happy to sacrifice the race traitors by having them B L E A C H the darkies

White-Supremacist ago

You are a fool.

BillDing ago

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating race mixing, but at the same time I accept you can’t reach some people

White-Supremacist ago

You can, actually. Where logic ends ass kicking begins. There is nothing good with race mixing, it doesn't matter if it's a white woman or white man, absolutely makes no difference, it's all shit and horrific. Do not promote or encourage this, shun and shame, scorn and hate with every ounce of seething rage you have. If you aren't pissed night and day you aren't paying attention.

lissencarak ago

Mulattoes are more disgusting and worse for society than niggers.

You can send the niggers to live with the niggers, and at least they'd belong. Mulattoes belong nowhere. They can't stay in white communities; and blacks will simply kill them.

Browngaijin ago

He's... tall...

Icecut ago

So, Malia has found herself an oil driller. Squirmy looking little pissant, isn't he. Lots of that going around. Prince Harry got himself some dark meat and now he be hangin' with the boyz from the hood.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ha, malia getting bleached. This guys is a fucking degenerate monkey fucker tho

Samchay6 ago

I prefer the term oil-drilling kike.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh man, if this guy is jewish it makes it so much better, along with obama's mother that'd be two jew bloodlines muddied by obama's father

Cheesebooger ago

He's doing this for the white race

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i hope they get divorced after he knocks her up, it'd be a reverse of the usual single mother situation

Cheesebooger ago

He gets arrested for robbing a pizza place and goes to prison hahaha

Then she'll be on Tindr looking for a date with a half breed baby

Napierdalator ago

This guys is a fucking degenerate monkey fucker tho

So there's no better use of him than a redpilling tool. He's a monkey fucker already so I cheer for him - may he trigger niggers eternal shiny and chrome.

WilliamCutting ago

may he trigger niggers eternal, shiny and chrome

Top fucking kek. Witnessed!

blackkn1ght ago

Oh, the humanity HYPOCRISY!

BTW, it's his funeral.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I guess not all the 'racists' voted for Trump.

fagetty ago

Fucking disgraceful Scotsman.

fl3x ago

To be fair she is raping him, after all.

Remember, Power + Privilege = Rape.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

"sending your kids to a white college makes them race traitors, not even the president's family was safe"

With the right sock puppets, this can be one dangerous meme. We can turn affirmative action and integration into racist things with the right push.

HeavyBrain ago

That would require consistancy on the behalf of the niggs, they trun and spin like a fucking ceiling fan if it gets them gibz.


That’s because they aren’t here to participate, they are here to steal.

Nathan_Explosion ago

Meh. Let's wait until they start calling for her death and posting diatribes about the diminished genetic potential of her future offspring before we get smug. Those tweets were pretty innocuous for racism, IMO. (<_<)

yurisrevenge ago

Dat ass doe

LOL she ain't got none!!!

Hey_Sunshine ago


tendiesonfloor ago

There's nothing wrong with racism. It's a made-up slur by marxist jews.


Though meanwhile the only talent subsaharras have is being racist... unless you include cannibalism, and these traits are all promoted as being beneficial in america by israel, asshats.

HAESisalie ago

A people whose whole existence is centered on their belief that they are god's chosen ones and above all others.

Chimaira92 ago

Yeah and now because they killed Jesus they are doomed to spend eternity on earth. Doomed I tells ya.

norse ago

You put it so well. This is the sole reason i feel uneasy, everytime i see one of (((them)))

MetalAegis ago

I'm not sure if thats racism or god complex, the definition of which is... ...an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.

However I suppose if didn't separate supremacy from racism both could potentially use that definition.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I would expect nothing less from them.

White-Supremacist ago

Expect the same from me, fuck that race mixer traitor straight to hell, and any who disagree with me.

RKG ago

I mean....she's already mixed though. Daddy was a halfy

Cheesebooger ago

Obama is half jewish. Lena Dunham was a globetrotting jewess. Obama's grandmamma was the president of The Bank Of Hawaii

NotTheShapeOfMyHear4 ago

So you're sock-puppeting, larping as something your not as a reaction to someone else's ideals.

Do you understand how faggot that is.

White-Supremacist ago

You write like an indian.

No, I am seriously disgusting by that nigger lover, do you understand how faggot it is to defend them?

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

You larp as a white supremacist, i know the difference. You are a faggot faking the funk, you don't actually believe in what your saying. You're a "virtue signaling" pussy in a white safe space context.

'"Expect the same from me" Huh guys im just like a libralll!!! hahhhh' any actually white supremacist i've ever know would celebrate a white dude dicking basically the princess of black upper class.

Your just a faggot.

White-Supremacist ago

Sounds like CIA consensus cracking mr. 3 hour old account. https://kek.gg/i/8g4P_.jpg

Weakkkk. Blocked.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

Scary or yukky = runaway.

I'm not going to fight you doing you.

NotTheShapeOfMyHear5 ago

Remember these are only effective if the forum participants DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM!!!

You assume anyone reading this is of pretty low intelligence.

(( thank u 4 teaching me ur power moves goyim, now i will use them 4 )) i don't know telling whitey to stop being faggots.

Guardbuddy ago

Now you've fucked up! You have fucked up now!

SpecialtyPizza ago

Way to go dumbass.

chryseos-geckota ago

Chessmate bitchez

submitted ago

Omagad you pwned yourself like a fucking retard

Pubiclouse ago


Cheesebooger ago

You're a jewess aren'tcha?

Samsquamch ago

Did you just reply to your own comment? At least remember to switch accounts first you fucking retard.