Sosacms ago

I'm assuming the he only nearly lost his life because having the knife gave him a false security that he could actually defend himself with it.

That or he was nearly shot by the cops while making toast....

LostandFound ago

Who can I complain to, that poster has given me brain cancer

shadow332 ago

If you're white and male, you can't because everything is "your faultTM".

Dudicles ago

I think my tiny pocket knife would hurt me more if I tried to stab someone.

So you just admitted that your tool can be a dangerous weapon. Turn it in, you violent maniac!

middle_path ago

Probably not a good campaign for chefs.

Yuke ago

The fucking cheek of using a White guy! The knife problem we have in the UK, especially in London, but evident all over really, is only a problem because so many NON-whites are walking around with them. There was a really telling case a little while ago. A Black guy riding his bike, a White man waiting at a bus stop. The White man steps back into the path of the Black cyclist and they collide. The Black lad, who had a knife on him, stabs the white man to death, just for accidentally bumping into him. It happens a lot, and it's by far non-Whites that are doing it.

bourbonexpert ago

so the UK is lost at this point right?

shadow332 ago

Yes, long gone.

IronWolve ago

I carry 3 on me, a regular edc kubey knife with a tanto style blade, I use at work to cut tape, wires, boxes, etc all the time, sog key knife on my keychain, and my 2cl direct multi pen has a blade/screw driver, flashlight, window breaker and pen., I carry that in my pen slots in my 5.11 shirts.

elitch2 ago

The fuck? I have a fucking K-Bar strapped to my belt, all day, every day.

ArousedYeti ago

What about axes? Hammers? Magic staves?

Spears? Bows??

Tzitzimitl ago

the royal family is complicit in what happened to the UK, we arent missing anything by having them lose their authority

stillinit ago

The other day my knife turned a plastic cup into a funnel which I used to put gas from a water jug into a stranded motorists vehicle.

We need a sub for stories where knives save the day.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

I carry two (sometimes 3 if I'm fishing) - one for things, one for people.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Right, white boy Ben is the problem. Got it.

theHare ago

I want to liberate my homeland. I’m thinking a big Atlantic steamer, guns and ropes.

12341677? ago

How does he cut his steak? Probably vegan too, poor dear...

Alopix ago

I bet it wasn't the kinfe that almost cost him his life. I bet it was a nonwhite

obvious-throwaway- ago

Jesus Christ, they are going to slaughter the citizens over there soon aren't they. Piles of human skulls with bad teeth, here we come.

DirectPressure ago


The_Laughing_Storm ago

Did he trip, stab-himself with his knife and almost nicked an artery?

notaspy ago

Knives are made out of AR15 metal. They can become sentient and go on toxicly masculine, anti-semitic rampages at any time! Are you knife-free?

Battlefat ago

I wish I could down voat a country

Fragnostus ago

That's some orwellian communisty totalitarian shit. At least nearly all pictures show immigrants, so they got that right.

Firevine ago

Ben is a faggot.

Dudicles ago

That guy doesn't need to carry tools around because he is one. A knife is a great utility tool, and I use one nearly every day, and I carry one every day. I'm willing to be "Ben" never once had his life in danger because he carried around a tool in his pocket. I am willing to bet he got paid a bit of money for his picture to be used in an advertisement, though.

Eventually, you'll have to go rent a screwdriver in the UK, because they'll be controlled. Honest to goodness, the UK is heading toward not allowing people to carry or own household tools without government paperwork involved.

At that point, the citizens may as well start braying and go live in a pasture, because they're basically going to be farm animals.

Ialwayssaythis ago

People don't make people fat FORKS make people fat. We need to ban forks to end the obesity crisis. -The National Sugar Council.

nmgoh2 ago

Spoons are the true enemy. You don't use a fork to eat a frozen dinner or Mashed Potatoes.

What they eat with a fork are probably the healthiest thing they've eaten all day.

chirock ago

How can you cut your steak without a knife? Fucking savages.

voats4goats ago

With a Knork duh! ;)

chirock ago

You asshole! Now I have to go buy some Knorks before they get outlawed too. Those pointy things could be dangerous and don't even get me started on the beveled edge.

coopzy ago

well they just drink soy so...

mynewaccountagain ago

Is this a joke? I carry at least one knife everywhere I go. They're so fucking useful. Probably would make terrible stabbers, which is fine since I don't go around stabbing people.

Holy shit it's real

mynewaccountagain ago

Yep. I was offended by the "person". It was quite jarring.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

No fire. Only space heaters with a candle that sits in a bucket of water

ilikeskittles ago

What constitutes a knife in the UK. Are they talking long knifes, pocket knifes, dinner knifes? All knifes? How do you cut your steak? I carry a little pocket knife all the time. Leatherman Micro to be exact, its a useful little tool, are these illegal?

nmgoh2 ago

Here is a pretty good rundown


  • Anything that one could classify as a traditional pocket knife or kitchen knife is OK.
  • Anything with a blade more than 3in or that looks/acts like a butterfly knife is illegal.
  • Anything that looks/acts like a hidden knife (cane sword) is illegal.
  • As soon as one uses a legal knife with hostile intent now has an illegal knife.

In the UK's defense, they've been on board with a disarmed populace for the last 1000 years or so. They're not exactly clamoring for American-style rights.

mynewaccountagain ago

Hah My standard pocket knives are more than 3". I need to cut stuff with it, it's not to clean my finger nails.

ilikeskittles ago

I have one of those full sized Leatherman's in my Computer bag, but I rarely use it. This Micro is really tiny, easily fits in my pocket with my keys. I use it several times a day. But when I say it's small, it's small. The blade is maybe an inch long. But it has a pair of scissors, tweezers, knife blade that is sharp, straight blade and phillips blade screw driver and bottle opener. And as a plug, Leatherman's seem to be made really well, I've been very satisfied with them.

nmgoh2 ago

Cool story bro. I started carrying a credit card knife when I lost my good Leatherman to the TSA. Fits in a CC slot in my wallet and not a single security person has spotted it.

NamelessCrewmember ago

An old timer I worked for lost his shit when i started there and didn’t have a pocket knife. He gave me one as a loaner till I got my own. I use it a dozen times a day and scoff at people that can’t even open a package. It’s simply part of my edc now. I even take a less valuable one when I travel, just stand it on end and it put it with your keys and it goes right through X-ray.

ilikeskittles ago

I actually bought one of these little Leatherman Micros for a kid that was working for me for awhile. He started and asked him to do something and he needed a tool. I said, don't you have a utility knife. No was his reply. Made a trip the the store and bought him one. Told him to keep it with him all the time.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Thanks for being “that guy”.

ilikeskittles ago

I am that guy!

nmgoh2 ago

I used to carry a pocket knife every day until it kept getting stolen by TSA/Security types. Now I keep a credit card knife in my wallet and nobody's questioned a thing.

Makes it past TSA, Court Security, concerts, wherever.

ilikeskittles ago

That looks handy as hell. Where did you get that?

nmgoh2 ago

The brand name version is "Ian Sinclair". He's the inventor and rather proud of the design and charges ~$20/each on his website.

You can knockoffs cheaper on Amazon at ~$1/ea but the blades aren't as good quality. You can also get Ian Sinclairs for $5/ea but since I've been ordering them off Amazon, the blades don't seem to be that much better either. Maybe he dropped quality or maybe someone's just blatantly ignoring trademarks, or maybe I'm just remembering wrong.

Either way now I pretty much get the $1-2 versions. At that cost they're not even worth sharpening, as I'll just replace the knife when I need to.

The only downside is that you can't do any "real" cutting with it. The knockoffs especially don't lock down well, so really digging into a steak or cutting through the wall of a thick cardboard box can get literally dicey. But it's perfect for light quick cuts like tape, saran wrap, and your dinner in a pinch.

ilikeskittles ago

Cool, thanks for the info.

1moar ago

Holy shit, 4 years?! Enjoy your culture laddies, I'm sorry for those that suffer needlessly.

NoTrueScotsman ago

The joke is the UK, unfortunately.

mynewaccountagain ago

As an American I kinda blame us. Maybe if we didn't kick their asses and then later save their asses, they wouldn't have turned into such pussies. The British Empire has turned into nothing.

swastikawaii ago

They have a monarchy. They've always been a country of cucked, downtrodden peasants begging for a lord to protect them. Pretending the UK has ever been a part of the "free world" is just Anglo propaganda.

NoTrueScotsman ago

If they'd had any sense, they would've come to idolize us when it became clear we were so superior. They should've photocopied our constitution instead of making spreading butter illegal.

I can only assume they killed off all the real men in the world wars and whoever was left to rule created this mess.

northportage ago

I like to live dangerously. Why, just this morning, I spread jam on my toast using a ... lip quivers ... a knife!

Derpfroot ago

You're actions will be the reason the west falls. You disgust me.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

How, exactly, does carrying a knife put your life in danger. I don't mean from overzealous law enforcement either; that's just obvious.

Owigotprcd ago

My guess is the cops found it, felt like their lives were in danger and almost killed him. Except they dont use guns so they yelled at him until he almost died.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Probs referring to him falling off his bike and got stabbed by the knife. So nothing to do with violence or being assaulted.

Secretly_psycho ago

So ban idiots, not knives Jesus how fucking hard is it to carry the thing secured or I don't fucking know, close the goddamned blade? Unless he's trying to be cool carrying a giant "badass" useless blade.

Saufsoldat ago

Maybe he tripped and impaled himself while holding a knife.

Honestly, assault knives should be banned. Nobody needs a sharp edge in their house, you can just as easily cut some onions with a fork.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Ban forks! And teeth! Pull out their fingernails!

totes_magotes ago

It's illegal to carry weapons in the UK.

a11en ago

A Pencil and even a newspaper can be used to kill quite effectively. Hmm... maybe the daily mail or the Sun should be illegal...

a11en ago

Dude- assault knives kill people! /s

How does he eat his steak... oh wait, he’s probably eating silken tofu.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

At first I thought, "They could eat a steak by sticking it with a fork, picking it up, and taking bites out of it." Then I realized that forks had been banned as dangerous weapons. They're getting to teeth next month. Think of the savings to NHS when they make all the dentists redundant!

RD6 ago

IIRC, dental care isn't covered by the NHS to begin with. No wonder Brits are stereotyped as having awful teeth.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

OK, I got way to curious and went to the site. Holy Shit! The circular logic. They start off with the legal consequences, jump to trying to make you feel guilty when you did nothing, then one shot of personal fear followed by two call backs to legal consequences. Three more actual facts that are more like trivia.

Who came up with this crap? Did someone just reheat the anti-gun campaign?

Eshu_Eleggua ago

The UK government. It helps keep people in line and make them more apt to stand around while their fellow citizens go to jail for making jokes, when they have nothing to defend themselves with. I really loved the fact they try to instill fear of trying to defend yourself in general.

The idiot that talked about being stabbed after pulling his knife made me chuckle, though. It does help illustrate how far the UK has fallen and just how cucked they really are.

Hayashimo ago

I can't help but read it like Crocodile Dundee. "Carrying a noife almost cawst Ben heyis loife." (Yes, I know, wrong country.)

But don't let retards ever convince you a knife is only (or even primarily) a weapon. It's really annoying not being able to carry one for every day tasks.

Sosacms ago

Fun, take with a grain of salt, story. The guy Crocodile Dundee was based on was killed by the Australian government during their gun grap. Fast forward to today and some Australian is getting shot for having a box cutter.

elitch2 ago

Cuckstralia is just as bad, if not worse. Carrying a pocket knife will land you a weapons charge, with jail time.

Secretly_psycho ago

How the fuck do you justify banning self defense in a world where literally everything in sight can kill you?

elitch2 ago

"Our" governments don't justify, they decree.

Welcome to neo-fuedalism. You pay over half your wage to the government in taxes, tarriffs, and fees. You pay most of the rest to the (((bank))) in order to have a home to live in.

illop ago

Any time someone brings up Crocodile Dundee this comes to mind.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Right? The English are a people who can now be defeated by cardboard boxes, plastic packaging, and stray pieces of string.