Banky1974 ago

I know this isn't going to be a very popular comment, but guys could we please be really careful with this? There's no doubt that this Wayfair thing looks fishy as hell, but can we be more careful with the comments being put on social media? We need to let the research speak for itself, or we will never convince normies that something is going on here.

We're already being mocked by people that are typically our allies. The idea of institutionalized pedophilia is a very, very difficult concept for normies to accept. Making statements on social media that outpace the evidence just gives them the ability to rationalize the problem away. We've got to focus on data and evidence rather than accusations.

oceanside ago

Didn't CEO of step down out of nowhere a while back? Maybe we need to dig around there as well.

Lurker17 ago

Yes he did. IIRC, he's pro Trump so probably very little baggage of interest to us in his history. Pick any GOPe Republican and you will have very fertile ground for digging.

ditzee ago

Read Wayfair is connected to Bain Capital (hey Mittens). That would explain the Platinum team being from Utah and Boston.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Boston and Utah huh?

Feels like there's a Romney connection in here.

Lurker17 ago

There is, Bain Capital and Ogden, UT.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Exactly......Keep going....

MuckeyDuck ago

Extremely expensive orders? What are extremely expensive orders?

Expensive is a relative term, as is Extremely Expensive. What would be expensive to me, would not be expensive to someone much more affluent.

OpakapakaCaca ago

How many $15,000 pillows do you own?

lightindarkness ago

the bigger question is what do they do with the pillows when they are done with them?

scoripowarrior ago

sell off the parts

OpakapakaCaca ago


Lurker17 ago

The items were IIRC $6000 and up, some I saw were approaching $15000.

Extremely high priced items, the items were cheap crap with 25x and up markups. Obviously the wrong prices for these items. No normal person who knows the value of a buck would buy them knowing the exact same item could be bought for $100 instead of $8000. Dramatic overpricing.

whatdowehavehere ago

So 3 trolls a hawk and a goblin

Jonny_Ninja ago

Maybe I'm not caught up on this entirely, but based on what I know we dont really have any evidence here.

This isn't the same thing or even close to the same thing as the "modeling websites" Q pointed us to way back that showed young people clearly under some sort of duress.

And yet, many of us are posting like crazy as if it's totally the same thing. What am I missing here?

We have products that apparently have the same first or last names as missing people right? And the products are expensive right? If that's all we got, it ain't much. It could be considered cause for deeper investigation, but if that's all we've got it's not a smoking gun.

Which brings me to my main point. The more shit we put out that is bullshit, the more difficult it becomes to get people to pay attention to real shit.

Open minded normies, at some point, won't even give what you say a passing consideration if you're constantly putting out shit that is bullshit.

The problem with our movement is that too many of us are quick to latch on to ideas that don't pass muster, and then spread them around. What's the old saying? A lie makes its way around the world three times before the truth can even put on its shoes.

It blows my mind that we even do this when there are ample things to discuss for which we do have actual evidence.

Lurker17 ago

It blows my mind that we even do this when there are ample things to discuss for which we do have actual evidence.

I took 10 minutes to find some light reading on the Mayfair conundrum for you. I'm certain that you haven't been keeping up by the nature of your questions and assertions. Review the content in below links. Some pieces of info may be redundant in some links, but each has information to paint the current picture that we have today. With all this research, the Waifair issue has yet to be debunked. Consider anons usually debunk every DS FF to date in about 48hrs or less. We're at about 72hrs now and not one fact debunks the theory. There aren't even any facts that throw doubt on the theory yet, and anons are trying but the rabbit hole just keeps going deeper. I'm 90% sure this is real, still looking for facts that debunk but nothing found yet. Nothing that even leaves some doubt. There are many man hours of research represented below ...

Jonny_Ninja ago

Can you simply tell me if we have anything beyond

1) high priced items

2) item names that coincide with missing people's first name or last name


Lurker17 ago

Ample proof would be catching them in the act with kids, shipping kids (with mules) and the like; red handed.

Tom Hanx video with the UPC codes used on Yandex leading to kiddie pictures.

Only 1 item each of the high priced missing child named furniture and pillows.

Used a pseudo 3rd party corporation for the sale of these items, though IIRC it was still financially affiliated with Wayfair.

The methodology of ordering, billing and shipping determined. Structured to minimize detection and penalty if discovered.

Bain Capital, Soros, others are stockholders. Politicians or relatives on the board of directors.

CEO is networked to suspected political and millionaire oedophiles.

There's much more, read the links.

Jonny_Ninja ago

This twitter thread is interesting:

But what's the connection between wayfair and yandex to begin with?

Lurker17 ago

Lots of interesting coincidences pop up. Your read/review will be rewarding. Many man hours of work is reflected in those links.

Lurker17 ago

None that we knew of, until you punch Wayfair sku codes into Yandexand creepy pictures of little kids on furniture pop up.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Yeah I'm going through the links....

The p3do swirl symbol for "b0y l0ver" is on an item named with a seemingly female name..kinda weird right? Wouldn't it be a male name on the item?

Anyhow like I said I'm going through the links. So far, there's a lot of conjecture and speculation. And no, I don't expect for anons to "catch them red handed." Someone did mention that this could be "autist bait." That is my concern.

Lurker17 ago

Autists and all patriots doing the research will not rest until we have a detailed picture, much like pedogate. The theory that Wayfair is selling kids shouldn't be this hard to debunk so they can move on but there are so many connections and coincidences it looks like anything but a dead end. We will get to the bottom of it, or take it as far as we can and set it on the shelf until some me swing piece is found or epiphany putsca bow on what we have. In the meantime, we have DirectorAnon crumbs to dig as well as any other new names that have popped up this week. There are plenty of Autists and anons researching everything across 4chan, 8kun, reddit, gab, Twitter, VOAT,, etc. Its not like we have a limited research resource, lol! It would be great if someone would come up with something solid to disprove the theory, or finally prove it with proof, or even find something that casts doubt. So far all are elusive and it goes much deeper, so we pursue it until we get to the truth.

Heartdisease ago

Wayfair and Amazon have/are building huge facilities in the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area. Also Hollywood has been in the area more frequently. Isn't Ohio a huge place for sex trafficking? Northern Kentucky is just south of the border.

scoripowarrior ago

From sealed indictment maps I've seen, Cincinnati area, northern KY, and southern IN seem to be a hot bed for trafficking. Perhaps along the Ohio River??

Heartdisease ago

There's also an air port in Northern Kentucky that is used by a lot of cargo companies.

Lurker17 ago

Arkansas, Missouri and a couple other nearby States were child trafficking hotspots IIRC. It sounds like they intend to expand outward.

JJS1 ago

I saw a listing a few months back for a 10k plus TV stand on Amazon. Thought it was a typo and never thought about it again until now.

Lurker17 ago

I think that is what they expected, anyone that stumbles across the excessively priced items will pass it off as a pricing error and forget all about it.

kosmonaut5 ago

Don't want to burst any bubbles, but this is common practice.

High end clients always have a single point of contact. That exists from (A) Amazon to (Z) Zoom.

I work for a rather large fortune 500 company, and this is also the case for us. We don't talk to the normal support lines or sales lines. How annoying would it be if you spent $60K/mo with a company and they made you wait in line on queue for over an hour to talk to a tier one sales rep?

Now, I am not denying their accusation, just saying this isn't "bombshell" worthy at all.

Mobilus ago

Does your company sell $13,000 filing cabinets?

bamadeplorable420 ago

Thank you Amazing Polly ,,,,I give you the credit for finding all this shit. o7 Amazing Polly.

Lurker17 ago

I like Amazing Polly, have watched most of her videos for almost 2 years. I don't recall her touching upon this Wayfair issue though? Maybe I missed it?

bingo-bango-bongo ago

dedicated support teams are common in large firms that have tiered memberships.

they're still trafficking though

satisfyinghump ago

We should try scouring other similar websites that use similar methods of trafficking flesh before they change their methods...

Lurker17 ago

There were anons searching for just that a couple days ago. I recall reading people found some interesting stuff but they were more obscure sites and I didn't have time to follow it. We should hear about them, if the digs were productive.

satisfyinghump ago

Fuck. I think I'll use this and previous "revelations" as examples to post some sort of template. Great idea to go within LinkedIn and look at each freaking employee, although I'm sure info in LinkedIn and other locations was missed/deleted by now, as the whole Wayfair ball got going.

If an "action template" were created, such as for gathering data (i.e. running archive scripts and pumping links through internet archive, etc) what would people want on that list.

I am talking about a situation like a reddit/social !media accounts suddenly needing to be backed up and researched and whatever is found needs to be further archived and researched, what would people want to have on this list of things to remember to do?

I want to make the list of actions to be as recursive , generic and compartmentalized. Which would allow for groups of people who wish to focus on one area to go with it while other people looking to help, seeing which actions are lacking and picking up the slack there.

I'm going to use a generic wiki (Foss) template. If anyone wishes to help I'd love any ideas of places like LinkedIn that should be archived and backed up, preferably in that order. A list of websites like LinkedIn and reddit and Instagram that may hold important info that can be cross-correlated with info from other locations... Locations to upload the archived data and maybe even some "create on the fly. Upload/discuss and when done, save or archive what's been discussed and close the temporary discussion board/whiteboard" type of service.

A way to communicate the info and the various mindsets and "good leads" of the members researching the topic/person, which would make it that much easier to pickup where someone left off, at any point in the future. But, keep it anonymous.

I'll upload/share any questions/issues/results as I get them.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

I think the biggest thing about the Wayfair stuff is the possibility of hiding products in plain site on the clear net via global market place 3rd parties... items that were on the deep or dark web ... may big one big assed red pill if any of this can be substantiated.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Anyone check out yet?? OOC.

Lurker17 ago

Seems to be working. I posted a twat yesterday, late 20s libtard girl that caught wind of this, dug deeper and had her "oh shit what if Trump was right all along" moment. Her prior videos were typical young libtard rants, then the post redpill freakout video. She's digging into pizzagate now ... and intends to awaken her friends. Powerful stuff.

willies85 ago

Yes. My daughter is 26. Most of her friends are liberals but not all of them. Two of which that are gay and completely believe pizzagate and wayfair. My daughter told a liberal friend about Hillary Clinton, the girl was rocked; said she had to get back with her as she was going to search what my daughter had told her. They are out there but they have been pushed to the background my the overt crazies on MSM.

Lurker17 ago

Amazing Polly released a great redpill video on Wayfair this morning. She was the originator a month ago, she accidentally discovered the pricey cabinets on Wayfair and noted it in a tweet but didnt have time to follow up. Anons looked into it, and it exploded into what we know today. 51m long but gives the full story and details.


Tracimariesimmons ago

Yea, I saw that! It was AWESOME! Q said we would be United! To have faith in humanity!!

Blacksmith21 ago

It's happening a lot among teens and young adults. Watching it firsthand.

Lurker17 ago

I don't have any <30 year old people in my immediate circle so that's music to my ears. Must be a joy to watch the lights turn on!

Royalseq ago

I've seen a lot of shit, but this disturbs me. Check out the door on the video for extra weird.


NewSouthernBelle ago

That doesn't bother me too much.

She's trying to get a modeling contract -- it's an audition.

However, if Alphabet Kids is related to Google Alphabet, THEN I'd be worried.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

These people are SICK!!!!

SkyIsFalling ago

very sick and disturbing...

Scrolleater ago

No knob only a lock. Very disturbing.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

It was twitter user Tommy G's vid of the altered photos used in the product advertisement that got my attention more than the other stuff... along with the unusual selection of book titles on innoxious items that had been altered to read that way... Here's the vid I mention ... followed by the threadreader about his initial stuff:

MissyRed ago

Oh weird he’s noting that many of the missing girls went missing in Ohio.

There was a recent post about a thread in 4chan by a Hollywood director anon who said the nameless faceless person in power behind the scenes was in Ohio...

Heartdisease ago

Look into Northern Kentucky and all the new Amazon and Wayfair facilities.

Blacksmith21 ago

L. Wexner

Jabber1 ago


dog1net ago

It seems the more Wayfair tries to put this to bed, the bed gets unmade as more and more seems to be uncovered. Even still, I got my BS meter set to high on this. Either this is a

PYSOP orchestrated against the right to make them look like conspiracy theory nut jobs or there is something to this. Regardless, I'd be careful with this.

Banky1974 ago

Could not agree more. People need to be much more careful with this than they currently are. We need to let the data/evidence speak for itself rather than making grand accusations that we can't yet back up. Completely sets up the Q movement to look like lunatics.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

There's no way Wayfair has all these connections to the literal cabal and the Clinton Foundation that they offered it up as a psyop sacrifice.

My suspicions is it was planted by Q team 4 days ago.

wipeyournose ago

Just seems awfully lengthy and intertwined to be a psyop

Lurker17 ago

Agree, my BS meter was twitching when the story broke a few days ago and I posted it here. Don't forget the Hanx video with the UPC code scratched on the pavement in the background. But nothing yet found to refute it or cast doubt on the theory.

Blacksmith21 ago

And @Hanx Twitter was 4 years old.

Lurker17 ago

I didn't know that, thought it was within a year. So that code may have been in use for 4 or more years? What are the odds ... that Hanx writes a random series of alphanumerics four years ago and it still dovetails with the digs on Wayfair 3 days ago? Comms?

wipeyournose ago

Some folks have pointed out that SRC USA are codes used by municipalities to make underground utilities. While that is true, it honestly makes more sense that it’s part of their code language. In order to hide in plain sight, you need to create a world that is included in plain sight.

Blacksmith21 ago

Odds are basically zero to none.

rickki6 ago

rabbit hole is a long one.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Heard someone say somebody sung the wayfair song on a live stream convo somewhere before this broke? Haven't confirmed... I'm actually on other stuff but Wayfair keeps breaking in.

Lurker17 ago

Seems to keep on going like chasing the energizer bunny rabbit.

Gibbsmecrack ago

I've yet to see any of these suspicious wayfair items for sale. This sounds like Q level bullshit

AnotherIrishAnon ago

I saw them after it was posted here though it was early in the morning UK time. Must have been before they scrubbed it.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

It ain't Q bull shit... it's twatter and reddit... Q hasn't commented. Q peeps and Chans picked it up after it began trending.

Lurker17 ago

There are dozens of tweets, 8kun, 4chan captures of what was found online floating around. There was a sticky post on G/A for Wayfair a couple days ago with many examples. Here's another earlier post -

rhanon ago

suck a dick loser

Gibbsmecrack ago

Alrighty then. I'm just asking for some proof of this being a thing. I've seen it everywhere but no actual evidence of it.

Ya'll are like CNN

User890020 ago

The items have quickly BEEN TAKEN DOWN of course

RecceRat ago

Clearly you ain't looked as it was everywhere, some even filming the price changes in real time when it exploded and Wayfair was made aware.

Twister412 ago

You're not very good at it this

You're better off dismissing it as bullshit

Easier for you

moderator99 ago


ibepokey ago

And the hits just keep on coming!

bahhumbugger ago

I thought Wayfair was a discount, cut rate, Chinese packaged POS reseller?

I've bought furniture from them, it's crap.

Who in their right mind would buy high end items from a worse-than-ikea?

RecceRat ago

It's certainly tough to think high end clients and celebrities would be happy buying a 10k cushion from Wayfair! It was my thoughts exactly, there is now way the elites would be happy buying this junk, and bragging to their friends "hey I paid 10k for it from Wayfair" - "oh really, that's cool, I must go shopping there myself"!

Nope it doesn't stack up.

Lurker17 ago

Nobody would buy at the pricing they advertise. And they wouldn't expect many normies to encounter that selection of crap at that price point, Those that did would excuse it as an error or something. But, those in the know knew how to play the game right under everyone's nose, in plain sight.

Nomdeplum ago

Where to start on this one.

Surprised there aren't more Jewish sounding names.

Couple this with the trafficer arrested in Georgia with the Wayfair t-shirt on, the selling of the California shipping ports, and the recent pedo vans and shopping containers found and this gets scary and real. The power they wield unchecked. Sad to think how many have succumbed yet hopeful this will be the start of the end.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Nah with Boston and Utah, I'm thinking this is more connected to Mitt Romney somehow.

He's been acting out for a reason...

OpakapakaCaca ago

I'm telling you. This is about Mittens somehow.....

User7867 ago

And the family named King I believe.

whatdowehavehere ago

Very Jewish faces

satisfyinghump ago

Sad to think how many may be purged/killed because of this "discovery". Had this been keep under wraps and somehow given to authorities maybe they might have been able to investigate in ways internet detectives can't and then sent teams to possibly free some of these kids and arrest these monsters...

I KNOW that more and more these days, when speaking of topics like child trafficking and seeing the insane reach it has, people feel it'd be futile to contact the cops. Hell, the cops can't even protect citizens in their own homes from rioters!!!

wipeyournose ago

Only thing I can think is that it wasn’t a random internet sleuth. The wayfair shit has been known by the authorities for a period of time this extends to before we even heard about it.

This is the only takeaway: it was leaked to us for a reason. We did not make the discovery.

jhartz39 ago

The story goes that anons on 8kun were digging through Maxwell's Redditt posts and found the connection to Wayfair.

Tracimariesimmons ago

I truly believe it was leaked to help red-pill those who weren't....and from what I've been seeing, it is working!

Lurker17 ago

It potentially waves many loose threads into a tapestry that tells a tale. Lots of connections. Lots of "coincidences". This Wayfair dig seems to have legs, we should have been able to disprove or find areas of significant doubt by now if it was a trap or collection of weird coincidences. But nothing. I was holding back a bit from being 100% convinced we were over a target. It gets harder each day. Instead of disproving this abomination, we keep finding more evidence and coincidences supporting the theory.

satisfyinghump ago

Weaves not waves. Just pointing out for future reference as this may be a post people reference. Good reply!

Lurker17 ago

Thanks for pointing that out! I usually catch my typos but sometimes they slip through.

HelloDolly ago

I agree. I keep wondering if it's a giant troll that once, disproven, is going to take the whole child trafficking "conspiracy theory" with it, like the Comet Ping Pong basement thing did.

plowboys ago

Alefantis said himself he stored his tomatoes in the basement... to ignore "pizzagate" bc main stream media claims it has been debunked is to fall for more media lies

Royalseq ago

Here, more than "an anonymous person". Check out the door on the video and the girl's mannerisms.

Have some more.

Mad_As_Helll ago

Creepy, no door handle. Where did you find this?

KyJane ago

And what is that at the top of the door, an electronic lock?

Mad_As_Helll ago

Ugh really? I can’t bring myself to watch it again given the awful things that may have happened to her

rhanon ago

except, there IS a basement at comet pinig pong. James Alefantis mentions the existence of one himself long before pizzagate was a thing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for stating this. Not to mention other buildings in the same row have basements. JA said they have a "harvest party" to can the pizza sauce and put it in the basement.

rhanon ago

excellent situational awareness and memory brother. WWG1WGA

kishind ago

What's in Ogden, UT?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Mormons. Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, current Senator to Utah.

MissyRed ago

I’m in Utah and notice all the utah people too.

So think about this:

Many wayfair execs worked with Bain Capital - Romney’s company. Romney is Mormon in Utah.

Ghiseline Maxwell’s (epstein GF) dad helped initially fund Bain Capital...

I would be unsurprised if there was a pedo Mormon network in the church. The Mormon church is very weird.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Romney was also governor of Mass. ie: Boston.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Great point!

OpakapakaCaca ago

There's a connection there. I can feel it. I'm going to do some research. As soon as I saw the Boston posts then this connection to Utah, it clicked.

Romney is in this, probably neck deep.

Mad_As_Helll ago

Big thread on this here:

MissyRed ago

Thank you!

corrbrick ago

Apparently Weber High School & Weber State University where high quality managers and executive are educated.