24724539? ago

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24704690? ago

One clue no one's emphasizing:

Why are all the victims only from the surrounding new england area?

Wayfair headquarters is Boston. If the product names and prices don't give it away, the locations do.

24700522? ago

Muh "DEBUNKED" you guys......

24699435? ago

Honestly I don’t know what good it does for us to shine the light in these dark corners. There are dozens of corruption threads just like this but the real question is are the people in power doing ANYTHING about them. Answer: No. we can highlight these things all day but we don’t have the power to bring anyone to justice. Except the good ole fashioned way.

24701073? ago

Post their names. Location last seen and direction they were headed. Perhaps the people can help arrange their day of judgement.

24698725? ago

Sounds just like the clintons

24697947? ago

ok, so if its not human trafficking, where is the explanation for why those items were priced that high and the names were of missing children? Seems like just saying its not doesn't make it so. That just smells like a coverup to me. Then the question is why were the prices changed, but not the names? That twitter and wayfair explained nothing and raise even more doubt on what was going on.

24697811? ago


24697642? ago

I’m waiting for anyone, anywhere to post evidence.

Photos of children in furniture? Witness statements? Video? Whistleblower testimony? Anything????

You retards are simply priceless. Dumbest people on the internet.

24697317? ago

Another weird one.



Caitlynne Modular Sectional

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and there was a recent report of missing 14 yo kid, with article dated on April 18, 2020.


Concern for missing girl Caitlyn Zahra

olice are appealing for public assistance to help locate missing girl Caitlyn Zahra.

The 14-year-old was last seen at a Carroll Street home on Friday 17 April about 2pm.

24696712? ago

Bucareli 1 Light Night Light

See More by Isabelle & Max





24696203? ago

They said those standardize industrial shelf cabinets that listed for over $100000 were just made really really well

24695760? ago

Well, it's settled, then!

24695426? ago

They could be selling some of those items as souvenirs from those victims. Wayfair has put on hard-to-solve captcha with encrypted transaction ID, which appears to be visitor's IP address.

24695391? ago

Maybe Veritas could look into this !

24694833? ago

You think this is crazy, wait until a "lone nut"in a MAGA hat shoots up a Wayfair warehouse. He will have an IMBD and the incident will prove only crazy conspiracy theorists believe in human trafficking and/or brazen money-laundering. Go back to sleep everyone.

24694811? ago

Case closed. Nothing to see here. Move along people

24693821? ago

Snopes debunked it as well so case closed. Glad this got put to bed so quickly.

24703268? ago


24694049? ago

Soros owns Snopes now....

Mikkelsons got a divorce because David got his grubby fingers in the panties of a hooker, whom he later (kid you not) married. Barbara left to go back to Canada and pretty much said David is a loser and a fraud. David went broke and started begging people on Imgur and GoFundMe for money. He is down to about 3 people in his office now. Hooker runs the "research" along with a couple of hooker friends. David just sits on his fat ass collecting money from Soros and getting his dick sucked.

So yeah - Let's go to SNOPES for the tRutH

24693779? ago

Well, after I "fell" through that skylight in my wealthy neighbors roof and accidentally stuffed my pockets full of his jewelry and grabbed a few of his guns, I also investigated myself and found that all of it was just a silly misunderstanding, so now I am innocent and anyone who says otherwise is a Patriarchal Piggy Faced doodoo head. So THERE. Case closed. Glad we could put that to bed and get on with life.

24695653? ago

This should make you laugh - what you described above ACTUALLY HAPPENED to a couple I know. A thief broke into their house by 'falling through a skylight.' The thief got injured breaking into their house - and SUED the owners of the house he robbed - and the robber WON the case!!!! This was in Los Angeles (no surprise there - home of the 'jury of his peers' who let O.J. Simpson off for 2 gruesome first degree murders).

24708237? ago

Yeah, I've seen those cases before. Someone in Hawaii tried that awhile back and thankfully the owner had a decent judge who had seen that perp too many times in his court, so they won the case. But this is pure bullshit. You're trespassing on my land and get hurt? Too bad so sad, GFYS!

24715220? ago

Totally agree! Note to self - never live in CA (lol)!

24693696? ago

I love how the things they always confirm to not be true are not the things being alleged in the first place - "Hillary doesn't run a child sex dungeon out of a pizza place" no shit, the lying media was the only ones that ever claimed that

24693445? ago

Was Trump ever on a Epstein manifest and how do i prove it? I am trying to red pill a friend.

24701176? ago

He once caught a ride going from Florida to Newark if I recall correctly. After learning that epstein targeted an underage girl at marlago. Trump responded by banning epstein from marlago. Recently the attorney representing the victims spoke of trump as being a key individual in assisting the FBI with his clients case against epstein.

Been theories recently of the possibility that trump may even be an FBI informant to some degree going back decades.

This theory also falls in line with the white hats in the military/former military approaching trump about their interest in his running for president.

24693398? ago

Well I guess that's that!!! I'm lad they cleared that up.

24693150? ago

They aren't selling the children. They are selling videos of the shit they did to the children, for 10 grand each.

24694465? ago

Plausible... Porn or snuff films or...

24692943? ago

Waif (a homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, especially a child) Fare (transportation cost)

24692931? ago

This is one of those true but not true tricks of theirs. Did anyone really think they were shipping kids in the fucking cabinets?? I seriously doubt it. I'm pretty sure they didn't try to overnight a child sewn into a fucking throw pillow, Twitter, but thanks for clarifying. The way overpriced cabinets and pillows were representative and all were named differently despite being the same exact model in some cases with slightly different prices. But at least what the headline says is true. They're not shipping them in cabinets!

24701309? ago

The sauce provided by Wikileaks through the podesta emails. Shipping of “live art” allowed for the bypassing of US Customs. I believe the live art even shipped through embassies or had something to do with the routing.

Imagine a hot shot style of pickup delivery which ultimately would be the responsibility of the C_A

24694441? ago

Yup... rugs, shower curtains, tool chests, utility cabinets, weird shit...

24692818? ago

Wayfair reversed Fairway meanings..

1. A stretch of ground free of obstacles to movement.

2. Sports The part of a golf course covered with short grass and extending from the tee to the putting green.

3. Nautical

a. A navigable deep-water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline.

b. The usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or coastal waters.

24692611? ago

I am not buying this. Seems like confirmation bias all around

24692518? ago

They are probably not involved in the trafficking itself. They are probably the payment hub of the whole operation. Goods would be delivered through a local network. That is probably how they keep their books clean.

24692389? ago

I investigated myself, and I can confirm I am not fat

24698920? ago

Well I'm not a shill I promise!

24692339? ago

Well im sure glad that was settled. Those pieces of furniture were mighty expensive though!

24692371? ago

What was the explanation of the overpricing?

24692413? ago

I was being sarcastic but....

I did read one thing earlier talking about the cabinets that they were made of some special strong material and that wayfair was going to take them down and put back up with a better description of the material used to make them to try and explain the pricing lol.... such bull.

24694413? ago

Yeah that strong/special material line was incorrect... seen so many things today, so don't remember where but the specs said no such thing.

Note they did not bother to explain same cabinets with different "names" in the product listing OR how when clicked the name of at least one missing child from the registry pops up in the shipping info when someone clicked "buy".

24693144? ago

Oh man, I want a tungsten carbide dresser!

24692310? ago

"wayfair"...Kind of sounds like a BAIT name, OVERLY syrupy on the "goodness" ploy. Feminists at the bottom of that for sure.

24692164? ago

Thank you for clearing that up Wayfair. People were starting to believe this shit.

24692065? ago

This hit voat twitter etc simultaneously. Everyone is on this.

24702783? ago

beyond strange? maybe there is some truth to the conspiracy....what was jew street shitter doing?? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3920682/24700460

24692062? ago

Note the clear strawman argument in the article, "they are using cabinets to ship children", wow they always do this! Obviously we don't think the physical item has anything to do with the kid, if you paid 13k for a dresser its obviously not going to show up with a kid inside, but they are trying to make it sound like thats what the conspiracy is, so they can say "it would be impractical to ship children in dressers lol not enough room, DEBUNKED"

24701284? ago

It's good to know they aren't shipping kids around in shipping cabinets. Bad enough they get kidnapped, raped and used in human sacrifices.

24699005? ago

The no basement debunk.

24698746? ago

Not saying that. Money laudering? Ties to clintons, Maxwell, UN, and bill gates are interesting. And how fast things are disappering on their website. But there is something going on there. As we say in the south, hit dog hollars.

24698462? ago

What a fucking joke. It's like in the Truman Show when it starts to become so fucking clear something isn't right and their attempts to cover it up still continue.

24696146? ago

For real. I'd never heard anyone say that until this post.

24695447? ago

"buy...Comet pizza doesn't even HAVE a basement!!"

24693788? ago

That's a clear case of gaslighting. And of course the usual shills with semi-related-sorta-close-but-no-cigar "information" are sent out to muddy the waters and make the normies think there's no There there. Seems to work on stupid people all the time.

24693866? ago

yes that sounds more like the right word, and if people are so stupid they arent questioning things now they never will, not sure what to think other than bad times are coming.

24693603? ago

If anyone thinks this is fake go look at this thread. ITS NOT! They have pictures of books on the book case, that are available at amazon, only 1 copy available about organ havesting. Come on! Have you ever seen that in a pottery barn picture, no.


What about TOM HanX giving the code to look this up on Yandex, US


I swear the people denying are scared they will be made fun of if they go outside the mainstream narrative.

24693022? ago

If you're getting something worth $20,000 it's not coming through the fucking postal system.

Delivery would obviously be arranged.

If I order a grand piano online is the USPS going to leave it on my front porch? Is FedEx going to leave it on my front porch?

Do people really believe this stupid strawman argument?

If I order a $20,000 cabinet of Wayfair a representative of the company will be contacting me to arrange a secure delivery because no one involved wants to be on the line for TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Their insurance WILL NOT pay up for a "lost" $20,000 shipment. They will make sure it is in your care before they release it so it's your fault if you lose $20,000.

Public Schools sure have destroyed common sense.

24701708? ago

Former UPS employee. People ship things of that value ALL THE TIME. They take out insurance on it through UPS and most of the time private insurance as well. Anything valued of $1000 requires a signature, so no, they will not just leave it on your porch. For an additional fee, you can have any package of any value require a signature. High value shipments are separated out from the regular shipments.

A grand piano is too big to ship regular UPS, it has to be shipped freight.

There are very small things valued at very high prices, such as jewelry. People ship exspensive jewelry ALL THE TIME.

The "representative of ABC company" will use the shipper as a secure means of delivery. If you buy a 10,000 dollar ring from an online jewelry store, they are not going to have someone who works at the jewelry store personally fly it out to you.

This is what shipping, and shipping insurance is for.

24700539? ago

"White Glove Delivery".....

24698751? ago

Thank you!

24696220? ago

Don't confuse common sense with manipulative argument to try to give plausible deniability.

24701794? ago

This is not an argument in defense of Wayfair, I do believe their doing some shady shit.

Former UPS employee, their comment is flat out wrong. People ship exspensive ass things all the time. Their is shipping insurance. You can pay UPS for insurance up to $50,000. At least that was the max when I left there 4 years ago.

They will fight tooth and nail to pay it, but if you use a UPS store and their "pack and ship guarantee," the policy is too automatically pay it.

People ship exspensive jewelry ALL THE TIME. Do you really think that an online jewelry store is going to have a representative directly fly to every customers home to hand deliver things?

Let's use some common sense here.

24694841? ago


24692411? ago

Same tactic as claiming people believed 5G spread Covid. Maybe one person did, but issues with 5G were raised well before this virus shit.

24703002? ago

Maybe the reason for this virus shit. If 5q cause hypoxia as studies suggest so create a virus to cover this up. Would also explain why HCQ works for covid1984.

24695627? ago

Adapt2030 YhewTube channel has interview with McAfee (yeah msm claims he's crazy) discussing 5G and the relationship to CovidID2020. Hidden technology.

24693302? ago

yeah that was another good one, our argument is that being blasted with 50-100ghz all day and being slowly microwaved sounds like a bad idea, their response is "of course 5G doesnt spread coronavirus debunked"...assholes....hard to believe its so effective

24693800? ago

I am now at the place where if someone uses the word "debunked" I immediately look for proof that the story was real. That's a tell from the shill class. Quick gaslight word to tell people to move on.

24692384? ago

The fact that they're resorting to such strawman tactics only lends more credibility to the "conspiracy theory".

24692344? ago

Impractical yes but not impossible. Here is an example with a full grown adult: https://nypost.com/2020/01/06/heres-the-box-allegedly-used-to-smuggle-carlos-ghosn-out-of-japan/

24693990? ago

Interesting on that video explaining it - there's ONE comment from a supposed woman that clearly tries to explain this away by saying "Hey, computers, amirite?!" You know, technology screws up the pricing and makes these reckless mistakes asking thousands for something that cost $100 to make. What's telling is the verbiage is nearly identical every where I looked. (Sorry, I was just tripping on that and didn't screencap it! Will try and do that...)

So - why do people need so much handholding.
~ Wayfair gets a list of sex slaves with photos....

~ "customers" of wayfair receive a special email that there are NEW PRODUCTS online, along with a link to products and another completely different link to the "missing and exploited" photos that are everywhere.
~ "customer" finds which missing kid they want, goes to the Wayfair page, places an order.
~ No fucking cabinet is ever delivered. There IS no fucking cabinet, anons. The cabinet is a ruse.
~ CHILD is delivered to the "Customer" /PEDOASSWIPEMOTHERFUCKINGJERK
~ "Customer" uses the "Product" as long as he/she wants. May initiate a "Return" if/when customer is done, assuming the "Product" survives the "use."
~ In the case of returns, product is put back in "inventory" and there's a markdown shown on the page.


24693404? ago

Wish I could Upvoat this again.

Respond and I will.

24691905? ago

This is Q team at work. White Hats PLANTED this dig.

They also planted the MAXWELLHILL Reddit Admin.

This is Dark to Light.

24693166? ago

Yo! Q is fake. Get with the program or gtfo of Dodge, foo.

24696741? ago

You sound like a wigger.

24692641? ago

I believe this 100%.

If people feel they’ve uncovered or discovered a thing, they feel clever. It bypasses all the standard tactics to keep people from looking or digging. So much more effective than simply telling people about a thing. It’s what made us believers...

24692535? ago

That faggoty rapper stoner Snoop Dog wasnt he going to move to Trudeau's Canada and a company called Klarna? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3919868/24691877

24691770? ago

So it’s been “debunked”and is “unfounded”.

24692366? ago

All the true conspiracies are.

24691574? ago

Looking to be more true by the day.

24691386? ago

now they will link to the often reported at nauseam story that we said hillary runs a pedo ring in the basement of a pizza shop. DEAR DEBUNKERS , NOBODY BELIEVES THEY MAIL THE KIDS IN THE CABINET, may i speak for tin hat hobbyists that we believe the cabinet is fake smokescreen, and the owners and boyfriends of a random pizza shop are pedos and just happen to be bffs with the entire democrat party

24693095? ago

No man the USPS is totally gonna just drop a $13,000 cabinet on your porch.

Lol anyone who believes the claim is they're shipping kids in cabinets should have their voting rights removed for being too low IQ to be a mentally competent adult.

24692888? ago

may i speak for tin hat hobbyists

KEK, Permission granted sir! Thanks Fren! A tip of my hat to (You) ... ::crinkle crinkle::

Not my 1st rodeo, this is par for the course Frens. Turnabout is always fair play, they just ignore us when they don't like what we say, so just ignore the evidence deniers, [they] eventually get bored and yell at mom for a samich. Let the evidence speak for itself to the normies who are ready to finally see it. It sure looks like the silent majority is finally seeing what's up, but its hard to tell because those folks are SO "silent". I don't know though, the L.A. illegal fireworks, and the boat parade sure seem like good indicators they got the message...


(It's working Frens!...REEEEE!)

24692302? ago

This is a similar tactic used to disprove flat earth. Strawman is it?

24693108? ago

No, REALITY is used to disprove flat earth. Go back to smoking crack.

24703247? ago

flat earther was smoking weed during 8th grade physics class.

24693839? ago


24694344? ago


24692352? ago

Fuck off.

24692391? ago


24691325? ago

What a load off my shoulders. Don't I feel like an ass!

24691346? ago

I bet you thought Hillary was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza joint with no basement, too.


24691769? ago

No. Just keeping the cops away

24691679? ago

cognitive dissonance is such an effective fog for the unintelligent

24691382? ago

Guilty as charged! Oh the hazing I'm going to get from family and friends for my naivete.

24691265? ago

I found a cached copy of one of the overpriced (with swirl logo) item that had a part number in the title (different from live version.) I searched that and found a single picture of a white rabbit.

Live: http s:// www.wayfair.co.uk/lighting/pdp/isabelle-max-bucareli-1-light-night-light-u000090468.html

Cached: http s:// www.wayfair.co.uk/lighting/pdx/isabelle-max-bucareli-1-light-night-light-u000090468.html

(Part number: 0F4DB731C07945F68647077A475B448B)

24692906? ago

from their description of the nightlight: this lamp is a very complete night light for baby rocking and training in the land of dreams!

24691662? ago

good work archiving before posting. more anons should do that with the juice

24691577? ago

http s:/ /www.wayfair.co.uk/children-nursery/pdp/isabelle-max-brookhn-childrens-stool-u000953570.html

Picture of a little girl sitting on the $20k plastic stool and in the description "this product can keep its pretty color and strength for many years."

24692563? ago

I’m not seeing that - just a little blue stool that’s out of stock. Only weirdness is that it’s 17k pounds...

Is there still an image somewhere of what you’re describing?

24693128? ago

the main pic is the stool itself, but below you can scroll through additional pics. in this case, one additional pic of a young girl on the stool. Also found the stool model as both "Brookhn" and "Buckingham", and slight description variations, but both could be a chinese-to-english translation issue somewhere.

24691195? ago

I doubt whether any of these companies are doing this directly in-house. Orders trigger a sale and delivery from elsewhere. Wayfair handles the money (and money laundering).

24693124? ago

If you order something that expensive, you will be contacted to arrange delivery.

24692579? ago

true to an extent. most of what Wayfair sells is shipped by a wholesaler who fulfills the order with Wayfairs packing labels etc. With that said, Wayfair does not only deal in drop shipping, though it makes the great majority of their business up.

For reference, in the last few years they've been taking massive moves to increase their personal warehousing footprint. These products were listed using a white-labeling system that they commonly use to sell items for greater than competing listings by renaming it and giving it a unique UPC.

They also have a program called "castlegate" which is for them to stock and deliver items from their own warehousing unit and they heavily try to push wholesale companies towards adopting this practice. It allows them to completely control the entire process including things like packaging if they want to. usually they do, to remove all traces of another company.

Interesting times....

24692268? ago

You are absolutely right. How would they handle an investigation? If the FBI showed up and did a quick sort of all orders over $X,XXX would produce a list to pursue. If that list is full of $10,000 pillows, they have the shipping address of the buyers. Did they take credit cards?

The lack of "official news" leaks of even an off topic investigation is odd.

24691370? ago

yep... I bet Soros was using FB for this activity, but when the heat came on Zuck, he had to shift operations to Wayfair

24691122? ago

I feel so much better now, I had ordered the 10k cabinet but really didn't want the free rugrat.

24697639? ago

Also a lot happening on old myspace accounts https://myspace.com/306140959/photos ? Jeffrey Epstein kept a creepy home office in his Upper East Side townhouse that was decorated with a $5.9 million painting of a woman cupping her bare breast – along with a taxidermied tiger and poodle, photos obtained by The Post revealed Thursday.https://myspace.com/306140959/mixes/classic-my-photos-439472/photo/167342020 ... Obama shrine at fundraiser at Comet Ping Pong: https://myspace.com/cometpingpongdc/mixes/classic-obama-2008-581650/photo/302733262 Chandler at Epsteins Paris apartment? https://myspace.com/306140959/mixes/classic-my-photos-439472/photo/167342015 .. David Hagedorn used to be a chef at buck's fishing & camping - Later became a food critic for the Washington Post

https://myspace.com/bucksfishingcamping/mixes/classic-my-photos-536012/photo/263470118 http://davidhagedorn.blogspot.is/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=3 ... Comet Ping Pong on Myspace https://myspace.com/cometpingpongdc ...

24696227? ago

conspiracy on the hollyweird speak https://voat.co/v/QRV/3920300

24691079? ago

Thank God that's over with.