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Jonny_Ninja ago

Maybe I'm not caught up on this entirely, but based on what I know we dont really have any evidence here.

This isn't the same thing or even close to the same thing as the "modeling websites" Q pointed us to way back that showed young people clearly under some sort of duress.

And yet, many of us are posting like crazy as if it's totally the same thing. What am I missing here?

We have products that apparently have the same first or last names as missing people right? And the products are expensive right? If that's all we got, it ain't much. It could be considered cause for deeper investigation, but if that's all we've got it's not a smoking gun.

Which brings me to my main point. The more shit we put out that is bullshit, the more difficult it becomes to get people to pay attention to real shit.

Open minded normies, at some point, won't even give what you say a passing consideration if you're constantly putting out shit that is bullshit.

The problem with our movement is that too many of us are quick to latch on to ideas that don't pass muster, and then spread them around. What's the old saying? A lie makes its way around the world three times before the truth can even put on its shoes.

It blows my mind that we even do this when there are ample things to discuss for which we do have actual evidence.

Lurker17 ago

It blows my mind that we even do this when there are ample things to discuss for which we do have actual evidence.

I took 10 minutes to find some light reading on the Mayfair conundrum for you. I'm certain that you haven't been keeping up by the nature of your questions and assertions. Review the content in below links. Some pieces of info may be redundant in some links, but each has information to paint the current picture that we have today. With all this research, the Waifair issue has yet to be debunked. Consider anons usually debunk every DS FF to date in about 48hrs or less. We're at about 72hrs now and not one fact debunks the theory. There aren't even any facts that throw doubt on the theory yet, and anons are trying but the rabbit hole just keeps going deeper. I'm 90% sure this is real, still looking for facts that debunk but nothing found yet. Nothing that even leaves some doubt. There are many man hours of research represented below ...

Jonny_Ninja ago

Can you simply tell me if we have anything beyond

1) high priced items

2) item names that coincide with missing people's first name or last name


Lurker17 ago

Ample proof would be catching them in the act with kids, shipping kids (with mules) and the like; red handed.

Tom Hanx video with the UPC codes used on Yandex leading to kiddie pictures.

Only 1 item each of the high priced missing child named furniture and pillows.

Used a pseudo 3rd party corporation for the sale of these items, though IIRC it was still financially affiliated with Wayfair.

The methodology of ordering, billing and shipping determined. Structured to minimize detection and penalty if discovered.

Bain Capital, Soros, others are stockholders. Politicians or relatives on the board of directors.

CEO is networked to suspected political and millionaire oedophiles.

There's much more, read the links.

Jonny_Ninja ago

This twitter thread is interesting:

But what's the connection between wayfair and yandex to begin with?

Lurker17 ago

Lots of interesting coincidences pop up. Your read/review will be rewarding. Many man hours of work is reflected in those links.

Lurker17 ago

None that we knew of, until you punch Wayfair sku codes into Yandexand creepy pictures of little kids on furniture pop up.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Yeah I'm going through the links....

The p3do swirl symbol for "b0y l0ver" is on an item named with a seemingly female name..kinda weird right? Wouldn't it be a male name on the item?

Anyhow like I said I'm going through the links. So far, there's a lot of conjecture and speculation. And no, I don't expect for anons to "catch them red handed." Someone did mention that this could be "autist bait." That is my concern.

Lurker17 ago

Autists and all patriots doing the research will not rest until we have a detailed picture, much like pedogate. The theory that Wayfair is selling kids shouldn't be this hard to debunk so they can move on but there are so many connections and coincidences it looks like anything but a dead end. We will get to the bottom of it, or take it as far as we can and set it on the shelf until some me swing piece is found or epiphany putsca bow on what we have. In the meantime, we have DirectorAnon crumbs to dig as well as any other new names that have popped up this week. There are plenty of Autists and anons researching everything across 4chan, 8kun, reddit, gab, Twitter, VOAT,, etc. Its not like we have a limited research resource, lol! It would be great if someone would come up with something solid to disprove the theory, or finally prove it with proof, or even find something that casts doubt. So far all are elusive and it goes much deeper, so we pursue it until we get to the truth.