voatdied ago

jews hiding behind businesses as entities. nothing new.

drhitler ago

I wonder if the pillow is the child and the cabinets is the cleanup service.

Fateswebb ago

Well yeah..... Except these items on Wayfair we're being sold by Wayfair and not a their party. I think it was just a division of Wayfair itself

Blacksmith21 ago

WFX Utility isn't a 3rd party seller. WFX = WayFair eXchange and is solely registered to the company.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah thank you, that's what I was commenting, that the seller wasn't a third party.. it WAS a division of Wayfair. And even the price doesn't have to be the actual price.. just it has to be high enough to deternnormies from purchasing... Otherwise okay good explanation. Except also probably the buyer doesn't have to actually purchase the cabinet on Wayfair... Although I suppose that could be the case.. more likely they just use Wayfair like a catalog of what's available and then do the purchase in person using cash...

Blacksmith21 ago

It's probably a multi-step, verified process. Pay Wayfair, then get a cryptic shipping link which has a number in it that they can use to decrypt an email or other information. I'm sure it's not - pay Wayfair, await delivery of cabinet.

Fateswebb ago

Right, right, right...

Like I had to explain that to someone that was throwing shade on the whole idea of this being connected to human trafficking he seemed to think. Just anyone could order a cabinet pay 10k and in 5 days some cabinet arrived and you open it up and there's a kid inside. People are fucking stupid, like no wonder you think it's bullshit you're not actually THINKING about it... 🙄

RecceRat ago


SurfinMindWaves ago

She isn't a 3rd party seller. She puts her name on something that someone else manufactures. You think she's sitting in her house setting up deliveries on Wayfair?

rickki6 ago

Great thread. Shared!!

Zed_Leppelin ago

Yeah thats something else i considered, those $10,000 cabinets could be stuffed with bricks of cocaine as well as kids.

PGLiterati2 ago

Excellent explanation. I have noticed this for more than a decade online--it was my job for more than a decade to purchase things.Essentially these 3rd party sellers operate in a legal liability loophole. That said, Wayfair (in this instance) making a percentage profit--and the researchers who have linked missing children's names to the names of the cabinets have unearthed something that doubtless got past a lot of people at Wayfair. My point is--they make a lot of money this way and don't want to scrutinize too closely.

angelCole ago

Watch TommyG's videos on Twitter, I think they are a total of 10 minutes, there are 5 short ones, https://twitter.com/TommyG/status/1281773002456211457

AndyMan_45 ago

One telltale proof, correct me if I'm wrong, the black kids were priced higher than the white kids because of the premium andrenochrome they produce. If this is a larp, it's a sophisticated one.

One other I think proof is the tie to the russian search engine through the items upc, but I haven't chased this. Does this search produce a image or details about the actual child for sale?

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Agree by an large... though the whole Wayfair business was ravaged by twatter and r/conspiracy derps so it will take time and scrutiny for anon's to collect, examine, report or theorize further findings. It though interesting isn't particularly a Qanon issue... more like a a distraction... though there may be some substance to nefariousness.

angelCole ago

Well it seems it got someones attention here in the U.S. When you type in SRC USA with the UPC now, into Yandex, it brings up pictures of American soldiers.

Fateswebb ago

I tested this at first..

If you used SRC USA it returned American soldiers

If you did the skew it returned watches

If you did BOTH the skew and sec USA THEN it returned kids.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

I read somewhere else on that someone did a find that keying in random numbers brought up earlier similar pictures of juveniles like what was being reported at Wayfair. Somehow though I don't feel that much better about American soldier pics. Link?

Lurker17 ago

If it is a "trap", the creators of the trap become the next Qanon research target. They can't win this.

sheepdoggie ago

So why were you slamming AJ in a prior post. This ^^ was what he described as option 4. Look over here NOT over there. Idk, keep up the fight Patriot. This thing is getting hot. I hope we have some victories soon.

Lurker17 ago

My takeaway was AJ is projecting he is 98% convinced this is a trap, or distraction so don't get excited, don't dig you are wasting your time and making Qanon look like fools. AJ brought us microdick and other larps, is an avowed "actor", I used to watch his show years ago. As it became obvious what he was doing I became very distrustful of his direction. AJ is a limited hangout, gets many truths mixed with disinto. COINTELPRO. The best thing to do is continue the research unabated. Let the results speak for themselves. If, perchance AJ was right about a "trap", we should see MSM explode with a new wave of anti-Q but anons will research the creation of the trap back to the originators and their motivations. If anons are right, we will see an explosion of anti-Q and quickly MSM moves to the next false flag to control the narrative.