24724556? ago

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24703137? ago

this was obviously known prior to Maxwell being arrested. The question is did the community find this out organically or did someone assist us? I seriously doubt the DS did this themselves to get ahead of the story - it would be far easier to just change the prices behind the scenes and delete the sales history. Now everyone in the community is not only looking into Waif-Fare but also Amazon and Etsy and whoever else that might be engaged in similar tactics. Not a smart strategy at all if this was a DS move.

24700635? ago

Amazing Polly originally posted about the cabinets on June 14th. It grew from there.


24696872? ago

No. You're just making a logical association based on nothing more than timing.

This story could have been dropped by Q team.

24694286? ago

No. Their board of directors looks quite free and quite rich from where I’m sitting. LOOK AT THE OUTCOMES. if she ‘tipped off police’ how’d we all get this flood of info? Are we the police?

24693369? ago

That fucking pimp bitch is a psychopath or mind-controlled from birth to do evil. No way she is cooperating with White Hats. She's got her deadman's switch and will use it until her controllers figure out how to kill her and turn that switch off.

24696108? ago

LE is a lot more sophisticated and powerful than she is. I dont buy the dead man's switch.

24693176? ago

Just the tip. Heh.

24692037? ago


She is evil

She will try to give up just enough, on whites only, to secure her own ends.

That said, pedo whites must be exterminated right along with the rest of the vermin.

24691802? ago

No one went to the police they went to reddit and twitter.

Imagine if the FBI bought a $10,000 pillow in a sting operation. That is now impossible. Likely they will get away because idiots.

24692816? ago

Plenty of people reported to the police. This has been seen by thousands if not millions of people. Twitter, reddit, 8kun, 4chan, etc. etc.

24692883? ago

lol you really don't get it.

Put yourself in the shoes of a detective and millions of people have seen as you say Twitter, reddit, 8kun, 4chan, etc. etc. Including @WAYFAIR among those millions of people.

People going public is only tipping off the criminals where they can just flush the drugs, move the kids, burn the records, destroy all the evidence,, deleted the products, CEO resigned..

Do you not see they tipped off the cops and the crooks at the same time.

Put yourself in the shoes of the detective... Impossible to get anywhere in the investigation now... I would be absolutely shocked if any kid is rescued or anyone is arrested.

24693221? ago

I was only responding to your statement that no one went to the police. I don't expect anything ever to happen because the alphabets already know all this shit and they do nothing, for whatever reasons you want to believe. If they wanted to buy a pillow they would have already done so. The only thing these types of digs do is make the regular folks more aware of how things are done in this fucked up world.

24692727? ago

you think this wayfair gate thing spread organically on it's own?

24691788? ago

The more awake Anons there are, the more shit is going to be figured out. It's going to snowball now, just watch. One thing will lead to 5 more. 5 more will lead to 1p more, 10 to 20, etc.

24691626? ago

I thought it was a Twitter guy, All Black Lives Matter...no one's talking about how it was like a million black Twitter users sharing and discussing it

24691447? ago

probably snuff films no cabinets in stock

24691219? ago

Or her team tipped off someone to expose it on the internet. The NYPost only ran the story after it hit Reddit.....

24690661? ago

some want to try and buy this shit and see what shows up..

i'd bet it would just be the item listed if you aren't 'on the list'

and they'd keep your money and laugh about how stupid people are

24692803? ago

I tried to buy some, but the price reverted to normal when I went to checkout.

24691907? ago

A physical, in the flesh kid IS NOT shipped to a buyer's house. The advert is code for access to said child "type." They use recently disappeared kids to showcase the "type" of child, i.e. race, build, age group, etc. In the confirmation email is a link to track your purchase for everything, right? Well, for them, that link sends them to a location for "pickup or delivery." It's usually a 3rd party location where the child is held, and the buyer can consume the product. No ACTUAL CHILD is trafficked to a home. That's not what internet sex crimes investigators have told me.

24692691? ago

and it's all videotaped and all of sudden they have complete control over you via some really good (or bad) blackmail.

24691393? ago

Nothing shows up, delivery has probably already been arranged. This feels like money laundering for child trafficking, I'm not quite sure how it works but I know setting up a front company that sells overpriced cabinets is easier than cleaning your money at a laundromat or nail salon.

24691405? ago

seems a likely understanding. thanks for sharing.

24690602? ago

the media debunked it overnite as a price glitch, they are also mischaracterizing that people are saying the cabinet comes with a kid in it. knowing them you probably get a btk video of the most likey deceased "cabinet"

24691390? ago

The msm didn't mention the pillows priced at $15000 or the baby book going for $10k+

24692581? ago

Holy fuck they done GOOFED with that "rebuttal" Wayfair put out. They seriously told us a $200 cabinet is worth $15 grand because it's industrial and didn't have time to see the pillows and dino books.

24690537? ago

No some reddit person found it. Princess Peaches

24690501? ago

Maxwell, Russia, Snowden, SRC.

All I know is it's time to bring the house down.

24690444? ago

It's not impossible but highly unlikely we would know about it if that were the case.

What's interesting is that already the MSM is trying to discredit it.

24693168? ago


Well, I don't know for sure anon, but Digits Confirm both (You) and (OP) on the same topic in the same thread... I'd say that's significant for a Pepe like me.

Whether planted by whitehats or blackhats this DOES feel like a plant. Keep yur heads on a swivel Privates, shovels and memes at the ready, now spread out and look for clues... DIG DIG DIG!

Just remember [they] put decoys out there so double check your targets and REEE!

24702557? ago

Sorry for the misunderstanding but I don't get it. What's the significance of the OP 391xxxx and MY 246xxxx?

24703190? ago

Your post's digits are 'lucky', they end in repeating numbers (444, aka "trips"), in chan culture this is known as "a get" or "a hit". The board (QRV in this case) numbers our posts, 1st come, 1st served, you hit send at the exact right moment to "get" the "lucky" repeating digits. For whatever reason posts with 'a get' tend to come true or be correct in an obscure way more often than statistics allow for. Trump being POTUS was foretold on 4chan by a huge number with all 7's. The more repeating digits the more significant, because trips (triples) are harder to get then doubles (dubs). We also call it "Meme magic" and it appears to be related to Carl Jung's "collective consciousness", and "quantum chaos".

I word my post so I can search it in the future for further study to mark the digits and also to congratulate the lucky anon, its considered a bit of an honor to get the digits.

This is the standard link to explain how this was found out, its an amazing true story that's highly bizarre, and fun to read with good illustrations:


Shadilay! Shadilay! Fren






(AKA "Quantum Chaos")

For more information about the science of numbers being effected by Humanity's collective "Hive Mind"~Q then click around for the science papers on this site, but also check out "The Global Consciousness Project Dot" I look at it almost everyday to gauge where Humanity is at mentally at the moment. Are We The People collectively thinking about ourselves or others? The Dot is a decent gauge and has shown to be accurate over many years now. All well and scientifically documented. Blue is Us being selfless, red is selfish.


You might also look into "The 100th Monkey Effect" to understand how we expect "The Great Awakening" to work behind the scenes. ("Hive Mind"~Q)

If (You) read all this (and understand any of it), then congrats, your the newest Pepe!

Welcome aboard WWG1WGA.

24692071? ago

I saw an anon post about it on 4chan about a day before it blew up. The OP was suspicious and the comments told him to open a police case after they found the product code searches.

24691824? ago

Took them all of 2 hrs to implicate this as a QAnon conspiracy. Even though it was broke by a former employee. I believe the employee is a [DS] plant meant to get them ahead of what's gonna come out from Ghislaine. A preemptive strike, if you will.

24702583? ago

I like your thinking. Very plausible.

Did you see they also getting out in front regarding the murderer of Maddy McCann, now Maxwells face is out there. That seemed very suspect to me.

24694494? ago

Don't be so sure.

Ghislaine Maxwell was an Intelligence Agent. Cell structure. The people she works for have no clue who really works for her.

If she's rolled to save her skin, her agents will be rolling too.

Notice the Ghislaine-Reddit news comes out, that she's reddit's most influential user/mod in its history, and then this is broken by a reddit user? LMAO

24696509? ago

Reddit people are fucking crazy. I'd love to see those psychopaths turn on their masters.

24690747? ago

It's part of the awakening. White hats have known. The dominoes are falling into place to wake up the masses

24694447? ago

Wayfair scandal is already 10x bigger than Pizzagate ever was. Within hours Twitter's splash page was explaining how it's a conspiracy theory.

Anyone with common sense knows $20,000 products are not delivered by ordinary couriers. Delivery is specially arranged. That's more money than leaves most stores in a security truck.

Anyone with common sense is going to find it really disturbing they're using names from missing children's lists to name duplicate listings.

The cover up is worse than the crime.

If they'd STFU about Pizzagate it would have blown over.

If they'd STFU about Wayfair it would have blown over. In 2 weeks they could have blamed a disgruntled employee.

The cover up is worse than the crime.

24703123? ago

do not over estimate the amount of people that still retain common sense.

24690487? ago

I believe you're correct. Seems way too vague to just be "discovered".

24701386? ago

You mean like Comet Ping Pong? You may want to reconsider your opinion of how intelligent the digital army is. It's getting more seasoned and gaining traction every day.

24702115? ago

I mean no offense to the brilliance of some of our fellow anons investigating and researching stuff, it just seemed like near impossible to have uncovered all of this unless someone gave us a tiny bit of info or clue to start at.

24703742? ago

Sometimes it doesn't take a tip from the devil to get the job done. The LORD works in mysterious ways.

24703971? ago

Amen to that.

24691915? ago

It's def a Q operation on Dark to Light week.

24690415? ago

I hope those kids are safe. This kind of attention will put them in danger. Arrests now!