24724549? ago

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24714468? ago

Maybe, but the kids are spreading this and have taken notice, that is pretty HUGE. My friend had no idea but her high school daughter and friends did.

24699446? ago

Comparing the wayfair story to kids in tunnels is the dumbest thing on the internet today... maybe this week.

24693484? ago

What's wrong with a good old fashioned investigation

People need to relax. Shills incite division. Ignore the shills

24690362? ago

ANONS - They cant accuse your tiny 3d printed drone of harming anyone or shooting anything (dont put the gun on it, Jim)

The basement investigator was a dumbass, you can gather evidence from afar and drop it in the police stations mailslot.

Robotics is the future.

24689923? ago

but pizzagate is real. if wayfair is real then if a person doesnt believe it then thats their choice. why try to make it into something it isnt. the prices on these items and the names of children show there is fuckery afoot. stop trying to slide the convo. this story will not go away just like pizzagste wont go away till its mainstream and everyone knows.

24690046? ago

On the list of low-IQ responses, yours is right up there. I would have just ignored it had you not accused me of "trying to slide the convo", but you did, like a bottom-tier twit, so now this is happening...

but pizzagate is real.

Show me where I said it isn't.

if wayfair is real

Here you implicitly concede that there's a possibility that it's not real.

But then:

why try to make it into something it isnt.

You admonish me for daring to suggest that maybe it's not only fake but a manufactured psyop. So, what, it can be fake/untrue, but it's absolutely impossible that someone manufactured the situation with the express intent of roping a target audience in for discrediting purposes?

the prices on these items and the names of children show there is fuckery afoot

The possibility exists that someone chose these names for their listings not because they're actually selling missing persons but because they knew it would be an easy find (or had the progenitors of the 'find' on board with a scheme in the first place) and would drum up controversy.

stop trying to slide the convo.

Fuck yourself, I'm doing no such thing. I'm encouraging a less fanatical approach that doesn't result in attacking people who are wanting more evidence before jumping on the bandwagon, while at the same time positing the reasonable premise that it might be an engineered psyop (not the first of its kind).

this story will not go away just like pizzagste wont go away till its mainstream and everyone knows.

That statement is so lackluster it barely merits a response...

If the situation turns out to be legit and turns up an actual trafficking ring, great, I hope justice is served – but this requires some serious evidence given the serious claims (is anyone even reporting it to authorities or just piss-farting around on social media about it?).

If it happens to be bullshit, it had better fucking disappear quick smart because this (Q/Pizzagate) movement already has enough disinfo and/or discrediting elements attributed to it as is which are routinely harped on by the media.

All in all, in case I haven't yet said it, fuck yourself for suggesting I'm sliding anything, you bottom-tier piece of trash.

24689880? ago

I dont give a fuck if anyone is Q'ed. They are trying to throw you off the scent...basically.

24689756? ago

Here's what bugs me: Why the the fuck would they do this?

Suppose I'm a criminal mastermind who kidnaps children and sells them to wealthy clientele... How does "disguise them as cabinets on a public-facing website, using their real names" possibly fit into my plan?

The only reason I can think of to involve a company like Wayfair at all would be for money laundering, to provide an innocent explanation for the payment. But there are far more discreet ways to do this than putting each kid up as a fake item listing for all to see. And actually using their names takes it from "bad idea" to "absolutely retarded".

I've seen similar theories about shady stuff supposedly "going on in plain sight", and I understand the appeal of the idea, but as a realistic notion about what a criminal organization would do, it falls completely flat.

24689715? ago

More like ENoCH is looking more and more like a shill.

24689357? ago

We have more than we know

24689268? ago

The media is calling this a hoax and a conspiracy, then it is the opposite, stop try to make your self look better by agreeing with Enoch. I see this all the time when people look up to others.

24689293? ago

The media is calling this a hoax and a conspiracy, then it is the opposite

That's not how it works. Example: A photo was circulating for a while which was portrayed to be a photo of a nude Donald Trump getting a spray tan. Turns out it was just a wax replica and even snopes debunked the claim that it was real. So spare me your "X said it's fake, so it must be real!" bias.

stop try to make your self look better by agreeing with Enoch. I see this all the time when people look up to others.

I don't "look up to" ENoCH, nor do I look down upon him (despite often disagreeing with or having no support for some of his work; for example I think the "take the pledge" videos are fucking pathetic), so you can put that one back in the deck too.

24689237? ago

Just look at the instagram of the owner of that pizza place and you know it is true. Sick stuff.

24688911? ago

When in doubt dig them out, fuckem if we are wrong it's better to be safe than sorry

24687729? ago

Comet Ping Pong


Both were actors, both false flags designed and executed to make everyone else look nuts by association.

Fuck off. There was creepy ass shit from that restaurant long before pizzagate broke. You must be new here.

The shooter did serve to make us look unhinged, but part 2 of that mission was to give an excuse to destroy the hard drive from the computer st CPP.

24687743? ago

Read again for fuck's sake.

I said the shooter and arsonist were false flags.

24687502? ago

Remember a few days ago just after Ghislaine was arrested, we all went "watch out for a false flag involving an alleged Qanon conspiracy theorist"? This might be it, if they are running out of resources. Attempt to make us look like dangerous loons to the outside world.

24687392? ago

Saw a pic of a weird looking baby thing for the crib, very small and plastic looking, for 9,999$ and it has a pedo spiral on it.

Another was a video of a girl showing a couch coating 14,999, pretty ugly plain couch, maybe worth 500 bucks at most, but when u go on order form on wayfair site, it auto populates the name of a girl who legit rent missing in April 2020.

Coincidences are mathematically impossible, this is mason fuckery.

24687305? ago

I find it telling that most people here are drawn to the stories that involve the sickest shit, while ignoring everything else.

24686970? ago

Throw another larp on the dumpster fire.

24686789? ago

I've been unplugged all day, what the he is wayfair? Can someone help an anon out?

24686882? ago

They are trafficking missing peeps

24686620? ago

Underground wars to DUMBS blown up to kids in tunnels to celeb house arrests to secret celebrity comms to nose touching to wayfair kids for sale. It never ends with the Fantasy prone Q-tards.

24686607? ago

That is why I am staying quiet about wayfair. There are those that have been with this movement, studying the psychology of our gathering, studying the the emotional heartstrings...they exploit children and they will exploit fake info on children just as easily. It may turn out totally legit...but be patient before running with things that appear out of thin air. Soros owns way fair shares, many of them. He is a master of manipulation especially of the ‘herd’.

24686599? ago

It's always good to maintain perspective. Including the perspective that there may very well be damage control posts such as this one and the recently posted exact same angle from a twitter account. Time will tell. The truth is hard to hide forever.

24686524? ago

As with all of these things, there's an element of the truth to them even if there's a push to hyperbole.

What about the tunnels under the street. Look at cities like London and New York, and most any major city. When under most major roads are subway tunnels, electrical and telecommunication corridors, sewer and water maintenance, etc.

In my city, and it's not nearly that big, you can walk underground from certain war time era neighborhood schools basements to city hall, to stadiums, to concert halls, and to certain buildings that have changed function over the years that private residences have doors that effectively connect into them because they were a bar that used to load through there because there was nowhere to park a truck.

The subterranean landscape is fascinating, but it exists and no one sees it, and for a lot of it the people you're going to find are crack heads who are just trying to stay the fuck out of harm's way and they stumble in through the random doors that exist.

So what happens if you have the "key to the city"?

What corrupt things could someone do if they possessed full access to these systems of underground travel.

Would people not try to use a subterranean tunnel network to transport human trafficking victims through undetected? Gangs will tunnel under the border, but the line is drawn at the pre-existint tunnel infrastructure in most major cities?

24686352? ago

Just saw Tom Hanks is releasing his new movie and is not in twatting pictures from a holding cell of a top secret military facility. Hmm imagine that???

24686269? ago

Hidden pages featuring children on lingerie store sites ring a bell?

24686001? ago

They deliberately chose unusual names that would result in a hit for search engines with X + missing.

Some of the kids were found.

Seems like well engineered bait, IMHO.

24685771? ago

I have suspicion we're looking at coded messages. Don't know. Just a hunch.

24685750? ago

I've considered this too which is why I haven't retweeted.

24685714? ago

Just keep in mind that this began over on Reddit.

The same Reddit than is now banning non-narrative is letting this stay up?

Ghislaine's Reddit?

No way this could some shit to make us look dumb and diminish what they have done.

24692225? ago

A user on twitter broke it lol. Didn't come from Reddit. They don't do shit on there apart from compain about Trump. They aren't autists.

24690505? ago

now making the news? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3919668

24688276? ago

I thought it started on Twitter actually, which is even worse. But the way it got 10K upvotes on conspiracy almost instantly was really suspicious, and it took over the whole subreddit. That’s not organic.

24685646? ago

Every time it’s an action you don’t like, it’s a “false flag” and and “crisis actors.” Meanwhile, take a look at the “explanation” for many of these supposed false flag shootings.

Not only would every actor in the school have to be in on it, everyone that knows them, all of their family would also have to be in on it. They would all need to be actors. But then everyone that knows those people? They have to be in on it too, otherwise an aunt or a neighbor or a family friend would say, “no, Little Bobby goes to South elementary, not West Side.” Even if there are only a dozen students or faculty in on it, everyone in their spiderweb would have to be in on it. That’s literally thousands of people. You goddamn psychopaths. Do you think the government, and crisis actors, including children, I’m going to be able to keep secrets like this? I’m not talking about for people in a conspiracy, I’m talking about thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Simple mathematics and logic tell us this.

Thousands of people would need to be involved. That’s not an exaggeration. At all, I am under-selling it.

By the way, this is how they get away with it when they actually do pull shady deep state shit. Because they let you people go. They let you go on and on and on looking crazier and crazier and crazier every day.

Pizzagate is real. The vast majority of the people involved in “exposing” it are batshit insane. All of the real evidence and the real productive questions get buried under an avalanche of lies, false connections, and insanity. So they get away with it. That’s how they do it. Don’t you understand that?

Because conspiracy retards believe everything they’re told - which is RICH with irony. They push insanity so all the people doing the real work just wasted their time. So normies can easily be led to dismiss pizzagate because the majority of what they see is the insanity.

24685736? ago

The fuck are you flapping on about?

I gave 3 examples and only called 2 "false flags" (which stands as very possible considering they were perpetrated by actors and subsequently pounced on by the media). As for that dickhead and the train, he was probably a legit nutbag who had been influenced by a ridiculous theory which in all likelihood originated from people who knew it was bullshit and wanted to fuck with everyone, knowing they'd eat it up because it gave them hope.

Your comment looks like a fucking copy-paste you throw around at anyone who brings up something like the CPP shooter/arsonist actors... in fact I'm fairly certain I've seen you outside of QRV spit almost the exact same spiel before.

24685603? ago

there is no doubt that they had the names of missing children on their products that were exhorbinately proced

24685550? ago

Mouthy Budha got into some of this awhile back with websites leading to child porn along with talking about that Tom Hanks tweet, now Wayfair is popping with similar stuff he was talking about?

Somethings not right with Wayfair.

Below are videos one and two



24685340? ago

Doesnt matter, EVERYONE is talking about human trafficking. Understand?

24685402? ago

And if it turns out to be bullshit, once again the legitimate cases will fall out of discussion and lose credibility by association. Understand?

Of course you don't (or you do, which would be even worse), if you just excused (potential) disinformation in the way you did.

24685439? ago

I can tell you are one the blackpill faggots. Just sit on the sidelines while we do the work like we did with pizzagate and stfu.

24689866? ago

You are right and they are downvoting you big time

24685513? ago

I can tell you are one the blackpill faggots.

LOL! So acknowledging the "Boy who cried wolf" effect and its detriments to legitimate scenarios makes me a "blackpilled faggot"? That's fucking priceless.

Just sit on the sidelines and shut the fuck up while we do the work like we did with pizzagate and stfu.

Even funnier, you think I'm from the sidelines. Or are you just trying to shut me up for questioning what might be another hoax to discredit pizzagaters et al?

24685556? ago

Just relax, untwist your worry panties, and let it play out faggot. If it’s nothing it will die. If it’s something then we all win. But how will we know unless we get thousands of eyes checking it out. It’s healthy for this to happen.

24685658? ago

Take your COINTELPRO-esque attempt to manipulate using language that questions masculinity/blend in with the use of "faggot", and your "hoaxes are okay if people are talking" bullshit and fuck yourself with it, mate.

24685747? ago

Its always been a part of the research game into this stuff, sometimes theres red herrings, sometimes dead ends, but the RESEARCH WILL GO ON WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT FAGGOT. CRY ABOUT IT MOAR.

24685772? ago

Glow more.

24685959? ago

Youre the on trying to stop investigation into potential human trafficking or money laundering fronts, so who is more likely to be an agent here?if it was up to you pizzagate would have never happened. “Bububut what if its a duhduhduhdetrimental. WAAAHHHH”

24686021? ago

Youre the on trying to stop investigation into potential human trafficking or money laundering fronts

Except I'm not. Do please show me where I've gone to any effort to stop anyone from doing anything other than suggesting that they not attack/divide when someone asks for or promotes an objective, evidence-based approach.

so who is more likely to be an agent here?

You, by far, given that you're pulling every tactic in the book (including now falsey claiming that I'm trying to stop people from speculating) to promote what may be a hoax and manipulate onlookers into distrusting me.

if it was up to you pizzagate would have never happened.

Do please explain what you mean by that, this should be hilarious.

24685377? ago


24685338? ago

Last week, the arrest of the most notorious human trafficker on the planet was announced. Reports surface that she’s “naming names”. Yesterday, a company with strong ties to George Soros is on the hot seat for human trafficking because of some shady “coincidences.”

That is all.

24690375? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/HDLunited comment.

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24685302? ago

The MOST IMPORTANT thing is that we have raised the awareness and problems that were once covered, hidden and ignored by the press, media, government and LEOs. Whether this is a rabbit hole or not normies are noticing and things will come out. EYES ON anons!

24685233? ago

Don't be 'that guy/girl' who goes on the attack just because someone is tentative without hard evidence

You must be a woman. My wife during a fight once accused me of "always bringing up facts and evidence" during arguments.

We then had a fight about how hard I was laughing.

24685297? ago

No, I'm not a woman.

Maybe, instead of showing everyone how much of a misogynist you are, you should reread that sentence you quoted.

Hell, I'll reword it for you:

Don't attack someone who is tentative about believing something when there's no hard evidence to back it up.

24685618? ago

Sounds like lady talk to me.

24685205? ago

“Tunnels in Kids.”

24684877? ago

There are facebook groups for aliexpress.com. These groups have links items, and if you put in the special code listed on facebook you're actually purchasing designer items. For example, the link might show a pencil for $50, but if you put in the code at checkout what you're actually buying a Coach purse. The aliexpress link shows items that you normally wouldn't purchase at that high of a price, but the code gets you the good stuff. I have no proof, but I'm thinking the wayfair thing might be more along those lines as opposed to something nefarious.

24685074? ago

Designer knockoffs I'm assuming. That or stolen?

24685144? ago

From what I've seen it's items that might not fully pass QC. I've seen Ray Bans that should have been polarized but are not and vice versa. I've seen purses where there is something off on the interior stitching. Wireless Beats that are missing a charging cable. Stuff like that.

24684796? ago

I say the best approach is to be dispassionate watchers.

QUIETLY gather info to see if a lead is legit.

Anons seriously need to work on stealth. That way we can better verify our information along with gather more before it gets shoah’d.

24686491? ago

^^^^^^This^^^^^^ If we dispassionately take notes and wait 4 the prime moment to drop the tapes, we can unapologetically catch the cabal in the act! We must move forward under the veil...Our tactics are being recorded...We must move quietly until the time is ripe for pouncing! Ppl are looking for fame in a game that requires anonymity!!! We can do this if we exclude ego and reward! #WWG1WGA

24684735? ago

fair point but the "crazies" are FF, not Q, and does it really matter how much they try to discredit us?

24684710? ago

FYI, this was circulating for weeks, probably a month before it went viral.

24684683? ago

Did Q have a new post? No? Ok, nothing to see here.

24684570? ago

This is the first I’m even hearing or seeing anything about this so maybe it’a not a big deal ? I do agree tho- take a step back before assuming anything . We should know better by now .

24684725? ago

Heard about it weeks ago on Facebook

24684566? ago


Look who funds the company. None other than George Soros.

24685874? ago

That’s not what your funding means.

Sigh. This is why truth dies when labeled as conspiracy. There is absolutely something going on here - something evil - but people like you are going to bury it because you make anyone looking into this look like a fucking retard.

Do you know what the form is? Do you see the values presented and can you do the math that shows that there’s going to be thousands of companies listed on there, and this might be the bottom of the alphabetical list? Do you know what shares are? In this context, can you define what this is, who operates it on a daily basis, who decides what values are allocated into which columns and why? Or do you have absolutely no fucking idea what the fuck this is and you’re regurgitating it because you’re a goddamn idiot? Because you believe every tweet, every “document“ is presented to you without sourcing or verification? Because you people fall for this shit every single fucking time, get caught promoting fakes, or get caught presenting evidence that you can’t even wrap your mind around, you don’t even know what this form is, what it means, with these numbers are, seven points on how stupid you are and the investigation is done. Cold. Gone. Because of morons. Completely discredited because of people like you.

You goddamn gullible idiots need to stop running with every single thing you’re shown as if it’s some kind of smoking gun. It just makes you look fucking stupid to people who actually understand what this form is, what it means, and how goddamn disconnected it is from “funding” anything. Do you have mutual funds? You might want to look at who you are “funding.”

24690096? ago

Sharing information is bad? Being passionate you may have found a clue that could lead to saving children? The public is allowed FREE SPEECH and are trying to force a public discussion, not a fake debunking claim, about the weird situation. This isnt attacking Wayfair because of their colour choices or even word choice. This is going after them because it looks like they're part of a child trafficking ring. That's a big deal if true and should be investigated. You're a fucking pedophile enabler or one yourself.

And this story didnt break on QRV. It's quite glowing of you to try to pin it on all of Q supports because you see 183 upvotes and 55 replies to something. What percentage of the Q supporting population is 183?

24689852? ago

You are 100% a shill. No doubt you fucking moran. Look at crunchbase and look up where Soros is invested in.

This is a schill for sure.

24684622? ago

Yes, I'm aware of that, and Soros gets plenty of mention from me for his questionable connections to a great many things.

But this... this all seems (to me) to be inorganic. Very easy to play to confirmation bias, especially with a Soros connection.

Just to reiterate, I distrust Soros as much as the next, but something feels off about this Wayfair thing.

24690755? ago

Dude, if you were facebook friends with someone who worked above you at walmart, they'd put you under the jail for corruption.

This isnt about them, its about you you you.

24689854? ago

They don't want you talking about this. That person is a schill.

24684674? ago

fairweather niggerfaggot posting from anon fuck off and die

24684560? ago

The other thing i forgot is.. If this did turn out to be a hoax, it would shine a light on more players with that ceo resig today. That can’t just be a coinky dink.

24685077? ago

I can't find any confirmation that the CEO resigned. Can you?

24684551? ago

I was never a Pizzagate follower.

When I saw the first post on Voat about this last night - it struck me as true. When I saw even more names associated with high-priced products and the names of missing girls - it pretty much convinced me it is true.

I believe this because I am an online shopper including on Wayfair. For years I have seen products listed at extremely high prices next to the exact same product with a real price.

I can confirm that those extreme prices are on all of the online retail sites. Home Depot, Amazon, etc. I always thought it was simply an error or someone hoping to catch a sucker who would pay the price.

I am learning that I have to search and dig on ANYTHING that seems unusual or out of place. I hope we all do this and I'm sorry I didn't start sooner ... I just couldn't have imagined something like this happening.

24690300? ago

Same is on ebay. One explanation is that since all of these are venue sites that anyone can sell on, listing your item with a ridiculous price guarantees your listing will be the first seen. Speculation is that a higher than normal number of people will inquire why and in doing so it allows the seller to say that was a mistake then directing them to the correctly priced item. Doing this personalizes the buyer/seller interaction that get as most buyers just scroll through looking for the best price. This is an advantage to the seller. I don't subscribe to this tactic because I deal in vintage items not mass produced ones. When there are 50 identical pieces for sale only differing in price you need to punch out to get noticed. Or they're selling kids, Occam...

24690120? ago

we literally found a video/articles with the owner of the pizza comet saying something about having a basement years before all this bullshit.

super weird.. at the least.

24689844? ago

I've never seen them on home depot's website, only from 3rd party sellers on majors sites like Walmart and Amazon. I just figured it was people looking for some ultra rich person that didn't care to click and pay and not give a shit about price.

24689114? ago

The fact that all the usual suspects like Snopes, Gizmodo, and Ben Collins(and many many more) are doing major damage control hit-pieces on this story already, within hours of it breaking.

Already calling it debunked, and using the same ridiculous talking point of "but teh kidz wouldnt even fit inside of those pillow cases lul"

24685699? ago

I believe there’s something to this. I also believe that all of the fakes going around the Internet, and the willful gullibility of conspiracy people to run with any bit of information they are giving without fact checking, without having any discerning eye for what might be real or what might be fake, is exactly how evil people hide their evil deeds.

Once people are on to these satanic molestors, that’s where useful idiots like Q queers come in. Give them some bad information, watch them humiliate themselves by running with it, expose how stupid they are and - viola - it destroys the entire investigation.

There was something there with pizzagate but MORONS ruined it like running bulls contaminating a crime scene.

24686881? ago

I understand what you're saying. I see so many Q followers running with info that didn't even come from Q. They are getting info from YouTube accounts and each other.

I think this is real and hope that all of the people jumping on this bandwagon will never see the world the same again. This isn't how I envisioned the world being interested in Pizzagate but here we are.

24685738? ago

Yeah well were all sick and tired of running around blind folded running into shit dick first. If someone would kindly tell us what in the fuck is going on its be goddamn wonderful as this maskfag, nigger riot nonsense decends across the entire nation

24685563? ago

Mouthy Budha got into some of this awhile back with websites leading to child porn along with talking about that Tom Hanks tweet, now Wayfair is popping with similar stuff he was talking about? Not to mention products also have names of recently missing kids?

Somethings not right with Wayfair.

Below are videos one and two



24686840? ago

Wow - excellent videos. Thanks for sharing. I will keep these and share.

24684718? ago

Did I just see that black cat again?

24690452? ago

Exactly the same cat or almost the same cat? Be Specific dammit!

There are no wolves in the bible and there never were.

24685059? ago

I don't understand your question.

24686933? ago

Apologies, the other filled you in but I wanted to add that it was a response to this passage:

I am learning that I have to search and dig on ANYTHING that seems unusual or out of place.

24686966? ago

Thank you! This Wayfair thing is deep. I am finding lots of people who are digging.

24686584? ago

Deja vu.

24686409? ago

matrix reference

24685324? ago

glitch in the matrix

24684518? ago

I never argue with taking a level headed approach.

Your comments make me think we need some “Spot the Divider Behavior” meme ammo to help out anons

24685523? ago

24684768? ago

Here's an example for ya:


24684706? ago

I've been here since Q pointed us here, and have grown that ability. :)

24684514? ago

Good thinking. Newsweek has already reported on it rather than ignore it, so it is probably a setup.

24684911? ago

My lib friends on facebook are attacking the story and calling it qanon conspiracy crap. I'm thinking if it's making the rounds that quickly it's more smoke than fire. There's a woman I'm friends with who works with human trafficking survivors, and she's shooting down the wayfair narrative. She's not saying that it can't be legit, but it's not something she's ever seen before in her career.

24684312? ago

I'll wait and see what the fringe media starts reporting about it, and then see how it bubbles up to M$M level.

When I see how they spin it, I'll be able to better discern and reason out if there's truth in it or not.

24690169? ago

Within a couple of hours Newsweek had an article up.

24687933? ago

Don’t just rely on them to act suspicious. They could cause us to see red where there is none just by acting suspicious.

Not saying there is or isn’t anything here. Let us just measure our charge is all.

24685764? ago

You will u/stand why I don't up voat u. But yes.

24684603? ago

I've already seen 2 news reports saying it is BS and Snopes already is telling everyone it is false. What does that say to you?

24691746? ago

It's true.

24689124? ago

Yeh Snopes, Gizmodo, Ben Collins were all over this within hours.

These are the same ones that became the MSM gatekeeprs for pizzagate. CTF/Shareblue must have them on speed dial

24688246? ago

That’s just it, I thought it was all bullshit before snopes said “nothing to see here!”

People need to take a measured view though, it feels like some sort of limited hangout.

24690744? ago

Of all the buzz words, 'limited hangout' gets on my nerves. I know what it means, I'm not terribly old (although I am extremely l33t).

Yeet makes more sense, and I hate that one too. Stop saying 'yo', everyone thinks you're mildly retarded.

24690877? ago

What are you talking about? I don’t say “yo.” Go harass someone else.

24687318? ago

That it might be true.

24685720? ago

That morons who are gullible enough to take fakes and spread them around as real ruined yet another opportunity to expose the deeds of evil people? The conspiracy faggots yet again ruined an instance where real questions and real evidence might’ve been able to lead to real results, but they couldn’t stop masturbating all over themselves over photoshops and fakeries and ruined it yet again? Because that’s what it tells me.

24688676? ago

The brain tries to connect dots even when there are no correlations. But there are also red herrings thrown in by gatekeepers. It's hard to ignore these shiny extra dots.

24686184? ago

I'm not sure what you would define as "real evidence and real results". Folks on twitter and reddit that happen to notice things aren't going to bring the world of pedos down because they made a screen grab. Surely there is a lot of nonsense floating around as will always happen when you get enough people involved but it would seem to me that bringing it to people's attention is all that can be hoped for. We'll never know the reality of the situation but I think folks out there hope that someone who can actually do something about it might look into the situation.

For me, the fact that Snopes declares it false in less than a day without doing ANY real investigation says I can't believe anything Snopes tells me.

24686010? ago


stfu glownigger faggot.

24684884? ago

Snopes already is telling everyone it is false.


Well that isn't going to help the case it's false.