24727931? ago

Shiznick! Cabal central. Jackpot.

24727426? ago

LOOK at that Wayfair roof........... We are 100% OVER THE TARGET!!! This is why the MSM is freaking out right now... They deployed ALL assets to "debunk" this scandal!

I disagree

Presumption Of Innocence

This is your reminder that according to the Laws, all are considered innocent unless proven guilty

If you use a speculation to claim that someone is guilty, you risk to expose yourself to an expensive libel lawsuit. Why? Because in the future, a speculation could be FALSE & DEFAMATION. Read more.

Is someone trying to fool you into a defamation? Could the person targeted by defamation be in fact a lawful & real Patriot? Speculations are valuable to make theory. While at the same time, speculations and theories are NOT to confuse with evidences, facts, truths. The Laws, courts, juries decide if someone is guilty. Speculations and theories do NOT decide those.

Trump's Libel Lawsuit Against New York Time

This is an example of a successful filled defamation lawsuit. By Donald Trump against the New York Time's FAKE news at

https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/2017/web/hero_images/Draft_NYT_Complaint_(NY_State_Court).pdf or https://archive.md//2q1kf

News at https://nypost.com/2020/02/26/trump-campaign-sues-new-york-times-for-libel/ or at https://archive.md//8F9AD

Your Vote Matters


24728221? ago

Oy, why do they hate me so?

24727079? ago

the stench of apron wearers is strong

24726954? ago

Boylston street home fo the Boston Bombing Hoax

24726824? ago

Look at the dropped pin by Wayfair. It has a typo. It says, "Wayfair - BOYLston Office." [caps and bold added for emphasis]

Weird typo to make, the "y" and "l" are pretty far from "s" on the keyboard. I choose to believe its code for BOY Love Boston

24728161? ago

Boylston Street, good pattern match but I've been to Boston and know businesses on that street. God bless anon.

24726793? ago

Yes over the target... the shills in this comment section, is


Masonic roof, tied to other shady elites. With the masonic temple a few blocks away.. to many coincidences / symbols.

Shills are out in full force.

24726328? ago

Can someone explain to me the red cross reference in the thread??

24728276? ago



Search for 'red' on https://qmap.pub/ and read all 90 drops. From the oldest to newest.

24725198? ago

If a mini nuke went off there, I am pretty sure we catch a lot of satanists. I mean, a lot

24724879? ago

Roof tiles.


You guys really got ‘em now.

24724928? ago

Why don't you look at the entire thread, you lazy asshat.

24725035? ago

I read it all.. searching for anything of any significance. Businesses are located next to each other? Businessmen do business with each other? So what?!

24724862? ago

That's a massive thread with massive branches. Good find good share.

24724744? ago

Masonic tiles are blue. You guys need to relax

24724562? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Lurker17.

Posted automatically (#121308) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

24724538? ago

Now someone should look into the Big Dig.....

As above, so below.....

24724499? ago


Coincidence? Where's that mason faggot who always gets upset when we call out him and his lucifer worshipping buds?

24724584? ago

Yes it probably is a coincidence. Checker board patterns are an ubiquitous design feature, almost never having anything to do with Masonic lodges.

And I don't get upset, I'm just gobsmacked by the level of reactionism and illogic I see here.

24724982? ago

It’s astonishing. Even when they come across real shit they botch it by buying into a bunch of bullshit so it ends up looking like the entire story is false. They fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME.

These wackos think Hollywood is cloning celebrities. Adult clones with memories and speaking ability and aged to match the real thing.

It’s mental illness at its most twisted and illogical.

24725954? ago

Thank you Mr. Pitt

24725170? ago

While I agree with most of what you've said, why do you dismiss something like cloning?

Anyone with a brain should have enough awareness that they certainly do not know everything. In fact as you get older you should realize just how little you do know. As far as cloning goes, who knows. It makes sense to consider it, as one could transfer their consciousness.

We don't know.

24726313? ago

Completely agree anon there is a documentary on cloning horses for elite polo team owners. It’s known and they do this routinely. Billionaire owner of the cloning business has had many requests for human cloning and on camera says he has never and likely will never, but that doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t eventually.

It also likely means they have already cloned humans, though as you said we just don’t know.

24726374? ago

I have zero doubt they've done it.

I don't know anything beyond the fact that they've attempted to do it.

The stupidity you see with what Biden says and does could very well be software issues in transporting consciousness.

Or, he's just really that bad. I've known old folks with dementia.

24725088? ago

Yes.. the Item names on the Wayfair site matching missing children names... that warranted some looking into. But then they go into the symbolism bullshit and lose the narrative.

24724399? ago

It is so stupid too LOL. If they knew anything about hiding, they would have used the darknet. This just shows that they are not that smart and we can beat them with intelligence.

24724738? ago

I think that most of their 'customers' are not very smart and unable to dark net

24724522? ago

What does it say that it took us this long to clue in?

24725240? ago

Good people don't look for evil.

24724370? ago

Today's installment of the bizzaro world according to the Qult shut in burnouts.

Really? "Over the target" .........again? The Deep State all panicked AGAIN???

"deployed all assets"....LOL...you love pretending soldier don't you? Oh yeah, DIGITAL WARRIOR, I forgot the latest attempt to flatters you fat worthless old baby boomer hillbillies into think you aren't just good for nothing idiot losers, nooooooooooo!!! You are TOUGH GREEN BERETS! SPECIAL FORCES!!! LOL> Yeah right Goobers.

You imbec iles can barely get from the taped up recliner to the Rascal Scooter

All excited by the latest FAKE STUPID BULLSHIT ( "Wayfare") just like you were over a "rouge sub trying to shoot down Trump", various media celebrities CLONED and actually executed ( Ellen..really, jesus christ, what gullible morons ), THE MOLE CHILDREN ( might be the dumbest one yet ), nobody, repeat, nobody is freaking out about any q type shit except you IDIOTS! The entire country LAUGHS AT YOU, like I am doing.

Comepletly deluded, gullible, ignorant idiots (YOU GOOBERS) living in your pretend comic book world of Trump vs EVIL!

LOL It's totally ridiculous and HILARIOUS!

Oh wait, let me save you the trouble morons, I'm "triggered", "Soros,...PANIC. blah blah, Moms basement, pizza rolls, blah blah, take meds , yet you come here, all for a LARP,.....and THE USUAL STUPID SHIT!.



24724949? ago

James is that you?

24724783? ago

So let me just ask. What do you believe is going on?

24724990? ago

LOL Suuuuuure Goober. Riiiiiiiight. Don't you realize that uh, going slowly insane id a drawback in life?

yeah, Flynn, riiiiiiiight. LOL

24725001? ago

James, is that you?

24725052? ago


24725082? ago

It is you isnt it james. You kiddie diddling freak you.


Last time we spoke just mentioning your name caused you to go into an absolute tired about how wonderful james alefantis is and how hes such an upstanding member of the community and blah blah blah... I see it has once again amplified your intensity. :)

24725204? ago

Uh............................................Dave's not here you STUPID BOOMER TOTAL BURNOUT!

Talk about delusional!

Holy Fuck Goober, you REALLY have some skeletons in your closet! AND I do mean closet!

How about this Qberts! One of your own basically ADMITTING he is into gay pedophilia! Bet you and JAMES had some real fun huh. molesting BOYS?

Man, VOAT is full of kid porn lovers and molesters!


This NUTCASE doesn't even know what PLANET he's on.

24725216? ago

Lol you know to any real person on this site you look insane. I may be taking a bit of a leap in guessing that its james im speaking to again. But it sure does seem to be upsetting you like it did last time.

24725275? ago

Suuuuuure Mr Psychopath. Suuuuuuuure.

Another possibility here that you are overlooking is THAT YOU ARE FREAKING CRAZY AS A LOON TOTALLY INSANE NUTS!


24725501? ago

Look at your intensity. Look how excited you are. For a crazed nut i sure am a lot more calm than you. Why does this all upset you so if its as meritless as you believe? Can you even stop. if i keep talking shit about james the pedo freak will you even be able to stop yourself from continuing your mad raving?

24725616? ago

LOL Mad raving huh? jesus, you are REALLY nuts. REALLY REALLY NUTS.

SCARED now that you have been exposed? You better be? Won't be long, already got a "thanks for reporting" message from the FBI and others.

You are going to JAIL psycho. LOL NOTHING is going to save your criminal ass! Bye, keep a close eye out PSYCHO!

24727329? ago

Lolololololol james. You think im going to jail? For what? Theorizing about criminality in govt. Criminality that we know thanks to john of god, epstein, ghislaine, nxivm and multiple others is taking place. But im gonna go to jail? No james. Youre gonna go to jail, if youre lucky.

24726378? ago

Holy crap this guys entertaining, lol keep going

24726561? ago


24731070? ago

Cmon you little bitch. I really wanna hear what im gonna go to jail for, you child fucking freak. Go ahead. Im very curious to hear this one. Sounds to me like youre the one living in a fantasy.

24740353? ago

LOL Losing it Goober. You posted the pic with your FRIEND JAMES and an infant, you KNOW WHY and what it MEANS Goober.


24740430? ago

So you are going to accuse me of being friends with james alefantis? Amusing. I posted a pic from google. But now suddenly its not all a big nonsense conspiracy and a LARP? What particular brand of faggoty shilling are you trying to pull exactly?

24741547? ago

You are not only BATSHIT crazy, but a complete IDIOT as well. Hilariously so, so just FUCK YOURSELF you stupid hick nut!

I have other idiots to laugh at DUMBFUCK! Thanks for the comedy!

24741706? ago

Later james. It was fun upsetting you.

24724542? ago

So what you mean to say is, you don't understand the significance of the pattern on the roof?

24725060? ago

We all know the significance.

But speculation is not proof. I absolutely think something is up with Wayfair - but I like this thing called investigation.

Did you personally verify that this pic is real? Very VERY often stuff is posted here that turns out to be faked or shopped. Did Wayfair ask for that design? Was there another company in that building first for whom the architects designed it? Why would they use black squares instead of blue?

24724649? ago



24724526? ago

What’s even more hilariously stupid is that you spend your time trolling a sub dedicated to something you think is 100% a LARP.

24725143? ago

Why? This is fun for me. I do this while shitting.

24728129? ago

guess you have digestive issues, like that unseen "sick fuck" in that story in Reservoir Dogs

24725921? ago

Enjoy yourself, faggot

24724621? ago

Uh, didn't I just PREDICT one of you cretins would say this! MAGICAL CABAL POWERS!!!! LOL Stupid dumbfuck HICKS!

24724286? ago

Niraj Shah had a great 2017.

In 2017, Shah became a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

In May 2017, Wayfair's share price rose above $70 per share, making Shah and his co-founder Steve Conine both billionaires. As of 2019, each had an estimated net worth of $2.3 billion.

24724244? ago

And the fact wayfair has never made a profit.

24725050? ago

Amazon was founded in 1994, first traded publicly in 1997, and didn’t turn a profit until 2001.

24725267? ago

Are you trying to debunk that conspiracy?

24724236? ago

It looks like if we got a face on shot of the building it’s a big dick and balls

24724202? ago

This is really the motherfuckin hell on earth. Time to erase all them from of the planet

24728088? ago

Signing up for 16 hour rope shifts

24724129? ago

Twitter won’t load his tweets. Over the target.

24723762? ago

He lost me when he claimed that a cross at a church is the wayfare logo.

24723586? ago

I see a lot of references to Saturn being tied with demons and evil.

Is there any reference to what planets might be tied with God?

I’m assuming the Sun might be a big one considering how prevalent in ancient Egyptian records ect, it is.

24723548? ago


24723538? ago

What’s up with the session comment on the twitter thread?

24723519? ago

Lolita Back Bay


Skull imagery throughout.


24723137? ago

There are so many connections this guy and others are making in this post its mind blowing. If you read the posts it connects a lot of people. Maxwells father with Mittens to Soros to Maxwells boyfriend. The whole feed is loaded and should be read.

24722894? ago

Holy shit the board breaks down everything!!! It show's how connected they are!!! As we'll as the FF attack Boston bombing just a few blocks away!!??!!

24725013? ago

By your logic, thousands of businesses in Manhattan were connected to the 9/11 attacks.

24722650? ago

Masonic homo symbols never end

24722633? ago

Do we know that Wayfair owns and/or built that building to suit?

If that was a decision by unaffiliated builders it may be one thing, If that pattern was placed at the request of Wayfair, it may be some other thing.

Better to catch them in a crime than depend on roof tiles for damnation.

24726081? ago

You clearly didn't go through all the tweets in the thread or you would not be posting what you just did. Look again.

24724800? ago

"It was designed by John Burgee Architects with Philip Johnson"

Lazy search brings this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/500_Boylston_Street

might be worth looking into them a bit.

24726180? ago

Can't make this shit up! The masonic grand lodge is located on Boylston St.

The cornerstone was laid in June 1898 and the building was dedicated on December 27, 1899. For many years there were storefronts on the street level with an entrance to the Masonic Temple on Boylston Street. In 1966, the stores were vacated, mosaics were added to the exterior, and the entrance was moved to the corner. The interior contained a new lobby and a banquet facility that was named Paul Revere Banquet Hall. In 2017, the street level was converted into a restaurant, and the entrance to the Masonic Temple was moved back to Boylston Street. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Lodge_of_Massachusetts

24727362? ago

Also its the lodge that has jurisdiction over guantanomo bay?... wtf lol.

24727390? ago

Whoa! I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out. Creepy as hell.

24724926? ago

looking into the dade county cultural center their website is acting funny right now.



24724575? ago

Beantown has lots of old buildings.

Someone should be looking into the Big Dig if they want to get into Boston. Went years over estimate.

Romney was governor during part of it.

24728082? ago

Fuck. A concrete panel fell and killed someone driving, or their passenger (I think there was a couple, and one died?).

We thought "lots of money and shoddy work, graft" -- but no, it's deeper than that.

24733549? ago

It went on for nearly what, 20 years? And billions over budget. All for what? A tunnel under State Street and Chinatown?

24735234? ago

Used to know someone who worked on it. Lots of compartmentalization. Makes sense, now!

24736280? ago


In more ways than one!

24735804? ago

I'm sure. It went on so long people spent their entire working careers on that one project..

24723756? ago

Or, all tenants are a part of the same tribe

24723789? ago

Better to deal with facts than weird likely coincidental factors.

Book. Cover. Judgment.

24725430? ago

Remember all the shops surrounding Comet Ping Pong?

24725420? ago

Reality is stranger than fiction.

Turns out the Jews are the chosen race by Satan. You don't know what you don't know.

But you know I meant the jews earlier, huh?

24725183? ago

Our enemy is cunning. Each piece of evidence can be explained by unlikely circumstances.

Only when you consider the shear number of unlikely explanations will you realize, only a horrible explanation is the truth.

24724337? ago

Are you new? How tf do you think crowd-sourced research works? We feel our way through things and seasoned internet warriors know the difference between evidence and proof. Not all evidence is proof but who tf else is drawing connections?

24723338? ago

Stop asking sensible questions. You're just supposed to panic.

24723611? ago



24725678? ago


24725611? ago


24725605? ago


24722604? ago

It's called a "Wild Goose Chase". It's meant to distract and drain resources.

24725182? ago

That’s what happened with pizzagate. Lots of peripheral stuff came up that was wildly preposterous and easily debunked and made the entire theory look like garbage to normies.

People with no discernment are HURTING the movement for truth but you get downvoted for calling out the exact reason why.

Proof they care more about their feelings than they do about actually getting to the truth and opening people’s eyes.

24722583? ago

Masonic checkerboard. No coincidences.

24727419? ago

Masonic checkerboard. No coincidences.

I disagree

Presumption Of Innocence

This is your reminder that according to the Laws, all are considered innocent unless proven guilty

If you use a speculation to claim that someone is guilty, you risk to expose yourself to an expensive libel lawsuit. Why? Because in the future, a speculation could be FALSE & DEFAMATION. Read more.

Is someone trying to fool you into a defamation? Could the person targeted by defamation be in fact a lawful & real Patriot? Speculations are valuable to make theory. While at the same time, speculations and theories are NOT to confuse with evidences, facts, truths. The Laws, courts, juries decide if someone is guilty. Speculations and theories do NOT decide those.

Trump's Libel Lawsuit Against New York Time

This is an example of a successful filled defamation lawsuit. By Donald Trump against the New York Time's FAKE news at

https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/2017/web/hero_images/Draft_NYT_Complaint_(NY_State_Court).pdf or https://archive.md//2q1kf

News at https://nypost.com/2020/02/26/trump-campaign-sues-new-york-times-for-libel/ or at https://archive.md//8F9AD

Your Vote Matters


24727812? ago

This Blexit/Jexodus copy/paste is a bot poeple.

It literally just copies a post, then pastes the same "I disagree...jexodus blah blah" crap everytime.

Proof is here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3922247/24727400

Bots mission seems to be post sliding. If it replies you are likely over target. Dont engage it...just downvote.

24727748? ago

'Muh blood libel'

24727561? ago

Really getting nervous huh

24727527? ago

What lodge do you belong to?

24725650? ago

Exactly. Even if Wayfair came along later, the whole damn thing is sick and corrupt. Wayfair is simply the nipple sticking out of the blouse.

24727719? ago

Nipple it in the butt.

24724995? ago

I know guys, check out all these evil masonic satanists

Mason clothes

Mason possessed demon floors

Masonic torture games

We need to dig into bing for hosting all these satanic images on their servers.

24724711? ago

Can't make this up. Symbolism will be their downfall.

24724243? ago

Building is a dick and balls - generative principe of the masons the big G.