24724559? ago

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24707004? ago

Someone send help, I'm drowning in irony

24706723? ago

The truth will come out.

24705888? ago

Go move to a commie 3rd world shithole if you want people to stfu you double nigger

24704498? ago

We all want the truth. If someone is asking you questions about the questions you are asking, don’t get offended.

I have watched people get attacked for not blindly following new things the last few days and it’s opposite of the behavior we should exhibit.

24704264? ago

Calm down you muppet. No one is saying stop researching.

We're telling you to be skeptical of everything.

24706450? ago

Be sure to research the jews if you really care about truth

24704551? ago

Something like this: i.ibb.co/fq5cqdd/fact-checking.jpg

I got that from here: voat.co/v/funny/3920044

24704297? ago

Exactly! Blind faith in anything is dangerous.

24704238? ago

Comments here are confusing. Good job, Anon!

24704183? ago

while anons do the work to find the truth

Only Jesus Christ is the truth. Your language shows you do not have Him.

24704487? ago

What did OP say that has you judging him to hell?

24704529? ago

His words judge him.

you are just a fucking faggot.

you just really enjoy sucking their dicks

"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

"If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain."

24704566? ago

I guess I am so used to seeing these words on voat I skim past them. Didnt even notice.

24704583? ago

although personally I don't think saying faggot is any worse than saying jerk or asshole.

24704804? ago

It's all a 'spell',

so just easier to keep your thoughts and words pure...

24705133? ago

Something I need to work on for sure. My brother and I discuss our anger and disdain for others, that it is not Christ like. Sin is not an easy battle to win.

24705979? ago

I suffer from this too. I'm trying to clean up my speech. I ask for help in Jesus name. I don't wish to offend God. I love God and all He has done for me.

24704326? ago


24703998? ago

Down voated for shitty attitude.

24704078? ago

Downvoted for being a flaming fucking faggot retard piece of shitscum suck.

Enjoy that attitude.

24704110? ago

Straight from your mommy's basement.

24704034? ago

It's a COINTELPRO faggot trying to cause infighting.

24704081? ago

No, it's someone pointing out the simple fact that you can't shame us into not researching something.

It's our time to pursue what we feel is just and right, you have a problem? Take the fucking tampon out suzy and fucking change it.

24704100? ago

No, it's someone pointing out the simple fact that you can't shame us into not researching something.

Calling skeptics and those waiting for more evidence pedophiles, is COINTELPRO, infighting-promoting faggotry.

OP glows.

24703876? ago

Hey, anyone remember that selfie pic from a long time ago, about hanks with the 'black eye' and oprah? What was the story about that? It wasn't moving furniture, was it?

24703785? ago

I don’t know either way, I just know that the actual names of like 4-5 of the cabinets/curtains/pillows were linked to actual missing children stories and their names were fucking rare. And the stories were from 2019-2020 which makes it even stranger.

If it’s not true and it’s a trap to make people look stupid for researching a bit into wayfair then fine - I would still want to research that shit anyways it seems insane and I like going down rabbit holes like that. If it was fake I don’t care, I want to research it to find out if it’s fake or not. This shit all of a sudden got pretty popular over this weekend and it’s worth my time to look into it further

24706213? ago

The thing about the names are, they're so unique. It's not like it's LISA PILLOW SET. It's like an exact spelling of a kids name who's missing that most of us would never come up with in a million years as a name for anyone.

24705248? ago

How does one look stupid for looking into something that appears to be extremely suspicious? I'd say one would look stupid if they ignored it. Regardless of what it is, it isn't normal. And yes, I realize that my agreement with you seems contrary.

24704680? ago

I totally agree with you. Sometimes things are hidden in plain sight. It can't hurt to look carefully. Seriously, metal cabinets are thousands of dollars? And the pillows just happen to have missing children's names? And the pillows are expensive too?

It doesn't pass the smell test OR what a great trap!

24704884? ago

Yep and if it’s a trap... it’s just to make people feel stupid for researching? Who orchestrated the trap then? Who are they connected to? Solely to discredit the anons who research this? Why do they have to be affiliated with Q if they look into human trafficking? Is it bad to care about getting rid of evil anywhere it may or may not be? Why would you joke about something like that? Why the hell not turn a rock over if you think you see something maybe shiny under it?

Thanks for support friend I appreciate it

24703728? ago

This Wayfair bullshit is a distraction. Just to show the public that e.g. QAnon is a conspiracy theory of crazy nuts.

Stay focused on the Epstein/Maxwell case!

Do not get distracted!

QAnon distances itself completely from the Waifair nonsense!

Otherwise all credibility would be destroyed!

We have a concrete Epstein/Maxwell case, with concrete charges, concrete perpetrators, concrete victims and witnesses!

We have nothing to do with lunatics who believe that abducted children are delivered in filing cabinets!

24703739? ago

Why do you like the taste of pedophile dicks so much?

24703910? ago

Neither. But you seem to be a cuckold who doesn't even notice he's being fucked!

24703942? ago

It's a COINTELPRO straw man tactic, calling you a pedophile for having any amount of healthy skepticism.

Even though we now have an arguable Epstein tie to the situation, we still don't have hard evidence of trafficking via Wayfair.

If people have the time to investigate, they're welcome to (thanks to them, even, we have said Epstein link), but attempts to cause division and attack skeptics are almost certainly the work of glowing pieces of shit such as OP.

24704090? ago

Healthy skepticism by telling others what they should or should not research while calling them names and dismissing their findings?

Faggot alert.

24706056? ago

I think most of the nasty stuff we do know about came out of a silly looking story that got drilled down to the big underlying disgusting truth. So, rabbit on, my friends, who is it hurting if some snons dig into something that lioks weird?