24724545? ago

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24702156? ago

Be wary of honeypots

24698967? ago

Wayfair ur kek’d

24696486? ago

What?!? They want 17,800 pounds for a night light?

24692648? ago

Not just one but two symbols, they got greedy.

24692375? ago

I found one on buybuybaby for baby towels. gross.

24692103? ago

this is a reach

24692590? ago

-QRV in a nutshell.

24691919? ago

(sings jingle) Wayfair is a jewish disease

24691780? ago

Wayfair releases statement saying 'Wayfair is not involved in human trafficking'

Kinda like when John Podesta said that John Podesta is not involved in human trafficking....

Defense council of the century folks. Move over Atticus.


24692784? ago

Did tv Oprah Help run the Kike open borders, human trafficker foreskin racket? https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1584588468305.jpg

24691703? ago

With Wayfair and the avalanche of info coming out now, I'm not surprised.

BUT, just because it's a similar symbol, doesn't mean it's a pedo symbol. Be careful treading down that particular path. Not everything is pedo related. I'm sure some businesses don't even know what the symbols truly mean.

24698110? ago

Who designed the logo? That is the place to start.

24696711? ago

They don't mean anything of any import.

24694810? ago

When you combine it with the names of missing children being used to label high-priced products it gets very suspicious.

I've seen a bunch of people pointing out various spiral symbols and screaming "pedophile!" The spiral triangle is more specific, and it's definitely being used here.

24691449? ago

What if they had some code where they could only abduct children who were wearing their symbol so they plaster it everywhere and sell clothing with it.

24691302? ago

Yes - the symbol is definitely there. I did an enlargement to show it better.

blog post - https://9east71.home.blog/2020/07/11/wayfair-rumor-mill-👂/

image of pedo symbol - https://9east71home.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/wayfair03-1.jpg

enhanced image of pedo symbol - https://9east71home.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/wayfair04.jpg

anyone can copy the blog images ....

24696667? ago

But so what? The triangles don't mean or prove anything.

24700766? ago

I've read this. It's made up. As in FAKE.

24691144? ago


24690991? ago

Serious question.

Is anyone corroborating this information? I've tried finding the products on Warfair. No luck.

As for this screenshot, Isabelle is not the same as the other manufacturer pointed to in the same meme. Wtf?

24692557? ago

24691710? ago

They were actively removing listings yesterday but many people have videos of it happening.

https:// youtu.be/4sd2C_PlbmA

WWG1WGA posted that yesterday, and half way through he shows the listings are already being taken down. (I had to put a space between the link URL as this is my first comment on voat and it has so many damn rules)

Either way you can just check out his YouTube channel for it, - it's the latest video.


24690983? ago

When you see a pedo symbol there is still a chance that some companies are not aware of the significance of the symbol. Keep that in mind. I went to put on a bracelet last year that I wore all the time before I knew what the symbol on it meant. I no longer wear it now that I know what it means.

24696695? ago

You're the same kind of lunatic who stops using the 'okay' hand gesture because now you know it means WHITE POWER. There is no significance. Stop it with this fantasy BS. No pedo anywhere has ever used these 'secret' symbols. Prove me wrong.

24690955? ago

No. There is no trafficking of kids. The company came out with a statement and said it’s not true.

😂. Ooh vey.

How much did the fbi already know? Our government? They all knew.

24694319? ago

99% of the FBI are patriots


24691078? ago

CEOs are saints and never lie through their teeth.

24690689? ago

Good find!

24690190? ago

Not a BL symbol. No triangle. Sad.

24690269? ago

look at the lower left part - above and below the words .... triangles

24696723? ago

Oh my god no. The triangles.

24690221? ago

Come on Shillstein, do better or adjust your contrast.

Spiral within star on lamp is clearly visible.

Spiral triangle within "Isabelline" logo is clearly visible.

24690541? ago

Spiral within star on lamp is clearly visible.

Meaningless. Specials are a design tool. Now if it were the butterfly that would be a red flag.

Spiral triangle within "Isabelline" logo is clearly visible.

Different product. Tied in with the above children’s product, likely for purpose of deception. How is wayfair implicated in any way? Do you have any information about the ‘Isabella’ company? No.

24692072? ago

You can't fucking read either moron. Isabelline not the queen of Castille.

24690174? ago

Not related, but all the fake masks seem to be coming off: companies, actors, politicians etc.

Would it come down to just ONE incorruptible, the only ONE without a mask? 'Cause that'd totally be the Twilight Zone.

Sorry I've used the term "mask" once too many.

24694331? ago

Not related, but all the fake masks seem to be coming off: companies, actors, politicians etc.

In your imagination

24691575? ago


24692453? ago

Obviously for industrial use and appropriately priced. /s

24691117? ago

Description - "Baby rocking" "land of dreams"... could explain why Robert "Fuck Trump" DeNairo is having financial troubles....

24695176? ago

You mean Bobby the Zero?

24690043? ago

I bet the "Max" in the brand name Isabelle-Max is Ghislaine Maxwell.

24692388? ago

No, she has a sister named Isabelle.

24690419? ago

and Rottenshield? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3919547

24691722? ago

Is that picture hanging on the wall behind them a child or an adult in a gymnastic pose? It reminds me of videos I watched during Elsa-gate. Young girls recorded doing gymnastic poses with 4 million views and creepy comments.

24694306? ago

I bet you watched all those videos for "research" purposes

24691883? ago

I looked at this link and then refreshed it. The price went from £17,000 to 22,099.99. Auction?

24689916? ago

Kek. Wayfair is fuuuuuuucked.

24694112? ago

Not just them. This is catching fire. People just needed their resistance lowered and now they’re ready to really see. Watch.

I was worried that there was so much to teach and only a few months left til election. This shit will flip people in a week. Evil fucks are doomed.

You can’t tell them, you must show them. Just like how we learned. We were just shown where to look. Once we were open to the idea everything became more clear.

I think q shined the light on Waif Fare. Maybe I’m wrong and it was organic, but they would’ve made sure something like this exploded if it didn’t organically.

NOW, it’s really happening. RIP shills - game fucking over.

24694280? ago

Nothing's going to happen

24699581? ago

Your boss better hope not. Your shekels might dry up...

Even if all this does is get more people to look at what we already know, it's fantastic. 15% of people is all it takes. You know the numbers.

24699636? ago

No one cares about your fantasy child trafficking. If you just understood the technical details behind this wayfair thing you're all blowing up, you'd see it's nothing. Wonder why computer scientists aren't backing you up? Why it's only fucking grandpas who forward this to eachother on facebook?

24700899? ago

I'm not worried about Wayfair. Doesn't sound normal to me, but I'm not convinced it's anything. It's just as likely an intentional farce to mute peoples' sensitivity to what's coming, or make it easier to mark up as 'another wayfairgate'.

People do care about child trafficking though and if a light is shined on what we know is happening, it won't be safe for these people. In fact, this goes to show how many people are ready to dig into and chase down this cesspool. Epstein was a conspiracy theory two years ago. Now people largely accept that there's heinous shit happening with corrupt world leaders and that kids are practically currency in some of those circles. The shitstorm is coming...

If you don't care about child trafficking, you've got bigger problems than trolling a research board.

24705576? ago

Doesn't sound normal to me

It doesn't sound normal to you because you don't understand the details

Epstein was a conspiracy theory two years ago

Epstein was a widely reported case since 2006

Now people largely accept that there's heinous shit happening with corrupt world leaders and that kids are practically currency in some of those circles.

Define "people". If it's so common, bring it up in polite conversation at the office.

If you don't care about child trafficking, you've got bigger problems than trolling a research board.

I care about the real thing

The shitstorm is coming...

When. "soon" has been the word on this forum since the start. How long are you going to wait for this shitstorm? Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested, how long do you give it? Or do you need to wait for the next break in the case?

24711864? ago

There are details that make common items worth 10k on wayfair? Ok. I doubt it, but don't care enough to ask.

I know Epstein was public record back then, but I don't agree with 'widely reported'. Those people 'at the office' had no clue who he was 2 years ago. Saying he was involved in a honey-pot pedo op with high profile people including the Clintons would get you laughed out of the room (and I work around well-educated, polite folks). Saying the temple on his island was anything other than indulgent and tacky would get you ostracized. Epstien was on the same level as the Panama papers and Podesta's emails. Earthshattering and infuriating, but no one knew and of course it never got reported. And Maxwell was totally unkown.

Now, since Epstein's arrest (and his link to Spacey), people at the office are accepting that the elite are indulging in sating appetites that most would consider to be in terrible taste - horrific to others. But they're cynical that anything will come of it. Most believe that our politicians are generally corrupt at some level, but write it off as "that's just how the world works".

The real thing being what, in your eyes?

Soon being in time to seal the deal in November. If the Dems - and by extension, the globalist deep-state, win the presidency then it's all over. They know the jig is up and we'll be China before the next election. They'll never leave it to chance again after '16.

24712802? ago

I doubt it, but don't care enough to ask.

Meaning you don't want your worldview changed. Have you considered that items are listed by third parties and the prices are set by algorithms? Do some searches on amazon and sort by price high to low, you'll discover all other sorts of children for sale but disguised as hammers.

Saying he was involved in a honey-pot pedo op with high profile people including the Clintons would get you laughed out of the room (and I work around well-educated, polite folks). Saying the temple on his island was anything other than indulgent and tacky would get you ostracized.

This has changed? I'm sorry but the satantic cult theory still makes you a crackpot. Oh wait it must be true, Q dropped promotional pics of a Resident Evil game.

Home many of those doom-sayer prophecies did you have when Obama was running? About the same amount as the libs when Trump was? Nothing's going to happen.

24726343? ago

Meaning - I doubt there's a clean explanation for it. I wouldn't doubt at all at this point that there are menus you can order kids from, that kids are sold thru these kinds of sites, that twitter has passwords to various horrible cyber-places. If the plan is real, then they're pulling it out. root and stem. If it's not, why shine a light on everything Q has shown?

The other - people now believe that Epstein was up to no good and are open to believing he collected dirt on people so they could be manipulated. The satanic stuff, nope - people will either have to find their way to seeing that stuff or forcefully be shown it. It's not on the radar for normies right now.

24692863? ago

Are they though?

24696640? ago

Nobody is going to be brought down by OP"s phony nightlight symbols.

24697676? ago

Fuck off, pedo-apologist.

I don't question the discovery, just the justice process.

24700805? ago

Yes, I'm talking about the justice process. No prosecutor in his right mind would try to convict a child trafficker with a picture from a website of a nightlight with some vague swirls on it. This means absolutely nothing.

24704157? ago

That's not how it works!

Such a strong ODOUR of crime has to lead to an INVESTIGATION.

24708991? ago

Oh, so you could get a warrant from a judge based on pictures of nightlight symbols?

24709024? ago

The FBI ITSELF made that damn pedo-symbol legend... why the heck would they make such a document, if it didn't serve as a means to identify potential human trafficking fronts?

24709048? ago

How do you know they made it? And if they did, why would they want to expose human traffickers when we've seen evidence that they protect those same networks?

24692841? ago

Remember the cryptic email to john podesta talking about hankerchiefs and pillows?


24691512? ago

Anons finding same on Etsy, Amazon. Somebody check out Alibaba (Chy na)

24694292? ago

You can find whatever you're looking for anywhere if you try hard enough. Especially when sites have listings submitted by other entities.

24692429? ago

Check Overstock and Rakuten too.

24690483? ago

reddit conspiracy will soon be banned?


Evidence that Ghislaine Maxwell is involved in the Wayfair story... Read...

pizzagate type conspiracy? something about the East European Ruskie Yandex search engine?


24691114? ago

Fuck reddit. Bunch of mocking birds making slide witty comments ignoring the message and or point of the original post. Checking their fake internet points, and getting offended quick at anything that’s a cold water to the face against their veiled realities. The admins that run the point enjoy their rmb from China. One of the agreements so as to open reddit to China is to censor the bejesus out of it. So reddit after so many lockdown of what makes America great (free speech), is filled with communist lemmings and grievance groups patting each other’s back while enjoying the freedoms that they unknowingly help destroy.

24700768? ago

every single fucking sub is just fucked. i seriously hate that even the seemingly innocuous ones are cancer.

24697355? ago

I wouldn’t even call them witty comments

24694262? ago

You sound like you lead a happy life

24689625? ago


24689687? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/AnonNews comment.

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