24724547? ago

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24692420? ago

Owned by Walmart still?

24691136? ago

I remember thiat reporter screaming at Trump WE dont want you to be nice! they are only food.

Remember that one? was it Haberman....

Laugh out loud

24690472? ago

Its not waif and fare. Its wayfare.

Define wayfare.

"an act or course of journeying"

Think HT

24706817? ago

Double meanings. One for the normies and the other for their people. Defend them all you want. Won't hide the truth forever.

24690099? ago

As I recall Wayfair was given the government contract to provide beds for detention centers at the Southern border.

24692745? ago

Just saw this in reddit. The article they provided didnt have any mention of Wayfair or either of the CEOs. Could you provide a source that dose?

24689808? ago


Less conventional fare ....

24689415? ago

They like putting it out there for us to see.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

24688838? ago

It translates to a a beautiful path.... so there.

24688728? ago

someones thinking....

24688502? ago

Guys i have to say something. 2-3 weeks ago i searched through Amazon to buy something. I saw 2 products that had a price 100 times higher than normal. First i thought it was typing error but it didn´t make sense. You make a typing error maybe with 1 number, not with 3 or 4.

So the price was really weird and now with the wayfair story there is maybe a little more on it.

24687983? ago


was just watching about Kappy's dead mans switch video when I came across this thread. definitions sum up the video clip

24687905? ago

just imagine where else such "products" can be found.

What else might be available at those sites.

How much is it to get a child to order?



skin color

eye color

disgusting. I hope enough details are released to disgust common folk.

24687461? ago

Why would anyone want to eat a scrawny person.

24689410? ago

You don't have to eat them to get adrenochrome , make sick satanic pedo videos, etc.

Think man, follow the comms.

24689847? ago

Seriously... Adrenochrome?

Stop regurtitating disinfo and do some research for yourself.

Adtenochrome does nothing. Do your own research- decide for yourself.

What, does adrenochrome do? How is it made? WHAT PART OF THE BODY PRODUCES IT?

Now does any of that jive what what you thought before you answered those questions?

Why would they lie?

Why would they want people believing this?

What are they really after (think young blood and stem cells... Amongst udder uses)

24690024? ago


You allways get like this when you don‘t have your soy.

24689407? ago

Malnourished, drug addicted, being compromised in some way makes the control and manipulation easier. They are breakable or already broken to an extent.

Unable to fight back and more likely to give in and be passive to behavior modification.

A skilled evil mind could very well have their slave believing their captor saved even rescued them from the self destructive path they once we on. Feelings even that they may owe the person who views them as nothing more than a toy they play with on occasion.

24688097? ago


24687766? ago


24687078? ago

Also: Waif Air.

Like a delivery system grown out of Air America, to traffic more than drugs & guns.

This could be what Iran/Contra was a cover story for.

Nice catch!

24689385? ago

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24687006? ago

Y'all are retarded

24690090? ago

Lemme guess.....A 13-year-old who LIKES being molested?

24689514? ago

found the kike shill

24687801? ago

Found the dipshit who paid $10k for a throw pillow.

24687254? ago

Says the CNN consumer.

24687020? ago

So what?