24724558? ago

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24711523? ago

good info

24711212? ago

i noticed all the cabinets use the "same photos" cabinets make me think of IKEA

24709485? ago

Sale of Mattresses seem to be a good location to look for this type of "contraband cloaking". I can't understand how that business model works.

24710899? ago

Shit. You and me both. There's three freaking mattress stores at one intersection in my town. Two of them are directly across from one another and one is at the end of a strip mall. I don't know if I've ever actually seen them have customers. I always thought those employees must be bored out of their minds.

24708785? ago

nice post, I like how the criminal media always adds to the story, "They thought they were shipping the kids inside the cabinets, from the Amazon warehouse" or some other totally implausible scenario to make us look like morons.

24708317? ago

Oh you. Have an upvoat.

24705175? ago

I get your point. But Wayfair employees about 17,000 people and has revenue in the $2 billion range. There would be many employees who manage listings and accounts. These people could get bored, start looking the listings or transactions find these uniquely high priced mundane items. they could end up with some real questions that would lead to the conspiracy.

Too many employees with access to the information makes this seem like "dirtying the water" with more real and legitimate evidence.

The same desired outcome can be used with not for profit and non profit enterprises. The amount of staff you need is far less. The IRS harassment for late 990 forms is much less. And these institutions are easy to create, can easily transfer funds to other similar enterprises.

The Wayfair method seems highly risky with the amount of people involved who have access to information like the shipping and receiving address, financial information, etc.

24711835? ago

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24705300? ago

Correct on all points, OP is larping. Too many people not supposed to know could find out which crashes whole enterprise. Another post commented that high dollar listing is nothing more than to place item at top of search list. People inquire why so much and seller sends them link to correctly priced item. It may get a few interactions between buyer & seller which is better than most scrolling on past item.

24705078? ago

i find it interesting that yesterday the sku/child name on items searches brought up ONLY children pics. ALL OF A SUDDEN... ARMY MARINES MILITARY PICS now are ADDED . to cover up the child exploitation. NOW this bullshit attempt to cover for the trafficking????. NOT WORKING. this does not explain away the fact that they JUST HAPPEN to name the items after MISSING CHILDREN. you are a deep state operative attempting to cover the child trafficking... TRY HARDER SHILL!!!!!!

24705247? ago

Don't see it as shilling. It's an explanation of how it is done. Yes, children are trafficked, and so are adults, organs, drugs, guns. C'mon, use your brain.

24705597? ago

many politicians like shiff have military industrial businesses. some military equipment is decomisioned when it shouldnt be. or they say its an older model part or whatever and they sell it out in the open on the books but they say its one thing when its another. i saw a guy on youtube talking about it. george webb i think. ellen degenerous is NOT going to try to sell ammunitions to nefarious people from other countries. and these celebrities that are linked to wayfair. no it makes more sense that this venue is for children. some posts also have timeframes on the sales. like you would a prostitute. you dont sell munitions for an hour. those sales are final

24704864? ago

Maybe some of those modern-art stuff isn't just for tax evasion afterall.


Also found this pic from the comments: files.catbox.moe/pz2960.jpg

24704777? ago

So, here's the question and my theory or idea for what it's worth. Where are the children or the product being sold? One has already been located or surfaced and her video was posted on twitter. I can't go there now because my account got locked yesterday. I watched this person closely, took note of the room and the mannerisms of the person and any other details that might help. First, the person did match the photo of one of the missing persons. But, no way could this young person be marketed for sex. Just no way. She was horrible as a person. Violently dangerous, uncouth and extremely angry and volatile. She was yelling and cursing at her webcam bitching about how she was not missing and what is this crap about her missing. So, the room was a bit spartan in furnishings from what I could see, and there seemed to be an echo quality from sounds coming outside the room. Someone yells from a neighboring room for her to stop yelling. She pays no mind to that. And, she had on a white wristband, what looked like a hospital wristband. So, institutionalized? What institution? Not foster care for sure. Juvenile Detention? So, she may be totally unaware of being marketed. They could literally tell her any story to get her to cooperate and go to a location and then if she is a ward of the state, they can simply fudge the records and say she died of some illness and her remains were cremated as she has no next of kin to claim a body. Then poof, she's gone forever and who the hell would have wanted her anyway. So, what's the product? A disturbed, kind of ugly teenager no one can stand to be around? Young and healthy? Young and healthy? Think of it. The pricing works perfectly.

24704957? ago

I think the price was for access to video.

24705365? ago

Then at that price it would be a snuff film. Or, a hit, maybe both. It's about the right price range.

24704539? ago

This submission was linked from this v/Conspiracy comment by @Neskuaxa.

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24704441? ago

Why wouldn’t they just use the dark web?

24712150? ago

Look at the people suspected of using items like this. Most of them can barely navigate their email or Facebook page and need something that more click-buy setup.

Instead of setting up a flamboyant "pedos-r-us" site that would get shutdown, you slip into an existing site that does a lot of 3 party items. These pervs are not impulse buying and most likely have a disgusting friend or family member that tells them how to find the items.

Hopefully the Chan's are on figuring what these items represents (side table, throw pillow, rug, etc). I tried for a few hours and felt physically ill and didn't sleep for a few days.

24710208? ago

Because the dark web is not so dark. Everything is tracked. There is no privacy. No privacy with block chain either. We live in a slave pen, allowed to move about inside this cage. While tptb rape murder and pillage us with the help of government's, intel agencies, corporations, and ngo's.

24708343? ago

Dark web is a CIA honeypot.

24708286? ago

People in general are stupid so the surface web may just be easier for your clientele to maneuver bit more importantly, using retail sites means you don’t have to launder the money.

24706105? ago

You got to remember that for many years they had protection by corrupt politicians, judges, police, FBI, and the rest of the POS filth that has infiltrated out government. They thought they were invincible. A new Sheriff in town now! He has been busy cleaning up the swamp. They are now exposed. Dark to Light!

24705784? ago

as others have stated, you operate on the dark web you're automatically drawing attention to yourself. Not only that, most folks don't know how to access the dark web, so you need to make your products, whatever they may be, accessible to your potential customers.

24704949? ago

Because it's all one big fed honey-pot.

Hiding in plain sight is harder to detect

24704735? ago

Because the dark web is 100% proof you're up to no good.

It makes more sense to hide in plain sight.

24710152? ago

i think the darkweb is also smaller and easier to police... if jim bob can download tor and do the things, so can the spooks.

24708772? ago

kiddie porn has gone mainstream sadly, half these fuckers probably can't use an iPad

24704965? ago

Not proof of wrongdoing.

It was supposedly made for anonymous journalism

24705180? ago

Legitimate businesses don't sell on the dark web.

24706318? ago

Prohibition is a criminal scam. It, and censorship, are crimes that no legitimate government does.

Respecting the rights of the individual means government can be legitimate.

Violating the rights of the individual means the government is illegitimate.

"Businesses" that don't violate the rights of the individual are legitimate, whether or not they are contending with legitimate or illegitimate government.

24705274? ago

That's correct, but legitimate ≠ wrongdoing

24705292? ago

Only businesses attempting to hide their activities are on the dark web.

24705360? ago

Mostly true, some businesses might want to sell to people who want to remain anonymous

24705431? ago

And some businesses want to hide in plain sight and offer illicit goods and services as a third party seller on Wayfair.

24705690? ago

That's a true statement

24705418? ago

Nigga can you fucking stop pretending reality gives a fuck?

In an ideal world, you're right!

Guess what, we're impulsive fucking retarded monkeys having our brain juice manipulated and jacked by external factors, there's precious little true good sense to go around these days, stop being an obtuse fucking prick.

24705714? ago

Stop speaking in absolutes

24706726? ago

Stop speaking like a fucking autistic sperg. Being technically right about your insignificant, exceptional anecdote does nothing to diminish a clear and consistent pattern.

Fuck, spergs like you make the internet shittier for everybody.

24706916? ago

Clear and consistent patterns are hardly ever 100%.

There are legitimate reasons to use the dark web.

24706991? ago

There you go sperging again.


Feel better? Now let the people without mental illness discuss how using the dark web can appear shady as fuck.

24707127? ago

Mental illness?

I'm not the one who's got a case of the vapors over some trivial argument

24704570? ago

Probably easier to just set up a simple forum on the dark web than it would be to set up a shopping cart, checkout system, payment method, not to mention all that personal information and transaction is tied to the dark web activity.

I imagine what OP described would protect the buyer because their only dark web activity was a conversation, the rest of the transaction looks legit on the surface and a prosecutor would have to do more work to prove it was nefarious.

24704909? ago

Setting up on the web takes about 2 hours for internet marketing pro's. You could hire someone to get the job done in a day or so.

The dark net might be fast, but the pool of people that you could hire is very small. In addition, you really should do it yourself or risk getting turned in, or blackmailed.

24704533? ago

money laundering or puttting it right in front of us to please satan.

But, yes agree with your point.

24704597? ago

Until the Prince of Darkness can be served with a warrant, I'd lay this one at the feet of the international bankers and others with unchristian perversions.

24704925? ago

3 years ago I was an atheist. Now I think the devil is at the top of every component of society.

24708192? ago

I agree with such an assessment, however we should not think we will see a individual holding a pitchfork with horns and a tail.

They will look just as we do. The skillset refined and their presence may set off alarm bells if your own intuition is honed and practiced. Always go with your gut.

24716694? ago

Chuck Schumer gives me the creeps as much as anyone I've ever seen.

24723893? ago

Does he have any doppelgängers holding positions of power anywhere in the world. So many seem to have been separated at birth and their “parents” hid it from them.

24704432? ago

I haven't dismissed it at all, faggot. Don't tell me what to do.

Facts or tits or gtfo